MOHÁCS 1526–2026 RECONSTRUCTION AND REMEMBRANCE A F orgotten H ungAriAn r oyAl D ynAsty : of members of the family’s first generation, which made them THE SZAPOLYAIS Edited by Pál FoDor and szAbolcs VArgA no longer sufficient for effective governance. The country became Contents $EEUHYLDWLRQV̀ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ̀˝˝ᦷ /LVWRI0DSV̀ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ˝˝̀ᦹ /LVWRI,OOXVWUDWLRQV̀. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .˝˝̀ᦱᦱ PÁL FODOR – SZABOLCS VARGA ,QWURGXFWLRQ̀ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ˝̀ᦱᦳ TIBOR NEUMANN 7ZR3DODWLQHVDQGD9RLYRGHRUWKH6]DSRO\DL)DPLO\˭V-RXUQH\ WRWKH5R\DO7KURQH̀ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ˝̀ᦲᦱ TIBOR NEUMANN – SZABOLCS VARGA 7KH6]DSRO\DL)DPLO\˭V5HSUHVHQWDWLRQRI3RZHÙ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ˝̀ᦵᦷ ISTVÁN KENYERES 7KH(VWDWHVRIWKH6]DSRO\DL)DPLO\SULRUWRᦱᦵᦲᦶ̀ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ˝̀ᦸᦳ NORBERT C. TÓTH 7KH$QWL2WWRPDQ6WUXJJOHVRI9RLYRGH-RKQ6]DSRO\DLRI7UDQV\OYDQLD ᦱᦵᦱᦰ˩ᦱᦵᦲᦶ ̀ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ̀ᦱᦱᦱ PÁL FODOR – TERÉZ OBORNI %HWZHHQ7ZR*UHDW3RZHUV7KH+XQJDULDQ.LQJGRP RIWKH6]DSRO\DL)DPLO\̀ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ̀ᦱᦲᦷ 5 PÉTER KASZA )LQGLQJWKH:D\ZLWK1R5RRPIRU0DQRHXYUH -RKQ6]DSRO\DL˭V'LSORPDWLF(QGHDYRXUV ᦱᦵᦲᦶ˩ᦱᦵᦴᦰ ̀ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ̀ᦱᦶᦳ ISTVÁN H. NÉMETH .LQJ-RKQ6]DSRO\DL˭V8UEDQ3ROLF\̀ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ̀ᦱᦷᦵ (0đ.(*‚/), -RKQ6]DSRO\DLDQGWKH&LWLHVRI7UDQV\OYDQLD̀ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ̀ᦱᦹᦳ JÁNOS B. SZABÓ 7KH$UP\RIWKH6]DSRO\DL)DPLO\GXULQJWKH5XOHRI -RKQ6]DSRO\DLDQG-RKQ6LJLVPXQG %DURQLDO9RLYRGDODQG5R\DO7URRSV ᦱᦵᦱᦰ˩ᦱᦵᦷᦱ ̀. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ̀ᦲᦰᦷ ZOLTÁN CSEPREGI Religious Literature and Reformation in the Territories Ruled E\WKH6]DSRO\DLV ᦱᦵᦲᦶ˩ᦱᦵᦷᦰ ̀ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ̀ᦲᦳᦹ PÁL ÁCS +XQJDULDQ9HUQDFXODU/LWHUDWXUHLQWKH&RXQWU\RIWKH6]DSRO\DLV̀ . . . . . . ̀ᦲᦵᦹ PÉTER KASZA 7KH/DWLQ/DQJXDJH/LWHUDWXUHRIWKH6]DSRO\DL(UD̀ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ̀ᦲᦷᦳ ORSOLYA BUBRYÁK 7KHˬ/HJDF\˭RIWKH6]DSRO\DLV̀ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ̀ᦲᦸᦵ SZABOLCS VARGA +RZWKH6]DSRO\DL)DPLO\:DV5HPHPEHUHGIURP WKHᦱᦶWKWRWKHᦲᦰWK&HQWXU\̀ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ̀ᦳᦱᦱ PÉTER KASZA – TERÉZ OBORNI – SZABOLCS VARGA 7KH3LOODUVRI5R\DO3RZHU7KH0DLQ6XSSRUWHUV RI.LQJ-RKQ,6]DSRO\DL̀ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ̀ᦳᦳᦱ ,QGH[RI3HUVRQDO1DPHV̀ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ̀ᦳᦴᦷ ,QGH[RI*HRJUDSKLFDO1DPHV̀ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ̀ᦳᦵᦷ̀ 6 0œųʼnĔEëŌǒ* `wLmžØ”wdÏPțm' THE CITIES OF TRANSYLVANIA It is generally known that the House of Szapolyai ruled the country in a critical SHULRGRIWKHKLVWRU\RIWKH.LQJGRPRI+XQJDU\GXULQJWKHKDOIFHQWXU\RILWV UHLJQWKHFRXQWU\VSOLW̐UVWLQWRWZRSDUWVWKHQLQWRWKUHH7KHSDUWLWLRQLWVHOI GHWHUPLQHG WKH FRXQWU\˭V SROLWLFV WKURXJKRXW WKH SHULRG LQ TXHVWLRQ DQG LW LQHYLWDEO\D̏HFWHGWKHXUEDQSROLF\RI.LQJ-RKQ,6]DSRO\DL Because of his roles as hereditary countᦱ and later as voivode of Transylvania,ᦲ WKHUHDUHPDQ\H[DPSOHVRIPHDVXUHVWDNHQE\-RKQ6]DSRO\DLLQFRQQHFWLRQ ZLWKFLWLHVWKDWGDWHEDFNWRHYHQHDUOLHUWKDQᦱᦰ1RYHPEHUᦱᦵᦲᦶ'RFXPHQWV UHYHDOWKDWDVDUHVXOWRIKLVR̒FLDOGXWLHVKHZDVDZDUHRIWKHVLWXDWLRQLQWKH FRXQWU\˭VFLWLHV DWOHDVWWKRVHLQ6]HSHVVªJ>6SLĢ@DQG7UDQV\OYDQLD 2QWKH other hand, during his time as voivode, and especially during the repression RI WKH SHDVDQW UHYROW OHG E\ *\·UJ\ '´]VD KH KDG QHHG RI WKH ̐QDQFLDO DQG military strength of the Transylvanian cities; he was therefore very much aware of their economic and strategic importance. $IWHU.LQJ)HUGLQDQG,ZDVHOHFWHGNLQJWKHPDMRULW\RIWKHFRXQWU\VWLOO VLGHGZLWK-RKQ,(YHQWKRXJKWUHDVXU\UHYHQXHVZHUHVORZWRFRPHLQ6]DSRO\DL VWLOOFRQWUROOHGWKHFXVWRPVKRXVHV˩ZLWKWKHH[FHSWLRQRIWKHRQHLQ3R]VRQ\ %UDWLVODYD ˩DQGWKHFKDPEHUVRIPLQLQJDQGWKHPLQWDJHFKDPEHUVWRJHWKHU ˘7UDQV\OYDQLDQ0XVHXP6RFLHW\&OXM1DSRFD.ROR]VY¢UJDO̐Hᦷᦲ#\DKRRFRP ᦱ˘3  HUPLWWRHVWDEOLVKDJXLOGDVLVVXHGLQᦱᦵᦱᦰWRWKHWDLORUVRIWKHFLW\RI3¢SDRZQHGE\WKH IDPLO\RUUHVSHFWIRUWKHEXUJKHUV˭H[HPSWLRQIURPSD\LQJWKHˬWKLUWLHWK˭WD[DQGFXVWRPVLQ ᦱᦵᦱᦱSzapolyai oklt.ᦳᦵᦲᦳᦵᦷ ᦲ˘)RULQVWDQFHKLVRUGHURIᦱᦰ-XO\ᦱᦵᦱᦴZULWWHQWRWKHFRXQFLORI%UDVV´ %UDĠRY WRFDSWXUHD UREEHUQDPHG6]ªNHO\KLVRUGHURIᦵ-XQHᦱᦵᦱᦵZULWWHQWRWKHFRXQFLORI%HV]WHUFH %LVWULĤD  to send one fourth of their troops to the district of Hátszeg, because, according to his spies, a PDMRU2WWRPDQLQFXUVLRQZDVWREHH[SHFWHGLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWKDFKDUWHUIURPᦱᦵᦱᦵLVVXHG E\.LQJ9ODGLVODXV,,WKHLQKDELWDQWVRI$EUXGE¢Q\D $EUXG ZHUHGLVFKDUJHGIURPPLOLWDU\ VHUYLFHSzapolyai okltᦴᦰᦲᦴᦱᦲ=VROW6LPRQˬ$]DUDQ\NLWHUPHOªVNH]GHWHLDN·]ªSNRUL(UGªO\EHQ˭ LQ (PHVH (J\HG =VROW %RJG¢QGL DQG $WWLOD :HLV] HGV  &HUWDPHQ ,, (OĒDG¢VRN D 0DJ\DU 7XGRP¢Q\1DSM¢QD](UGªO\L0»]HXP(J\HV½OHW,V]DNRV]W¢O\¢EDQ.ROR]VY¢Uᦲᦰᦱᦵᦲᦲᦶ 193 0lŒb0EdDP with the cities these were established in, namely Buda, Besztercebánya (Banská %\VWULFD .·UP·FE¢Q\D .UHPQLFD 1DJ\E¢Q\D %DLD0DUH 6]HEHQ 6LELX ᦳ $VDUHFRJQLWLRQRI.LQJ-RKQ˭VSRZHUDOOᦵᦳUHPDLQLQJFRXQWLHVWRJHWKHUZLWK WKHFLWLHVRI%XGD3HVW/ĒFVH /HYRÎD %¢UWID %DUGHMRY (SHUMHV 3UHĢRY  .LVV]HEHQ 6DELQRY  1DJ\V]RPEDW 7UQDYD  6]ªNHVIHKªUY¢U DQG (V]WHUJRP VHQWWKHLUUHSUHVHQWDWLYHVWRWKHGLHWRI%XGDLQ0DUFKᦱᦵᦲᦷZKHUHWKHVSRNHVPHQ of Transylvania and Slavonia were also present.ᦴ It is well known that, in order to protect their rights following a change of rules, urban communities usually made a new monarch reformulate and FRQ̐UPWKHFKDUWHUVDVVXULQJWKHLUSULYLOHJHV7KLVZDVHYHQPRUHMXVWL̐HGE\ the conditions after the Battle of Mohács. There is little data on this, especially from the beginning of the period dealt with here.ᦵ<HWDPRQJWKH̐UVWFKDUWHUV LVVXHGE\-RKQ6]DSRO\DLHOHFWHGRQᦱᦰ1RYHPEHUᦱᦵᦲᦶZHFDQVWLOO̐QGDIHZ that, apart from other matters to be handled, also contain administrative orders relating to cities or provisions aiming to protect public order (examples of such RUGHUV PLJKW LQFOXGH WKH RQH REOLJLQJ WKH FLW\ RI .DVVD >.RĢLFH@ WR SURYLGH D FDUULDJHWR VRPH 3ROLVK HQYR\V UHWXUQLQJKRPH RU WKHRUGHU VHQWWR -¢QRV Gosztonyi, bishop of Transylvania, to respect the privileges of Kolozsvár [Cluj1DSRFD@ ᦶ7KHVHFKDUWHUVZHUHDOOVHDOHGZLWK-RKQ6]DSRO\DL˭VVHDOIURPWKH WLPH KH ZDV YRLYRGH RI 7UDQV\OYDQLD 7KH SURYLVLRQV SDVVHG GXULQJ WKH ̐UVW PRQWKVRIWKHSHULRGGLGQRWKRZHYHUGL̏HULQFKDUDFWHUIURPWKHVWDQGDUG provisions of the era.ᦷ 7KHVLWXDWLRQFKDQJHGUDGLFDOO\LQ-XO\ᦱᦵᦲᦷZKHQ.LQJ)HUGLQDQG,ODXQFKHG KLVWURRSVDJDLQVW.LQJ-RKQ,ᦸ)HUGLQDQG˭VDUP\FURVVHGWKH+XQJDULDQERUGHU ᦳ˘*¢ERU%DUWD ˬ.RQV]ROLG¢FL´VN®VªUOHW0DJ\DURUV]¢JRQDPRK¢FVLFVDWDYHV]WªVXW¢Q 6]DSRO\DL -¢QRVNRUP¢Q\]¢VDᦱᦵᦲᦶQRYHPEHU˩ᦱᦵᦲᦷDXJXV]WXV ˭Századokᦱᦱᦱᦴ ᦱᦹᦷᦷ ᦶᦶᦰ˩ᦶᦶᦸ ᦴ˘MOE,ᦱᦰᦳ%DUWD ˬ.RQV]ROLG¢FL´VN®VªUOHW˭ᦶᦷᦵ ᦵ˘$WWKHUHTXHVWRIWKHFLW\DXWKRULWLHV.LQJ-RKQ,FRQ̐UPHG.ROR]VY¢U˭VH[HPSWLRQIURPFXVWRPV DQG GXWLHV RQ ᦲᦴ )HEUXDU\ ᦱᦵᦲᦷ ‚JQHV )O´UD ˬ.ROR]VY¢U ªV D N·]SRQWL KDWDORP NDSFVRODWD D 0RK¢FVXW¢QLªYWL]HGHNEHQ˭8UEV0DJ\DU9¢URVW·UWªQHWLŠYN·Q\Yᦸ ᦲᦰᦱᦳ ᦳᦷ2Qᦷ$SULOᦱᦵᦲᦷ DWWKHUHTXHVWRIWKHPDJLVWUDWHRIPDUNHWWRZQ0X]VQD 0RĠQD .LQJ-RKQ,FRQ̐UPVWKHLUULJKW to freely choose their JU¥YH WKHMXGJHRIWKH6D[RQ&RPPXQLW\ $UKLYHOH1DĤLRQDOH5RP£QH $15 6LELX)RQG3DURKLDHYDQJHOLFÄ&$0HGLDĠ6HULDᦲ$FWH1Rᦱᦵᦳ)ᦱᦱᦰ ᦶ˘%DUWDˬ.RQV]ROLG¢FL´VN®VªUOHW˭ᦶᦵᦰ ᦷ˘)RUH[DPSOHRQᦷ-DQXDU\ᦱᦵᦲᦷWKHLQKDELWDQWVRIWKHFLW\RI'ªV 'HM FRPSODLQHGWRWKHNLQJ that, despite their being exempt from taxes, customs duties were regularly being imposed by the familiaresRI0LK¢O\-DNFVLRQWKHLUFDUULDJHVWUDQVSRUWLQJVDOWDQGRWKHUJRRGV7KHUHIRUHWKH NLQJ IRUEDGH -DNFVL WR WD[ WKH LQKDELWDQWV RI 'ªV LQ WKH IXWXUH $15 &OXM )RQG 3ULPÄULD RUDĠXOXL'HM1Rᦱᦱᦶ2Qᦱᦵ)HEUXDU\ᦱᦵᦲᦷ.LQJ-RKQ,PDGHWKLVDQQRXQFHPHQWWRWKHDXWKRULWLHV RI%LKDU6]DWP¢U.½OVĒ6]ROQRNDQG6]DEROFVFRXQWLHVWKHPDJLVWUDWHRI1DJ\E¢Q\D %DLD 0DUH VXEPLWWHGWRKLPWKDWGHVSLWHWKHSULYLOHJHVJUDQWHGWRWKHPE\HDUOLHUNLQJVDFFRUGLQJ WRZKLFKWKH\DUHH[HPSWIURPFXVWRPVLQ%LKDU6]DWP¢U.½OVĒ6]ROQRNDQG6]DEROFVFRXQWLHV these privileges were not always respected and they were often faced with having to pay FXVWRPVDQGGXWLHV7KHUHIRUHLWZDVWKHNLQJ˭VRUGHUWKDWWKHSULYLOHJHVRIWKHEXUJKHUVRI 1DJ\E¢Q\DEHUHVSHFWHG$150DUDPXUHĠ)RQG3ULPDULDRUDĠXOXL%DLD0DUH6HULDᦲ'RFX PHQWHSULYLOHJLDWH1Rᦳᦵ ᦸ˘*¢ERU%DUWDˬ$QG˭LOOXVLRQV 1RWHVVXUODGRXEOHªOªFWLRQGHVURLVG˭DSU©VODGªIDLWGH0RK¢FV ˭ $FWD+LVWRULFD$FDGHPLDH6FLHQWLDUXP+XQJDULFDHᦲ ᦱᦹᦷᦸ ᦳᦶ˩ᦳᦷ 194 `wLmžØ”wdÏPțm'¨L0!P¨P0žwD¨—mžÏdÈmP RQᦳᦱ-XO\ᦱᦵᦲᦷXSRQZKLFK6]DSRO\DLHPSWLHGWKHFLW\RI%XGDDQGUHWUHDWHG WRZDUGVWKHHDVW6XEVHTXHQWO\DIWHUWKH%DWWOHRI7RNDM ᦲᦷ6HSWHPEHUᦱᦵᦲᦷ  KH ZDV IRUFHG EDFN WR 7UDQV\OYDQLD )URP WKH SHUVSHFWLYH RI WKH HYHQWV WKDW EHJDQ LQ WKH VXPPHU RI ᦱᦵᦲᦷ LQ 7UDQV\OYDQLD DQG WKH GHYHORSPHQW RI .LQJ -RKQ˭VXUEDQSROLF\FRQFHUQLQJ6D[RQEXUJKHUV*HRUJ5HLFKHUVWRȔHUDQGWKH DFWLYLWLHVKHFDUULHGRXWLQ7UDQV\OYDQLDZHUHRIPDMRULPSRUWDQFHᦹ he launched the movement that contributed to the 8QLYHUVLWDV6D[RQXP 6D[RQ&RPPXQLW\  representing one of the main economic powers in Transylvania, defecting from 6]DSRO\DLWR.LQJ)HUGLQDQG, 5HLFKHUVWRȔHUZKRFODLPHGWRKDYHRULJLQDWHGIURP6]HEHQ̐UVWHPHUJHG LQᦱᦵᦲᦳDVDQRWDU\SXEOLFLQKLVKRPHWRZQKHWKHQVHUYHGDWWKHFRXUWRI4XHHQ 0DU\DVHDUO\DVLQᦱᦵᦲᦵᦱᦰ2Qᦲ-XQHᦱᦵᦲᦷKHZDVDSSRLQWHGUR\DOVHFUHWDU\E\ .LQJ)HUGLQDQG,DQGDIHZGD\VODWHUKHZDVJLYHQDOHWWHURIFUHGHQFHDQG sent to Moldavia, where his assignment was to win the support of voivode Peter 3HWUX5DUHĠ ᦱᦱ5HLFKHUVWRȔHUVHWRXWRQKLVMRXUQH\IURP9LHQQDRQᦲᦷ-XQH he travelled through Poland to Moldavia, where he engaged in negotiations with the voivode of Moldavia, negotiations which he considered short but fruitful. 6XEVHTXHQWO\KHVHWȐWR7UDQV\OYDQLDLQRUGHUWRZLQWKHVXSSRUWRI6D[RQ FLWLHV DQG PDNH WKHP VLGH ZLWK .LQJ )HUGLQDQG ,ᦱᦲ .LQJ -RKQ , PXVW KDYH EHHQ LQIRUPHG RI 5HLFKHUVWRȔHU˭V LQWHQWLRQV TXLWH HDUO\ EHFDXVH LQ $XJXVW KHRUGHUHGWKHSHRSOHRI%HV]WHUFHWRDUUHVW4XHHQ0DU\˭VVHFUHWDU\DFHUWDLQ Georg, and to hand him over to the voivode of Transylvania.ᦱᦳ In the meantime, both kings urged the Saxons to be loyal and not to desert to the enemy.ᦱᦴ 5HLFKHUVWRȔHUIRXQGQRGL̒FXOW\LQFRQYLQFLQJWKH6D[RQVWLHGWR*HUPDQ territories by deep family, economic and cultural links, to side with the Habsburg PRQDUFKDVDUHVXOWRIKLVVXFFHVVIXOSURSDJDQGDWKHFRXQFLORI%UDVV´ZDVWKH ̐UVWWRVXFFXPEWR.LQJ)HUGLQDQGRQᦸ6HSWHPEHUᦱᦵᦲᦷᦱᦵ But the process by which the Saxons changed sides was by no means a smooth one. One month later ˝ᦹ˘2Q 5HLFKHUVWRȔHU DQG KLV ZRUN LQ +XQJDULDQ VHH *HRUJ 5HLFKHUVWRȔHU Chorographia Transilvaniae. Chorographia Moldaviae. Edited and translated, with an accompanying essay and H[SODQDWLRQVE\,VWY¢Q6]DEDGL'HEUHFHQᦱᦹᦹᦴᦱᦱᦷ˩ᦱᦲᦸ ᦱᦰ˘-RVHSK7UDXVFK6FKULIWVWHOOHU/H[LFRQRGHUELRJUDSKLVFKOLWHU¥ULVFKH'HQN%O¥WWHUGHU6LHEHQE½UJHU Deutschen. Vol. III..URQVWDGWᦱᦸᦷᦱᦸᦶ˩ᦸᦷ ᦱᦱ˘)ULHGULFK6FKXOOHUˬ8UNXQGOLFKH%HLWU¥JH]XU*HVFKLFKWH6LHEHQE½UJHQVYRQGHU6FKODFKWEHL 0RK¢FVELV]XP)ULHGHQYRQ*URVVZDUGHLQ$XVGHPNXN+DXV+RIXQG6WDDWVDUFKLYLQ :LHQ ᦱᦵᦲᦶ˩ᦱᦵᦳᦸ ˭ $UFKLY GHV 9HUHLQV I½U 6LHEHQE½UJLVFKH /DQGHVNXQGH ᦲᦶ ᦱᦸᦹᦴ  ᦲᦵᦶ˩ᦲᦵᦷ 1Rᦹᦲᦵᦹ1Rᦱᦱ ᦱᦲ˘-RKDQQ.DUO6FKXOOHUˬ*HRUJ5HLFKHUVWRȔHUXQGVHLQH=HLW˭$UFKLYI½U.XQGH·VWHUUHLFKLVFKHU *HVFKLFKWV4XHOOHQᦲᦱ ᦱᦸᦵᦹ ᦲᦳᦳ6]DEDGL*HRUJ5HLFKHUVWRU̎HUᦱᦱᦸ ᦱᦳ˘$15&OXM3ULPÄULDRUDĠXOXL%LVWULĤD6HULDᦱ1Rᦸᦹᦴ ᦱᦴ˘)HUGLQDQG˭VUHTXHVWWRWKH6D[RQVIURPᦱᦵ$XJXVWᦱᦵᦲᦷQRWWRVXSSRUW6]DSRO\DLLQDQ\ZD\ $15&OXM3ULPÄULDRUDĠXOXL%LVWULĤDVHULDᦱ1Rᦸᦹᦸ.LQJ-RKQ,˭VVWDWHPHQWWRWKH6D[RQV IURP ᦲᦸ $XJXVW ᦱᦵᦲᦷ KDYLQJ REWDLQHG LQIRUPDWLRQ DERXW )HUGLQDQG˭V ZLVK WR PDNH WKHP disloyal, he forbids them, with the threat of capital punishment for non-compliance, from GHIHFWLQJDQGWDNLQJSDUWLQWKHQDWLRQDODVVHPEO\FRQYRNHGE\)HUGLQDQG$156LELX&ROHFĤLD GHGRFXPHQWHPHGLHYDOH6HULD8,91Rᦳᦲᦳ ᦱᦵ˘6]DEDGL*HRUJ5HLFKHUVWRU̎HUᦱᦱᦸ˩ᦱᦱᦹ 195 0lŒb0EdDP 5HLFKHUVWRȔHUVWLOOFDOOHGWKHLQKDELWDQWVRI6]HEHQGLVOR\DODQGFULWLFLVHGWKHP IRUSDUWLFLSDWLQJLQWKHGLHWRI0HGJ\HV 0HGLDĠ FRQYRNHGE\YLFHYRLYRGH 0LNO´V 0DFHGRQLDLᦱᦶ ,Q WKH PHDQWLPH .LQJ -RKQ UHTXHVWHG EXUQLQJ DUURZV from the inhabitants. In this politically sensitive situation, that is, the city was thus hesitant.ᦱᦷ2Qᦱᦵ2FWREHUKRZHYHU5HLFKHUVWRȔHUHQWHUHGWKHFLW\ZLWKKLV army; the burghers took his side rather than that of the magistrate, so Szeben EHFDPHDVXSSRUWHURI.LQJ)HUGLQDQGᦱᦸ In November, the envoy managed to win the support of Medgyes, as well.ᦱᦹ As this shows, events took place in rapid VXFFHVVLRQDQGLWVHHPVWKDWHYHQ6]¢V]VHEHV 6HEHĠ EULH̑\KHOGE\6]DSRO\DL ̐QDOO\WRRN)HUGLQDQG˭VVLGHDVRQᦱᦸ2FWREHUWKHFLW\DXWKRULWLHVLQIRUPHGWKH UHVLGHQWVRI6]HEHQWKDWᦴᦰᦰRI6]DSRO\DL˭VVROGLHUVKDGVHL]HG*\XODIHKªUY¢U $OED,XOLD DQGZHUHSOXQGHULQJDQGVHWWLQJ̐UHVDQGWKDW-¢QRV*RV]WRQ\L ELVKRS RI 7UDQV\OYDQLD DQG D VXSSRUWHU RI .LQJ )HUGLQDQG KDG EHHQ WDNHQ captive. They even requested immediate assistance, as the army was expected to reach Szászsebes the very same night or the following day at the latest.ᦲᦰ %DVHGRQWKLVOHWWHUWKHELVKRS˭VH[DFWWLPHRIGHDWKFDQDOVREHGHWHUPLQHGWKH description by György Szerémi reveals that the prelate was tortured and that he died on the day after he had been captured from the injuries he had sustained.ᦲᦱ In several respects, the loss of Szeben marked a turning point in the civil ZDULQ7UDQV\OYDQLDDQGLQWKHVXEVHTXHQWXUEDQSROLF\RI.LQJ-RKQ,2QH RIWKHFRQVHTXHQFHVZDVWKDWLQ2FWREHUᦱᦵᦲᦷ6]DSRO\DLWUDQVIHUUHGWKHPLQW from Szeben to Kolozsvár.ᦲᦲ This measure is described in the literature as a JUDQWPDGHIRUWKHEHQH̐WRI.ROR]VY¢Uᦲᦳ And, indeed, the king rewarded the FLW\˭VOR\DOW\E\JUDQWLQJDQH[HPSWLRQIURPDQDQQXDOWD[RIᦳᦰᦰIRULQWV$IWHU the defection of Szeben, and with it the loss of the mint there, the question was not whether or not to transfer the mint, but rather where to transfer it to. 2QHUHDVRQWRPRYHLWWR.ROR]VY¢UZDVWKDW6]DSRO\DLNQHZWKHFLW\ZHOODV YRLYRGHRI7UDQV\OYDQLDKHKDGKDGKLVRZQFRXUWWKHUHOHGE\VHQHVFKDO-¢QRV Tornaljai.ᦲᦴ$OWKRXJKGXULQJWKHSHDVDQWUHYROWRI'´]VDLQWKHVXPPHURIᦱᦵᦱᦴ .ROR]VY¢UKDGDGPLWWHGSULHVW/ĒULQFDQGKLVUHWLQXHLQWRWKHFLW\DQGSURYLGHG food for the crusading army, now, in the wake of the Battle of Szamosfalva 6RPHĠHQL DVSURRIRILWVOR\DOW\WKHFLW\RSHQHGLWVJDWHVWRWKHVROGLHUVRI ᦱᦶ˘ᦵ2FWREHUᦱᦵᦲᦷ$156LELX0DJLVWUDWXORUDĠXOXLĠLVFDXQXOXL6LELX&ROHFĤLDGHGRFXPHQWH PHGLHYDOH6HULD891Rᦲᦹᦷ ᦱᦷ˘ᦸ2FWREHUᦱᦵᦲᦷ$156LELX0DJLVWUDWXORUDĠXOXLĠLVFDXQXOXL6LELX&ROHFĤLDGHGRFXPHQWH PHGLHYDOH6HULD8,91Rᦲᦸᦲ ᦱᦸ˘7UDXVFK6FKULIWVWHOOHU/H[LFRQᦹᦰ6FKXOOHUˬ*HRUJ5HLFKHUVWRȔHU˭ᦲᦳᦹ6]DEDGLGeorg ReicherVWRU̎HUᦱᦱᦸ˩ᦱᦱᦹ ᦱᦹ˘7UDXVFK6FKULIWVWHOOHU/H[LFRQᦹᦱ ᦲᦰ˘$156LELX&ROHFĤLDGHGRFXPHQWHPHGLHYDOH6HULD891Rᦱᦲᦶᦰ ᦲᦱ˘ETE,ᦳᦵᦱ1Rᦳᦴᦸ ᦲᦲ˘$15&OXM)RQG3ULPÄULDPXQLFLSLXOXL&OXM1DSRFD6HULD$3ULYLOHJLLĠLDFWH6XEVHULD$ 3ULYLOHJLLOHRUDĠXOXL1Rᦴᦵ)O´UDˬ.ROR]VY¢U˭ᦲᦶᦳᦸ ᦲᦳ˘)O´UDˬ.ROR]VY¢U˭ᦲᦶ ᦲᦴ˘7LERU 1HXPDQQ ˬ'´]VD OHJ\Ē]ĒMH˭ LQ /DMRV %DO¢]V HG  Dózsa. Dózsa György halálának ᤰᤫᤫªYIRUGXO´MDDONDOP¢E´OV]HUYH]HWWNRQIHUHQFLDHOĒDG¢VDL&V®NV]HUHGDᦲᦰᦱᦶᦸᦸ 196 `wLmžØ”wdÏPțm'¨L0!P¨P0žwD¨—mžÏdÈmP the voivode, and burghers who had joined the crusaders were handed over to RQHRI6]DSRO\DL˭VPHQQDPHO\-¢QRV7RUQDOMDLᦲᦵ 'XULQJWKHSHULRGLQTXHVWLRQDIWHU6]DSRO\DLKDGORVW7UDQV\OYDQLDHYHQ .ROR]VY¢UVZRUHOR\DOW\WR.LQJ)HUGLQDQG,DVVKRZQLQWKHOHWWHUZULWWHQE\ UR\DOVHFUHWDU\5HLFKHUVWRȔHUDGGUHVVHGWRWKHWKUHHQDWLRQVRI7UDQV\OYDQLD RQᦱᦸ'HFHPEHUᦱᦵᦲᦷ7KHOHWWHURUGHUHGWKDWLQWKHSDUWVRIWKHFRXQWU\WKDWKDG YROXQWDULO\VXEPLWWHGWRWKHUXOHRI.LQJ)HUGLQ¢QGSHRSOHMRLQLQJWKHUHEHOOLRXV Count comes -RKQᦲᦶ and sowing discord should be arrested and their assets be FRQ̐VFDWHGᦲᦷ There are some indications, however, that the city was reluctant WRVLGHZLWK5HLFKHUVWRȔHUDQGWKDWLWKDGVRPHVHULRXVFRQ̑LFWVZLWKKLPLQ HDUO\ᦱᦵᦲᦸLQKLVOHWWHUZULWWHQWRWKHFLW\RI%UDVV´5HLFKHUVWRȔHUUHTXHVWHGWKH PDJLVWUDWHWRJLYHVXSUHPHMXGJH/XFDV+LUVFKHUDQG-RKDQQHV%HQFNQHUJRRGV ZRUWKᦵᦰᦰ+XQJDULDQIRULQWVIURPWKH%UDVV´ˬWZHQWLHWK˭FXVWRPVGXW\7KLVZDV WREHFRPSHQVDWLRQIRUWKHLUJRRGVFRQ̐VFDWHGLQ.ROR]VY¢UE\)HUHQF.LVZKR ZDVLQWXUQDFWLQJXSRQKLVRZQJRRGVKDYLQJEHHQVHL]HGE\5HLFKHUVWRȔHU LQ %UDVV´ᦲᦸ Although this last charter is likely merely to bear witness to a FRQ̑LFWEHWZHHQULFKPHUFKDQWVLWLVQHYHUWKHOHVVWUXHWKDW.ROR]VY¢UVZLWFKHG EDFNWRWKHVLGHRI-RKQ,DWWKHHDUOLHVWRSSRUWXQLW\DQDFWWKDWZDVUHZDUGHG E\WKHUXOHUZLWKWKHHQGRZPHQWRIWKHYLOODJHVRI%¢Q\DE½NN 9£OFHOH DQG 6]HQWP¢UWRQ 6ÄQPDUWLQ VLWXDWHGLQ7RUGDFRXQW\RQᦱᦶ-XO\ᦱᦵᦲᦹᦲᦹ In years WRFRPHKHZRXOGH[SUHVVKLVJHQHURVLW\VHYHUDOWLPHV LQᦱᦵᦳᦱᦱᦵᦳᦷDQGᦱᦵᦳᦸ  to the city that had given him its full backing.ᦳᦰ That the city had switched sides FDQDOVRH[SODLQZK\LQ6HSWHPEHUᦱᦵᦲᦹFLW\DXWKRULWLHVFDSWXUHGFLW\SDUVRQ -RKDQQ.OHLQSUHVXPHGWREHDIROORZHURI.LQJ)HUGLQDQGDQGKDQGHGKLP RYHUWRUR\DOJRYHUQRU,VWY¢Q%¢WKRU\RI6RPO\´DVXSSRUWHURI6]DSRO\DL.OHLQ ZDVUHOHDVHGIROORZLQJWKHLQWHUYHQWLRQRIVRPHLQ̑XHQWLDOEXUJKHUVDQGDIWHU WDNLQJLWXSRQKLPVHOIRQSDLQRIDSHQDOW\RIᦴᦰᦰᦰIRULQWVWKDWKHZRXOGQRW initiate any legal proceedings against the city.ᦳᦱ ᦲᦵ˘7LERU1HXPDQQˬ%XOJ¢ULD˩(UGªO\˩7HPHVY¢U6]DSRO\DL-¢QRVªVDSDUDV]WK¢ERU»˭LQ1RUEHUW &7´WKDQG7LERU1HXPDQQ HGV .HUHV]WHVHNEĒOO¢]DG´N7DQXOP¢Q\RN᤬ᤰ᤬᤯0DJ\DURUV]¢J¢U´O. %XGDSHVWᦲᦰᦱᦵᦱᦴᦰᦱᦴᦲ ᦲᦶ˘7KDWLV.LQJ-RKQ, ᦲᦷ˘$15%UDĠRY3ULPÄULDRUDĠXOXL%UDĠRY&ROHFĤLDGHGRFXPHQWH6FKQHOO9RO,,,1Rᦷᦸ ᦲᦸ˘$15%UDĠRY)RQG3ULPÄULDRUDĠXOXL%UDĠRY&ROHFĤLDGHGRFXPHQWH6FKQHOO9RO,,,1Rᦹᦳ ᦲᦹ˘)O´UDˬ.ROR]VY¢U˭ᦳᦸ ᦳᦰ˘:HVKRXOGQRWHWKDWDVUHJDUGVWKHKLVWRU\RI.ROR]VY¢UWKHUHLVQRZULWWHQUHFRUGRI.LQJ )HUGLQDQG,˭VUXOHWKHUHDWOHDVWZHKDYHQRNQRZOHGJHRILW)O´UDˬ.ROR]VY¢U˭ᦳᦰ˩ᦳᦱᦳᦸ ᦳᦱ˘,WLVLQWHUHVWLQJWRQRWHWKDW$GRUM¢Q(Q\HGL :ROSKDUG ZKRFDPHWRRFFXS\-RKDQQ.OHLQ˭V place in Kolozsvár, had previously been stationed in Törpény, which was actually given to .OHLQLQ-DQXDU\ᦱᦵᦳᦰDVWKHUHVXOWRIDQLQWHUYHQWLRQRQWKHSDUWRI:ROSKDUGA kolozsmonostori NRQYHQWMHJ\]ĒN·Q\YHL ᤬᤭ᤳᤴ˨᤬ᤰᤰᤱ Vol. II.$EULGJHGHGLWLRQDQGIRUZRUGE\=VLJPRQG-DN´ %XGDSHVWᦱᦹᦹᦰ KHUHLQDIWHU.P.Y-NY ᦴᦲᦷᦰ˩ᦴᦲᦷᦱᦴᦲᦷᦵ*ª]D+HJ\Lˬ.ROR]VY¢ULSOªE¢QRVRN DN·]ªSNRUEDQ˭Református Szemleᦹᦹᦶ ᦲᦰᦰᦶ ᦷᦵᦹ˩ᦷᦶᦰ$15&OXM3ULPÄULDRUDĠXOXL%LVWULĤD 6HULDᦱ1Rᦱᦰᦹᦱ$OEHUW%HUJHU8UNXQGHQ5HJHVWHQDXVGHP$UFKLYGHU6WDGW%LVWULW]LQ6LHEHQ E½UJHQ᤬᤭ᤫ᤮˨᤬ᤰᤲᤫ. Vol. I(GE\(UQVW:DJQHU.·OQ:LHQᦱᦹᦸᦶᦱᦱᦹᦸ 197 0lŒb0EdDP 5R\DO VXSSRUW KDG LWV H̏HFW LW ODXQFKHG D SURFHVV RI FRQWLQXRXV JURZWK ODVWLQJXQWLOWKHHQGRIWKHᦱᦶWKFHQWXU\GXULQJZKLFK.ROR]VY¢UEHFDPHWKH ˰̐UVWDQGPRVWIDPRXVFLW\˱ᦳᦲ of this part of the country. So much so, its trading YROXPH GXULQJ WKH ODVW GHFDGHV RI WKH FHQWXU\ VXUSDVVHG WKDW RI %UDVV´ DQG Szeben, the two main cities of Transylvania.ᦳᦳ 7RUHWXUQWR5HLFKHUVWRȔHULWLVFOHDUWKDWDVDUHVXOWRIKLVDFWLYLWLHVWKH HDVWHUQUHJLRQZDVD̐UPVXSSRUWHURI.LQJ)HUGLQDQG,DVHDUO\DVDWWKHWXUQ RIᦱᦵᦲᦸᦳᦴ'XULQJWKLVWLPH5HLFKHUVWRȔHUXVHGKLVRZQLQ̑XHQFHWRULGKLPVHOI of his personal enemies. By so doing, however, he caused confusion more than KHSURPRWHGWKHNLQJ˭VFDVH+LVEURWKHUKDG-¢QRV0RUJRQGDLDQG3ªWHU*HUªE RI7KDELDVNLOOHGLQDEDWKLQ0DUFKᦱᦵᦲᦸᦳᦵ accusing them of being supporters RI 6]DSRO\DL 7KH WZR ZHUH FRQ̐GDQWV RI MXGJH UR\DO LXGH[ UHJLXV Márk 3HP̓LQJHU *HUªEZDVHYHQDUHODWLYHRI3HP̓LQJHUE\ZD\RIKLVGHFHDVHG ZLIH ᦳᦶ Their assets were frittered away and their wives and children deprived RI WKHLU ZHDOWK +DG 3ªWHU 3HUªQ\L QRW LQWHUYHQHG 0¢UN 3HP̓LQJHU ZRXOG have been killed, together with other leaders of the town, as is reported by the QHSKHZRIWKHMXGJHUR\DOLQRQHRIKLVOHWWHUV7KHȐHQGHUVZHUHWKHUHIRUH VHQWHQFHGWRGHDWKE\-RKQ,ᦳᦷ2Qᦱᦶ$SULOᦱᦵᦲᦸ5HLFKHUVWRȔHȖHGIURP6]HEHQ to Prague via Buda.ᦳᦸ He continued to receive assignments from the Habsburg PRQDUFK ᦱᦵᦳᦱᦱᦵᦳᦵ DQGLQᦱᦵᦳᦲ.LQJ)HUGLQDQG,JUDQWHGQRELOLW\WRKLPᦳᦹ 7KHFDVHZHOOLOOXVWUDWHVWKHOLPLWVRI-RKQ,˭VSRZHUDVZHOODVWKHPHWKRGVWKH Habsburgs used to exert political pressure. Even during the rule of the Habsburgs, the political situation in Transylvania UHPDLQHGXQFHUWDLQ7KHGL̒FXOWLHVRIWKH7UDQV\OYDQLDQFLWLHVDUHW\SL̐HGE\ the fact that, no matter which king they sided with, they were unable to create WKHFRQGLWLRQVIRUDSHDFHIXOOLIH%\ZD\RIH[DPSOHWKH)XJJHUIDPLO\ZLWK its huge European network of contacts, experienced a decline in its economic DFWLYLW\LQ7UDQV\OYDQLDUHFRUGLQJDORVVHYHQDWWKHWLPHRI)HUGLQDQGᦴᦰ The FLYLOZDUDOVRVXEVWDQWLDOO\ZHDNHQHGWKH̐QDQFLDOVLWXDWLRQRIWKH7UDQV\OYDQLDQ ᦳᦲ˘,VWY¢Q6]DPRVN·]L(UGªO\W·UWªQHWH[᤬ᤰᤴᤳ˨᤬ᤰᤴᤴ᤬ᤱᤫ᤮]%XGDSHVWᦱᦹᦷᦷᦳᦸᦰ ᦳᦳ˘0¢ULD3DNXFV:LOOFRFNV6LELX˨+HUPDQQVWDGW2ULHQWDO7UDGHLQ6L[WHHQWK&HQWXU\7UDQV\OYDQLD. .·OQᦲᦰᦰᦷᦷᦳ)O´UDˬ.ROR]VY¢U˭ᦲᦹ˩ᦳᦰ ᦳᦴ˘5HLFKHUVWRȔHU˭VGHFUHHRIᦱᦸ'HFHPEHUᦱᦵᦲᦷWRWKHWKUHHQDWLRQVRI7UDQV\OYDQLD$15%UDĠRY 3ULPÄULDRUDĠXOXL%UDĠRY&ROHFĤLDGHGRFXPHQWH6FKQHOO9RO,,,1Rᦷᦸᦲᦸ)HEUXDU\ᦱᦵᦲᦸ WKH UHSUHVHQWDWLYHV RI WKH )XJJHU FRPSDQ\ DQG WUHDVXUHU 0LNO´V *HUHQGL DJUHH RQ WKH WUDQVIHUUDO RI VDOW PLQHV ,VWY¢Q 'UDVN´F]\ $ PDJ\DURUV]¢JL NĒV´ E¢Q\¢V]DWD ªV NHUHVNHGHOPH ᤬᤯᤯ᤫ˨᤬ᤰ᤮ᤫDVªYHN %XGDSHVWᦲᦰᦱᦸᦱᦱᦰ˩ᦱᦱᦱRQᦳ0DUFKᦱᦵᦲᦸ.LQJ)HUGLQDQG,FRQ̐UPVWKH SULYLOHJHVRIPLQWVLQ6]HEHQ.·UP·FE¢Q\D.DVVDDQG1DJ\E¢Q\D$150DUDPXUHĠ)RQG 3ULPÄULDRUDĠXOXL%DLD0DUH6HULDGRFXPHQWHORUSULYLOHJLDWH1Rᦱᦸᦲ ᦳᦵ˘TXHPLQEDOQHRRFFLGHUHIHFLW6FKXOOHUˬ8UNXQGOLFKH%HLWU¥JH˭ᦲᦶᦸ ᦳᦶ˘.¢URO\)DEULWLXV3HP̒LQJHU0¢UNV]¢V]JU´IªOHWHN½O·Q·VWHNLQWHWWHODUHIRUPDWL´HOWHUMHGªVªUHD] HUGªO\LV]¢V]RNN·]·WW%XGDSHVWᦱᦸᦷᦵᦱᦲ ᦳᦷ˘6FKXOOHUˬ8UNXQGOLFKH%HLWU¥JH˭ᦲᦶᦷ˩ᦲᦷᦰ1Rᦱᦹ6]DEDGL*HRUJ5HLFKHUVWRU̎HUᦱᦱᦹ ᦳᦸ˘6FKXOOHUˬ*HRUJ5HLFKHUVWRȔHU˭ᦲᦴᦶ ᦳᦹ˘ETE,,ᦱᦳᦸ1Rᦱᦵᦱᦱᦶᦵ1Rᦱᦸᦴ6]DEDGL*HRUJ5HLFKHUVWRU̎HUᦱᦱᦹ6FKXOOHUˬ*HRUJ5HLFKHU VWRȔHU˭ᦲᦲᦷᦲᦷᦴ˩ᦲᦷᦶ7UDXVFK6FKULIWVWHOOHU/H[LFRQᦹᦴ ᦴᦰ˘'UDVN´F]\$PDJ\DURUV]¢JLNĒV´ᦱᦱᦵ 198 `wLmžØ”wdÏPțm'¨L0!P¨P0žwD¨—mžÏdÈmP 6D[RQV ZKR FRQVWLWXWHG RQH RI 7UDQV\OYDQLD˭V PDMRU HFRQRPLF VWUHQJWKV 2Qᦲ0D\ᦱᦵᦲᦹWUHDVXUHU0LNO´V*HUHQGLDQGYRLYRGH,VWY¢Q0D\O¢GUHTXHVWHG ᦲᦲᦰᦰᦰIRULQWVIURPWKH8QLYHUVLWDV6D[RQXP2IWKLVDPRXQWᦴᦰᦰᦰIRULQWVZHUH QHHGHGWRSD\WKHPHUFHQDULHV˭ZDJHVIRUDPRQWKDQGDKDOIDQGWKHUHVWZDVD loan that had to be repaid, for, as expressed in their letter, the costs of the war had hit them very hard.ᦴᦱ+HUHPHQWLRQVKRXOGEHPDGHRI0LNO´V*HUHQGL˭V RUGHURIᦱᦷ0D\ᦱᦵᦲᦹLQZKLFKKHFRPPDQGHGWKHSHRSOHRI%HV]WHUFHWRVHQG him the tax imposed by the assembly of Medgyes without any further delay.ᦴᦲ )RUDFRPSOHWHLOOXVWUDWLRQRIWKHVLWXDWLRQLWLVDOVRLPSRUWDQWWRPHQWLRQWKH OHWWHUIURP6]¢V]VHEHVGDWHG2FWREHUᦱᦵᦳᦰLQZKLFK6HEHVW\ªQ6]ªNHO\UHTXHVWHG the city of Szeben to send the people of Szászsebes their monthly pay, as prices were very high and the newly-minted coins were only worth one third of the old ones. He also requested that those not accepting payments made with the new coins be punished.ᦴᦳ $VUHJDUGVWKHHDVWHUQSDUWRIWKHFRXQWU\WKH%DWWOHRI)·OGY¢U )HOGLRDUD  QHDU%UDVV´RQᦲᦲ-XQHᦱᦵᦲᦲPDUNHGDWXUQLQJSRLQWLQWKHVWUXJJOHEHWZHHQ.LQJ -RKQ,DOOLHGZLWKWKH2WWRPDQVDQGWKHSUR+DEVEXUJIRUFHV2QWKLVRFFDVLRQ WKHWURRSVRIYRLYRGH3HWHUFRPLQJWRWKHUHVFXHRI.LQJ-RKQ,GHIHDWHGWKH WURRSVOHGE\%¢OLQW7·U·NUHJDUGHGDVDIROORZHURI)HUGLQDQG,2Qᦳᦰ-XO\ ᦱᦵᦲᦹ%¢OLQW7·U·N(OHN%HWKOHQDQG,VWY¢Q0D\O¢GZHUHVWLOOHQFRXUDJLQJWKH LQKDELWDQWVRI%UDVV´WRVWDQGXSWRWKHVXSSRUWHUVRI6]DSRO\DLᦴᦴ despite the IDFW WKDW .LQJ )HUGLQDQG KDG E\ WKHQ DOUHDG\ ORVW WKH FLW\ LW ZDV JRYHUQHG RQ EHKDOI RI -RKQ , E\ YRLYRGH 3HWHUᦴᦵ .LQJ -RKQ , GLG QRW IRUJLYH WKH FLW\ RI%UDVV´XQWLOᦱᦵᦳᦱᦴᦶZKHQKHFRQ̐UPHGDVPDQ\DV̐YHOHWWHUVRISULYLOHJHV IRU%UDVV´ZKLOHKHZDVVRMRXUQLQJLQ0HGJ\HVᦴᦷ 6]DSRO\DLZDVDOVRYHU\JHQHURXVWR3HWHUYRLYRGHRI0ROGRYLDKHJUDQWHG him the city of Beszterce, together with the castle of Bálványos, sometimes SULRUWRᦱᦵ-XO\ᦱᦵᦲᦹ7KHVROGLHUVRI3HWHUZHUHORRWLQJDQGSLOODJLQJWKHFLW\ ᦴᦱ˘$15%UDĠRY)RQG3ULPÄULDRUDĠXOXL%UDĠRY&ROGHGRF6FKQHOO9ROᦳ1Rᦱᦰᦶ$156LELX )RQG0DJLVWUDWXORUDĠXOXLĠLVFDXQXOXL6LELX&ROHFĤLDGHGRFXPHQWHPHGLHYDOH8,91Rᦳᦳᦵ ᦴᦲ˘$15&OXM3ULPDULDRUDĠXOXL%LVWULĤD6HULDᦱ1Rᦱᦰᦳᦸ ᦴᦳ˘$156LELX)RQG0DJLVWUDWXORUDĠXOXLĠLVFDXQXOXL6LELX&ROHFĤLDGHGRFXPHQWHPHGLHYDOH 891Rᦱᦲᦷᦳ ᦴᦴ˘$15%UDĠRY)RQG3ULPDULDRUDĠXOXL%UDĠRY&ROHFĤLDGHGRFXPHQWH6WHQQHU6HULD,,1Rᦱᦰᦶ ᦴᦵ˘2Qᦸ-DQXDU\ᦱᦵᦳᦰ.LQJ-RKQ,DWWKHLQWHUYHQWLRQRI0ROGRYLDQYRLYRGH3HWHUSURYLGHGIRXU EXUJKHUVRI%UDVV´ZKRLQIURQWRIWKHYRLYRGHKDGVZRUQIHDOW\WRWKHNLQJ iidem super REVHUYDQGDQRELV̏GHOLWDWHLXUDPHQWXPHLGHPZD\ZRGHSUHVWLWLVVHQW , with safe conduct to travel WRKLVFRXUWDSSHDULQIURQWRIKLPDQGVXEPLWWKHLUFDVH$15%UDĠRY&ROHFĤLDGHGRFXPHQWH SULYLOHJLDWH1Rᦳᦹᦲ2Qᦱᦴ-DQXDU\ᦱᦵᦳᦰYRLYRGH3HWHURUGHUHG/XFDV+LUVFKHUDQGWKHFLW\RI %UDVV´ WR DGKHUH WR WKH DJUHHPHQW VLJQHG RQ ᦳ 1RYHPEHU ᦱᦵᦲᦹ +H VWDWHG WKDW XQGHU QR FLUFXPVWDQFHV ZRXOG KH KDQG RYHU 7UDQV\OYDQLD WR )HUGLQDQG KH ZRXOG GR VR RQO\ WR 6]DSRO\DL$15%UDĠRY)RQG3ULPÄULDRUDĠXOXL%UDĠRYFROHFĤLDGHGRFXPHQWH6WHQQHU ᦴᦶ˘2Qᦲ$SULOᦱᦵᦳᦱYRLYRGH3HWHUUHTXHVWHG.LQJ-RKQ,WRUHVWRUHWKHLQKDELWDQWVRI%UDVV´DQG %DUFDV¢JWRKLVIDYRXUWKH\KDGOHIW.LQJ)HUGLQDQG˭VVLGHDQGEHHQOR\DOWRKLPIRUDVORQJ DV WZR \HDUV $15 %UDĠRY )RQG SULPÄULD RUDĠXOL %UDĠRY &ROHFĤLD GH GRFXPHQWH )URQLXV 9RO,1Rᦲᦳᦰ ᦴᦷ˘$15%UDĠRY)RQG3ULPÄULDRUDĠXOXL%UDĠRY&ROHFĤLDGHGRFXPHQWHSULYLOHJLDOH1Rᦴᦰᦳ 199 0lŒb0EdDP on a daily basis, so on this date the voivode of Moldavia sent his servitor, Ioan, to address the problem. At the same time, he ordered that once the traitors of Christianity had been chased away, the city should no longer listen to the VXSSRUWHUVRI)HUGLQDQG,ᦴᦸ ,QWKHVHFRQGKDOIRIᦱᦵᦲᦹLQDGGLWLRQWR%UDVV´DQG%HV]WHUFH.LQJ-RKQ, REWDLQHGDOOWKHVDOWR̒FHVRI7UDQV\OYDQLDZLWKWKHH[FHSWLRQRIWKHRQHLQ 9L]DNQD 2FQD6LELXOX ᦴᦹ'XULQJWKHIROORZLQJ\HDU ᦱᦵᦳᦰ WKHFLW\RI0HGJ\HV switched sides again, and swore loyalty to the king.ᦵᦰ 7KH \HDU ᦱᦵᦳᦱ ˩ ZKHQ as mentioned earlier, the king was sojourning in Transylvania for a longer SHULRG ˩ ZDV PDUNHG E\ FRQVROLGDWLRQᦵᦱ This is illustrated by the numerous decrees he issued, with the aim of carrying out administrative tasks and also reestablishing public order and security. In Medgyes, the leaders of the army were thereby forbidden to quarter their soldiers in the houses of priests belonging to the deanery of the city. In Gyulafehérvár, the Transylvanian authorities were ordered not to limit the ability of the inhabitants of the market town of Teke 7HDFD WRWUDGHLQWKHLUJRRGVLQ'ªYD 'HYD DQRWKHUPDUNHWWRZQ-¢QRV 6]HUHFVHQ RI 0HV]WHJQ\Ē ZDV RUGHUHG QRW WR LQWHUIHUH ZLWK WKH HVWDEOLVKHG privileges of the inhabitants.ᦵᦲ Szapolyai struggled to restore his rule everywhere, however. Although ,VWY¢Q%URGDULFVZURWHLQDOHWWHUGDWHGᦱᦲ1RYHPEHUᦱᦵᦳᦴWKDWWKHZKROHRI 7UDQV\OYDQLDKDGVZLWFKHGEDFNWRVXSSRUWLQJ.LQJ-RKQWKLVZDVQRWHQWLUHO\ WUXH7KHFLW\RI6]HEHQIRUH[DPSOHGLGQRWVZLWFKEDFNWRKLVVLGHXQWLOᦱᦵᦳᦶ This can be concluded from the armistice agreement signed by the two kings in ᦱᦵᦳᦵQRWEHLQJH[WHQGHGXQWLO.LQJ)HUGLQDQGKDGLQ)HEUXDU\ᦱᦵᦳᦶSURPLVHG QRWWRDWWDFN7UDQV\OYDQLDRQWKHFRQGLWLRQWKDW6]DSRO\DL˭VWURRSVZRXOGLQ return not sack Szeben.ᦵᦳ The city, as the centre of the 8QLYHUVLWDV6D[RQXP, thus played an important role in the political horse-trading between the two monarchs. :KLOHEXV\UHVWRULQJRUGHULQ7UDQV\OYDQLDLWGLGQRWVOLS6]DSRO\DL˭VPLQG that he should reward those cities that had maintained their loyalty to him WKURXJKRXW WKLV SHULRG $SDUW IURP .ROR]VY¢U WKH FLW\ RI /LSSD /LSRYD  6]DSRO\DL˭VLQKHULWHGHVWDWHWRZKLFKKHUHWXUQHGDIWHUKLVH[LOHLQ3RODQGKDVWR EHPHQWLRQHGDVDQH[DPSOH,QᦱᦵᦲᦹKHHOHYDWHGWKHFLW\WRWKHUDQNRIDUR\DO free city, and bestowed upon it the legal system of Buda.ᦵᦴ This is especially noteworthy, as no other market town in the eastern part of the country (except ᦴᦸ˘$15&OXM3ULPÄULDRUDĠXOXL%LVWULĤD6HULDᦱ1Rᦱᦰᦵᦲ%HUJHU8UNXQGHQ5HJHVWHQᦱᦱᦵᦹ,KDYH Géza Hegyi to thank for the data in the charter. ᦴᦹ˘9L]DNQDZDVUHFRYHUHGE\6]DSRO\DLLQᦱᦵᦳᦱ'UDVN´F]\$PDJ\DURUV]¢JLNĒV´ᦱᦲᦶ ᦵᦰ˘$15%UDĠRY)RQG3ULPÄULDRUDĠXOXL%UDĠRY&ROHFĤLDGHGRFXPHQWH)URQLXV9RO,1Rᦲᦲᦲ ᦵᦱ˘.P.Y-NY,,ᦴᦳᦴᦵ ᦵᦲ˘ᦱᦳ $SULO ᦱᦵᦳᦱ $15 )RQG HSLVFRSLD %LVHULFLL (YDQJHOLFH &$ GLQ 7UDQVLOYDQLD &ROHFĤLD GH GRFXPHQWHHSLVFRSDOH1Rᦱᦴᦰᦵ0D\ᦱᦵᦳᦱ$156LELXFROHFĤLD%UXNHQWKDO6HULDᦴᦰ56ᦱ˩ᦱᦰ 1Rᦴᦱᦰᦱᦰ-XO\ᦱᦵᦳᦱ$15&OXM)RQGIDP.RUQLV,'RFXPHQWHPHGLHYDOH1Rᦵᦶ ᦵᦳ˘%URGHULFXV Epistulaeᦲᦳᦵ ᦴᦳᦲ˩ᦴᦳᦳ ᦲᦵᦸ ᦴᦶᦶ˩ᦴᦶᦷ  ᦵᦴ˘ᦲᦷ-XQHᦱᦵᦲᦹ$]HUGªO\LN¢SWDODQMHJ\]ĒN·Q\YHL ᤬᤭᤭᤭˨᤬ᤰᤴᤴ  (UGªO\L7·UWªQHOPL$GDWRN9,,,ᦱ  3XEOLVKHGZLWKLQGH[HVDQGQRWHVLQUHJHVWDVE\=VROW%RJG¢QGLDQG(PĒNH*¢O̐.ROR]VY¢U ᦲᦰᦰᦶᦱᦵᦸ 200 `wLmžØ”wdÏPțm'¨L0!P¨P0žwD¨—mžÏdÈmP IRU0DURVY¢V¢UKHO\>7£UJX0XUHĠ@ ZRXOGLQODWHUWLPHVEHHOHYDWHGWRWKHUDQN of royal free city by the rulers of the Principality of Transylvania. Szapolyai YLVLWHG WKH WRZQ VHYHUDO WLPHV IURP ᦱᦵᦲᦹ RQZDUGV DV LW ZDV YHU\ IDYRXUDEO\ ORFDWHG LW ZDV FORVH WR 9¢UDG 2UDGHD ᦵᦵ 7KXV /LSSD KDG E\ WKH PLGᦱᦵᦳᦰV EHFRPH RQH RI WKH NLQJ˭V UHVLGHQFHV $W WKH HQG RI ᦱᦵᦴᦱ WKH FLW\ DOVR KRVWHG queen consort Isabella for a short period of time. This explains why she let those EXUJKHUVRI/LSSDDQG7HPHVY¢U 7LPLĠRDUD ZKRKDGDIWHUWKHIDOORIERWK cities, settled in Gyulafehérvár, form their own local self-government.ᦵᦶ 7KHVLWXDWLRQRI*HUPDQEXUJKHUVOLYLQJLQ%XGDZDVDOVRD̏HFWHGE\WKH GHYHORSPHQWV LQ 7UDQV\OYDQLD DQG E\ WKH SRVLWLRQ WDNHQ E\ WKH 6D[RQ FLWLHV 6]DSRO\DL KDG EHFRPH HYHU PRUH ZDU\ RI WKHP DQG ̐QDOO\ KDG WKH *HUPDQ SRSXODWLRQGHSRUWHGIURP%XGDLQᦱᦵᦲᦹDQGIURP.DVVDLQᦱᦵᦳᦶᦵᦷ .LQJ-RKQWRRNRYHU%XGDIURP6½OH\PDQLQᦱᦵᦲᦹ7KHUHXSRQDSDUWRIWKH *HUPDQ SRSXODWLRQ VSHDUKHDGHG E\ MXGJH :ROIJDQJ )UHLEHUJHU OHIW WKH FLW\ together with the German guards. In an act of treachery, however, they were DWWDFNHGDQGNLOOHGE\WKH7XUNV6]DSRO\DLWKHQˬDOORZHG˭WKHUHPDLQLQJ*HUPDQ burghers to leave in peace. They were proclaimed traitors, however, and their SURSHUW\FRQ̐VFDWHGDQGJLYHQWRWKHNLQJ˭VVXSSRUWHUV7KHFLW\ORVWWKXVLWV most prosperous and most reputable burghers.ᦵᦸ As regards these events, we should also recall the occurrences in Kassaᦵᦹ and Gyulafehérvár. The Germans were forced to leave Kassa, as well; in the Transylvanian city of Gyulafehérvár, on the other hand, a similar procedure, although not one aimed at the German EXUJKHUVZDVDSSOLHG,QᦱᦵᦵᦶTXHHQFRQVRUW,VDEHOODOHWDOOWKRVHZKRSURYHG to be disloyal leave the city, but their property was transferred to the members of her court.ᦶᦰ ᦵᦵ˘7KDWWKHNLQJFKRVH9¢UDGWREHWKHFDSLWDOFLW\EHWZHHQᦱᦵᦳᦴDQGᦱᦵᦳᦸZDVQRFRLQFLGHQFH The city and its castle had continuously been retained by bishop Imre Czibak, and did not VXEPLW WR .LQJ )HUGLQDQG , LQ ᦱᦵᦲᦷ 9LQFH %XQ\LWDL $ Y¢UDGL S½VS·NVªJ W·UWªQHWH Vol. I. 1DJ\Y¢UDGᦱᦸᦸᦳᦳᦸᦴ ᦵᦶ˘(PĒNH*¢O̐ˬ$J\XODIHKªUY¢UL/LSSDIHUW¢O\ªVDOLSSDLPHQHN½OWHNDᦱᦶV]¢]DGN·]HSªQ˭LQ 9HURQND '¢Qª 0¢ULD /XSHVFXQª 0DN´ DQG *¢ERU 6LSRV HGV  Testimonio litterarum. .ROR]VY¢Uᦲᦰᦱᦶᦱᦴᦳ˩ᦱᦵᦰ ᦵᦷ˘)RUWKHVLWXDWLRQRIWKHFLW\RI.DVVDDQGRWKHUFLWLHVLQ8SSHU+XQJDU\VHHWKHHVVD\E\,VWY¢Q H. Németh in the present volume. ᦵᦸ˘$QGU¢V.XELQ\Lˬ%XGDSHVWW·UWªQHWHDNªVĒEELN·]ªSNRUEDQ%XGDHOHVWªLJ ᦱᦵᦴᦱLJ ˭LQ/¢V]O´ *HUHYLFK HG %XGDSHVWW·UWªQHWH9RO,,$NªVĒEELN·]ªSNRUEDQªVDW·U·NK´GROWV¢JLGHMªQ. BudaSHVWᦱᦹᦷᦵᦲᦰᦸ˩ᦲᦰᦹ ᦵᦹ˘2Q WKH GHSRUWDWLRQ RI WKH LQKDELWDQWV RI .DVVD VHH WKH HVVD\ E\ ,VWY¢Q + 1ªPHWK LQ WKH present volume. ᦶᦰ˘(PĒNH*¢O̐ˬ7KH6RFLHW\RIWKH5HVLGHQFHRIWKH7UDQV\OYDQLDQ3ULQFHVLQWKH6HFRQG+DOIRI WKH6L[WHHQWK&HQWXU\˭7KH+XQJDULDQ+LVWRULFDO5HYLHZᦷᦴ ᦲᦰᦱᦸ ᦷᦶᦷ˩ᦷᦷᦰ 201 0lŒb0EdDP 202 `wLmžØ”wdÏPțm'¨L0!P¨P0žwD¨—mžÏdÈmP )ROORZLQJ WKH VLHJH DQG WKH VXFFHVVIXO UHVLVWDQFH RI %XGD LQ ᦱᦵᦳᦰ .LQJ -RKQFRQ̐UPHGWKHROGSULYLOHJHVRIWKHFLW\LQHDUO\ᦱᦵᦳᦱDQGHYHQDGGHGQHZ ones. Most likely inspired by the example of Poland, the burghers of the city ZHUHJUDQWHGQRELOLW\LQᦱᦵᦳᦱ,QᦱᦵᦳᦳWKHFLW\ZDVDOVRJUDQWHGWKHULJKWRIKLJK MXVWLFH WKHULJKWRIOLIHDQGOLPE DQGWKHULJKWWRDXJPHQWLWVFRDWRIDUPVᦶᦱ By this act of ennoblement, the merchants of the city became exempt from the obligation to pay customs and duties, though this also meant that burghers were obliged to provide military service in the event of war. This same pattern was followed in Várad, when Christopher Báthory (voivode of Transylvania in ᦱᦵᦷᦶ˩ᦱᦵᦸᦱ HQQREOHGWKHFLW\DQGWKHLQKDELWDQWVRIWKHFDVWOHLQᦱᦵᦸᦰDQGDOVR in Kolozsvár, the city which served as a frontier stronghold after the fall of 9¢UDG ᦱᦶᦶᦰ ᦶᦲ The relationship between the king and Buda, as well as the activities in WKHFLW\RI/RGRYLFR*ULWWLUR\DOJRYHUQRUDQG)ULDU*HRUJHSURYLVRU FRXUW MXGJH RI%XGDȐHUIXUWKHUSDUDOOHOVWRWKHXQGHUVWDQGLQJRI.LQJ-RKQ˭VXUEDQ SROLF\ 6LQFH .LQJ -RKQ ZDV RIWHQ DEVHQW WKHVH WZR SHRSOH UHSUHVHQWHG WKH monarch; they often disregarded the privileges the city had previously earned.ᦶᦳ It is widely known that the king named Lodovico Gritti governor at the end of ᦱᦵᦳᦰ*ULWWLKLPVHOIFDPHIURPDIDPLO\RIEXUJKHUVZKLFKKHOSVH[SODLQZK\ KHVXSSRUWHGWKHFLWLHV$IWHUKLVGHDWKLQᦱᦵᦳᦴKHZDVVXFFHHGHGLQKLVSRVW E\)ULDU*HRUJHRULJLQDOO\DSSRLQWHGDVSURYLVRURI%XGDZKRWKHUHE\FDPH to hold the positions of treasurer, castellan and provisor at the same time.ᦶᦴ Szapolyai tried to establish a castle domain around Buda, and entrusted the provisor with its management. The territory provided an income from which )ULDU*HRUJHZDVDEOHWRVXSSO\WKHQHHGVRIWKHFDVWOHᦶᦵ The development of the relationship between the central power and the capital city, as outlined above, explains many aspects of the future fate of Gyulafehérvár, residence of the Transylvanian princes. There is little data from WKHHDUO\SHULRGRITXHHQFRQVRUW,VDEHOOD˭VUHLJQ ᦱᦵᦴᦲ˩ᦱᦵᦵᦱ WKDWUHODWHVWRWKH relationship between the monarch and Gyulafehérvár, the former episcopal see. 2QHWKLQJLVFHUWDLQWKDWLQPDWWHUVRIMXULVGLFWLRQWKHUXOHUZDVUHSUHVHQWHG E\WKHSURYLVRULQSRVWDWWKHWLPH7KLVZDVQRGL̏HUHQWIURPKRZWKLQJVKDG been under the episcopate.ᦶᦶ ᦶᦱ˘.XELQ\Lˬ%XGDSHVWW·UWªQHWH˭ᦲᦱᦱ˩ᦲᦱᦲ ᦶᦲ˘01/2/$UFKLYHVRIWKH+XQJDULDQ&KDQFHOOHU\$ᦵᦷ/LEUL5HJLL9ROᦵᦴᦵᦱ˩ᦴᦵᦴ$]HUGªO\L IHMHGHOPHN.LU¢O\L.·Q\YHL9RO,%¢WKRU\.ULVW´I.LU¢O\L.·Q\YH ᤬ᤰᤳᤫ˨᤬ᤰᤳ᤬ . (Erdélyi Történelmi $GDWRN9,,ᦲ 3XEOLVKHGZLWKLQGH[HVDQGQRWHVLQUHJHVWDVE\7DP¢V)HMªU(WHOND5¢F]DQG $QLN´ 6]¢V] .ROR]VY¢U ᦲᦰᦰᦳ ᦴᦱ $QGU¢V .LVV ˬ.ROR]VY¢U OHYªOW¢UD UHQGMªQHN IHMOĒGªVH D ;9,V]¢]DGW´OD;9,,,V]¢]DGYªJªLJ˭LQ,GHP)RUU¢VRNªVªUWHOPH]ªVHN%XNDUHVWᦱᦹᦹᦴᦱᦹ ᦶᦳ˘.XELQ\Lˬ%XGDSHVWW·UWªQHWH˭ᦲᦲᦱᦲᦲᦴ ᦶᦴ˘7HUª]2ERUQL$]·UG·QJ·V%DU¢W. Fráter György ᤬᤯ᤳ᤭˨᤬ᤰᤰ᤬ .3ªFV%XGDSHVWᦲᦰᦱᦷᦴᦸ ᦶᦵ˘.XELQ\Lˬ%XGDSHVWW·UWªQHWH˭ᦲᦱᦳᦲᦲᦴ ᦶᦶ˘(PĒNH *¢O̐ ˬ$ J\XODIHKªUY¢UL XGYDUE®U¢N ªV D] ¢OWDOXN LJD]JDWRWW XUDGDORP D ᦱᦶ V]¢]DG N·]HSªQ˭LQ(PHVH(J\HGDQG/¢V]O´3DN´ HGV &HUWDPHQ,,,(OĒDG¢VRND0DJ\DU7XGRP¢Q\ 1DSM¢QD](UGªO\L0»]HXP(J\HV½OHW,V]DNRV]W¢O\¢EDQ.ROR]VY¢Uᦲᦰᦱᦶᦲᦶᦱ˩ᦲᦷᦰ 203 0lŒb0EdDP $IWHUWKHUHWXUQRIWKHTXHHQFRQVRUWLQᦱᦵᦵᦶWKHSODQSUHYLRXVO\HODERUDWHG E\.LQJ-RKQLQ%XGDZDVLPSOHPHQWHG2QWKHUHFRPPHQGDWLRQRIWKHVRFLDO HVWDWHV FKXUFK SURSHUW\ LQ 7UDQV\OYDQLD ZDV VHFXODUL]HG LQ ᦱᦵᦵᦶ DQG WKH large domain of the chapter of Transylvania, situated around Gyulafehérvár, together with the domains of the bishopric of Transylvania, was passed over to WKHWUHDVXU\ WKHVHFRQVLVWHGRIDFRQQHFWHGDUHDRIDOPRVWᦷᦰVHWWOHPHQWV WKH ODWWHUKDGEHHQJLYHQWRWKHTXHHQFRQVRUWDVHDUO\DVLQᦱᦵᦴᦲWRSURYLGHDVRXUFH of income for her court. The castle domain came to be led by the provisor, in his capacity as representative of the monarch, and his main responsibility was to ensure the provision of the castle. He also acted as a court of appeal for the inhabitants of the estate.ᦶᦷ Gyulafehérvár was never elevated to the rank of royal free city; the reasons IRUWKLVPD\SDUWO\OLHLQWKHVLWXDWLRQRI%XGDSULRUWRᦱᦵᦴᦱ$UR\DOIUHHFLW\ HQMR\HG DXWRQRP\ ZKLFK WR D FHUWDLQ H[WHQW WLHG WKH PRQDUFK˭V KDQGV DQG limited the full implementation of his will. If a city and its domains were owned by the prince, on the other hand, the ruler could enjoy his or her seigniorage unhindered. The same applied to the services the inhabitants of the city had to UHQGHUWRWKHSULQFH<HWWKHSULQFHZDVQRWHQWLUHO\XQKLQGHUHGLQKLVULJKWV he could not give away his assets, as they provided the basic needs of his court.ᦶᦸ This was to a certain extent counterbalanced by the fact that the ruler took by escheat the property of his subjects who died childless (parts of estates, EXLOGLQJVSORWVYLQH\DUGV WKLVSURSHUW\FRXOGEHJLYHQDZD\LQDQ\SDUWRI the domain. In royal free cities such property was passed on to the city, so the ULJKWRIHVFKHDWDJHPRWLYDWHGWKHPRQDUFKWRUHWDLQWKHFDSLWDOFLW\˭VVWDWXVDV a market town. Of the rights the ruler exercised, the right of billeting was not of minor LPSRUWDQFH$JRRGH[DPSOHRIWKLVLVWKHFLW\RI%HV]WHUFHLQHDUO\ᦱᦵᦴᦲWKH TXHHQ FRQVRUW ZDV SODQQLQJ WR FRPH WR 7UDQV\OYDQLD DQG )ULDU *HRUJH DQG his troops were entrusted with preparing her visit, but they were not admitted LQWRWKHFLW\:KHQDVNLQJIRUDGPLVVLRQWR%HV]WHUFHWKHJRYHUQRUFLWHGWKH poverty of the neighbouring villages, but the city authorities claiming there was not enough space inside the walls declined, so, in the end, the soldiers were admitted only into the outskirts.ᦶᦹ In Gyulafehérvár the soldiers of the SULQFHZHUH˩VRLWDSSHDUV˩ELOOHWHGLQWKHKRXVHVRIWKHEXUJKHULQKDELWDQWV Exceptions included houses that the ruler exempted from this obligation. This led to numerous abuses later on, however.ᦷᦰ Although, it was in the interests of the princes to keep the towns on a tight leash, they were also dependent on their support throughout. ᦶᦷ˘(PĒNH*¢O̐ˬ$J\XODIHKªUY¢ULXUDGDORPELUWRNDLQDNPRELOLW¢VDDᦱᦶV]¢]DGP¢VRGLNIHOªEHQ˭ 0DJ\DU*D]GDV¢JW·UWªQHWLŠYN·Q\Y᤭ᤫ᤬ᤴ8UDGDORP˨Y¢OODODW%XGDSHVWᦲᦰᦱᦹᦶᦱ–ᦷᦳ ᦶᦸ˘EOE,ᦱᦸᦹ ᦶᦹ˘ᦱᦳ0DUFKᦱᦵᦴᦲ$156LELX)RQG0DJLVWUDWXORUDĠXOXLĠLVFDXQXOXL6LELX&ROHFĤLDGHGRFXPHQWH PHGLHYDOH891Rᦴᦳᦲ ᦷᦰ˘*¢O̐ˬ5HVLGHQFHRIWKH7UDQV\OYDQLDQ3ULQFHV˭ᦷᦷᦶ 204 `wLmžØ”wdÏPțm'¨L0!P¨P0žwD¨—mžÏdÈmP ,QP\HVVD\,KDYHVXPPHGXSWKHPDLQIHDWXUHVRI-RKQ6]DSRO\DL˭VXUEDQ policy in Transylvania. I have also outlined the processes that led to the special development of Transylvanian cities, unlike that of cities in Hungary. I have DUJXHGWKDWSROLWLFDOHYHQWVLQ7UDQV\OYDQLDKDGDJUHDWH̏HFWRQ.LQJ-RKQ˭V urban policy concerning the German population, and that this can partly explain the rise of Kolozsvár. Through the cities of Szeben and Lippa, I have SUHVHQWHGWKHPDLQHOHPHQWVLQ6]DSRO\DL˭VXUEDQSROLF\LQWKHFDVHRI%XGD ,KDYHVKRZQWKHDWURFLWLHVWKDWD̏HFWHGWKH*HUPDQSRSXODWLRQ/DVWO\,KDYH presented the new situation of Gyulafehérvár and the changes that took place LQ XUEDQ SROLF\ DIWHU WKH UHWXUQ RI TXHHQ FRQVRUW ,VDEHOOD LQ ᦱᦵᦵᦶ ZKLFK LQ many respects arose as a result of the urban policy regulations issued by her KXVEDQG.LQJ-RKQ 205 MOHÁCS 1526–2026 RECONSTRUCTION AND REMEMBRANCE From the 1460s onwards, the Szapolyai family played a decisive role in the history of Hungary for more than a hundred years. The studies in this volume highlight the extraordinary careers of members of the family’s first generation, which made them the greatest landowning magnates of the country. Relying on the wealth, prestige and military force of the dynasty, John, a member of the second generation, successfully governed Transylvania for a decade and a half; it was partly due to this achievement that in 1526 the majority of Hungarian noblemen found him worthy of the orphaned throne of Louis II. The writings in this volume explore King John’s foreign, urban and church politics, the cultural trends at his court, as well as his relations with the Ottoman Empire, and those of his successors (Queen Isabella and her son John II, elected king of Hungary). What we learn from these texts is that the history of the Szapolyais can be divided into two parts: after their successful rise as kings of Hungary, their family background was no longer sufficient for effective governance. The country became a battleground for global empires, and the Szapolyais, similarly to the Jagiellonians, were unable to overcome their vulnerable circumstances. After centuries of the subject being neglected, this volume undertakes to give the last Hungarian royal dynasty the evaluation it deserves. 9 789634 162360