Abies balsamea 'Tyler Blue'

42.14294815, -87.78515625

42.14751053, -87.79013062

42.14762497, -87.78843689

42.1477356, -87.78832245

42.14850235, -87.79421234

42.14971161, -87.79516602

Tyler Blue Balsam Fir

'Tyler Blue' was found growing at a tree farm in New Hampshire. It has a very narrow pyramidal form, with rich, teal blue-green needles. Balsam fir is native to the colder regions of Canada and the northeastern United States. The slow growth rate makes it an ideal low-maintenance plant for lawns in cold climates. In the Chicago area, it is prized as a Christmas tree because of its fragrance and symmetry. It grows in full sun to partial shade, in a slightly acidic, well-drained soil. It is not tolerant of heat and needs humidity.

Plant Shape:
Full Sun
Partial Shade
Bloom Color:
Landscape Use:
Specimen Plant
Plant Type:
Hardiness Zone:
3 - 8