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JTG Wants Shad Gaspard To Receive WWE Hall Of Fame Warrior Award

March 18, 2022 | Posted by Blake Lovell
Shad Gaspard Image Credit: WWE

JTG was recently interviewed by Muscle Man Malcolm, and the former Cryme Tyme member discussed a variety of topics, including wanting the late Shad Gaspard to receive the Warrior Award at the WWE Hall of Fame ceremony and pushing to face Cody Rhodes during his TNT title reign in AEW. Here’s what he had to say (via Wrestling Inc.):

JTG on wanting Shad Gaspard to receive the Warrior Award at the WWE Hall of Fame ceremony: “It would definitely have to be the Warrior Award. You know, Shad did a heroic act, sacrificing his life for his son. But if it wasn’t his son, if it was somebody else out there, he would have probably done the same act. Shoot, if it was me, he would have probably done that for me. Shad has always had this hero mindset, years before that, he stopped a burglary at a gas station. Shad has always done something where he’s rescuing or saving somebody. I remember at a club, some guy was getting into his girl’s face and Shad put an end to that guy and threw the guy. ‘You don’t put no hand on no lady,’ cleaned that up real quick.”

On pushing to face Cody Rhodes during his TNT title reign in AEW: “Cody didn’t want no smoke with the God, he did not want no smoke with the God. He might have said my name, but if he really wanted to get in the ring with Jay The God, that match would have happened. Looks like he’s still running. What’s good, Cody? I didn’t forget you, I did not forget you at all. We don’t need no TNT Championship, just me and you, baby.”

article topics :

JTG, Shad Gaspard, WWE, Blake Lovell