Gardening Plants & Flowers Trees

How to Grow and Care for Noble Fir

America’s largest fir does best in a cool mountain climate.

Noble fir tree branches with short silvery-green evergreen needles in sunlight

The Spruce / Evgeniya Vlasova

Noble fir (Abies procera) is called noble because it is the largest American fir and the largest of the true firs. In its native habitat in the mountains of Pacific northwest, noble fir grows 180 to 270 feet tall. When grown as a specimen tree, it is shorter but this tall, narrow tree still needs a large, wide open landscape setting. Because the noble fir is also grown as a popular Christmas tree, it is commonly referred to as such.

Its bark is silvery-gray and the needles are gray-green or bright blue-gray. The stiff, short branches grow almost horizontal. The crown of the young tree is conical and develops a round shape when mature. Noble fir is long-lived and only starts producing seeds at around 50 years of age.

Noble fir provides food for many different birds, including chickadees and jays and other animals. Its dense foliage also provides shelter and winter protection for wildlife.

Common name Noble fir, red fir, white fir 
Botanical Name Abies procera
Family Pinaceae
Plant Type Tree
Mature Size 50-100 ft. tall, 30 ft. wide
Sun Exposure Full, partial
Soil Type  Loamy, sandy, clay, silt, moist, well-drained
Soil pH  Acidic
Hardiness Zones 5-6 (USDA)
Native Area North America

Noble Fir Care

Noble fir is a low-maintenance tree, provided that it’s grown in a suitable climate and location similar to its native habitat.

  • Plant in a cool climate with well draining soil as noble firs can become waterlogged.
  • Plant in a location that is sheltered from strong winds.
  • Grow in full sun or partial shade with at least four hours of direct sunlight.
Noble fir tree in middle of landscape with bright blue-gray needles on branches

The Spruce / Evgeniya Vlasova

Noble fir tree branch with short bright blue-gray needles closeup

The Spruce / Evgeniya Vlasova

Noble fir tree trunk with silvery-green bark surrounded by needled branches

The Spruce / Evgeniya Vlasova

Noble fir tree branch with short gray-green needles with tiny round seeds in sunlight

The Spruce / Evgeniya Vlasova


Noble fir grows both in full sun or part shade with at least four hours of direct sunlight.


The tree can grow in a wide range of soil types but the soil needs to be cool, moist, and well-drained. Noble fir prefers deep soil but can sometimes grow in thin, rocky soils. The tree does not tolerate soil with a high pH (alkaline soil). 


The tree needs constant moisture, and it’s important to keep in mind that in its native habitat, three quarters of the precipitation consists of snow that falls between October through March. It would be difficult to duplicate this pattern by irrigation. For this reason noble fir should be grown in a climate with frequent and ample precipitation from fall through spring and with frequent snowfall. 

Temperature and Humidity

The native habitat of noble fir in the Pacific Northwest is a moist, relatively cool, maritime mountain climate. The tree is not suitable for hot, humid climates. 


The tree requires no fertilization. 

Noble fir branches grow almost horizontal

Meindert van der Haven / Getty Images

Types of Noble Fir 

There are numerous cultivars of noble fir. Cultivars suitable for home gardens with limited space include: 

  • Abies procera 'La Graciosa': a slow grower that can be grown as a 2- to 4-foot mound or a 6-foot-tall, pendulous tree with a leader. 
  • Abies procera 'Compacta': also a slow grower with long sweeping branches that reaches 20 ft. in height and 10 ft. spread at maturity. 
  • Abies procera 'Glauca prostrata': a two-foot tall, groundcover-type cultivar with silvery blue foliage that spreads about 6 feet in 10 years. To keep it low, remove any emerging vertical leaders.
  • Abies procera 'Rick's Foxtail': a narrow, upright cultivar with a strong central leader and blue-green needles. In ten years, it grows to a size of about 6 ft. tall and 2 ft. wide.
  • Abies procera 'DelBar Cascade': an upright cultivar with a sinuous central leader, pendulous branching, and greenish-blue needles. In ten years, it reaches about 7 ft. in height and 2 ft. in width.


Noble fir does not require pruning other than removing broken or diseased branches.

Propagating Noble Fir

The most common way to propagate a noble fir tree is from softwood or hardwood cuttings. Softwood cutting (fresh, young leafed and stem cuttings) and hardwood cuttings (mature cuttings after leaves have been shed), can both be used to propagate. Here's how.

  1. Using a pair of sharp pruning shears, cut cleanly through the stems of the noble fir. Cuttings should be about 6 to 8 inches long and as thick as a pencil.
  2. Use softwood cuttings in late spring (or hardwood cuttings in late fall when the tree is dormant), and place in a soil-filled container. If you are not potting immediately, be sure to keep the cuttings moist.
  3. Dip the bottom of the cutting into a rooting hormone, which will help to stimulate growth in propagated plants.
  4. Insert 2/3 of the cutting into the soil and water well, allowing for proper drainage.
  5. Place the container in a cold area such as a garage or sheltered setting that receives some sunlight so the cuttings can properly root.
  6. Water more often as the temperature warms and continue tending to the soil over the coming weeks and months.
  7. When roots have developed, repot the plant in a larger container with fresh potting soil and some fertilizer. Care for it until the tree is large enough to be moved outdoors.


You can propagate a freshly cut noble fir tree that will be used as a Christmas tree. Just be sure to do so within 24-48 hours after the tree has been cut.

Growing Noble Fir From Seeds

You can grow noble fir from the seeds found in its cones which mature in early August. Here's how:

  1. Let the cones dry until they are brittle, then shake them to remove the seeds.
  2. Soak the seeds in water for 24 hours, then place the drained seeds in a sealed plastic bag or an airtight container with a soilless potting mix, such as peat moss or vermiculite.
  3. Keep them in the fridge for six to eight weeks. This chilling period, called stratification, is necessary to break the plant’s dormancy; without it, the seeds won’t germinate.
  4. Fill seed trays or small pots with good potting mix. Plant the seeds no deeper than one-quarter inch, which is about as much soil as is needed to cover the seeds so you don’t see them. Keep soil moist. You can expect the seeds to germinate in a few weeks. The light requirements for growing seedlings are the same as described above.
  5. Keep the seedlings consistently moist and repot them as they grow. Allow them to grow in pots for three years. Harden off the little trees before moving them into the landscape.

Potting and Repotting Noble Fir

Young noble firs can be grown in containers and then replanted outdoors when they reach a larger more mature size. For smaller varieties that do not reach fuller, taller heights, they can remain in pots, but should be taken outside when cooler weather hits, then brought back inside during warmer temperatures.


Noble firs are unique in that they do not enter full dormancy in the winter, so overwintering care is not required. However, younger firs or those that are being propagated should be sheltered in an area that receives partial sunlight (such as a garage or screened-in porch).

Common Pests & Plant Diseases 

Fir trees in general are often bothered by numerous pests. The most common bugs are aphids, mites, and adelgids, all of which you might find on your Christmas tree after you bring it indoors. More specifically are the Balsam Woolly Adelgid, an aphid-like insect that weakens the tree by infesting the branches and trunk; the spider mite, which sucks sap from the fir needles, causing a speckled appearance to the tree; and the bagworm, a type of caterpillar that can reduce the growth of and even kill the tree.

Noble fir is mainly affected by different diseases caused by fungi: Phytophthora root rot, stem canker, current season needle necrosis (CSNN), and interior needle blight. 

  • How fast does noble fir grow?

    Noble fir has a medium to fast growth rate of about 12 to 24 inches per year.

  • Can I propagate a noble fir from seed?

    Yes, noble fir can be propagated from seed but it takes up to three years until the seedlings are ready to be planted in their permanent location.

  • How do you keep a noble fir Christmas tree fresh?

    The care for commercially-grown noble fir Christmas trees is different. Noble fir Christmas trees require much more care, ranging from regular fertilization to maximize their growth to frequent pruning to make them more marketable. If using a cut noble fir as your Christmas tree, keeping it well-watered will help the tree live longer in a stand.