Tree mutation can revert to original form

Dayna Valenti-Gaeta
A genetic mutation produced the dwarf Alberta spruce tree, and a reverse mutation can cause portions of the tree to revert back to the parent form.

Q: I planted Alberta spruce trees about 10 years ago, and one looks like a white spruce at the top. Can you tell me how and why this happened?- Walter, Livingston Manor

A: The dwarf Alberta spruce tree, Picea glauca var. albertiana f. conica, also known as the dwarf white spruce, is a popular, slow-growing, dense conifer that is widely available at retail and garden centers throughout the United States. The tree will grow to about 10-12 feet high after reaching maturity at 25-30 years and is hardy in zones 2-6.

Because of its conical, compact habit, it is often used in formal settings and containers as a focal point. It is often pruned to be spiral or topiary shaped.

The culitvar was first discovered in Alberta, Canada in 1904 and it was determined to be a naturally occurring mutant of the larger white spruce (p. glauca). However, just as the genetic mutation occurred to produce the cultivar (dwarf Alberta spruce) in the wild, a reverse mutation can occur and portions of the tree can “revert” back to the parent. It often looks like there is a tree growing out of a tree. If you notice a branch that exhibits this reversion, you must prune the branch in order to preserve the continued growth of the dwarf alberta spruce you purchased. If left unpruned, one branch that reverted back to the parent white spruce tree can establish itself as the main leader of the tree. If you cut it down and decorate it, you will have a very unique Christmas tree!

For more information, go to arboretum.harvard.edu/wp-content/uploads/Picea_glauca.pdf and plantfacts.osu.edu/pdf/0247-849.pdf. 

Q: What kind of bulbs can I grow indoors? I see tulips and daffodils in the store, can I do this at home?

A: Sure you can!  But you are out of time for certain flowers for this season. “Forcing” is a term used to describe the process of stimulating bulbs to flower outside of their normal season. It is a popular way to add color to your winter home long before the same flowers will bloom outside.

Spring flowering bulbs, such as tulips, narcissus (daffodils), hyacinths, and muscari are some of the easiest, but there are many others that can be forced.

The first phase of forcing requires the bulbs to have 12-14 weeks of cold temperatures, 35-48 degrees, in order to establish roots. They can be potted up in the fall and left in a cold location where they will not freeze.

After this period of cooling, the bulbs need to be brought into a cool (60 degrees), bright location, and watered frequently.

About 3-4 weeks later, the flowers will bloom. After the blooms have faded, pluck the flowers and leave the foliage. Once the foliage has died, the bulbs can be stored for planting in the fall. Many will flower the following spring outdoors.

Since the cold weather is running short for the necessary 12-week cooling period, you can try amaryllis or paperwhites (narcissus tazetta), which do not require a cooling period. Paperwhite bulbs can simply be put in a shallow dish of gravel, stones, or glass beads,  and watered. They will bloom in about three weeks.

Sometimes paperwhites can get very tall and fall over, so it is worth considering when choosing a container. Research coming out of the Flower Bulb Research Program at Cornell University, under Dr. William Miller, found that paperwhite bulbs can be “pickled.”  Using a 5 percent alcohol solution to water the bulbs (a week into the growing period), researchers were able to grow paperwhites with shorter foliage and the same large, fragrant flowers. Dr. Miller suggests that you can use any 40 percent distilled spirit (rum, vodka, tequila, whiskey) at a rate of 1 part booze to 7 parts water. In addition, 70 percent isopropyl alcohol (rubbing alcohol) diluted to 5 percent worked just as well. That’s about 1 part rubbing alcohol to 10 parts water.  

For more information, go to hort.cornell.edu/miller/bulb/Pickling_your_Paperwhites.pdf  and s3.amazonaws.com/assets.cce.cornell.edu/attachments/5531/Forcing_Bulbs_For_Indoor_Bloom.pdf?1420562052.

Dayna Valenti-Gaeta is the community horticulture program educator at Cornell University Cooperative Extension Sullivan County.