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JTG Isn’t Sure He Wants to Wrestle Following Shad’s Death, Talks Rumors of Cryme Tyme Being in Talks For WWE Return

June 1, 2020 | Posted by Jeremy Thomas
Cryme Tyme WWE Shad

Speaking with Lillian Garcia for her Chasing Glory podcast, JTG addressed rumors that he and Shad Gaspard were in talks to return to WWE before Gaspard’s tragic death late last month. JTG told Garcia that there were rumors but that outside of a call to do a “Where Are They Now” episode that never materialized, they were never in talks.

JTG also talked about his future in the business, saying that as it stands right now he isn’t sure if he wants to keep wrestling after Shad’s death. Highlights and the full podcast are below:

On not feeling like he wants to wrestle now: “When you get released you kind of get a little bitter, you get a little jaded. And it’s like, ‘I don’t want to wrestle again.’ And that’s how I felt at the time. I think that’s how I feel like right now. Like, right now, I’m like, ‘Do I want to wrestle again?’ I lost my tag team partner, you know. A lot of people would ask me, ‘Yo, if the WWE was to call you back but as a singles, would you go?’ I’m like ‘No, I’m not going back as a singles. The fans ant Cryme Tyme, we want Cryme Tyme.”

On rumors that they were in talks to come back to the company: “Yeah, there was a few rumors, you know. They — the last time we went backstage two years ago, the head of talent relations saw us and we looked amazing, we looked great. [laughs] And he was like, ‘Oh, man, you guys look good. We’d love to — the door is always open, we’d love to have you back.’ There was talk but nothing ever became of it. I also heard through the grapevine that our name was brought up a few times to bring us back. So I don’t know.”

On plans for a potential ‘Where Are They Now’ episode: “And then they reached out to us right when the quarantine started. Like, ‘Hey, you guys wanna do a Where Are They Now episode?’ And we agreed to it, like ‘Yeah cool, why not?’ But they never did it, no. Never shot it.”

If you use any of the quotes in this article, please credit Chasing Glory with a h/t to 411mania.com for the transcription.