ໄມ້ໂລງເລງຫີນ / Himalayan yew

Resin / Latex
Scientific Name / Family
Taxus wallichiana Zucc. / Taxaceae
Taxus baccata subsp. wallichiana (Zucc.) Pilg.
Taxus baccata var. wallichiana (Zucc.) C.K. Schneid. ex Silva Tar.
Taxus chinensis var. yunnanensis (W.C.Cheng & L.K.Fu) L.K.Fu
Taxus contorta Griff.
Taxus contorta var. mucronata Spjut
Taxus florinii Spjut
Taxus nucifera Wall.
Taxus orientalis Bertol.
Taxus phytonii Spjut
Taxus suffnesii Spjut
Taxus wallichiana subsp. contorta (Griff.) Silba
Taxus wallichiana var. wallichiana
Taxus wallichiana var. yunnanensis (W.C.Cheng & L.K.Fu) C.T.Kuan
Taxus wallichiana subsp. yunnanensis (W.C.Cheng & L.K.Fu) Silba
Taxus yunnanensis W.C.Cheng & L.K.Fu
Other Names
Chinese: 喜马拉雅红豆杉 [xu mi hong dou shan]
Vietnamese: Thanh tùng , Thông đo Na, Thông đo lá dài
Burmese: Kyauk-tiny
Malayalam: Tampinur batu
Other name: Rakhal (Punjab area), tingschi (rest of India), deodar (=God's tree)
Conservation Status
Botanical Description

Tree 30 m tall and 1.3 m dbh with broad irregular crown. Bark grayish brown to dull reddish, peeling off in strips or  cracking and falling off as thin scales. Leaves spreading in two ranks, shortly petiolate, lanceolate, usually falcate, mucronate, dark glossy green, paler abaxially, 1.5–3.5 cm long, 2–4 mm wide, stomatal bands pale yellowish, 0.6–0.9 mm wide, marginal bands 0.1–0.4 mm wide. Pollen strobiles axillary, scattered along branchlet axis, subsessile,  yellowish, ovoid, 3–5 mm long; microsporophylls 8–14, each with 5–6 pollen sacs. Seed-bearing structures axillary, ovoid. Aril fleshy, red. Seed ovoid, mucronate, brownish, 5–8 mm long, 3.5–5.0 mm wide. Pollination December–February, seeds September–November

Description of Use

Used for bedsteads, jampan poles, unholstery, clogs, whip handles, and of course bows. The bark is used to make a red dye (Hartzell 1991). The red spot a Brahmin places in the center of the forehead is made with a paste of powdered yew bark and oil (Liu 1970 [as T. celebica]).
