Larix decidua European larch, Common larch


Larix decidua European larch, Common larch

Deciduous conifer with a straight trunk and regular manner of growth with side branches growing horizontally. First the crown is narrow, but later becomes broadly pyramidal. It is a fast grower that can reach heights of 30 m or more. Width approx. 15 m. The bark is dark reddish brown, scaly and up to 10 cm thick. Young twigs are bare, yellowish and hang down sharply. The needles grow in bundles of 30 - 40 together on short shoots. They are a fresh green colour particularly in the spring and colour to golden yellow late in the autumn. The cones contain 40 - 50 seed scales that do not have a curved edge, as opposed to L. kaempferi. Requires a free-standing site in the sun. Naturally occurring in the Alps and now used often in forestry areas.
Our trees can only be planted when they don't have any leaves. Due to the this we will start delivering again from listopada 2024.
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25 - 35 (45) m, fast growing
narrow pyramidal when young, later broad pyramidal, light, open crown, capricious growing
Kora i gałęzie
dark greyish reddish brown, scaled, twigs yellowish and bare
needles in bundles of up to 40, bright green, 1 - 3.5 cm
Kolor jesienny
ovoid ♀ 1 - 1.5 cm reddish brown, ♂ 0.5 - 1 cm yellowish, April
ovoid cones, 2 - 5 cm, dark red at first, later dark brown
Zwykle nie jest toksyczne dla ludzi, większych psów czy zwierząt hodowlanych.
Rodzaj gleby
all, apart from acidic soil
Wymagania stanowiskowe
Nie toleruje utwardzonej nawierzchni
odporność na mróz
3 (-40,0 do -24,5 °C)
Odporność na wiatr
very good
Odporność na inne
odporny na mróz (strefa mrozoodporności 1-6), odporny na wiatr
drzewo wysokopienne, drzewo z nisko osadzoną koroną, drzewo wielopniowem, iglak wysokopienny, iglak soliterowy
Larix europaea
iglak wysokopienny drzewo wysokopienne drzewo z nisko osadzoną koroną drzewo wielopniowe iglak soliterowy gleby wapienne gleby gliniaste gleba gliniasta gleby piaszczyste Nie toleruje utwardzonej nawierzchni światłolubny odporny na mróz (strefa mrozoodporności 1-6) odporny na wiatr szerokopiramidalna 1. wielkości - ponad 12 m Jasna, otwarta korona zielony żółte wczesne kwitnienie szybko rosnące Spektakularny jesienny kolor nietoksyczny (zazwyczaj) o nieregularnym pokroju drzewo do zabawy
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Larix decidua

Larix decidua can eventually reach a height of 25 - 35 (45) m, fast growing, depending on the site and climate conditions.

Larix decidua is szybko rosnące and can eventually reach a height of 25 - 35 (45) m, fast growing, depending on the site and climate conditions.

The leaves of Larix decidua turn żółte in autumn.

The right time to plant Larix decidua is during the dormancy period. In Western Europe, Larix decidua with root balls can generally be planted from mid-November to late April, although this depends strongly on the climatic conditions and the species of tree.

Larix decidua blooms in kwiecień.