The Angora Rabbit


Interested in owning your first angora?

The first year of fiber animal ownership has a steep learning curve. But, thanks to the years of expert breeders documentation of their experiences, there is a wonderful internet of information regarding the Angora breeds and their care, from pet care and fiber handling, to competing with rabbits. I have created my own information, as well as sharing other breeders educational documents regarding the care of Angoras. See the pdf for my instructional guide for my sale animals.

How to find Angora Rabbits for sale near you

Facebook has numerous groups dedicated to each of the Angora rabbits breeds, each group hosting quality breeders from around the United States. Before seeking out a breeder - Educate yourself. Angora needs differ from most other rabbit breeds, their housing and diet will require upgrades from the normal. Can you list the 5 breeds? Which breed grows the most wool, which breed is only recognized by ARBA in white? How is Angora wool spun? Don’t get screwed over by craigslist mutt sellers or ignored by breeders, do your research, know the basics first before shopping for Angora.


The Burrow is located North of Cincinnati, ARBA register friendly Angora bunnies are available for sale to those living in driving range of the Burrow. Sale discounts available for 4H competitors and UARC members.