Pinus bungeana Lacebark pine


Pinus bungeana Lacebark pine

A large tree that naturally often grows multi-stem. Eventually the crown becomes broad ovoid, often flat-topped. The young twigs are grey-green and bear straight to slightly curved, sharply pointed needles. These are always in threes and up to 10 cm long. When crushed, the needles give off a turpentine-like odour. The most striking, utterly spectacular ornamental value of this species, however, is created by the older bark. As with a planetree, it peels off in plates revealing grey, light brown and brown-red layers beneath the dark grey-green bark. The oval-elongated cones are pale green and turn light brown when ripening. Picea bungeana originally comes from China where it can be found at temples and other holy or spiritual locations. A beautiful park tree that has few demands as to soil, provided it is fertile enough and well drained. The tree needs to be protected against harsh winter cold, especially when young.
Our trees can only be planted when they don't have any leaves. Due to the this we will start delivering again from listopada 2024.
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20 - 30 m
broad ovoid, half-open crown, capricious growing
Kora i gałęzie
twigs grey-green, bark dark grey-green to brown-red and scaling
sharp, pointed needles, straight to slightly bent, 3 together, 5 - 10 cm, dark green, evergreen
♂ in groups along young shoots, light yellow, fragrant flowers
cones, 5 - 7 cm long, 4 - 5 cm wide
Zwykle nie jest toksyczne dla ludzi, większych psów czy zwierząt hodowlanych.
Rodzaj gleby
any, fertile, well-drained
Wymagania stanowiskowe
Nie toleruje utwardzonej nawierzchni
odporność na mróz
7a (-17,7 do -15,0 °C)
Odporność na wiatr
tereny przemysłowe
iglak soliterowy
Central China
iglak soliterowy gleby gliniaste gleba gliniasta gleby torfowe gleby piaszczyste Nie toleruje utwardzonej nawierzchni światłolubny Okrągława 1. wielkości - ponad 12 m Półotwarta korona zielony żółte średni all species nietoksyczny (zazwyczaj) o nieregularnym pokroju Ozdobne owoce pachnące kwiaty
Często zadawane pytania
Pinus bungeana

Pinus bungeana can eventually reach a height of 20 - 30 m, depending on the site and climate conditions.

Pinus bungeana is średni and can eventually reach a height of 20 - 30 m, depending on the site and climate conditions.

The right time to plant Pinus bungeana is during the dormancy period. In Western Europe, Pinus bungeana with root balls can generally be planted from mid-November to late April, although this depends strongly on the climatic conditions and the species of tree.

Pinus bungeana blooms in maj.