Population Ecology of the Endemic Flightless Chubut Steamerduck in Patagonia, Argentina (Tachyeres leucocephalus): Conservation and Management Implications

María Laura Agüero

The aim of this project is to conduct a research and conservation program along the Chubut marine coast, which is the entire flightless Chubut Steamerduck breeding range, but focusing on the Interjurisdictional Marine Park in San Jorge Gulf. Our study will set the bases for long-term studies and promote public interest in conservation issues using this charismatic and fragile marine duck species.

Female. © Agu.

Female. © Agu.

Chubut Steamerduck (Tachyeres leucocephalus) is a flightless bird endemic to a 700-km section of coast in Patagonia, Argentina. Based on our data and recommendations it was upgraded to the Vulnerable IUCN Red List category.

Male. © Agu.

Male. © Agu.

Our research has allowed to elucidate for the first time key information about population size, distribution range and habitat requirement and selection (Agüero et al 2010; 2012; 2014). However, some critical information for conservation remains unknown (population trends, breeding biology, breeding and wintering dispersal patterns). The low number of individuals restricted in their distribution, flightlessness, invasive species, macroalgae extraction and potential oil pollution put this species at risk (Agüero et al 2012).

The recently designated Interjurisdictional Marine Park in San Jorge Gulf contains half of the population and may provide some protection from disturbance and habitat destruction, although will attract many visitors. Therefore it is crucial to provide new information to contribute in the design and effective implementation of a management plan that would protect key areas from anthropogenic activities.

The proposed study will allow to increase knowledge on population trends, temporal habitat use, local movements, breeding performance, and finally to design and establish a permanent monitoring program to allow future studies on population dynamics.

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