Bumblebee Bat

There are so many animals in the world that are endangered that no one knows about. The Bumblebee Bat is one of them, only just writing this blog today have I found out about them. They are also known as Kitti’s hog-nosed bat and they are one of the worlds smallest mammals.

These tiny mammals live in Western Thailand and Southeast Burma, commonly found among caves along rivers

Since around 1996 the Bumblebee Bat has been listed as endangered with its population decreasing. They had only been discovered by scientists in 1974, their population may had been impacted by scientific collection, Outside many of these caves, rapid deforestation due to logging, agricultural expansion and growth of human communities occur rapidly.

Many conservationists say that monks using the caves for meditation, drug users escaping to caves for a fix, and tourists driven by the desire to see the bats, have all negatively impacted the species. This can mentally and physically affect the bats

Thankfully the bumblebee bat is legally protected in Thailand, and a portion of its habitat is protected by various parks. But much more needs to be done to adequately conserve the species. Conservationists have recommended improved protection and management of its roosting caves as well as broader protection of its foraging areas.

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