Baya Weaver (Ploceus philippinus)- Males hardship
Baya Weaver Bird @Sunny Shah

Baya Weaver (Ploceus philippinus)- Males hardship

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Baya Weaver Ploceus philippinus- Males hardship


A widespread, sparrow size, weaver bird is known for its nest. The weaver bird’s nest is unique for the delicate craftsmanship of building intricate pendant nests. Weaver uses several types of trees to build their nest upon. We found birds have constructed nests on Acacia nilotica , babool tree. It has been built near the temporary waterlogged area possibly to avoid any potential threat by the predator. The tubular part of the nest is an entrance and the bulbous part is an egg-laying chamber. It is been observed by many naturalists that male baya weavers built several nests and invite a female to observe. Female observe the nest and if she agrees to the quality and strength then she will select male as a matting partner. However, the male-starts with building the bulbous part and foundation on branch where it will hang after completion. Latter if female select that male then both together finish the tubular part and other interior work of the nest. Male Baya weavers invited few potential mates with screeching calls and that time it was a wild moment of haste and screech. It wasn't a cacophony but a graceful moment to call the love. Some of the observations recorded, for seating close quarterly and directing our binoculars at the nests, are very interesting and joyful. There were more than 5 males involved in constructing 5-6 nests. That indicates that nesting is a social activity and bird nests as a colony. Couple of males weaver birds were constructing two nests and a few were making only one nest . The nesting were on acacia tree using leaves of sugarcane. All the nests were the same long hanging with bulbous chamber and narrow tubular entrance but the latter’s stage is yet to come.

Males were identified with yellow forehead and crown, a dark throat that contrasts with yellow underparts. It was a small flock of 5-6 weavers due to breeding season.They were creating a cacophony of a series of rasping chatters. That they do to attract and call female to observe the nest. Some males were stealing material and damaging the nest of other males. Birds were bringing the long leaves from nearby sugarcane field. The choice for sugarcane leaves possibly because it can be easily teared vertically and knot each other. Some males were chasing away uninvited females perhaps incomplete nest or don't want to accompany by her. Bird, tie the hanging pendant to branch strongly and gradually moves further to built bulbous part. We also observed that birds start with tying up green leaves to the nearest branch where the nest is under construction and dries it for some time before using to weave nest. Male baya weaver bird works hard to build nests and feeding the chicks throughout the breeding season. It is one of the best experiences to witness during the monsoon that wears the yellow-crowned during monsoon , a sparrow size bird, baya weaver built their nests and make the atmosphere alive with calls and songs. 


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