Picea abies Common spruce, Norway spruce


Picea abies Common spruce, Norway spruce

Large tree with a straight trunk and regular branching pattern. The branches grow practically horizontally or bend slightly and have upward-pointing ends. The crown is narrow pyramidal to column-shaped. If the tree has ample free space around it, the lower branches remain green. Its ultimate width is approx. 8 m. Pollen colours the red, male flowers yellow: the female flowers are light pink. The hanging cones are 10 - 15 cm long and about 3 - 4 cm wide. Squirrels love the ripe cones. The tree does not grow as well in sunny, dry sites. The Norway spruce is often cultivated for Christmas trees, as well as being important in forestry. It tolerates pruning well and so it is excellently suited for use as a hedge. There are many cultivars: very many miniatures have been produced from what is known as witches' brooms.
Our trees can only be planted when they don't have any leaves. Due to the this we will start delivering again from november 2024.
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25 - 35 (50) m, fast growing
narrow pyramidal to column-shaped, half-open crown
Kéreg és ágak
bark grey, peeling off in sheets, twigs reddish-brown
pointy needles, glossy dark green, 1.5 - 2.5 cm, evergreen
unremarkable, ♀ upright, light pink, ♂ from red to yellow, April/May
hanging, cylindrical cones, 10 - 15 cm long
egyik sem
Mérgező tulajdonság
rendszerint nem mérgező emberek, (nagytestű) háziállatok és haszonállatok számára
loamy, moisture-retentive and acidic
Ültetési hely követelményei
Nem viseli el az útburkolatokat
3 (-40,0 és -24,5 °C)
Egyéb tűrőképességek
fagytűrő (télállósági fok: 1-6)
specimen conifer
Northern and Central Europe
szoliter fenyő savanyú talaj agyagos talaj Tőzeges talajra Homokos talajra Nem viseli el az útburkolatokat fagytűrő (télállósági fok: 1-6) árnyéktűrő keskeny piramis 1. magasság 12 m-nél nagyobb Félig nyitott korona zöld narancs/piros lila/kék sárga gyorsan növő nem mérgező (általában)
Gyakran ismételt kérdések
Picea abies

Picea abies can eventually reach a height of 25 - 35 (50) m, fast growing, depending on the site and climate conditions.

Picea abies is gyorsan növő and can eventually reach a height of 25 - 35 (50) m, fast growing, depending on the site and climate conditions.

The right time to plant Picea abies is during the dormancy period. In Western Europe, Picea abies with root balls can generally be planted from mid-November to late April, although this depends strongly on the climatic conditions and the species of tree.

Picea abies blooms in április.