With every stir of batter, New York City baker Chelsey White memorizes thousands of dessert lovers with her creative cake tutorials on her Instagram page Chelsweets. But her latest one literally takes the cake.

Putting everything wonderful about fall in one dessert masterpiece, Chelsey created a jaw-dropping fall foliage cake. Her tutorial for it has already been viewed over 40,000 times, and, as the ultimate fall cake on the internet, that number will only get higher.

So what exactly makes this cake so special? For starters, it's a multi-layered pumpkin spice cake slathered with autumn leaves made from cream cheese buttercream frosting. (Are you drooling yet?) Gorgeous fall colors also fill every inch of the cake, and pint-sized candy pumpkins top off the beauty.

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Seriously, even watching a few seconds of this scrumptious cake being made is enough for us to pre-heat our oven and whip up one of our own.

On that note, we have some baking to do. In the meantime, see the full tutorial below.

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