Rüppells Vulture

Gyps rueppellii

Rüppell's Vulture or Rüppell's Griffon Vulture is a large vulture that occurs throughout the Sahel region of central Africa. The current population of 30,000 is decreasing due to loss of habitat and other factors. Known also as Rüppell's Griffon, Rueppell's Griffon, Rüppell's Griffin Vulture, Rueppell's Vulture and other variants, Rüppell's Vulture is named in honor of Eduard Rüppell, a 19th-century German explorer, collector, and zoologist. Rüppell's Vulture is considered to be the highest-flying bird, with confirmed evidence of a flight at an altitude of 11,300 m above sea level.
Ruppell's griffon vulture || North Serengeti || Aug 2022 Gyps rueppellii,Rüppells Vulture


These are large vultures, noticeably outsizing the closely related White-backed Vulture, with which they often co-occur in the wild. Adults are 85 to 103 cm long, with a wingspan of 2.26 to 2.6 metres , and a weight that ranges from 6.4 to 9 kg . Both genders look alike: mottled brown or black overall with a whitish-brown underbelly and thin, dirty-white fluff covering the head and neck. The base of the neck has a white collar, the eye is yellow or amber, the crop patch deep brown. Silent as a rule, they become vocal at their nest and when at a carcass, squealing a great deal.
Rüppells Vulture, air king of the Serengeti It took this Rüppells Vulture 7 years to get to this stage of adulthood, to this size, to this status in the hierarchy, and therefore...all of Serengeti shall know it.  Africa,Gyps rueppellii,Rüppells Vulture,Serengeti National Park,Serengeti North,Serengeti area,Tanzania


Since first being assessed by the International Union for Conservation of Nature during 1988, populations of Rüppell's Vulture have decreased. The species has been listed with an IUCN Red List status of "near threatened" since 2007 and the IUCN predicts that populations of the species will continue to decrease. During 2012 the species was given Endangered status.

Since 1992, Rüppell's Vulture has been occurring as a vagrant in Spain and Portugal, with annual records since 1997, mainly in the Cadiz / Straits of Gibraltar area, but also further north.
vulture landing vulture coming in for a landing for a cheetah kill feeding Geotagged,Gyps rueppelli,Gyps rueppellii,Rüppell's vulture,Rüppells Vulture,Summer,Tanzania,africa,serengeti


Rüppell's Vultures are very social, roosting, nesting, and gathering to feed in large flocks. They can travel fast when needed, cruising at as much as 35 kilometres per hour , and will fly as far as 150 kilometres from a nest site to find food.

Rüppell's Vultures commonly fly at altitudes as high as 6,000 metres . The birds have a specialized variant of the hemoglobin alphaD subunit; this protein has a great affinity for oxygen, which allows the species to absorb oxygen efficiently despite the low partial pressure in the upper troposphere. A Rüppell's Vulture was confirmed to have been ingested by a jet engine of an airplane flying over Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire on November 29, 1973 at an altitude of 11,300 m . During August 2010 a Rüppell's Vulture escaped a bird of prey site in Scotland, prompting warnings to pilots in the area to watch carefully due to the danger of collision.

Rüppell's Vultures have several adaptations to their diet and are specialized feeders even among the Old World vultures of Africa. They have an especially powerful build and, after the most attractive soft parts of a carcass have been consumed, they will continue with the hide, and even the bones, gorging themselves until they can barely fly. They have backward-pointing spines on the tongue to help remove meat from bone. Despite their size, power and adaptations, they are not the most dominant vulture in their range, which is considered to be the even larger Lappet-faced Vulture.


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SpeciesG. rueppellii