How Should I Celebrate Ostara? Spring Equinox Witch Tips

March 20th brings us the highly anticipated Spring Equinox. During this time we honor the Maiden archetype as she blesses us with new beginnings, growth, innocence, and a childlike whimsy.

Although many witches begin celebrating spring at Imbolc (February 1), the celebration of Ostara (March 20) typically feels more like spring for most of us in the northern hemisphere and therefore has become a beloved holiday by many modern witches.

Here are some things you can do to celebrate Ostara:

(in no particular order)

  • Spring clean your home with the intention of getting rid of old energy & allowing new.

  • Declutter your technology (cellphone, computer, tablet) by deleting files

    & organizing.

  • Use egg (or egg substitutes) in some of your cooking to honor the symbol of fertility, new beginnings, and continuing life.

  • Find ways to connect with & honor your inner child.

  • Plant seeds in a garden or if it's too cold: plan your spring garden, plant indoor herbs, repot or fertilize your current plants.

  • Diffuse or use essential oils that represent spring like Lavender, Bergamot, Lemon, Jasmine, etc.

  • Find ways to connect with nature.

  • Look for signs of spring as you spend time in nature (walk, picnic, bike ride, etc.)

  • Incorporate spring in your home by having fresh cut florals (tulips, daffodils, hyacinth, etc.)

  • Create an Ostara altar to honor the energy. Consider using pastel colors, baskets, greenery, spring flowers, soil, honey, or eggs. Incorporate animal figures such as ladybugs, bunnies, chicks, butterfly, caterpillars, frogs.

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