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Abies nordmanniana Photo Gallery 2010

While I don't have many of these cultivars, it's a wonderfully nice, lush fir and I look forward to collecting more cultivars.

Abies nordmanniana 'Golden Spreader'. Becoming more and more common - and for good reason - the gold hues become strongly apparent in Winter, becoming almost blindingly gold for months on end. One would be advised to give this ample shade and frequent water until established, particular in hot climates for it can tend to burn readily in full sun.

Another specimen I have with more sunlight, showing very distinct coloration variance.

'Muensterland'. The spelling is probably an area I need help. I've seen it listed multiple ways. A nice miniature/small dwarf regardless.

'Trautman'. Nice silverly undersides on this medium upright. Probably a plant I'll make room for if I can.


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