Neotropic cormorant

Phalacrocorax brasilianus

The Neotropic cormorant is a medium-sized cormorant found throughout the American tropics and subtropics, from the middle Rio Grande and the Gulf and Californian coasts of the United States south through Mexico and Central America to southern South America, where he is called by the Indian name of "biguá".
Neotropic Cormorant (Phalacrocorax brasilianus) A Neotropic Cormorant on some drifting palm pranches in the Nariva River, Nariva Swamp, Trinidad. This wetland is actually of major significance locally and is one of the best places to spot rarely seen species such as the green anaconda, the endemic subspecies of white-fronted capuchins and some species of migratory warblers. Geotagged,Neotropic cormorant,Phalacrocorax brasilianus,Spring,Trinidad and Tobago


This bird is 64 cm long with a 100 cm wingspan. Adults males weigh from 1.1 to 1.5 kg, adult females 50 to 100 g less. Birds of the southern populations tend to be bigger than the more northerly birds.

It is small and slender, especially compared to the larger, heavier-looking double-crested cormorant. It has a long tail and frequently holds its neck in an S-shape.

Adult plumage is mainly black, with a yellow-brown throat patch. During breeding, white tufts appear on the sides of the head, there are scattered white filoplumes on the side of the head and the neck, and the throat patch develops a white edge. The upper wings are somewhat grayer than the rest of the body. Juveniles are brownish in color.
Neotropical Cormorant Lake Maracaibo Neotropic Cormorant fishing on Lake Maracaibo Lake Maracaibo,Neotropic cormorant,Phalacrocorax brasilianus


There are at least two subspecies: "P. b. mexicanus" from Nicaragua northwards and "P. b. brasilianus" further south.
Neotropic Cormorant or Olivaceous cormorant Warmer winters, artificial water bodies, seasonal fish stocking, a selection of nesting trees and federal protection of the species has turned communities across metro Phoenix into an ideal long-term habitat for the cormorants.

Hundreds of these once migratory birds are now wintering in Arizona, setting off an environmental chain of dominoes on ecosystems across the region.

At southern Arizona, year-round hunting pressure from the birds has led to a dwindling fish population. With fewer fish in the lakes, algae has muddied the water, leading to more insects. An abundance of well-fed birds also means more droppings, which studies have shown can negatively alter soil chemistry.

Residents, have been asking homeowners associations and state agencies to intervene, but with federal protection, the cormorants are almost untouchable.


Arizona is the only state in the country to have intentionally euthanized neotropic cormorants in more than a decade. Wildlife officials and conservationists continue to debate the legality of killing protected birds, which is made more complex with an impending change in presidential administrations. Geotagged,Neotropic cormorant,Phalacrocorax brasilianus,United States,Winter


Its diet consists mainly of small fish, but will also eat tadpoles, frogs, and aquatic insects. Information about its prey is sparse, but inland birds seem to feed on small, abundant fish in ponds and sheltered inlets, less than 10 cm in length, with an individual weight of a gram or two, such as "Poecilia" species especially the sailfin molly "Poecilia latipinna". This cormorant forages for food by diving underwater, propelling itself by its feet. Its dives are brief, between 5 and 15 seconds. It is also known to forage in groups, with several birds beating the water with their wings to drive fish forward into shallows.

Unlike other cormorants, this bird can often be seen perching on wires. This bird is largely a permanent resident, with some birds occasionally wandering north in the warmer months.
Neotropic cormorant (Phalacrocorax brasilianus) Laguna El Oconal, Villa Rica, Pasco, Peru. Jan 18, 2020 Geotagged,Neotropic cormorant,Peru,Phalacrocorax brasilianus,Summer


Neotropic cormorants are monogamous and breed in colonies. The nest is a platform of sticks with a depression in the center circled with twigs and grass. It is built a few meters above the ground or water in bushes or trees.

Up to five chalky, bluish-white eggs are laid. Most pairs lay three eggs, but the mean number hatched is less than two. The eggs soon become nest-stained. Both sexes incubate for about 25–30 days, and both parents feed the young until around the 11th week. By week 12, they are independent. One brood is raised per year.


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