Happy Lupercalia! Happy Valentine’s Day 2024!!

Poster celebrating Happy Lupercalia.

Happy Lupercalia! Happy Valentine’s Day! As we dive into this heart-filled holiday, we potatoes are positively brimming with excitement to unravel the rich tapestry of Valentine's Day, blending a touch of history with our modern-day celebrations of love and affection.

Let's whisk back to the origins of Valentine's Day, nestled in the ancient Roman festival of Lupercalia. This mid-February festivity was quite the spectacle, celebrating fertility with a mix of rituals that, honestly, might raise a few eyebrows today. But amidst the revelry and ancient customs, the essence of connection, love and the hopeful stirrings of spring were at the heart of the festival.

This mid-February festivity was quite an event, with Roman priests running about, gently slapping women with goat hide strips to promote fertility. Public feasting, drinking, and general revelry were also central to the celebrations, with the community coming together to mark the end of winter and the coming of spring. The emphasis was on joy, fertility, and the warding off of evil spirits, ensuring a prosperous and fertile year ahead for both the people and the fields.

While the specifics of the foods consumed during Lupercalia are not well-documented, it's plausible that the feasts included a variety of meats (including the sacrificial animals), grains, vegetables, and fruits available during the season, all enjoyed in a communal setting that emphasized social bonds and community well-being.

Fast forward through the sands of time, and we find the Christian Church is not looking upon this festival with favor, but ultimately being ignored by the populace at the time. We have to say that some of the traditions for this one are definitely not missed and are very strange, but it is still important to understand and acknowledge the roots of this holiday.

In a move that echoes the appropriation of Yule turning it into Christmas, the Church sought to "Christianize" the pagan Lupercalia festival. Enter St. Valentine, or rather, Valentines…yes, there were a few! These martyred saints became the figureheads of the holiday, centered on love and devotion, steering the narrative away from its pagan roots towards one of “saintly” love.

While we potatoes cherish the spirit of love and celebration, we also recognize the pattern of Christianity absorbing pagan holidays into its own traditions. This blending process, known as religious syncretism, deserves critique and exposure for its controversial nature. The adaptation of pagan customs to support the expansion of Christian teachings reveals a problematic history.

In recognizing the roots of our beloved holiday’s and traditions, we not only honor their original meanings and rich significance but also cultivate a deeper, more inclusive appreciation for our shared cultural tapestry. By delving into the stories behind these enduring customs, we uncover a mosaic of human connection and cultural resilience.

We potatoes, urge you to explore the diverse origins of your favorite holiday practices, celebrating them with a spirit of curiosity and respect. This journey of discovery not only enriches our own celebrations but also fosters a broader appreciation for the myriad ways in which humanity has sought to intertwine joy, meaning and fun into life. We can honor the spirit of these ancient practices while still advocating for transparency and respect for their diverse origins.

But let's not linger too long in the past! We potatoes love holidays! We think that this world is difficult enough as it is and while capitalism has greatly affected the way we celebrate our holidays, overall we find them to be spotlights of fun and delight that we look forward to!

How do we potatoes like to celebrate and embrace Lupercalia/Valentine’s Day? With open hearts and a keen eye for fun, of course! We relish the opportunity to celebrate love in all its forms, be it romantic love, familial bonds, friendship and the most important form of love, self-love.

Our modern festivities might not directly mirror the ancient festival anymore but they do mirror the celebration of love, connection and spring. They're rich with our own traditions and personal flair. We potatoes exchanged small gifts, cards, and shared a more traditional meal this year. We watched some of our favorite movies, and reviewed our drinking game. Our celebrations this year were lower key, but we find joy in the simple acts of love and we had a great time together!

Sirloin steaks, long grain wild rice, sourdough bread, veggie platter, and red wine. We had some chocolates and cake for dessert later but we forgot to get photos! It was all delicious, and we had a great time!

This year’s itinerary!

1.     Pride and Prejudice

2.     The Incredible Jessica James

3.     Love wedding repeat

4.     Set it up

5.     Always be my maybe

6.     The Guernsey literary and potato peel pie society

7.     Elemental

8.     Hitch

We potatoes are all about those personal, budget-friendly gestures of affection! Let's not forget, amid the whirlwind of seasonal spending, and the pressures of capitalism, that the essence of all love isn't found in grandiose gifts, parties, outings, etc. but in genuine, heartfelt connection with the love that resonates most with you.

While this can be such a fun day and time for many, it isn't without its challenges. It can stir up feelings of loss, loneliness, grief and more. You may not want to celebrate at all! If that's where you find yourself, know you're not alone and that it is ok. Please be kind to yourself. Whether it's enjoying your favorite book, a quiet walk, or treating it like any other day, it's okay to take it easy and practice a little tenderness towards yourself. You matter and you're absolutely worth that kindness. Remember, love isn't just about romance; it's also about how we love and look after ourselves.

So, let's embrace Lupercalia/ Valentine’s Day with all its complexities. Whether you're wrapped up in the euphoria of romantic love, cherishing the bonds of friendship and family, or navigating the profound path of self-discovery and self-love, we can all make this day one to remember. We encourage you to celebrate Lupercalia/Valentine's Day in the way that best resonates with you. Celebrate love, in all its glorious forms, and remember, the most profound love story you'll ever write is the one you pen with your own life.

Here's to Lupercalia/Valentine's Day, a day to celebrate the love that connects us, the histories that shape us, and the love within ourselves and the love in the world around us. Cheers to love, and cheers to you! May your day be bright, warm and everything you want and need it to be!

The Lupercalia/Valentine’s Day Drinking Game!

Take a sip anytime:

1.        Anyone says the word “Love”

2.        Anyone kisses

3.        Anyone says “I’m not looking for anything serious” or “I’m not looking for a relationship”

4.        Anyone mentions Valentine’s Day or “Not having a Valentine”

5.        There’s a meet cute

6.        Someone receives flowers or chocolates

7.        The female lead is a “serious” career woman

8.        The female lead is super clumsy, but everyone finds it adorable

9.        The male lead is a “bad boy”

10.     The male lead completely changes his established behavior to be with the female lead

11.     There is a makeover/dressing room montage

12.     There is long eye contact between characters

13.     Cheesy romance music plays

14.     There is a sex scene, or an implied sex scene

Have you seen any of the movies on our itinerary? Did you love them? Did you hate them!? What films do we need to watch? Do you like this drinking game? Are there rules missing? Is the game too intense? What do you like to celebrate during this time of year? What are your favorite traditions? Have you come up with any new or different traditions? What do you think of this holiday? Any and all thoughts are welcome! Let us know down in the comments and always remember to be safe and drink responsibly! (Drinks can be water, soda, anything nonalcoholic, etc. Please be safe, have fun and take care of you!)


Happy March 2024!!


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