Sciadopitys verticillata Sciadopityaceae


Sciadopitys verticillata Sciadopityaceae

Striking medium-size tree that rarely grows over 10 to 12 m in culture, but in nature can easily reach 30 m. Initially the crown is pyramidal but it becomes broader when older. The tree has two types of needles. Quite inconspicuous, small scaly needles are pressed closely against the twigs. The 10 - 13 cm, lustrous dark green, soft needles are more conspicuous. These actually consist of two needles that have grown into each other along their length. They are arranged in whorls around the branches, it is to this that the tree owes its name Umbrella pine. The oval cones are dark green and turn brown when ripening. The old bark flakes off in long strips revealing the reddish brown bast. The tree grows on any soil provided it is fertile, quite moist and preferably neutral to light acidic. When young this tree should be protected against severe frost.
Our trees can only be planted when they don't have any leaves. Due to the this we will start delivering again from ноября 2024.
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10 – 15 (40) m
broad pyramidal, dark, dense crown
Кора и ветви
twigs light brown, bark brown, scaling in long strips
short scaly needles of approx. 0.5 cm and soft, broad needles of 10 - 13 cm, glossy dark green, evergreen
♂ in clusters b♂ the young shoots, yellow
oval cones, 3.5 - 11 cm long, 2.5 - 5 cm wide, brown
неядовитый, обычно
Вид почвы
any, if fertile and quite moist
неустойчив к мощению
Зона зимостойкости
7a (-17,7 до -15,0 °C)
Устойчивость к ветру
кашпо для деревьев, сады на крыше, небольшие сады, сады в патио
солитерное хвойное дерево
солитерное хвойное дерево кислые почвы суглинок торфяные почвы песчаные почвы неустойчив к мощению хорошо переносит тень широкая конусообразная форма 2 высота: от 6 до 12 метров плотная крона зеленый зеленый среднерастущий Декоративная кора неядовитый (обычно)
Часто задаваемые вопросы
Sciadopitys verticillata

Sciadopitys verticillata can eventually reach a height of 10 – 15 (40) m, depending on the site and climate conditions.

Sciadopitys verticillata is среднерастущий and can eventually reach a height of 10 – 15 (40) m, depending on the site and climate conditions.

The right time to plant Sciadopitys verticillata is during the dormancy period. In Western Europe, Sciadopitys verticillata with root balls can generally be planted from mid-November to late April, although this depends strongly on the climatic conditions and the species of tree.

Sciadopitys verticillata blooms in май.