Pinus nigra

51 Pins
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a small pine tree on the side of a dirt road near some bushes and trees
Pinus nigra 'Oregon Green’
Pinus nigra 'Oregon Green’ -
a very tall pine tree sitting in the middle of a garden
Pinus nigra 'Caprice' - Sosna czarna 'Caprice'
Pinus nigra 'Caprice' - Sosna czarna 'Caprice' - Szkółki Kurowscy
a small pine tree sitting in the middle of a garden
Pinus nigra 'Morris WB' : Grows on You
Pinus nigra 'Morris WB "(obecný název; rakouská borovice)
a very tall pine tree sitting in the middle of a garden
Pinus nigra 'Caprice'
Pinus nigra 'Caprice' -
a small pine tree in the middle of a garden
My Library
Pinus nigra 'Hornbrookiana'
an illustration of pine cones and needles from the natural history of the united states, volume i
Austrian pine (Pinus nigra)
Pinus nigra, European Black Pine
a small pine tree sitting in the middle of a garden
Pinus nigra 'Morris WB' : Grows on You
Pinus nigra 'Morris WB "(obecný název; rakouská borovice)
a close up view of the center of a pine tree's green needles and leaves
a large pine tree sitting in the middle of a field
Pinus nigra 'Geant de Suisse'
there is a very tall pine tree in the middle of some bushes and gravel area
Pinus nigra 'Frank' A narrow, upright pine with dark green needles. Grows more than 2M in 10 years.
some very pretty green trees in the woods
Sortiment Edwin Smits Conifers
Sortiment Edwin Smits Conifers Pinus nigra 'Molette'
a small pine tree in the middle of a field
Search results for: 'trees privacy austrian pine 57762'
Austrian Pine The Austrian Pine, Pinus nigra, is a densely branched tree producing long dark needles. This evergreen conifer tree thrives in urban locations as well as in windbreaks in more rural settings. It does well in a variety of soils and is very hardy. The spreading branches of a young tree form a pyramidal outline, but at maturity, it sometimes achieves a picturesque flat topped head. This fast growing pine tree makes an attractive Christmas tree when sheared.
a green ball shaped tree in the middle of a garden
Pinus nigra 'Bambino' (P. n. 'Gaelle Bregeon')
Pinus nigra 'Bambino' (P. n. 'Gaelle Bregeon') -
two large trees in the middle of a field
Austrian Pine (Pinus nigra) at Connon Nurseries
Austrian Pine (Pinus nigra) at Connon Nurseries CBV
a small pine tree in the middle of some bushes
Pinus nigra 'Spielberg'
Pinus nigra 'Spielberg' -
a small pine tree in the middle of a garden
Pinus nigra 'Brepo' (P. n. 'Pierrick Bregeon') - Сосна черная 'Brepo'= ('Pierrick Bregeon')
Pinus nigra (P. n. 'Pierrick Bregeon') -
a close up of a small green plant
Pinus nigra 'Marie Bregeon'
Pinus nigra 'Marie Bregeon' -
a small pine tree on the side of a dirt road near some bushes and trees
Pinus nigra 'Oregon Green’
Pinus nigra 'Oregon Green’ -
a small bush with green leaves in the foreground and bushes in the back ground
apželdinimo darbai, apželdinimo projektavimas ir vejos, vejų įrengimas - Pinus nigra Pierrick Bregeon
Pinus nigra Pierrick Bregeon. Auga saulėtoje vietoje. Aukštis apie 1m., plotis apie 1,5m.
a small pine tree in the middle of a garden
Pinus nigra 'Spielberg'
Pinus nigra 'Spielberg' -
a small pine tree is growing in the dirt
Mina trädgårdar
Pinus nigra 'Green Tower'
some very pretty green trees in the woods
Plantenwinkel: Pinus nigra 'Green Tower'
Pinus nigra 'Green Tower'
several different types of trees in a garden
Pinus nigra 'Caprice' - Sosna czarna 'Caprice'
Pinus nigra 'Caprice' - Sosna czarna 'Caprice' Drzewo o kolumnowym pokroju, osiągające ok. 5 m wys., przyrastające rocznie 25-30 cm. Igły ciemno-zielone, sztywne, horyzontalnie odstające od pędów grubych i krótkich. Odmiana odporna na warunki siedliskowe. Polecana do ogrodów przydomowych, nasadzeń parkowych, miejskich, sadzona pojedynczo, w luźnych grupach lub szpalerach
a small pine tree in the middle of some dirt and trees with white tags on them
Sortiment Edwin Smits Conifers
Sortiment Edwin Smits Conifers Pinus nigra 'Buda'
a large green pine tree sitting on top of a dirt field
austrian pine oregon green | Pinus nigra 'Oregon Green'
a small pine tree in the middle of a garden
Pinus nigra 'Komet'
Pinus nigra 'Komet' -
a green bush with tiny white flowers in the middle of some gravel and plants around it
Pinus nigra 'Brepo' : Grows on You
Pinus nigra 'Brepo'
a small pine tree in the middle of a garden
Pinus nigra 'Rondello'
Pinus nigra 'Rondello' -
a close up of a small pine tree
Pinus nigra 'Marie Bregeon'
Pinus nigra 'Marie Bregeon' -
some very pretty green plants in the middle of a sidewalk and garden area with pink flowers
Pinus nigra 'Globosa'
Pinus nigra 'Globosa' -
a small pine tree is growing in the dirt
Сосна, купить сосну по отличной цене в Киеве — садовый центр Zelenakraina
three small pine trees sitting in the middle of a forest
Pinus nigra 'Scholz'
Pinus nigra 'Scholz' -
a small pine tree sitting on top of a gravel ground next to rocks and plants
Pinus nigra 'Frank'
a small pine tree sitting in the middle of a garden
a small pine tree sitting in the middle of a garden
Private Site
Pinus nigra 'Oregon Green'
some very pretty green trees in the dirt
Pinus nigra 'Green Rocket' - Сосна чёрная ‘Green Rocket’
Pinus nigra 'Green Rocket' - Сосна чёрная ‘Green Rocket’. Дерево не очень сильно растущее, достигающее ок. 6 м высоты. Сорт имеющий колонновидную или веретенообразную форму. Побеги жёсткие, вертикально поднятые. Хвоя длинная темно-зеленая, собранная по две хвоинки. На солнечные места. Требования к почве небольшие. Замечательный сорт для больших и средних садов. Устойчиво к загрязнениям окружающей среды.
some very pretty green plants in the dirt
Rośliny iglaste - MYKOFLOR
Pinus nigra Globosa - dwie 8 letnie rośliny
a small green bush surrounded by trees and mulch
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Pinus nigra Repens. Грунтопокривна форма сосни, висотою 40см. і шириною 200см. Хвоя зелена, довга, колюча. Прирости кремові, дуже цікаво виглядають на фоні хвої. Добре росте на сонячному місці і легких грунтах.
a large green tree in the middle of a forest
Pinus nigra Felek - Centrum ogrodnicze DAGLEZJA NA ZIELONEJ
Pinus nigra Felek
some very pretty green trees in a garden
Pinus nigra 'Zimmer'
Pinus nigra 'Zimmer'. Sosna czarna 'Zimmer'. Małe drzewo o wąsko-kolumnowym pokroju, osiągające ok. 6 m wys., silnie zagęszczone. Igły długie, ciemno-zielone.
a small pine tree in the middle of a garden
My Library
Pinus nigra 'Hornbrookiana'
a small pine tree sitting in the middle of a forest
Pinus nigra 'Helga' - Sosna czarna 'Helga'
Pinus nigra 'Helga' - Sosna czarna 'Helga'
a very tall pine tree sitting in the middle of a garden
Pinus nigra 'Caprice'
Pinus nigra 'Caprice' -