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15 Incredible Facts About Rhinos

Everything you need to know about these awesome mammals.

Mum and baby head home....
Chris Minihane//Getty Images

Rhinos—with their awe-inducing presence and unique appearance—are some of the most fascinating animals on the planet. They’re massive and look prehistoric, almost as if you’re looking at a dinosaur in real time. And sadly, their fate is bordering on that of the dino as they are one of the most threatened species on the planet. To celebrate the majestic mammal of World Rhino Day (September 22), here are 15 amazing facts about the creatures.

There Is More Than One Type

Rare Northern white rhinos in Laikipia savanna.
Manoj Shah//Getty Images

There are a total of five different kinds of rhinos. And while you may think of them wandering through Africa, they’re also found throughout Asia. The types are the Black rhino and the White rhino—they live in Africa—and the Sumatran, Javan, and Indian (or greater one-horned) rhino—they live in the tropical forests and swamps of Asia. They are native to eastern and southern Africa, as well as India, Nepal, Vietnam, Malaysia, and Indonesia.

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Their Name Is Literal

Black rhinoceros in the african savannah
Pierre-Yves Babelon//Getty Images

Rhinos are famous for their horns, and they were named for their signature feature. But the moniker isn’t super creative. The word rhinoceros is a literal mix of two Greek words that best describe how they look: rhino (nose) and ceros (horn).

Rhino Horns Are Used as Medicine

Horn Trimming On The Ranch Of South African Rhino Breeder John Hume
Leon Neal//Getty Images

Doctors in Asia have been using powdered rhino horn in their medicine for centuries. While there is no evidence or studies that prove it truly has curing powers, rhino horn is still sought after. According to the International Rhino Foundation, it’s been used to treat and cure a number of maladies, including: aging, arthritis, asthma, chest cold, chicken pox, convulsions, coughs, demonic possession, diphtheria, and a laundry list of other illnesses.

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Rhino Horns Are Made of Keratin

CONSUMER Chinese- Rhino Horn
Stefan Rousseau - PA Images//Getty Images

You might think that rhino horns are made of super tough bone, but it’s actually made up of the protein keratin—the same stuff that makes up human hair and fingernails—and is basically a compacted mass that grows throughout the rhino’s life. The longest rhino horn ever measured was just under 60 inches, according to the International Rhino Foundation.

A Group of Rhinos Possess an Awesome Name

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For the most part, rhinoceroses are solitary animals and pretty much avoid one another. But some species, particularly the white rhino, can live in groups, known as a “crash.” They’re usually made up of a female and her calves, although sometimes other adult females hang in a crash, too.

White Rhinos are the Third Largest Land Mammal

Art Wolfe, photographer kneeling next to a white rhinoceros in Kenya.
Mint Images/ Art Wolfe//Getty Images

White rhinoceros are the third largest land mammal after the African and Asian elephants. The white rhinoceros is also the largest rhinoceros species and can weigh up to 6,000 pounds. Their heads alone can weight up to 2,000 pounds, and they’re typically between 5 and 6 feet tall.

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Rhinos are Herbivores

Sylvain CORDIER//Getty Images

For their size, you’d suspect that they’re big meat eaters. But they’re vegetarians that can eat up to 100 pounds of food a day. Depending on the species, they eat leaves, fruit, grasses, stems, and twigs.

Not All Rhinos Use Their Horns to Fight

Rhinoceros Fighting On Dirt Road
Stacy White / EyeEm//Getty Images

You’d think that having a huge weapon right on your face would be an obvious instrument for battle, but some rhinos actually use their teeth when they need to in a fight. The three Asian species (Sumatran, Javan, and Indian) use their lower outer incisor teeth instead of their horns. The teeth of Indian rhinoceroses can reach 5 inches in length, leaving a nasty mark if used to fight off other rhinos or predators. But the African species (the Black rhino and the White rhino) don’t have these long incisors and do fight with their horns.

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They Also Leave Massive Dumps

Rhino Images

Rhinos can produce as much as 50 pounds of dung a day, according to the International Rhino Foundation. Their poop also plays a big role in marking their territory as each rhino’s poop has a unique smell, and male rhinos utilize it to keep others off their area. They can make between 20 to 30 piles to make sure that other rhinos know to stay away.

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They Have Super Sensitive Skin

White Rhino, Ceratotherium simum, taking mud bath to protect skin and rid body of parasites. Lake Nakuru National Park Kenya. Dist. Localised: Southern and East Africa
Martin Harvey//Getty Images

Even though they live in some of the hottest and sunniest climates, their skin isn’t that well equipped to handle it. Rhinos can sunburn easily and are also susceptible to bad bug bites. To remedy this, rhinos often take mud baths to put a protective layer between their skin and the sun and pestering bugs.

Rhinos Have Surprising Relatives

Malayan Tapir (Tapirus indicus), baby.
James Balog//Getty Images

While they don’t look like it, the closest living relatives to rhinos are these three animals (tapir pictured). These are also known as perissodactyls (or odd-toed ungulates). Rhinos have three toes on each foot, and their tracks are compared to the Ace of Clubs.

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Rhinos Use Infrasonic Frequencies to Communicate

You likely won’t hear rhinos making noise because humans can’t hear it. Like elephants, rhinoceroses communicate using infrasonic frequencies that are below the human threshold of hearing. Researchers believe this technique has been adapted because they inhabit dense vegetation and use it to attract partners for breeding.

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Rhino Pregnancies Last 15-16 Months

Black rhino mother with baby grazing in laikipia.
Manoj Shah//Getty Images

You read that right—a full rhino pregnancy lasts more than a year-and-a-half. Rhinos only give birth to one calf a year, and baby rhinos rarely meet their fathers. Once female and male rhinos mate, they go their separate ways, and female rhinos raise their young.

Rhinos Are Super Fast

Rhinos are bulky animals, but they are not slow. A black rhinoceros can run up to 30 miles per hour. And they’re also very agile, able to dodge trees and branches in thick brush and turn quickly.

Their Numbers Are Dwindling

Today, it’s estimated that there is only a total of 29,000 rhinos left in the wild, compared to 500,000 at the beginning of the 20th century. Two species of rhino in Asia—Javan and Sumatran—are critically endangered. According to the World Wildlife Fund, here are the numbers for each species, and here's one way to help conservation efforts.

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Headshot of Emily Shiffer
Emily Shiffer
Freelance Writer

Emily Shiffer has worked as a writer for over 10 years, covering everything from health and wellness to entertainment and celebrities. She previously was on staff at SUCCESS, Men's Health, and Prevention magazines. Her freelance writing has been featured in Women's Health, Runner's World, PEOPLE, and more. Emily is a graduate of Northwestern University, where she majored in magazine journalism at the Medill School of Journalism and minored in musicology. Currently residing in Charleston, South Carolina, Emily enjoys instructing barre, surfing, and long walks on the beach with her miniature Dachshund, Gertrude.

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