In The Garden | Tall Norway spruce trees are over-planted

Richard Poffenbaugh
In The Garden
Over many years, a Norway Spruce becomes much too large for the average urban lot. As in this photo, it will grow 70 feet or more in height and have a spread of 30 feet or more.It requires ample space to become a fully developed tree.

Back 100 years ago, the Norway spruce (picea abies) evergreen tree was popular and over-planted. For example, our 1-acre property had nine of these large trees when we moved here in 1960. While they are attractive, tall trees, they are much too large for an average urban site. Today we have seven of these trees remaining. If I were a young guy just moving here, several more would be removed; they have outgrown the site.

For example, one is planted close to Park Avenue West, where our driveway entrance is located. The worst problem is our electric power line that goes through branches of the tree. During strong winds, tree branches rub against the power line and I worry about the line breaking and out go the lights.

When the tree was small and planted, no one considered the power line above. But many years later I think of it every time we have strong winds and hope for the best.

Periodically, when Ohio Edison crews do some pruning, I remind them of the power line and request branches near it be removed. But in only a year or two, new branches grow back and the problem returns. Living here 60 years, the tree has become much larger. If I were much younger, the tree would be removed.

This Norway spruce has large numbers of short, half-inch needles that collect on hard surfaces like walks and driveways. A tree near a garage is subject to needle drop and many needles will be carried indoors.

Landscape tree

Take extra care when selecting a site for such a tree as it becomes much larger over many years. A 5- to 7-foot tree, when planted, will be much different when you see it 20 or 30 years in the future. With a 30-or-more-foot spread when mature, it needs plenty of space. All too often this calculation is neglected because it looks good when first purchased as a small tree.

A large Norway spruce is often cut down from a landscape to be used as a Christmas tree in a public site during the holidays. If lower branches are damaged or disfigured, they may be removed without causing any overall change in beauty if trunk is shortened.

Tree dimensions and cost

Tree height is 70-feet or more with spread of 30-40 feet with long branches. Tree produces 5- to 7-inch-long cylindrical cones near top of tree. Cones drop in late summer and fall. Cones become litter on paved surfaces.

Wholesale price for a B&B (balled and burlapped) 5-foot tree is $110. Do not plant tree in wet soil. Give tree generous space in which to grow and mature. As it grows and develops, it becomes a very large, attractive evergreen. It will exhibit beauty in both summer and winter. A large mature Norway Spruce becomes a prized specimen tree as view in the summer with a blue sky. In winter, the snow covered branches enhance the winter landscape.

Richard Poffenbaugh is a retired biology teacher and active home gardener since 1960. He is a member of the Mansfield Men's Garden Club and was editor of the club newsletter (The Greenhorn) for 21 years. He resides in Ontario with his wife, Barbara. Reach him at 419-529-2966.

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