A CONTRIBUTION TO THE TAXONOMY OF THE GENUS OXYTROPIS (FABACEAE) IN IRAN A. A. Maassoumi Received 07.05.2012. Accepted for publication 08.11.2012. Maassoumi, A. A. 2013 06 30: A contribution to the taxonomy of the genus Oxytropis (Fabaceae) in Iran. –Iran. J. Bot. 19 (1): 1-28. Tehran. A critical taxonomic synopsis of the genus Oxytropis DC. is provided. In this work, 42 species recognized in Flora Iranica is reduced to 38 distinct species, 16 species are synonymyzed. A part of the new synonyms belongs to Astragalus, viz. A. ciceropsis Hamzehee & Maassoumi (= Oxytropis strausii Bornm.), A. podocarpus C. A. Mey. (= O. thaumasiomorpha Rech. f.), A. longirostratus Pau (= O. alavae Rech. f.), A. singarensis Boiss. & Hausskn. (= O. wendelboi Vassilcz. p.p.), A. daenensis Boiss. (= O. kermanica Vassilcz. p.p; O. pussilloides Vassilcz. p.p.), A. aestivorum Podlech (= O. kermanica Vassilcz. p.p.). The remainder of synonyms are O. glabra (Lam.) DC. (= O. sorkhehensis Ranjbar), O. kopetdaghensis Gontsch. (= O. assadliensis Vassilcz.), O. hirsutiuscula Freyn (= O. caraganetorum Vassilcz.), O. sojakii Vassilcz. (= O. lalehzarensis Vassilcz.), O. iranica Vassilcz.(= O. zangolehensis Vassilcz.), O. persica Boiss. (=O. takhti-soleimanii Vassilcz.); O. aucheri Boiss. (= O. mazandaranensis Vassilcz.) and. O. binaludensis Vassilcz. (= O. khorasanica Ranjbar; O. gracillima Vassilcz.); O. Chrysocarpa Boiss.(= O. shirkuhi Vassilcz., O. surmmandehi Vassilcz.). Eleven new species are described as follows: Oxytropis shahvarica Maassoumi, O. pseudosuavis Maassoumi, O. kordkoyensis Maassoumi, O. compacta Maassoumi & Joharchi, O. salukensis Maassoumi, O. sabzavarensis Maassoumi, O. bakhtiarica Maassoumi, O. javaherdehi Maassoumi, O. sivehensis Maassoumi & Amini Rad, O. indurata Maassoumi, O. mahneshanensis Maassoumi. Oxytropis lupinoides is reported as a new record for the Iranian territory, a new combination, A. yezdii (Vassilcz.) Podlech & Maassoumi (= O. yezdii Vassilcz.; A. abditus Podlech) is presented and. O. rudbariensis Vassilcz. is considered as a doubtful species which need more complete material and more investigations. The occurence of O. czapandaghii Boriss. in Iran is not confirmed. Two keys corresponding to flowering and fruiting materials are given. All specimens examined in the present work are deposited in FUMH, IRAN, TARI and TUH. Ali Asghar Maassoumi, Research Institute of Forests & Rangelands, P. O. Box . 13185-116, Tehran, Iran. Key words. Fabaceae, Oxytropis, Taxonomy, new species, new synonymy, Iran. ‫ ﺩﺭ ﺍﻳﺮﺍﻥ‬Oxytropis (Fabaceae) ‫ﺗﺎﮐﺴﻮﻧﻮﻣﯽ ﺟﻨﺲ‬ ‫ اﺳﺘﺎد ﭘﮋوﻫﺶ ﻣﺆﺳﺴﺴﻪ ﺗﺤﻘﻴﻘﺎت ﺟﻨﮕﻠﻬﺎ و ﻣﺮاﺗﻊ ﻛﺸﻮر‬،‫ﻋﻠﻲاﺻﻐﺮ ﻣﻌﺼﻮﻣﻲ‬ ‫ در اﻳﻦ اﺛﺮ ﺗﻌﺪاد ﺣﻘﻴﻘﻲ ﮔﻮﻧﻪﻫﺎي ﺟﻨﺲ ﺑﻌﺪ از ﭼﺎپ ﻓﻠﻮرا اﻳﺮاﻧﻴﻜﺎ از‬.‫ ﻓﺮاﻫﻢ ﺷﺪ‬Oxytropis ‫ﻳﻚ ﺑﺮرﺳﻲ ﺗﺎﻛﺮوﻧﻮﻣﻴﻚ اﻧﺘﻘﺎدي ﺑﺮ روي ﺟﻨﺲ‬ ‫ ﺑﺨﺸﻲ از‬،‫ ﮔﻮﻧﻪ ﺑﻪﺻﻮرت ﻣﺘﺮادف ﺗﻘﻠﻴﻞ ﻳﺎﻓﺘﻪ اﺳﺖ‬16 ‫ در اﻳﻦ اﺛﺮ‬.‫ ﮔﻮﻧﻪ ﻣﻲرﺳﺪ‬39 ‫ ﺑﻪ ﺣﺪد‬33 ‫ ﮔﻮﻧﻪ و ﺑﺮرﺳﻲﻫﺎي ﺑﻌﺪ از آن از‬42 :‫ از آن ﺟﻤﻠﻪ‬.‫ ﻣﻲﺑﺎﺷﺪ‬Astragalus ‫ﻣﺘﺮادفﻫﺎي ﺟﺪﻳﺪ ﻣﺘﻌﻠﻖ ﺑﻪ ﺟﻨﺲﻫﺎي‬ Astragalus ciceropsis Hamzehee & Maassoumi (= Oxytropis strausii Bornm.), A. podocarpus C. A. Mey. (= O. thaumasiomorpha Rech. f.), A. longirostratus Pau (= O. alavae Rech. f.), A. singarensis Boiss. & Hausskn. (= O. wendelboi Vassilcz. p.p.), A. daenensis Boiss. (= O. kermanica Vassilcz. p.p; O. pussilloides Vassilcz. p.p.), A. aestivorum Podlech (= O. kermanica Vassilcz. p.p.). :‫و ﺑﻘﻴﻪ ﻣﺘﺮادفﻫﺎ ﻋﺒﺎرﺗﻨﺪ از‬ Oxytropis glabra (Lam.) DC. (= O. sorkhehensis Ranjbar), O. kopetdaghensis Gontsch. (= O. assadliensis Vassilcz.), O. hirsutiuscula Freyn (= O. caraganetorum Vassilcz.), O. sojakii Vassilcz. (=. O. lalehzarensis Vassilcz.), O. iranica Vassilcz.(= O. zangolehensis Vassilcz.), O. persica Boiss. (= O. takhti-soleimanii Vassilcz); O. aucheri Boiss. (= O. mazandaranensis Vassilcz.) and. O. binaludensis Vassilcz. (= O. khorasanica Ranjbar; O. gracillima Vassilcz.); O. Chrysocarpa Boiss.(= O. shirkuhi Vassilcz., O. surmmandehi Vassilcz.). IRAN. J. BOT. 19 (1), 2013 Maassoumi 2 .‫ ﮔﻮﻧﻪ ﺟﺪﻳﺪ ﺯﻳﺮ ﺷﺮﺡ ﺩﺍﺩﻩ ﻣﯽﺷﻮﻧﺪ‬١١ Oxytropis shahvarica Maassoumi, O. pseudosuavis Maassoumi, O. kordkoyensis Maassoumi, O. compacta Maassoumi & Joharchi, O. salukensis Maassoumi, O. sabzavarensis Maassoumi, O. bakhtiarica Maassoumi, O. javaherdehi Maassoumi, O. sivehensis Maassoumi & Amini Rad, O. indurata Maassoumi, O. mahneshanensis Maassoumi. ‫ ﻳﻚ ﺗﺮﻛﻴﺐ ﺟﺪﻳﺪ‬،‫ ﺑﻌﻨﻮان ﮔﺰارش ﺟﺪﻳﺪ از اﻳﺮان ﻣﻌﺮﻓﻲ ﻣﻲﮔﺮدد‬O. lupinodes ‫در اﻳﻦ ﻣﻘﺎﻟﻪ ﮔﻮﻧﻪ‬ O. rudbariensis .‫ ﻣﻌﺮﻓﻲ ﺷﺪﻩ ﺍﺳﺖ‬A. yezdii (Vassilcz.) Podlech & Maassoumi (= O. yezdii Vassilcz.; A. abditus Podlech) ‫ ﺑﺮﺍﻱ‬O. czapandaghii Boriss. .‫ ﺑﻌﻨﻮﺍﻥ ﮔﻮﻧﻪ ﻣﺸﻜﻮﻙ ﻣﻌﺮﻓﻲ ﻣﻲﺷﻮﺩ ﻛﻪ ﻧﻴﺎﺯﻣﻨﺪ ﺟﻤﻊﺁﻭﺭﻳﻬﺎﻱ ﺑﻴﺸﺘﺮ ﻭ ﻣﻄﺎﻟﻌﺎﺕ ﻋﻤﻴﻖﺗﺮ ﻣﻲﺑﺎﺷﺪ‬Vassilcz. ‫ ﺑﺮﺍﻱ ﻫﻤﻪ ﺍﺳﺎﻣﻲ ﻣﺘﺮﺍﺩﻑ ﻳﻚ ﻳﺎﺩﺩﺍﺷﺖ ﻛﻮﺗﺎﻩ ﺩﺍﺩﻩ ﺷﺪ‬.‫ ﺩﻭ ﻛﻠﻴﺪ ﺑﺮﺍﯼ ﺷﻨﺎﺳﺎﺋﯽ ﮔﻮﻧﻪﻫﺎ ﺑﺮﺍﺳﺎﺱ ﮔﻞ ﻭ ﻣﻴﻮﻩ ﺗﻬﻴﻪ ﺷﺪﻩﺍﻧﺪ‬.‫ﻓﻠﻮﺭ ﺍﻳﺮﺍﻥ ﺗﺄﻳﻴﺪ ﻧﻤﯽﮔﺮﺩﺩ‬ ، TARI ‫ ﻫﻤﻪ ﻧﻤﻮﻧﻪﻫﺎﻱ ﮔﻴﺎﻫﻲ ﻣﻮﺭﺩ ﺍﺳﺘﻔﺎﺩﻩ ﺩﺭ ﺍﻳﻦ ﺗﺤﻘﻴﻖ ﺩﺭ ﻫﺮﺑﺎﺭﻳﻮﻡﻫﺎﻱ‬.‫ﻭ ﺑﺮﺍﻱ ﮔﻮﻧﻪﻫﺎﻱ ﺧﻮﺏ ﻭ ﭘﺎﻳﺪﺍﺭ ﺍﻟﮕﻮﻫﺎﻱ ﺍﻧﺘﺸﺎﺭ ﺩﺍﺩﻩ ﻣﯽﺷﻮﺩ‬ .‫ ﻧﮕﻬﺪﺍﺭﻱ ﻣﻲﮔﺮﺩﺩ‬FUNH‫ﻭ‬TUH ، IRAN INTRODUCTION Linneus (1753) placed several related and morphologically similar genera in the genus Astragalus L. Later on, some genera were excluded from Astragalus. De Candolle (1802) segregated several species and established the genus Oxytropis DC. All species of Oxytropis are characterized by the presence of beak on keel petal which is absent in Astragalus. This important character along with other taxonomic characters such as flower structure and the indumentum are well known diagnostic characters which are used to separate the two related genera from each other. In Flora Orientalis (Boissier, 1872) and Bunge’s monographic work (1874), the genus was represented with eigth distinct species. Later on, the number of its species was gradually increased. In Flora Iranica (Vassilczenko, 1984) the total number of the species was exaggeratly increased to 40. The majority of the newly described taxa were based on a single specimen, but after the first manuscript prepared by Vassilczenko, in the appendix of the same publication, Rechinger added two additional appendices and described several more new species (Rechinger, 1984) This decision indicates the informal complexities of the genus for the Iranian territory. The first attempt for the revision of the genus in Iran was started by Ranjbar (1999). He tried to determine some collected specimens deposited at TARI, and reduced some species to synonymy or doubtful species. Finally, he concluded that the number of species were 32 and for which a diagnostic key along with some notes were presented (Ranjbar 1999). At the first glance, the author carefully checked the authentic specimens and the availability of collected materials at TARI, IRAN, TUH, FUMH (abbreviation based on Holmgren and Holmgren, 1996) and other provincial herbaria. Then, the author found isotypes belonging to two groups of materials. The first group was the specimens for which the herbarium numbers were the same as holotype specimens, such as: O. yezdii, O. iranica, O zangoulehensis and O. allenii. The second group was the specimens for which the herbarium numbers were not the same as holotypes, but this specimens with other number or without number belonging to the same botanical excursion conducted by the Iranian taxonomists accompanying with Rechinger, Aellen and etc. These created the big problems for the Iranian taxonomists. In these cases, the date of excursions, elevation of localities and other labels information were similar but with different herbarium numbers, because the duplicate materials have been separately numbered and deposited at the different herbaria (Iranshahr 2010). These confusing materilas were belonging to O. surmmandehi, O. azarbayejanica and O. allavae. Part of the materials of FUMH with good collections from Khorassan province and identification of some complexes of O. hypsophila Bunge by Barneby (1970) was very useful and interesting for this investigation. For the confirmation of the determined materials, the photo of the type specimens in Jstore Website (2012) was used. Whenever, I decided to identify the unknown materials, I was faced with several problems such as: 1. It was not possible to identify the unknown specimens either with Flora Iranica (Vassilczenko 1984) or Ranjbar’s treatment (1999). 2. After appearance of Flora Iranica (Vassilczenko 1984), some other new species were described for the Iranian territory (Vassilczeko 1988; Ranjbar, 1999, 2008, Naqinezhad et al. 2008). 3. In the treatment of Flora Iranica, several new species have been shortly described probably based on a single and poor material in young stage. 4. There were several specific names in both treatments (Vassilczenko 1984, Ranjbar 1999), for which, no 3 Oxytropis in Iran specimens are available in four above mentioned herbaria or other provincial herbaria of Iran. 5. Based on long-standing studies on Astragalus (Maassoumi 1986, 1989, 1995, 2000, 2003, 2005) the author felt that several specific names of Oxytropis without flowering material might belong to Astragalus species. 6. For these reasons, the author precisely checked all specimens and tried to find some traces to Astragalus species. For several species, it seems that there is the big disjunction within the phytogeographical regions. Several species showed wide distribution ranging from Zagros, Elburz to Khorassan Mountains. 7. A very big problem for the full revision of the genus was the treatment of the short, incomplete, uninformative descriptions and missing of several informative and decisive taxonomic characters in the all prepared descriptions. The author patiently could separate the distinct species and give rise to functional identification keys and distribution pattern for all species distributed in Iran. Morphological characters of the plants in flowering stage are compeletly different from those of fruiting stage. For this reason, the author tried to prepare functional identification keys to the species in both stages. MATERIALS AND METHODS The specimens of different herbaria including TARI, IRAN, TUH, FUMH (abbreviation based on Holmgren and Holmgren, 1996) were examined. Available literature including De Candolle (1802), (Boissier, 1872), Vassilczenko (1984), Vassilczeko (1988), Ranjbar (1999 and 2008), Naqinezhad et al. (2008) were used to study and identify the materials. Used characters There are very few diagnostic characters among distinct species of the genus, so the species with few cryptic taxonomic characters will be separated from each others. In the present investigation, several characters such as: indumentum, stipules, calyx, flower dissection (standard, wing-petals, keel shape and keel mucron) and pod shape were used. Indumentum. All the species are covered with simple hairs. Direction of the hairs are variable, sometimes in some species two indumentum types are present which differs in the size and direction. e. g., in O. azarbaijanica Podlech, O. karjaginii Grossh. petioles and peduncles always are covered with long erect together with short appressed hairs. Sometimes, the calyx and pods are covered with two different hairs in color. There are several species which are covered on the calyx with long straight or speading hairs mixed IRAN. J. BOT. 19 (1), 2013 with short appressed to spreading or curly black hairs. In few cases, the calyx is covered with only long or short white and black hairs. Length of hairs is different from one species to another, so it is a great taxonomic value to separate the closest species. For example, in O. glabra (Lam.) DC. in one plant, there are pods covered with black and white appressed hairs and some pods covered only with black or white hairs. Stipules. Shape, size and adnation of stipules to the petioles are very important to detect the related species. Few species have the stipules which are vaginate and sheathing the stems and at the base shortly adnate to the petioles, such as O. aucheri, O. chrysocarpa. Many species have stipules that highly adnated to the petioles, on the opposite side there are the same features, e. g., in O. hirsutiuscula the stipules minutely adnate to the petiole at the base but in opposite side highly jointed to each other. Based on this character, it is immediately separable from O. glabra. Calyx. The calyx shape in Oxytropis is always campanulate to infundibular with attenuated base or saccate. The ratio of teeth to the tube is very important for separation of the species. Indumentum type icluding size, direction and color are good diagnostic characters. Flower dissection. The size, color and structure of the flowers are very different from one species to another. The standard shape varies among the species, standard shape, length, width and apex are good characters to separate the nearest taxa. e. g., O. karjaginii with dark violet standard is separable from its closest species. O. aucheri has the smaller standard, which is a diagnostic character. There are very few species, which are covered with dispersed hairs on the outside of corolla. Wing-petals in size of limb and claw ratio, apical asymmetric incision give the good idea to segregate the taxa. Length of limb usually is longer than the claw, but rarely is equal. Keel shape in different species and length of its apical mucron, direction of keel mucron play the important role to segregate the species. e. g., in O, savallanica with very short keel and in O. kotschyana with long keel are important characters. Some species with obovate and curved keels are separable from those species with erect keel. Keel mucron is a good charater to separate the closest species. O savallanica, O. iranica, O. hirsutiuscula and O. glabra always bear very short mucron but O. kopetdaghensis, O. kotschyana and O. pilosa always have long straight mucron. In some species, direction of mucron from erect to upward curved or downward status is variable. In few cases, some species show the divided apical mucron which are so hard to recognize. A few species are sparsely pilose on the keel limb, which is very useful to separate the closest species. IRAN. J. BOT. 19 (1), 2013 Maassoumi 4 Pods. There are several form of pod in Oxytropis e. g., ovate-oblong, oblong-elliptic, falcate (luniform), erect, narrowly elliptic and inflated. These features of pod shape with different type of appressed or ascending short and long, black or white hairs help to distinguish the nearest species from each other.Valves texture is very different, e. g., O. persica with thin valve and inflated pods is simply separable from O. savallanica, O. iranica and O. immersa. RESULTS Identification key flowering stage to the species in 1a- Plants caulescent 2 1b- Plant acaulescent 9 2a- Flowers large, more than 15 mm long 3 2b- Flowers small, less than 8 mm long 6 3a- Petals yellow 26. O. pilosa 3b-Petals purplish to violet 4 4a- Standard ca. 20-25 mm long, Calyx with single indumentums 21. O. kotschyana 4b- Standard 12-18 mm long. Calyx with double indumentums 5 5a- Leaflets widely ovate. Calyx ca.10 mm long 29. O. rechingeri 5b- Leaflets narrowly elliptica. Calyx ca. 8 mm long.19. O kopetdaghensis 6a- Leaflets glabrous above 10. O. glabra 6b- Leaflet hairy on both sides 7 7a- Plant with a short stem. Pods ovoid to oblong 36. O. sojakii 7b- Plants with developed stem. Pods narrowly elliptic 8 8a- Stipules shortly adnate to the petiols and highly connated to each others 12. O. hirsutiuscula 8b- Stipules shortly adnate to the petioles and free from each others 11. O. heratensis 9a- Plant densely caespitose, humile. Leaves ca. 2-4 cm long 10 9b- Plants laxly scapose, taller. Leaves 5-15 cm long 23 10a- Stipules vaginate, sheathing the stem, at the base adnate to the petioles 11 10b- Stipules in different length adnate to the petioles15 11a- Stipules glabrous 12 11b- Stipules with sparse hairs, later glabrescent 14 12a- Calyx ca. 3 mm long, covered with appressed hairs 35. O. sivehensis 12b- Calyx ca. 4-7 mm long, covered with spreading hairs 13 13a- Keel mucron ca. 0.4 mm long 24. O. mahneshanensis 13b- Keel mucron ca.1-1.5 mm long 14. O. immersa 14a- Leaflets 5-8 pairs. Pods covered with long spreading hairs 34. O. shahvarica 14b- Leaflets 7-11 pairs. Pods covered with short appressed hairs 33. O. savallanica 15a- Leaf rachis thick, indurate 15. O. indurata 15b- Leaf rachis flexible, not indurate 16 16a- Plants covered with spreading to ascending hairs 25. O. neo-rechingeriana 16b- Plants covered with appressed to subappressed hairs 17 17a- Calyx covered with white hairs, occasionally mixed with few blackish hairs 18 17b- Calyx densely covered with white and predominant short and black hairs 21 18a- Calyx ca. 3-4 mm long, covered with white and black hairs 27. O. persica 18b- Calyx ca. 6-7 mm long, covered with only white hairs 19 19a- Peduncles ca. 4-8 cm long 32. O. salukensis 19b- Peduncles ca. 2.5-4 cm long 20 20a- Peduncles thin, soft. Inflorescence dense 5. O. iranshahrii 20b- Peduncles thick. Inflorescence lax 22. O. javaherdehi 21a- Corolla pale violet. Standard ca. 12 mm long 1. O. aellenii 21b- Corolla dark violet. Standard ca. 8-10 mm long 22 22a- Standard ca. 8-9 mm long. Calyx teeth equalling the tube 13. O. hypsophila 22b- Standard ca. 10-11 mm long. Calyx teeth longer than the tube 6. O. binaludensis 23a- Stipules vaginate, sheathing the stem 24 23b- Stipules in different length adnate to the petioles26 24a- Leaflets 5-7 pairs 2. O. aucheri 24b- Leaflets 9-17 pairs 25 25a- Leaflets 9-12 pairs. Calyx teeth longer than the tube 7. O. chrysocarpa 25b- Leaflets 12-17 pairs. Calyx teeth equaling to shorter than the tube 38. O. szovitsii 26a- Plants 30-50 cm tall 27 26b- Plants up to 20 cm tall 28 27a- Calyx ca. 8 mm long. Standard ca. 15 mm long 4. O. bakhtiarica 27b- Calyx ca. 13-15 mm long. Standard ca. 16-18 mm long 23. O. lupinoides 28a Calyx covered with white hairs, occasionally mixed with few blackish hairs 29 28b- Calyx densely covered with white and predominant short and black hairs 33 29a-.Peduncles clearly longer than the leaves 30 29b- Peduncles equalling the subtending leaves 31 30a- Leaflets 8-9 pairs 32. O. salukensis 30b- Leaflets 10-12 pairs 5. O. bicornis 31a- Standard 9-10 (-11) mm long. Keel mucron ca. 0.5-1.5 mm 22. O. kuchanensis 31b- Standard 12-15 mm long Keel mucron longer than 5 Oxytropis in Iran 1.5 mm 32 32a- Calyx teeth 1.5 times longer than the tube. Keel mucron 1.5 mm 37. O. suavis 32b- Calyx teeth equalling to shortly longer than the tube. Keel mucron ca.1.5-2 mm long 30. O. rhodontha 33a- Standard equalling the wings and keel. Pods stipitate; stipe ca. 2 mm long 8. O. cinerea 33b- Standard longer than wings and keel. Pods sessil or shortly stipitate 34 34a- Standard ca. 8-10 (-11) mm long 35 34b- Standard ca. 12-15 mm long 37 35a- Calyx teeth 1.5-2 times shorter than the tube 16. O. iranica 35b- Calyx teeth equalling the tube 36 36a- Standard 8-9 mm long; limb ovate 13. O. hypsophila 36b- Standard 11.5 mm long; limb elliptic 31. O. sabzavarica 37a- Standard ca. 14-15 mm long. Leaflets 5-10 pairs 3. O. azarbaijanica 37b- Standard ca. 12-13 mm long. Leaflets 6-11 pairs. Petioles and peduncles covered with long spreading or appressed hairs 38 38a- Peduncles and petioles covered with sparse spreading long hairs 18. O. karjaginii 38b- Peduncles and petioles covered with sparse appressed long hairs 39 39b- Stipules at the base ca. 4 mm adnate to the petiole; free portion linear-lanceolate ca. 8 mm long 28.O. pseudosuavis 39b- Stipules at the base ca. 2.5 mm adnate to the petiole; free portion linear-lanceolate ca. 5 mm long 20. O. kordkoyensis Indentification key to the species in fruiting stage (O. rhodontha and O. compacta not included) 1a- Plants caulescent 2 1b- Plant acaulecent 9 2a- Plants with thick stems. Leaflets widely ovate 3 2b- Plants with thin stems. Leaflets narrowly ovateelliptic 6 3a- Pods erect, linear to narrowly elliptic 26. A. pilosa 3b- Pods erect, horizontal or deflexed, ovate to narrowly–elliptic 4 4a- Pods erect, narrowly elliptic, covered with short appressed hairs 19. O. kopetdaghensis 4b- Pods ovate to oblong, horizontal or deflexed 5 5a- Leaflets 12-17 pairs. Stipe very short 21. O. kotschyana 5b- Leaflets 9-10 pairs. Stipe ca. 2.5-3 mm long 29. O. rechingeri 6a- Stems up to 10-15 cm long 7 6b- Stems up to 40 cm long 8 IRAN. J. BOT. 19 (1), 2013 7a- Leaflets glabrous above. Pods erect, linear to narrowly elliptic 10. O. glabra 7b- Leaflets covered with sparse appressed hairs on both sides 36. O. sojakii 8a- Stipules highly jointed to each other 12. O. hirsutiuscula 8b- Stipules, only at the base adnate to each other 11. O. heratensis 9a- Stipules at the base shortly adnate to the petioles 10 9b- Stipules highly adnate to the petioles 14 10a- Pods with thin valves, inflated, ovate, ca. 12 mm long, covered with short appressed white hairs 11 10b- Pods with thick valves, covered with long spreading to ascending hairs 20 11a- Stipules glabrous 35. O. sivehensis 11b- Stipules pilose 12 12a- Pods ovate 27.O. persica 12b- Pods elliptic 13 13a- Pods covered with long spreading hairs 34. O. shahvarica 13b- Pods covered with very short appressed hairs 33. O. savallanica 14a- Plant densely caespitose, humile. Leaves ca. 2-4 cm long 15 14b- Plants laxly scapose, higher. Leaves 30-50 cm long 21 15a- Pods covered with black and white hairs 14. O. immersa 15b- Pods covered with only white hairs 16 16a- Leaf rachis indurate; terminal leaflet absent 15. O. indurata 16b- Leaf rachis flexible, non indurate 17 17a- Calyx covered with spreading hairs 24.O. mahneshanensis 17b- Calyx covered with appressed to subappressed hairs 18 18a- Plants covered with spreading hairs 25. O. neo-rechingeriana 18b- Plants covered with appressed to subappressed hairs 19 19a- Pods oblong to linear, ca. 20 x 5 mm 17. O. javaherdehi 19b- Pods elliptic, ca. 12 x 6 mm 20 20a- Calyx teeth 1.5 times longer than the tube 6. O. binaludensis 20b- Calyx teeth equaling the tube 13. O. hypsophila 21a- Plants about 30-50 cm tall 22 21b- Plants up to 20 cm tall 23 22a- Peduncle densely villose. Calyx ca. 13-15 mm 23. O. lupinoides 22b- Peduncle covered with short and long appressed hairs. Calyx ca. 8 mm 4. O. bakhtiarica 23a- Stipules vaginate, sheathing the stem 24 23b- Stipules in different length adnate to the petioles26 IRAN. J. BOT. 19 (1), 2013 24a- Leaflets 5-7 pairs 2. O. aucheri 24b- Leaflets 9-17 pairs 25 25a- Leaflets 9-12 pairs. Calyx with black and white hairs; the teeth longer than the tube 7. O. chrysocarpa 25b- Leaflets 12-17 pairs. Calyx covered with white hairs; teeth equaling to shorter than the tube 38. O. szovitsii 26a- Pods oblong to linear, ca. 20 mm long 27 26b- Pods elliptic, ca. 12-15 mm long 33 27a- Pods arcuate, gradually tapering toward the apex 28 27b- Pods straight, abruptly attenuated at apex 29 28a- Pods arcuate, luniform, at the base rounded 3. O. azarbaijanica 28b- Pods minutely curved, at the base attenuated 18. O. karjaginii 29a- Leaflets 10-14 pairs 30 29b- Leaflets 5-9 pairs 31 30a- Peduncles 2 times longer than the leaves 5. O. bicornis 30b- Peduncles equaling to longer than the leaves 37. O. suavis 31a- Pods stipitate; stipe ca. 2 mm long 8. O. cinerea 31b- Pods sessile or with very abbreviated stipe 32 32a- Calyx teeth 2-3 times longer than the tube 16. O. iranica 32b- Calyx teeth shortly longer than the tube 28. O. pseudosuavis 33a- Valves concealing by the very dens yellowish spreading hairs 20. O. kordkoyensis 33b- Valves densely hairy but not concealing by indumentum 34 34a- Peduncles and petioles covered with double ascending to spreading hairs. Calyx teeth 2-3 times longer than the tube 31. O. sabzavarica 34b- Peduncles and petioles covered with double appressed hairs. Calyx teeth equaling to shorter than the tube 35 35a- Calyx covered with black and white hairs 36 35b- Calyx only covered with white hairs; teeth ½ length of the tube 32. O. salukensis 36a- Calyx teeth equaling the tube 22. O. kuchanensis 36b- Calyx teeth ½ length of tube 1. O. aellenii Taxonomic treatment 1. Excluded species from the genus Oxytropis Following species are treated as the new synonymous. Most of which belong to the genus Astragalus. NEW COMBINATION Astragalus yazdii (Vassilcz.) Podlech & Maassoumi, comb. nov. =A. abditus Podlech, Ann. Nat. Mus. Wien 105B: 566 (2004), syn. nov. Maassoumi 6 Typus: Bakhtiari: Chehel Dokhtaran Kuh, norther side Wendelbo W-1769 (hol. BG; iso MSB). = O. yazdii Vassilcz., Bjull. Mosk. Obsca. Isp. Prir. Otd. Biol. 93(3): 100 (1988), syn. nov. Typus: Yazd: Tezerjan, Barf khaneh, Foroughi & Assadi 18019 (hol. W; iso TARI!). Surpisingly the specimen with the same number “ Foroughi & Assadi 18019” was clearly mentioned and described as A. abditus Podlech (see Flora Iranica no. 178: 29 (2010). NEW SYNONYMS Astragalus ciceropsis Hamzehee & Maassoumi, Iran. Journ. Bot. 10: 60 (2004). Typus: Kermanshah, 25 km from Kermanshah to Sanandaj, Mahmoud abad, Hamzehee 83521(hol. TARI!; iso MSB). = Oxytropis strausii Bornm., Mitt. Thur. Bot. Ver. N.F. 23:22 (1908), syn. nov., non A. straussii Bornm. Typus: Kermanschah: in angustiis Tengi-Dinawar, Strauss (LE, photo jstore site !). Oxytropis straussii Bornm. was described based on an incomplete specimen. In the description, there is no explanation about the keel structure, because the type material is in fruiting stage and there was no complete flower to describe keel. The author checked both descriptions and type photos (Jstore website 2012) together. All given data on A. ciceropsis was totally matched with those of O. straussii and therefore they are regarded as synonyms. A. podocarpus C. A. Mey. Verz. Pfl. Cauca.: 142(1831). Typus: Talysch, pr. Suwant, C. A. Meyer (Lectotype LE.; Iso. E,H,K,LE,P,W) = Oxytropis thaumasiomorpha Rech. f., Fl. Iranica 157: 163 (1984), syn. nov. Typus: Qazvin: in decl. Montium 8 km a pago Zia’an (Kuh-e Syalan), ca. 50 km E. Qazvin, 11.07.1977 Sojak 7712 (hol. PR; the same collection. 7713 W). O. thaumasimorpha was described based on an incomplete material of Sojak collection. In the description, it was mentioned the keel with short mucron. It is necessary to add that in A. podocarpus, the keel apex is nearly rounded not tapering to a short visible mucron. In the same collection, other specimens under number “Sojak 7762” which is not very far from type locality was cited clearly as A. podocarpus (see Fl. Iranica 178: 123 (2010). A. longirostratus Pau, Trab. Mus. Cienc nat. Madrid, Bot. 14: 21(1918). Typus:Bakhtiari: Valle de Bazoft, F. Martinez de la Escalera (Hol. MAD!). 7 Oxytropis in Iran = O. alavae Rech. f., Fl. Iranica 157: 162 (1984). syn. nov. Typus: Lurestan: 58 km from S. Aligudarz. In ripa rivuli ad viam montem Khali kuh ducentem, 2300, 14.06.1974, Alava 13798 (TUR; the same collection Rechinger 47899 W and Iranshahr s.n. IRAN !). O. alavae was described based on very poor material. In the original description there is no information about flower structure such as standard, wing and keel. The author checked both descriptions and all given data together. It is necessary to mention that several specimens were collected from Khalikuh”Ghali Kuh”. On the other hand, A. longirostratus (iso: Recinger 47899 from the same collection) show the wide distribution from Bakhtiari, Esfahan and extended to Luristan which is clearly mentiond in Fl. Iranica (see no.178:43 (2010). A. singarensis Boiss. & Hausskn. in Boiss., Fl. Or. 2: 263 (1872). Typus: Iraq: In monte Ginjar Mesopotamiae, H. CA. Haussknicht 320 (G-Bposs). = O. wendelboi Vassilcz., Novit. Syst. Pl. Vasca. Leningrad 17: 195(1980) p.p., syn. nov. Typus: Afghanistan: In decl. occidentalibus jugi Shibar, 2800 m, Hedge & Wendelbo (W-4233 BG, photo jstore site !). O. wendelboi was described based on the materials from Afghanistan. In the short note in Fl. Iranica (p. 152), it was explained that the Iranian specimen has not flower to describe the keel structure. So, it is a doubtful species for the Iranian flora. But according to the photo in Fl. Iranica, it is mentioned the length of keel mucron is about 2-2.5 mm long, this feature seems that long beak of the mature pods expanded from the keel apex, was given instead of keel mucron. Therefore, distribution pattern of A. singarensis stretch to Afghsnistan, which show a big disjunction with the collected specimens from Iran. A. daenensis Boiss. in sched Imp. Ad Th. Kotsch, Pl. Pers austral. ed. Hohen. 724 (1845). Typus: Persia: In monte Kuh Daena, Th. Kotschyi 724 (hol. G-BOISS !; iso. BM, CGE, G.LE, LIV, MSB, OXF, P, PRC, W. Z). =O. kermanica Vassilcz. Freyn & Bornm., Bull. Herb. Boissier 5: 606 (1897), syn. nov. Typus: Kerman: Kuh-e Lalehzar ad nives deliquescentes, 3700-4200 m, Bornmuller 3766 (hol. W; iso: LE, photo jstore site !) p.p. =O. pussilloides Vassilcz., Nov. Syst. Pl. Vasca. Leningrad 17: 186 (1980), syn. nov. Typus: Afghanistan: in decl. Orientalibus jugi Salang, Fohlen N 1a. IRAN. J. BOT. 19 (1), 2013 Specimens cited for O. kermanica are a mixture of species. Specimens from Qashqai are clearly coinciding with A. daenensis, but specimens cited from Mazandaran and Tehran (central Elburz) are A. aestivorum Podlech, (see Fl Iranica no. 178: 30 (2010), specimen no. Wendelbo 1284 is the holotype of A. aestivorum. This Oxytropis species was basically described on the materials, for which the previous author did not deeply check the precise structure of the keel beak. Surprisingly the distribution pattern of O. kermanica was expanded from Kerman to central Elburz. This is a big misidentification of the herbarium specimens. The specimen Wendelbo 1284 from central Elburz is clearly the type of Astragalus aestivorum Podlech Among the cited specimens the specimen, Behboudi 1082, 1067(IRAN !) is clearly A. daenensis” and the specimen Terme et al. 39831 (IRAN!) is clearly “O. persica”. 2. EXCLUDED SPECIES FOR THE IRANIAN TERRITORY. O. czapan-daghi B. Fedtsch, Fl. URSS. 13:543(1948). Typus: Turcomania: Ad summum m. Czapan-Dagh, Bobrov (LE). Specimen Terme et al. 36737-E, which is mentioned in Fl. Iranica, 157: 134 as O. czapan-daghi is in fact O. binaludensis Vassilcz. 3. DOUBTFUL SPECIES Following species was established based on the young plants in flowering stage, for which not easy to separate it from its related O. chrysocarpa Boiss. O. rudbariensis Vassilcz., Bjill. Nosk. Obsca.Isp. Prir., Otd. Biol. 93 (3) 97-102 (1988). Typus: Guilan: Auf der Felsostellen der Berge bei Rudbar in Cefidrut(rud) elev., Pichler (W). According to the incomplete description, the presence of dark black punctuation on the leaflets is not common in Oxytropis species. This character is a diagnostic character of one species from Astragalus sect. Incani, namely A. demavendicus Boiss. & Buhse (=A. rudbaricus Bunge) from the same area. The type of indumentums and lenght of keel mucron cited in the description need more investigation to understand the taxonomic position of O. rudbarensis. 4. ENUMMERATION OF SPECIES 1. O. aellenii Vassilcz., Nov. Syst. Plan. Vasc. Leningrad 17: 195(1980). Typus: Semnan: Damghan, Kuhi Nizva, 3000 m, Behboudi & Aellen 5596E (W, the same collections Behboudi & Aellen 5593E, IRAN!, 5595E, IRAN!). Gen. Dist. Iran (endemic). IRAN. J. BOT. 19 (1), 2013 Examined specimen: Semnan: Damghan, Kuhi Nizva, 2900-3000 m, Behboudi & Aellen 5593 E, 5595 E (IRAN !). This is a distinct species and it is can related to O. iranica Vassilcz. (Ranjbar, 1999). 2. O. aucheri Boiss., Diagn. Pl. Or. Nov. Ser.1, 2: 44 (1843). Typus: Azarbayjan: Ardabil, Aucher- Eloy 4424 (GBoiss). = O. masandaranensis Vassilcz., Nov. Syst. Pl. Vasc. Leningrad 17: 197(1980), syn. nov. Typus: Mazandaran: In decl. borealibus Kuh-i Nezva, P. Wendelbo 1240 (W; IRAN!). Gen. Dist.: Caucasus, Turkey and Iran. Examined specimens: Mazandaran: Neyzva Kuh, 08.02.1959, Wendelbo 1240 (typus O. masandaranensis, IRAN!); ca. 25 km S. of Ramsar between Tanoorekash and Janat Rudbar, 3000 m, Assadi & Maassoumi 51357 (TARI!); Firouzkuh, 2000 m, Moussavi 23980; Firouzkuh, 1900 m, Goodvin 24800 (TARI!) .- Azarbayejan: Tabriz to Ahar, GojaBel pass, summit, Shale, 1800m, Rechinger 40632 (TARI!); Shabestar, Benis village, Kuh-e Misho Dagh Dareh,1950 m Kasebi et al. 6439 (TARI !) ; Ahar, 16 km Tabriz road, 1900 m Foroughi 1604 (TARI !); Tabriz, Bostanabad, 1900 m, Foroughi 1604b (TARI!).- Semnan: ca. 20-25 km from Semnan to Damgham, Ahuvan pass, 1700-2100 m, Mozaffarian 58921(TARI!) ; ca. 35 km N. of Damghan, above Tuyeh, 2000 m, Wendelbo & Assadi 29509 (TARI!); Sangsar, 1680 m, Mozaffarian 58882.- Tehran: 13 km from Firouzkuh to Semnan, 2000 m, Assadi & Mozaffarian 35269 (TARI!). This species with the sheathing stipules is clearly related to O. aucheri, which is well distributed in Albourz Mountain Range. 3. O. azarbaijanica Podlech, Sendtnera, 6:171 (1999). Typus: Azarbaijan: In jugi inter Marand et Sufian, 1600-1750 m, 06.06.1971, Rechinger 41162 (Hol. M, photo jstore site !; iso.W, Iranshahr s.n. IRAN!) Gen. Dist.: Iran (endemic). Examined specimen:Azarbaijan: Marand to Sufian, 12 km to Marand, 06.06.1971, 1700 m, Iranshar s.n. (iso. IRAN!). 4. Oxytropis bakhtiarica Maassoumi, sp. nov., Fig. 1 Planta ab pedunculis longis, floribus et calycibus remotiusculis, pilis albis insignis. Plant ca. 30-35 cm tall, acaulescent, covered with thin, mostly subappressed to spreading white hairs up to 1.7 mm, in fruit up to 2.5 mm long. Caudex laxly divided, with short branches, densely covered with remnants of Maassoumi 8 old petioles and stipules. Stipules whitish-hyaline, narrowly triangular, long acuminate, 11 mm long, adnate to the petiole for ca.5 mm, rather densely covered with appressed hairs up to 1 mm long. Leaves 5-15 cm long; petiole 2-6 cm long, like the rachis with a clearly double indumentum, densely covered with short subappressed, confusely curled hairs 0.5 mm long and with fewer straight, ascending to spreading long hairs up to 1.2 mm long. Leaflets in 9-10 pairs, narrowly ovate to elliptic, 5-13 x 3-6 mm, acute at the apex, on both sides densely covered with subappressed short and long hairs. Peduncles 12-17 cm long, erect, hairy like the rachis. Racemes 13-15 flowered, later elongated ca. 10-17 cm long. Bracts whitish, linearacute, ca. 3-4 mm long, with white and black hairs. Pedicels deflexed, ca. 1 mm long, with white hairs. Calyx ca. 8 mm long, campanulate, shortly gibbose at the base, rather densely covered with few spreading white long hairs up to 1 mm long and more shorter, often curly and spreading white hairs; teeth linear, acute, 5 mm long. Petals dark violet. Standard 15 mm long; blade widely elliptic, 8 mm wide, at the apex retuse, at the base subabruptly and shortly narrowed. Wings 1.5 mm long; blades oblong, slightly dilated toward the obliquely emarginate apex ca. 10 mm; auricle wide, ca.1.5 mm long; claw 4 mm long. Keel ca.12 mm long; blades oblong-elliptic, in upper part shortly curved, lower edge nearly straight, 8 x 3 mm, at the apex with a short mucron ca. 1.2 mm long; auricle ca.0.8 mm long; claw 4.5 mm long. Ovary shortly stipitate, long white hairy. Legumes on a stipe ca.1 mm long, deflexed, oblong (immature), 15 mm long, ca. 4 mm wide, carinate ventrally, very deeply grooved dorsally, at the base attenuated, at the apex gradually narrowed into a straight beak 1 mm long, unilocular; valves straw-colored, densely covered with thin, mostly flexuose, ± spreading white hairs up to 2.5 mm long. Typus: Bakhtiari: Boroujen, Kuh-e Par, Nezamy, 1880 m, 18.05.1997, Mozaffarian 1197 (holotypus TARI!). Other specimen seen (Paratypus): Kohgiluyeh: ca. 1040 km from Yasuj to Sepidan to Shiraz, 25.05. 1995, 1700-2200 m, Ghahreman & Mozaffarian 18252 (TUH). 5. O. bicornis Vassilcz., Fl. Iranica 157:123(1984). Typus: Gorgan: Wildlife park, in planitie Dasht ad viam N. Robat Qarab-Bil, E. versus Behkadeh ducentem, 1200 m, Rechinger 53020 (W, photo jstore site !). Gen. Dist.: Iran (endemic). Examined specimens: Gorgan: Wildlife park, road to Behkadeh, 1250-1300 m, Wendelbo & Foroughi 12828 (TARI). -Semnan: Shahrud, Mojen, Sangbon, Shahkuh, 01.07.1992, 2400-2450 m Termeh et al. s.n 9 Oxytropis in Iran Fig. 1. Oxytropis bakhtiarica (×0.5); petals (×2). IRAN. J. BOT. 19 (1), 2013 IRAN. J. BOT. 19 (1), 2013 (IRAN); ca. 50 km N. of semnan, between Sheli and Hikuh village, 2400 m Assadi & Mozaffarian 40603 (TARI); Shahpasand to Shahrud, after pass, 1800-1950 m, Wendelbo & Assadi 29694 (TARI). -Khorassan: W. of Bujnurd, Darkesh, Kani Mokhtar, 2000-2100 m, Joharchi & Aydani 35606 (33950) (FUMH), SW. Bujnurd, Rein, W. slope of Topal Rayeh, Memariani et al. 37702 (FUMH); W. of Bujnurd, Ghoorkhor protected area 1540-1600 m, Memariani & Arjmandi 43832 (FUMH). 6. O. binaludensis Vassilcz., Fl. Iranica 157: 135(1984). Typus: Khorassan: Kuh-e Binalud, 20 km oppidi Neyshabur, 2300-2800 m, Sojak 7664 (hol. PR). =O. khorasanica Ranjbar, nom. nov. Sendtnera 6: 194 (1999), = O. gracillima Vassilcz., Fl. Iranica 157:131 (1984) non Bge. Typus: Khorasan: Kuh-e Binalud. ca. 20 km boreoorient. Ab oppido Neyshabur, 2300-2800 m, Sojak 7656 (hol. PR). Gen. Dist.: Iran (endemic). Examined specimens: Gorgan: In declivibus borealis montium Shahvar, supra Hajilang, 3500-3800 m, Rechinger 6016 (sub nomen O. immersa). -Semnan: ca. 30 km NW of Shahrud, mnt Shahvar, above Tash, 3500 m, Assadi & Maassoumi 21072, 21116 (TARI); 20 km NW of Shahrud, above Nekarman, Kuh-e Shahvar, 3700-3900 m, Assadi & mozaffarian 40874 (TARI); NE. of Neyshabur, Binaloud mnt., above the village Sowghand, 1600-2500 m, Assadi & Ranjbar 82284 (TARI); Neyshabur, Kuh-e Binaloud, from Bojan village 1500-1700 m, Mozaffarian 49013 (TARI). - Khorassan: Sabzevar, before Zarghan village, 1610 m, Amirabadi & Abbasi 2774 (TARI); 58 km N. Torbat-e Heydariyeh, 1800 m, Assadi & Mozaffarian 35817 (TARI); Chenaran, Radkan, Gorou to Hezar Masjed, 2500-2700 m, Termeh et al. (subnom.O. czapan-daghi) 36737E (IRAN); northern elevation of Bujnourd, Gazori & Sheikh 679 (TARI). 7.O. chrysocarpa Boiss., Diagn. Pl. Or. Nov. Ser 1, 6: 34 (1845). Typus: Fars: kuh-e Delu, propr nives, Kotschy 475 (GBOISS., photo jstore site !). = O. shirkuhi Vassilcz., Bjull. Mosk. Obsca. Isp. Prir. Otd. Biol. 93 (3): 101 (1988), syn. nov. Typus: Yazd, Deh-e bala, Shirkuh mountain in valle, 3700-4000 m, Foroughi & Assadi 17989? (G; iso. correcte Foroughi & Assadi 17982!). = O. surmmandehi Vassilcz., Bjull. Mosk. Obsca. Isp. Prir. Otd. Biol. 93 (3): 100 (1988), syn. nov. Typus: Bakhtiari, W. Qashqai, Kuh-e Surmmandeh, N. Semirom in declivibus boreo- Orientalibus,07.06.1974, Maassoumi 10 Rechinger 47570 (hol.W; iso: Iranshahr s.n.,IRAN!). Gen. Dist.: Turkey and Iran. Examined specimens: Hamadan: Famenin, Ghorveh, Karafs mnt, NE of Karafs, 2000-2600m, Mozaffarian 64548 (TARI). -Yazd: Deh-e bala, Shirkuh mountain, in valley, 3700-4000 m, Foroughi &Assadi 17982 (isotype of O. shirkuhi (TARI); Taft, Deh Bala village, Shirkuh, 04.07.2012, 3800 m, Mahmoodi & Noroozi 98610 (TARI). -Esfahan: N. side of Kuh-e Dena, above the village Noghol, 3500-4000 m, Assadi & Abouhamzeh 46159 (TARI ); Dena from Bideh, Bijan pass, 2700-3000 m, Mozaffarian & Maassoumi 76753 (TARI ). -Lorestan: Azna, Oshtorankuh, between Bidestaneh village and Sanboran, 23.07.2012, 3400 m, Mahmoodi & Hosseini 98500. -Bakhtiari: Brujen to Dorahan, after Godar-e Kabk, Kuh-e Doudelu, 23002700 m Mozaffarian 57214(TARI); Boroujen to Dorahan, after Godar-e Kabk, Kuh-e Doudelou, 23002700 m, Mozaffaria 57214 (TARI); Kuh-e Kallar, from Sibak village, 2835 m, Mozaffarian 96824 (TARI) ; Boroujen, S. slope of Godar-e Kabk, 2780 m. Gholamian 2412 (TARI); Farsan, between Sefid Daneh and Shahriari, 3025 m, Mozaffarian 96708 (TARI); Prope Semorom, Kuh-e Surmandeh, 07.06.1974, 27503600 m, Iranshahr s.n. (isotype of O. surmmandehi, IRAN). -Kerman: Sarcheshmeh, after diviation to Sarcheshmeh Maadan, 2600 m, Khodashenas 3984 (TARI ). –Kohgilouyeh-Boirahmad: Kuh-e Dena, Gardaneh Bijan, 3500-3900 m, Assadi & Mozaffarian 31228 (TARI); Kuh-e Dena, Tang-e Namaki, 3920 m, Safaian 248; Kuh-e Dena, Gardaneh-e Bijan 3000-3600 m, Assadi & Mozaffarian 31170 (TARI); N. side of Dena, near Ab Malakh, 2800-3600 m, Assadi & Mozaffarian 31457 (TARI). –Fars: 220 km Shiraz, Ahmad abad, 01.06.1965, Assefi, Ledingham & Rostaian 24483 (TARI); Eghlid, forestry park, 2500 m, Khorami E323, E201 (TARI).- Tehran: Arak, Komijan, Vafs mnt, Ranjbar 2583 (TARI) (standard sometimes pilose). O. shirkuhi was established based on an incorrect herbarium specimen number “ Foroughi & Assadi 17989” from TARI. It is surprising that according to the field booklet deposited in TARI, the same number “17989” is Gagea stipitata which is mentioned in Fl. Iranica (see Fl. Iranica no. 165: 48 (1990). So probably the type specimen number should be “ 17979 or 17980”. In this case, these later numbers cited as A. abditus Podlech (see Fl. Iranica no. 178: 29 (2010), which was, herein, changed to A. yezdii (Vassilcz.) Podlech & Maassoumi. So it is supposed that the correct number of the type should be “17982” which is confirmed with the field booklet. 8. O. cinerea Vassilcz., Fl. Iranica, 157:138 (1984). 11 Oxytropis in Iran Typus: Tehran: inter Dizin et Shemshak, 3300 m, Klein7868. Gen. Dist.: Iran (endemic) Examined specimen: Mazandaran: 85 km from Kandavan to Haraz road, Mazid village, 1900-2300 m, Assadi & Mozaffarian 33031 (TARI ). 9. Oxytropis compacta Maassoumi & Joharchi, sp. nov., Fig. 2. Planta dense caespitosa, pedunculis longis et tenuibis, foliolis parvis, argenteis insignis. Plant ca.7 cm tall, acaulescent, densely caespitose, covered with silvery appressed white hairs up to 0.1-1 mm long, in fruit up to 1.5 mm long. Caudex densely divided, with very short branches, densely covered with remnants of old petioles. Stipules chartaceous, ca. 4 mm long, free portion triangular, acuminate, ca. 1 mm long, adnate to the petiole for ca. 3 mm, rather densely covered with appressed hairs up to 0.7 mm long. Leaves 2-2.5 cm long; petiole 1-1.5 cm long, like the rachis with double indumentum, densely covered with appressed very short, curled hairs and with fewer disperse straight, ascending to nearly spreading hairs up to 0.7 mm long. Leaflets in 7-9 pairs, narrowly ovate to narrowly elliptic, folded, 4 x 1.5 mm, acute at the apex, on both sides densely covered with mostly straight, appressed hairs up to 0.6-0.7 mm long. Peduncles 3-4 cm long, erect, hairy like the rachis. Racemes (in fruit) rather loosely 8-10 flowered. Bracts whitish, linearacute, ca.2 mm long, white hairy. Pedicels ca. 1.5 mm long, white and black hairy. Calyx ca. 6-7 mm long, campanulate, rather densely covered with mostly subappressed white hairs up to 0.7 mm long and with shorter, often curled and appressed white hairs; teeth linear-lanceolate, acute, 3-4 mm long. Petals dark violet. Standard 10 mn long; blade narrowly elliptic. ca.5 mm wide, at the apex retuse to emarginate, at the base subabruptly and shortly narrowed. Wings 10 mm long; blades narrowly oblong, minutely dilated toward the obliquely emarginate apex, 7 x 2.5 mm; auricle wide, ca. 1.5 mm long; claw 3.5 mm long. Keel ca.9.5 mm long; blades oblong 7 x 3 mm, at the apex obliquely obtuse with a slightly straight beak ca. 1 mm long; auricle short, claw 3.5 mm long.. Ovary shortly stipitate, long white hairy. Legumes on a stipe ca. 1 mm long, erect to spreading, or deflexed, oblong, shortly curved, 15 mm long, ca. 4 mm wide, carinate ventrally, very deeply grooved dorsally, at the base nearly attenuated, at the apex gradually narrowed into a straight beak 2.5 mm long, unilocular; valves thin, greenish to straw-colored, densely covered with thin, mostly flexuose, ± spreading white hairs up to 1.5 mm long. IRAN. J. BOT. 19 (1), 2013 Gen. Dist. Iran (endemic ). Typus: Khorassan: NW Mashhad, Hezar Masjed neck mountain, 3132 m, Joharchi & Behroozian 44191 (holotypus FHUM; photo TARI). 10. O. glabra (Lam.) DC., Astragalogia 35 (1802). Typus: Siberia, P. = O. sorkhehensis Ranjbar, R. Karamian & Bayat, Ann. Bot. Fennici 46: 235 (2009), syn. nov. Typus: Semnan: subalpine near Sorkheh, 1200-1400 m, Maddah 4105 (Bu Ali Uni.). Gen. Dist. W & E Siberia, Iran, Central Asia, Mongolia, Pakistan, Kashmir and Tibet to China. Examined specimens: Mazandaran: Firouzkuh, ca. 10 km after Firouzkuh toward Gaduk, 2200 m, Maassoumi et al. 89919 (TARI !, Naqinezhad et al. 251, Naqinezhad 36933, TUH, K.). Among the Iranian Oxytropis species, O. glabra is a single species in which the leaflets are glabrous above. 11. O. heratensis Bunge in Boiss. Fl. Or. 2: 507 (1872). Typus: prope Herate, Bunge (LE, photo jstore site !). Gen. Dist.: Iran and Afghanistan. Examined specimen:Khorassan: ca. 50 km NNE. Kashmar, Kuh-e Bezgh, 2500 m Assadi & Mozaffarian 35751,35701 (TARI ). 12. O. hirsutiuscula Freyn, Bull. Herb. Boissier sei. 2, 5: 1021 (1905). Typus Pamir, ad laca. Jasjal- kul. O. Paulsen =O. caraganetorum Vassilcz. Nov. Syst. Pl. Vasca. Leningrad 17: 178(1980), syn. nov. Typus: Afghanistan: Ghazni, ad marginem boreoorientalem, altoplanitiei Dasht-i Nawar, 3100 m, Freitag 1543 (Herb. Freitag). Gen. Dist.: Iran, Afghanistan. Examined specimens: Yazd: Mountains above the village Dehbala, 2821-3800 m, Assadi & Ranjbar 82789 and 82832 (TARI); Shirkuh, from Dehbala and Sheikh Alishahr and Lagerda village, 2400-3400 m, Mozaffarian 77665 (TARI) ; Taft to Nir, gardaneh Sakhvid, 2900 m, Mozaffarian 77681 (TARI). Species O. hirsutiuscula is widely distributed in Yazd, Shirkuh mts. This species is very variable in terms of shape and size of leaflets, but in all specimens the feature of stipules are similar which are shortly adnate to the petiole at base and in opposite side highly jointed to each other. This important taxonomic character helps to separate also from O. heratensis Bunge from the same area. 13. O. hysophila Bunge ex Boiss., Fl. Or. 2: 501 IRAN. J. BOT. 19 (1), 2013 Fig. 2. Oxytropis compacta (×1); petals (×4). (1872). Typus: khorasan: region Summa et alpina Neishapur et Mesched Bunge (LE, photo jstore site !). Gen. Dist Iran (endemic) Examined specimens:Khorassan: Birjand, 69 km to Darmian, 2200 m, Zokaie & Ghoreishi 494 (FUMH); Neyshabur, Kharou-olia area, beginning of the road to Kharou, 1200-1300 m, Ghoreishi 1747(467) (FUMH); Shirvan, Astarkhi, 1650 m, Joharchi & Zangooei 10427 (4675) (FUMH); Bajguiran road to Emamgholi, 12501600 m, Ghoreishi 903G (4676) (FUMH); Ghoochan, Maassoumi 12 Kalat-e Mollah Mohammad, 1500-1550 m, Ghoreish 994G (4677) (FUMH); Torbate-e Heydariyeh to Mashhad, around Robat-Sefid, Maassoumi et al. 83358 (TARI), Ibid. Assadi & Mozaffarian 35836 (TARI); Robat-e Sefid (serpantin), Rechinger, Esfandiari & Aellen 4437 (IRAN); Northern elevation of Bujnourd, Gazori & Sheikh 736; N. Slope of Binalud mts, above Zoshk village, Rudkhaneh Abdolla, 2100-3000 m, Mozaffarian 48895 (TARI). In the same area, some specimens are closely similar to O. humifusa from west Afghanistan. To solve this 13 Oxytropis in Iran problem, it is necessary to check the type specimens. 14. O. immersa (Baker) Bunge ex B. Fedtsch., Beih. Bot. Centrabl 22, 2: 212 (1907). Typus: Afghanistan: Aitchson 924 (hol. K; iso. BM, LE, photo jstore site !). Gen. Dist.: former USSR, Turkey, Iran, Afghanistan and China. Examined specimens: Azarbayejan: Meshkinshahr, Sabalan mnt, 02.08.1970, Izadyar s.n. (IRAN); Ardabil, Ghotour soum Kuh-e Sabalan,15.07.1971, 2400-3800 m, Termeh 40875 (IRAN); Ouromiyeh, Seyveh, Dizaj, Kuh-e Boz-e Sena to Dalamper Bozorg, 1700-3000 m, Mozaffarian 69915 (TARI); Kuh-e Sabalan, 3650 m, Foroughi 7511 (TARI); Hezar Pych (Savallan), 3500 m, Javanshir 1274 (TARI); Ardabil, Savallan, 2500 m, Sheikh Akbari & Ghorbani s.n. (TARI). The species is much closed to O. persica and O. savallanica but it differs by having the calyx with spreading hairs, not appressed hairs; pods covered with white and black long hairs, not covered only by short appressed white hairs. 15. Oxytropis indurata Maassoumi, sp. nov. e sect. Xerobia Bunge, Fig. 3. Species ab petiolibus et rachidibus persistentiter indurascentis insignis. Plant ca. 5-10 cm tall, acaulescent, Caudex divided, with short branches, densely covered with remnants of old petioles. Stipules whitish-hyaline, ca. 4 mm long, free portion-acuminate,ca. 2 mm long, adnate to the petiole for ca. 2 mm, sparsely covered with appressed hairs up to 0.5 mm long. Leaves 1.5-6 cm long; petiole 0.5-1.7 cm long, like the rachis densely covered with subappressed short and long hairs ca. 0.1-0.2 mm long. Leaflets imparipinate and paripinate in 4-5 pairs, narrowly elliptic, 2-4 x 1-1.5 mm, acute at the apex, folded, on both sides densely covered with straight, appressed hairs up to 0.5 mm long. Peduncles 0.2-0.3 cm long, hairy like the rachis. Racemes nearly basal, loosely 2-3 flowered. Bracts linear, acute, ca. 1 mm long, with sparsely white hairs. Pedicels ca.1 mm long, white and rarely black hairy. Calyx ca.4.5-5 mm long, campanulate, rather densely covered with mostly appressed long white hairs up to 0.5 mm long and mixed with shorter, often curled and appressed black hairs; teeth linear, acute, 2 mm long, inner side pilose. Petals dark violet. Standard 8.5 mn long; blade widely ovate, ca. 6 mm wide, at the apex retuse to emarginate, at the base subabruptly and shortly narrowed. Wings 7.5 mm long; blades slightly dilated toward the obliquely entire apex, 5 x 2.5 mm; auricle wide, ca.1 mm long; claw 2.5 mm long. Keel ca.7 mm long; blades oblong, erect, 7 x 2.5 mm, at the apex with a IRAN. J. BOT. 19 (1), 2013 short mucron ca.0.5 mm long; auricle indistinct; claw 3 mm long. Ovary shortly stipitate, white hairy. Legumes (immature) on a stipe ca.1 mm long, erect linear to oblong, 5 mm long, ca. 1.5 mm wide,densely covered with appressed hairs ca. 0.1-0.2 mm long. Typus: Khorassan: Mashhad to Kalat, on the old road, 1700-2000 m, Moussavi & Abbasi 4771(holotypus TARI). This species belongs to sect. Xerobia Bunge, which is the first record of the section for the Iranian Oxytropis. 16. O. iranica Vassilcz. Novi. Syst. Pl. Vasca. Leningrad 17: 180 (1980). Typus: Mazandaran: in jugi Gaduk versus Kabud Cheshmeh, Behboudi & Aellen 5581E (W; iso: IRAN). =O. zangolehensis Vassilcz. Bjull. Mosk. Obsca. Isp. Prir. Otd. Biol. 93 (3): 101 (1988). Typus: Irania, Babakhanlou & Amin, 91 km a KarajChalus, Pol-e Zangoleh, 2400 m, 27.07.1973, 15239 (hol. W; iso. TARI). Gen. Dist.: Iran (endemic). Examined specimens: Mazandaran: Gaduk, Mouss Cheshmeh, Kaboud Gonbad, Behboudi & Aellen 5598E (IRAN) ;Pol-e Zangouleh protected area on Chalous road, 2400 m, Babakhanlou & Amin 15239 (TARI); 13 km from Kandavan to Haraz road, 2400 m, Assadi & Mozaffarian 32964 (TARI).; 6 km SW of Javaherdeh, (SW of Ramsar), N-exposed slope, 25002700 m, Runemark & Maassoumi 20929 (TARI); Kandavan, 5.5 km on the road to Yoush Deh, 25002700 m, Jamzad & Salimi 71172 (TARI). -Tehran: Elbourz, Gachsar to Gajereh, Varang rud to Sorkhab, 2240-2450 m, Termeh & Matin 36753E (IRAN). 17. Oxytropis javaherdehi Maassoumi, sp. nov., Fig. 4. Differt ab O. aucheri Boiss. et Buhse calyce albo piloso (nec albo- nigro piloso), legumnibus oblongis (nec ellipticis), brevissime appresse pilosis (nec patenter pilosis). Plant ca. 8-9 cm tall, acaulescent. Caudex much divided, with short branches, densely covered with remnants of old petioles and stipules. Stipules whitishhyaline, from narrowly triangular base, long linearacuminate, 9 mm long, adnate to the petiole for ca.5 mm, free portion triangular, ca. 4 mm long, rather densely covered with appressed hairs up to 0.7 mm long. Leaves 2.5-4 cm long; petiole 1-1.5 cm long, like the rachis densely covered with appressed hairs 1.5 mm long. Leaflets in 11-12 pairs, narrowly ovate to elliptic, contiguous, 3-6 x 2-3 mm, acute at the apex, on both sides densely covered with mostly straight, subappressed up to 1mm long hairs. Peduncles 2.5-3 (4) cm long, erect, thick, double hairs, densely covered IRAN. J. BOT. 19 (1), 2013 Fig. 3. Oxytropis indurata (×2); petals (×4). Maassoumi 14 15 Oxytropis in Iran IRAN. J. BOT. 19 (1), 2013 Fig. 4. Oxytropis javaherdehi (×1); petals (×4). with short curled appressed mixed with sparse long hairs. Racemes capitate, 6-7 flowered. Bracts ovate, ca.2.5 mm long, white hairy. Pedicels ca. 2 mm long, erect, white hairy. Calyx ca. 6 mm long, campanulate, rather densely covered with mostly subappressed short and long white hairs up to 0.2-0.7 mm long; teeth linear, acute, 2.5 mm long. Petals violet. Standard 11 mn long; blade widely elliptic, 7 mm wide, at the apex deeply emarginate, at the base subabruptly and shortly narrowed. Wings 9.5 mm long; blades oblong, minutely dilated toward the obliquely emarginate apex, 7 x 3.5 mm; auricle wide, ca. 1.5 mm long; claw 4 mm long. Keel ca.9 mm long; blades oblong-obovate, with in upper part slightly erect, lower edge nearly erect, 6 x 2.5 mm, at the apex with a mucron ca. 1.5 mm long; auricle ca. 0.5 mm long; claw 4 mm long. Ovary linear, white hairy. Legumes sessile, erect, oblong, 16 mm long, ca. 4 mm wide, carinate ventrally, very deeply grooved dorsally, at the base nearly attenuated, at the apex gradually narrowed into a straight beak 3 mm long, unilocular; valves thick, maculate, brownish, ruptured from the apex, densely covered with thin, straight, appressed short white hairs up to 0.5 mm long. Typus: Mazandaran: S of Ramsar, between Javaherdeh and Bagh-e Dasht, 11.08.1976, 2700 m, Runemark & Maassoumi 21722 (holotypus TARI). Other specimen seen: Guilan: Amarlou, Damash, Kuhe Zad chin, 04.07.1972, Termeh & Daryadel 40990 (IRAN). 18. O. karjaginii Grossh., Trudy Azarb. Fil. Akad. Nauk URSS 1: 54 (1933). Typus: Armenia: Ahkend, Daralages Grossheim, (BAK., photo jstore site !). Gen. Dist.: Caucasus, Turkey and Iran. Examined specimens: Azarbayejan: Zanjan, from Mahneshan to Dandi, ca. 12-18 km from Anguran to Belgheis mnt. 2100-2200 m. Maassoumi 64821 IRAN. J. BOT. 19 (1), 2013 (TARI); ca. 15 km S. of Marand, Mishu Dagh mnt. 1800-2250m Assadi & Mozaffarian 29921 (TARI); Between Marand and Sufian, Payam, Kuh-e Mishow, 2400-2700 m, Assadi 85323 (TARI); Near Maku, Keshmesh Tappeh, 1800 m, Assadi 85250 (TARI); Mysho (Yam), 1900 m, Youssefi 1430 (TARI). 19.O. kopetdaghensis Gontsch., Fl URSS. 13: 544 (1948). Typus: Turcomania, Cheiabad, D. Litwinow (LE). = O. assadliensis Vassilcz., Fl. Iranica 157: 121(1984), syn. nov. Typus: Khorassan: Locis stepposis montium ad pagum Assadli, 30 km meridiem versus ab oppidio Bojnurd,17.06.1977, Sojak 7707 (hol. PR). Gen. Dist.: Turkmenistan and Iran. Examined specimens: Khorassan: Ghouchan, Sarvellayat, after Tavakol Bagh, 2340 m Amirabadi & Ranjbar 7745 (TARI); Esferayaen, N. slope of Kuh-e Shah Jahan from Darparchin bala village1700-2500 m, Mozaffarian 48559 and 48581 (TARI); Shirvan, Kohneh Ughaz to bajguiran, 1900-2000 m Moussavi & Paryab 10392 (TARI); W. of Bujnurd, darkesh, Kani mokhtar, 2000-2100 m, Joharch & Aydani 35610 (33957) (FUMH) ; SW Bujnurd, Rein, sandy road, Barzanlou, 2220 m, Memariani et al. 37965 (36139) (FUMH); E. of Bujnurd, between Ghaleh Mohammadi and Jafarabad, Mohammad Beig spring, 1550 m. Joharchi & zangooei 20750 (17138) (FUMH) ;W. of Bujnurd, Ghoor Khor protected area, Agh-mazar pass, 2350-2470 m, Memariani & Arjmandi 43988 (FUMH), ibidem, below pass, 2000-2300 m, 44031 (FUMH). O. assadliensis artificially have been separated as a distinct species. The two species show the same distribution pattern. Specimens collected from North Khorassan and N. Ghouchan compaired with those of South Bojnurd, Assadli pass, around Shah Jahan Mountain” Sojak 7708” with the exception of the small size of the leaflets and flowering parts, no differences are distinguishable. Both species on the calyx are covered with short cured black hairs mixed with long straight dispersed hairs. 20. Oxytropis kordkoyensis Maassoumi, sp. nov., Fig. 5. Differt ab O. kuchanenesis Vassilcz. calyce albo piloso (nec albo-nigrosque piloso), legumnibus ellipticis, dense luteo-velutinosis (nec oblongis, sparse pilosis). Plant ca. 10-15 cm tall, acaulescent, covered with thin, silvery appressed white hairs up to 0.5 mm long, in fruit up to 2.2 mm long. Caudex much divided, with short branches, densely covered with remnants of old petioles. Stipules ca. 7 mm long, free portion triangular to linear-acuminate, 5 mm long, adnate to the petiole Maassoumi 16 for ca. 2.5 mm, rather densely covered with appressed hairs. Leaves 3-7 cm long; petiole 1-2.5 cm long, like the rachis with a clearly double indumentum, densely covered with subappressed, confusely curled hairs 2 mm long and with sparse straight, nearly spreading hairs up to 1 mm long. Leaflets in 8-12 pairs, narrowly ovate to narrowly elliptic, 5-8 x 2-3 mm, obtuse at the apex, on both sides densely covered with straight, appressed hairs up to 1 mm long. Peduncles 5-10 cm long, erect, hairy like the rachis. Racemes densely capitate, many flowered. Bracts linear-acute, ca.2 mm long, white hairy. Pedicels ca. 2 mm long, white straight hairy. Calyx ca. 7-9 mm long, campanulate, rather densely covered with spreading white hairs up to 4 mm long and with shorter, often curled and more appressed white hairs occasionally mixed with disperse black hairs; teeth linear, acute, 2-4 mm long. Petals violet. Standard ca.13 mn long; blade ovate to elliptic, ca. 8 mm wide, at the apex retuse, at the base abruptly and shortly narrowed. Wings 13 mm long; blades narrowly oblong, slightly dilated toward the obliquely emarginate apex, 7.5 x 5 mm; auricle wide, ca. 1.5 mm long; claw 4 mm long. Keel ca. 11 mm long; 5 x 2.7 mm, with a slightly curved mucron ca. 2 mm long; auricle very short; claw 5 mm long. Ovary sessile, densely wooly white hairy. Legumes sessile erect to spreading, oblong, 10 mm long, ca. 5 mm wide, unilocular; valves thin but tough, straw-colored, densely covered with thin, mostly flexuose, ± spreading white hairs up to 4 mm long, completely concilling the fruit. Typus: Gorgan: S. of Kordkoy, between Radkan and Chaman, 23.05.1986, 1400-1500 m, Maassoumi 55090 (holotupusTARI). Other specimen seen: Gorgan: S of Kordkoy, between Radkan and Hajiabad (Gol Cheshmeh), 1700 m, Maassoumi 55063 (TARI). 21.O. kotschyana Boiss. & Hohen. in Boiss., Diagn. Pl. Or. Nov. Ser. 1, 9: 36 (1849). Typus: Tehran: ad radices M. Damavand, prope Lar, Kotsch-332 (G, photo jstore site!). Gen. Dist.: former USSR, Turkey and Iran. Examined specimens: Mazandaran: Shurab to Gaduk, Miankhil, Ghahreman et al. 7388 (TUH); Lar valley, below Rudkhaneh Abru (Sefidab), 2300 m, Wendelbo et al. 11832 (TARI); Lar valley, 2500, Dini & Arazm 15779 and Wendelbo & Assadi 13343 (TARI); pol-e Veresk, 1190 m, Gheisari 1335; 50 km SW of Chalous, above the village Delir, 2800 m, Assadi & Maassoumi 51571 (TARI). -Azarbayejan: 30 km W of Uroumiyeh, Silvana, 1650 m Akbarzadeh 74 (TARI); Ouromiyeh, Soluk, 1200 m Sabeti 5758 (TARI); Razhan, Rabat village, 900 m, Siami 5745 (TARI); 17 Oxytropis in Iran Fig. 5. Oxytropis kordkoyensis (×1); petals (×4). IRAN. J. BOT. 19 (1), 2013 IRAN. J. BOT. 19 (1), 2013 Ouromiyeh, Khosha Kuh, 1800 m, Maassoumi & Nikchehreh 80251 (TARI); Mianeh, Bozghosh mnt, Toushmanlou (road of Khalkhal), 1650-1950 m. Mozaffarian & Ramazani 96301 (TARI). -Lorestan: Dorud, Oshtorankuh, between Cheshmeh Darre and Panbehkar, neck mnt, 2350-2550 m, Mozaffarian 83715 (TARI); Aligudarz, 60 km SW Aligudarz to Shulabad, Sarab-e Durak, 2000 m, Dehshiri s.n. (TARI). - Bakhtiari: Ben, between Bard and Uregun, Kharsank, 2565 m. Mozaffarian 97159 (TARI). Hamadan: Avaj, Ranjbar 556 (TARI). -Tehran: Karaj, Asemwarak, Gachsar, 2300 m Ghahreman et al. 7386 (TUH); Sorkh-e Hesar, Ghahreman et al. 7387 (TUH); Karaj to Chalus, ca. 2 km before the tunnel, 2570 m, Maassoumi & Jalili 82410 (TARI); 71 km on the road from Karaj to Chalus, 2200 m Maassoumi 55104 (TARI); Ab Ali road, Polour, Lar protected area, 2500 m, Dini & Arazm 5776 (TARI); Emamzadeh Hashem, 2700 m, Dini & Arazm 15507 (TARI). 22.O. kuchanensis Vassilcz., Nov. Syst. Pl. Vas. Leningrad 17: 198 (1980). Typus: Khorasan: Inter Quchan et Bajgiran 1100-1600 m, Schmid 6312 (hol. G; iso. W). Gen. Dist.: Iran (endemic). Examined specimens: Gorgan: Shahpassand to Bojnurd, l’embranchement de la route Almeh, 07.06.1975,1200-1300 m, Termeh s.n. (IRAN). Khorassan: Kuh-e Hezar Masjed, 08.07.1948, Rechinger, Aellen & Esfandiari 5056 (IRAN); ca. 45 km N. of Shirvan, Golool-Sarani protected area, 16002300m, Assadi & Maassoumi 50474 (TARI); Esferayen, N. slope of kuh-e Shah Jahan from Darparchin Bala village, 1700-2500 m Mozaffarian 48560 (TARI); Moussavi 3115 (TARI); 50 km S. of Ghouchan, 105 km NE Sabzevar, 1500, Pabot 7919 (28578) (TARI); Bajguiran, beginning of the road to Emamgholi, 1500-1600 m, Ghoreishi 893G (4681) (FUMH); Gonabad, Dehshak, 1700 m, Zargari 41 (4683) (FUMH); SW. Ghouchan, Barsalan to Mokharan, 1820-1850 m, Joharch 44417 (FUMH); NE Birjand, Naveh to Ghatlish, 3.5 km to Izman, 12001300 m, Memarian & Zangooei 43142 ( FUMH); S. W. Kalat-e Naderi, between Khalil abad and Ghale now, 1200 m, Joharchi 43003 (FUMH). 23. O. lupinoides Grossh., Fl. Kavk. 5: 448 (1952). Typus: Nachitshevan: prope Vica, Ahura Noraschen dist. Grossheim, Iljinskaja & Kirpicznikov (LE, photo jstore site !). Gen. Dist. Caucasus, Turkey and Iran. Examined specimens: Azarbayejan: Marand to Zonuz, between Zunuzagh and Kuhkamar, 2500 m, Ghahreman & Mozaffarian 17416 (TUH); 36 km Maassoumi 18 Kharvana, on the road from Varzeghan to Siahrud, 1550 m, Assadi 86698 (TARI); Marand, 8 km Tabriz road, 2050 m, Foroughi 6293 (TARI); ca. 6 km from Siran to Golzar, 1780 m, Maassoumi, Safavi & Ghahremani 82530 (TARI). 24. Oxytropis mahneshanensis Maassoumi, sp. nov., Fig. 6. Differt O. immersa Bunge foliis dense patenter villosis (nec appresse pilosis), legumnibus albo pilosis (nec albo- nigrosque pilosis), stipulis deinde glabris. Plant ca. 3-5 cm tall, acaulescent, densely covered with spreading white hairs up to 0.5 mm, in fruit up to 2 mm long. Caudex much divided, with very short branches, at the base covered with remnants of the old petioles. Stipules whitish-hyaline, ca. 3 mm long, sparsely hairy, later glabrescent, at the base adnate to the petiole and at the upper part nearly vaginate, sheathing the stem, free portion late ovate, acuminate, ca. 8 mm long. Leaves 0.5-0.8 (-1.5) cm long; petiole 0.1-0.3 cm long, like the rachis with double indumentum, densely covered with short appressed, confusely curled hairs mixed with dense long, straight, ascending to nearly spreading hairs up to 1 mm long. Leaflets 7-10 pairs, small, contiguous, narrowly ovate to narrowly elliptic, 2-2.5 x 1-1.5 mm, acute at the apex, on both sides densely covered with mostly straight, subappressed hairs up to 1 mm long. Peduncles 1.5-2 cm long, erect, covered with short appressed hairs mixed with long spreading hairs. Racemes loosely 3-5 flowered. Bracts whitish, narrowly triangular, curved, acute, ca. 4 mm long, white hairy. Pedicels ca.1 mm long, densely with spreading white hairs. Calyx ca.4.5-5 mm long, tubular, campanulate, rather densely covered with mostly spreading white hairs up to 1 mm long and mixed with shorter, often curled and more appressed black hairs; teeth linear, acute, 1.5-2 mm long. Petals pale violet. Standard 10 mn long; blade orbicular, ca. 7 mm wide, at the apex deeply emarginate, at the base subabruptly and shortly narrowed. Wings 9 mm long; blades narrowly oblong, slightly dilated toward the obliquely emarginate apex, 5.5 x 3 mm; auricle wide, ca.1.5 mm long; claw 4 mm long. Keel ca.8 mm long; blades oblong-obovate, in upper part shortly curved, slightly concave, 5 x 2.5 mm, at the apex with very short and curved mucron ca.0.4 mm long; auricle ca. 0.5 mm long; claw 3.5 mm long. Ovary shortly stipitate, long white hairy. Legumes on a stipe ca. 1 mm long, erect, oblong, straight, 8 mm long, ca. 2.5 mm wide, carinate ventrally, grooved dorsally, at apex gradually narrowed into a straight beak 1.5 mm long, unilocular; valves straw-colored, densely covered with thin, mostly flexuose, ± spreading white hairs up to 2 mm long. Typus: Zanjan: Mahneshan, Alam Kandy village, 19 Oxytropis in Iran IRAN. J. BOT. 19 (1), 2013 Fig. 6. Oxytropis mahneshanensis (×1); petals (×4). Sandough Cenderan mnt, 3000 m, 05,05, 1373 (Persian calendar), Moussavi 411 (holotypus TARI!). 25. O. neo-rechingeriana Vassilcz., Fl. Iranica 157: 134 (1984). Typus: Khorassan: Kuh-e Binalud ca. 20 km NE oppido Neyshabur, 2300-2800 m, Sojak 7658 (PR). Gen. Dist.: Iran (endemic). Examined specimens: Khorassan: N. of Farouj, 3.5 km to Koran, Kordiyeh toward Sarcheshmeh, 1550-1570 m, Memariani & Zangooei 42929a (FUMH) ;Ghale Safa, Oghaz Tazeh, Memariani & Zangooei 43081 (FUMH); Shirvan, Namanlou, Golul, Tcheshmeh Gabri, 2400 m, 19.07.1986, Termeh, Moussavi & Tehrani 41371 (IRAN). 26. O. pilosa (L.) DC., Astragal. 21 (1908). Typus: Europa et Sibiria (photo jstore site !). IRAN. J. BOT. 19 (1), 2013 Gen. Dist.: Caucasus, Iran. Dist. In Iran: Azarbayejan: Arasbaran protected area, Kalaleh village, margin of forest,1300 m, 17.03.1380 (Persian calendar), Ghahremani, Talebpour & Imani 6903 (TARI). Within Iranian material, this species with yellow flowers is distinguishable from all the other species. 27. O. persica Boiss, Diagn. Pl. Or. Nov.Ser.1, 2: 40 (1843). Typus: Mazandaran: mont Alamut 4420 (G-Boiss, photo jstore site !). =O. pusilloides Vassicz., Nov. Syst. Pl. Vasca. Leningrad 17: 186(1980), syn. nov. Typus:Afghanistan: in decl. Orientalibus jugi Salang, Fohlen N 1a.,p.p. =O. Takhti-soleimanii Vassilcz., Nov. Syst. Pl. Vasca. Leningrad 17: 185 (1980). Typus: Mazandaran: Takhti-soleiman, 4320 m, Klein 2177 (W). Gen. Dist. Caucasus, Turkey, Iran, Afghanistan and China. Examined specimens: Mazandaran: ca. 40 km S. of Ramsar, N. slope of Khash Chal mnt, 2900-3600 m, Assadi & Maassoumi 51217 (TARI); ca.30 km S. of Ramsar, between Khash Chal and Miankuh, Assadi & Maassoumi 51253 (TARI). - Azarbayejan: Mianeh, Tark, Fandoghlou to Sevi village to Bozghoush, 22002800 m, Mozaffarian & Ramazani 96401 (TARI). Semnan: ca. 20 km NW of Shahrud, above Nekarman, Kuh-e Shahvar, 3700-3950 m., Assadi & Mozaffarian 40886, 40867,40863 (TARI). -Tehran: Elbourz, Elika, Varvasht, 3600-4100 m, Terme s.n. (IRAN). O. pussiloides was described based on the materials of Afghanistan. In Flora Iranica the cited specimens are the mixture species of Astragalus daenensis and O. persica. Specimen no. Terme et al. 39831 which was cited in Fl. Iranica, is clearly O. persica. 28. Oxytropis pseudosuavis Maassoumi, sp. nov., Fig. 7. Differt O. suavis Boriss. Foliolis 6-8 (nec 10-12) jugis, vexillo apicem rotundato (nec emarginato), legumine 10-12 mm longo basi ca. 2 mm stipitato (nec 20 mm longo. Plant ca.20 cm tall, acaulescent, covered with thin, mostly spreading white hairs up to 1.25, in fruit up to 2 mm long. Caudex divided, with short branches, densely covered with remnants of old petioles. Stipules whitishhyaline, ca. 12 mm long, free portion lanceolate ca. 8 mm long, adnate to the petiole for ca.4 mm, sparsely covered with appressed hairs up to 1.2 mm long, later glabrescent. Leaves 6-11 cm long; petiole 4-6 cm long, Maassoumi 20 like the rachis with a clearly double indumentum, densely covered with subappressed, confusely curled short hairs and with fewer straight, ascending to nearly spreading hairs up to 1.5 mm long. Leaflets 7-8 pairs, narrowly ovate to narrowly elliptic, 7-15 x 3-5 mm, obtuse at the apex, on both sides densely covered with mostly straight, appressed to subappressed or ascending hairs. Peduncles 10-15 cm long, erect, covered with short cured appressed hairs mixed with few straight long hairs. Racemes rather 10-12 flowered. Bracts lanceolate to linear, ca. 4 mm long, white hairy. Pedicels ca. 1.5 mm long, white and black hairy. Calyx ca. 10 mm long, campanulate, rather densely covered with mostly spreading white hairs up to 1 mm long and with shorter, often curled and speading black hairs; teeth lanceolate-linear, acute, ca. 6 mm long. Petals violet. Standard 12-13 mn long; blade narrowly elliptic, ca. 5 mm wide, at the apex rounded, at the base subabruptly and shortly narrowed. Wings 11 mm long; blades oblong, minutely dilated toward the entire apex, 8 x 3.5 mm; auricle wide, ca.1.5 mm long; claw 3.5 mm long. Keel ca. 9.5 mm long; blades oblongobovate, with in upper part slightly curved lower edge and slightly concave upper edge, 7 x 3 mm, at the apex with the curved mucron ca.1 mm long; auricle ca. 0.75 mm long; claw 4 mm long.. Ovary shortly stipitate, long white hairy. Legumes on a stipe ca.1.5 mm long, erect to spreading, oblong, shortly curved, 10-15 mm long, ca. 4 mm wide, ventrally carinate, straight, very deeply grooved dorsally, at the apex gradually narrowed into a straight beak 2 mm long, unilocular; valves coriaceous, green to straw-colored, densely covered with thin, mostly straight, spreading white hairs up to 2 mm long. Typus: Khorassan: W. of Ghaen, hills SW of Tajan, 18.08.2009, 1900-2000 m, Joharch & Zangooei 42458 (holotypus FUMH; isotypus TARI); ibidem, Joharch & Zangooei 42457 (FUMH) 29. O. rechingeri Vassilcz., Ann. Nat. Hist. Mus. Wien: 24: 24 (1971). Typus: Khorasan: Inter Quchan et Bajgiran, 1100-1600 m, 03.07.1956, Schmid 6303 (hol. W). Gen. Dist.: Iran (endemic). Examined specimens: Khorassan: ca. 14 km NE of Gifan, mountains N. of Yazdanabad, 2000 m, Assadi & Maassoumi 50334 (TARI). 30. O. rhodontha Vassilcz., Bjill. Nosk. Obsca. Isp. Prir., Otd. Biol. 93 (3): 97-102 (1988). Typus: Azarbayejan: Ourmiyeh, Serow, 1860 m, Foroughi (hol. W; correcte iso. Foroughi 6310 TARI!). Gen. Dist. Iran (endemic). 21 Oxytropis in Iran Fig. 7. Oxytropis pseudosuavis (×1); petals (×4). IRAN. J. BOT. 19 (1), 2013 IRAN. J. BOT. 19 (1), 2013 Examined specimens: Azarbayejan: Serow, 1860 m, Foroughi 6310 (TARI). Maassoumi 22 Ouromiyeh, 31. Oxytropis sabzavarensis Maassoumi, sp. nov., Fig. 8. Differt a O. kuchanensis Vassilcz. pedunculis indumentis vix duplicatis (nec appressis), calyce pilis patulis ca. 0.2-1.5 mm longis (nec appressis), dentibus tubis 2-3 plo longioribus (nec aequantibus), a O. suavis Fedtsch. pedunculis pilis patulis (nec appressis), foliolis 7-9 jugis (nec 9-14). Plant ca.12-20 cm tall, acaulescent, covered with mostly spreading white hairs up to 0.2-1.5 mm, in fruit up to 2 mm long. Caudex divided, with short branches, densely covered with remnants of old petioles and stipules. Stipules whitish-hyaline, 10-12 mm long, adnate to the petiole for ca.4 mm, free portion linear acuminate, ca. 8 mm long, densely covered with appressed to ascending hairs up to 1 mm long. Leaves 6-10 cm long; petiole 3-6 cm long, like the rachis with double indumentum, densely covered with subappressed, confusely short hairs 0.3 mm long and with straight, ascending to nearly spreading hairs up to 1 mm long. Leaflets in 7-9 pairs, oblong to elliptic, ca. 4-7 x 2.5 mm, margin cartillagineus, reddish, acute at the apex, upper side densely covered with mostly straight, lower side covered with subappressed to slightly ascending hairs up to 2 mm long. Peduncles 714 cm long, erect, covered with short and long hairs (different from those of petioles) like the rachis. Racemes (in fruit) rather loosely 9-12 flowered. Bracts greenish, linear-acute, ca. 2.5 mm long, white and black hairy. Pedicels ca. 2 mm long, white and black hairy. Calyx ca. 11 mm long, campanulate, rather densely covered with mostly spreading white hairs up to 2 mm long and occasionally with few rarely shorter, often curly spreading black hairs; teeth lanceolate, acute, 6 mm long, inner side hairy. Petals dark violet. Standard 11.5 mn long; blade widely elliptic, 6 mm wide, at the apex retuse to emarginate, at the base subabruptly and shortly narrowed. Wings 10.5 mm long; blades narrowly oblong, slightly dilated toward the obliquely emarginate apex, 7.5 x 3 mm; auricle wide, ca.1.5 mm long; claw 3 mm long. Keel ca.10 mm long; blades oblong-obovate, 6 x 3 mm, at the apex obliquely obtuse with a slightly straight beak ca. 2 mm long; auricle very short; claw 3 mm long. Ovary shortly stipitate, long white hairy. Legumes on a stipe ca.1.5 mm long, pilose, erect to spreading, oblong, shortly curved, 17 mm long, ca.5 mm wide, carinate ventrally, very deeply grooved dorsally, attenuated at the base, at the apex gradually narrowed into a straight beak 3 mm long, unilocular; valves thin, straw-colored, densely covered with thin, mostly flexuose, ± spreading white hairs up to 2 mm long. Typus: Khorassan: W of Sabzavar, mountains in E of Sarough, N: 36, 20; E: 57,18, Joharchi & Zangooei 42454 (holotypus FUMH ; isotypus TARI). 32. Oxytropis salukensis Maassoumi, sp. nov., Fig. 9. Differt a O. iranica Vassilcz. calyce pilis tantum albis (nec nigris et albis immixitis) leguminibus ellipticis, pilis dense patulis (nec olongis et nec pilis brevibus appressis). Plant ca. 15 cm tall, acaulescent, covered with appressed white hairs up to 0.2-1 mm, in fruit up to 1.5 mm long. Caudex much divided, with short branches, densely covered with remnants of old petioles and stipules. Stipules whitish-hyaline, ca. 7 mm long, free portion lanceolate, ca. 3 mm long, adnate to the petiole for ca. 3 mm, rather densely covered with subappressed hairs up to 1 mm long. Leaves 3-4 cm long; petiole 1.52 cm long, like the rachis with a clearly double indumentum, densely covered with short appressed confusely curled hairs 0.2-0.3 mm long and with fewer straight, subappressed to nearly spreading hairs up to 1.25 mm long. Leaflets in 8-9 pairs, narrowly oblong to narrowly elliptic, 2-3 x 0.5-1 mm, acute at the apex, on both sides densely covered with mostly straight, appressed hairs up to 0.3 mm long. Peduncles 4-8 cm long, erect, hairy like the rachis, covered with longer hairs up to 1.5 mm long. Racemes (in fruit) rather loosely 8-9 flowered. Bracts greenish, linear, acute, ca.2 mm long, white hairy, tapering to the apex. Pedicels ca. 1 mm long, white hairy. Calyx ca. 7 mm long, campanulate, rather densely covered with mostly subappressed to spreading white hairs up to 1.25 mm long and with few shorter, often appressed white hairs; teeth linear, acute, 3.5 mm long. Petals violet. Standard 10 mn long; blade narrowly elliptic, ca.4 mm wide, at the apex retuse, at the base subabruptly and shortly narrowed. Wings 10 mm long; blades narrowly oblong, minutely dilated toward the obliquely emarginate apex, 7 x 3 mm; auricle wide, ca.1 mm long; claw 3 mm long. Keel ca. 10 mm long; blades oblong-obovate, 5 x 2.5 mm, at the apex obliquely obtuse with a slightly straight mucron ca. 1.6 mm long; auricle ca.0.5 mm long; claw 4 mm long. Ovary stipitate, long white hairy. Legumes on a stipe ca. 1 mm long, erect to spreading, elliptic, straight, 15 mm long, ca. 4.5 mm wide, carinate ventrally, shortly grooved dorsally, at the base nearly rounded, at the apex gradually narrowed into a straight beak 2.5-3 mm long, unilocular; valves thin, green to straw-colored, densely covered with thin, mostly flexuose, ± spreading white hairs up to 2.5 mm long. Typus: Khorassan: SW Bujnourd, Ghaleh Saluk, around microwave station, N: 37,15; E: 57,08, 2940- 23 Oxytropis in Iran Fig. 8. Oxytropis sabzavarensis (×0.82); petals (×3.8). IRAN. J. BOT. 19 (1), 2013 IRAN. J. BOT. 19 (1), 2013 Fig. 9. Oxytropis salukensis (×0.77); petals (×3). Maassoumi 24 25 Oxytropis in Iran 2950 m, Joharchi & Memariani 44125 (hol. FUMH; iso: TARI). 33. O. savallanica Bunge ex Boiss., Fl. Or. 2: 503 (1872). Typus: Azarbayejan: In summa alpe Savallan in province Adserbidschan, Persia boreali occidentalis, Seidlitz (P). Gen. Dist.: Caucasus, Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, China. Examined specimens: Mazandaran: S. of Ramsar, W. of Lapasar, 3280 m, Runemark & Maassoumi 21779 (TARI). The species is very closed to O. persica, but separable from it by jointed stipules to each others sheathing the stem and at the base shortly adnate to the petioles. 34. Oxytropis shahvarica Maassoumi, sp. nov., Fig. 10. Differt a O. savallanica Bunge ex Boiss. caudice laxe (nec dense) diviso, leguminibus pilis densis, longis et patulis (nec brevibus et appressis), a O. immersa (Baker) Bunge ex Fedtsch. stipulis vaginatis dense pilosis, basim petiola breviter adnatis (nec glabris et nec basim petiola longe adnatis. Plant ca. 5-8 cm tall, acaulescent, covered with short appressed white hairs up to 0.1-0.5 mm, in fruit up to 2.5 mm long. Caudex divided, with short and lax branches, covered with remnants of old petioles and stipules. Stipules whitish-hyaline, at the base narrowly triangula, linear-acuminate, 4-5 mm long, jointed to each other, sheathing the stem, at the base shortly adnate to the petiole, rather densely covered with subappressed hairs up to 0.25 mm long. Leaves 1.5-2.5 cm long; petiole 0.5-1 cm long, like the rachis with a clearly double indumentum, densely covered with short appressed hairs 0.1 mm long and with fewer straight, ascending to nearly spreading hairs up to 0.5 mm long. Leaflets 5-8 pairs, narrowly elliptic, 5 x 1 mm, acute at the apex, on both sides densely covered with appressed to subappressed hairs up to 1.2 mm long. Peduncles 3-7 cm long, thin, erect, hairy like the rachis. Racemes rather loosely 4-6 flowered. Bracts greenish, lanceolate-ovate, acute, ca.2 mm long, white and black hairy. Pedicels ca. 1 mm long, densely black hairy. Calyx ca. 5 mm long, campanulate, rather densely covered with subappressed to spreading white and black hairs up to 0.25 mm, occasionally with clearly only white hairs; teeth lanceolate, acute, 2 mm long. Petals pale violet. Standard 11 mn long; blade widely elliptic, ca. 6-6.5 mm wide, at the apex retuse to emarginate, at the base shortly narrowed. Wings ca. 10. mm long; blades narrowly obovate, slightly dilated IRAN. J. BOT. 19 (1), 2013 toward the obliquely emarginate apex, 6.5x3.5 mm; auricle wide, ca.2.5 mm long; claw 3.5 mm long. Keel ca. 10 mm long; blades oblong-obovate, in upper part slightly curved, 4.5 x 3 mm, at the apex obliquely obtuse with a slightly straight beak ca.1.5 mm long; auricle very short; claw 5 mm long. Ovary shortly stipitate, long white hairy. Legumes (immature) on a stipe ca. 0.8. mm long, erect to spreading, oblong, 8 mm long, ca.3 mm wide, carinate ventrally, rotundate dorsally, at the base attenuated, at the apex gradually narrowed into a curved beak ca. 2.5 mm long, unilocular; valves thin, greenish yellow, densely covered with thin, mostly flexuose, ± spreading white hairs up to 2.5 mm long. Typus: Semnan: ca. 20 km NW of Shahvar, above Nekarman, Kuh-e Shahvar (CF2), near the top, 36003900 m, Assadi & Mozaffarian 40892 (holotypus TARI!). 35. Oxytropis sivehensis Maassoumi & Amini Rad, sp. nov., Fig. 11. Leguminibus membranaceis, dense brevissime appresse albo pilosis insignis. Differt a O. persica Boiss. & Buhse calycis albo-nigrosque pilosis (nec albo pilosis), a O. immersa Bunge legumnibus albo (nec albonigrosque) pilosis, a O. savallanica Bunge stipulis glabris, vexillo 6-6.5 mm longo (nec 8-10 mm). Plant ca.6-7 cm tall, acaulescent, densely caespitose, covered with thin, appressed white hairs up to 0.25 mm, in fruit up to 0.2 mm long. Caudex divided, intricate, with short branches, densely covered with remnants of old petioles and stipules. Stipules whitishhyaline, at first sparsely hairy, later glabrescent, margin cilliate, 6 mm long, free portion lanceolate, ca. 2 mm long, adnate to the petiole for ca.4 mm. Leaves 2-2.5 cm long; petiole 0.5-1mm cm long, like the rachis densely covered with appressed hairs. Leaflets 5-6 pairs, narrowly elliptic, 3-4 x 1-2 mm, folded, acute at the apex, on both sides densely covered with straight, appressed hairs up to 1 mm long. Peduncles 2-5 cm long, procumbent, covered sparsely with short and long appressed hairs. Racemes densely 4-6 flowered. Bracts linear-acute, ca.1-1.5 mm long, with appressed white and few black hairs. Pedicels ca. 1.5 mm long, white and black hairy. Calyx ca.3 mm long, campanulate, rather densely covered with mostly appressed white hairs up to 0.25 mm long and with very shorter, often curled and more appressed black hairs; teeth triangular, acute, 1 mm long. Petals dark violet. Standard 7.5-8 mn long; blade ovate, ca. 5.5 mm wide, at the apex deeply emarginate, at the base gradually narrowed. Wings 7 mm long; blades narrowly oblong, minutely enlaged toward the obliquely emarginate apex, 5 x 2 mm; auricle wide, ca.1 mm long; claw 2.5 mm long. Keel IRAN. J. BOT. 19 (1), 2013 Maassoumi 26 Fig. 10. Oxytropis shahvarica (×1); petals (×4). ca. 7 mm long; blades oblong, nearly erect, 3.5 x 2 mm, at the apex with a mucron ca. 1.5 mm long; auricle very short; claw 2 mm long. Ovary shortly stipitate, white hairy. Legumes on a stipe ca. 1 mm long, inflated, erecr to spreading, oblique-oblong, 13 mm long, ca. 7 mm wide, ventrally rotoundate, carinate, dorsally straight, carinate, at the apex gradually narrowed into a runcinate beak 2 mm long, unilocular; valves thin, membranous, straw-colored, densely covered with short, straight curly subappressed to spreading white hairs up to o.25 mm long. Gen. Dist. Iran (endemic). Examined specimens: Azarbayjan: Piranshahr, Silveh, Gerdasor, Darreh mnt, 24. July 2011, 3150-3257 m, Amini Rad & Torabi s.n. (holotypus IRAN; isotypus TARI); other specimen seen: Azarbayjan: Piranshahr, Silveh, Zivke, Chighdarreh mnt. 3130-3570 m, 04.07.2012, Amini Rad & Torabi s.n. (IRAN!). 36. O. sojakii Vassicz., Fl. Iranica 157: 119 (1984). Typus: Kerman: in pratis ad pagum Lalehzar, 2800- 4000 m, 25. 05.1977, Sojak 7755 (PR). = O. lalehzarensis Vassilcz., Novit. Syst. Pl. Vasca. 21: 113 (1984). Typus: Kerman: in pratis ad pagum Lalehzar, 28004000 m, 25.05. 1977, Sojak 7755 et 7754 (W). nom. invalid., syn. nov. O. lalehzarensis was published as a distinct species by introducing two types (syntypi). These two specimens cited in Flora Iranica for O. sojakii as well. There seems to be no differences between the descriptions of the two taxa and therefore they are regarded as synonymy. The two taxa have been published in the sme date, but as for O. sojakii a single specimen was cited as type, it is accepted as the correct name. Gen. Dist.: Iran (endemic). Examined specimens: Kerman: Kuh-e Hazar, bab Zangui, 3150 m, Saberi et al. 5471 (TARI); Rayen, above the village Baba Zangui, s. slope of Kuh-e Hazar, 3100-3900 m, Assadi 83196 (TARI). 37. O. suavis Boriss., Not. Syst. Leningrad 10: 80 (1947). 27 Oxytropis in Iran IRAN. J. BOT. 19 (1), 2013 Fig. 11. Oxytropis sivehensis (×1); petals (×4). Typus: In schistosis mont Czisch in juniperetis, Borissova 95 (LE). Gen. Dist.: Iran and Turkmenistan. Examined specimens: Gorgan: Golestan park, Sharlegh station,1300 m, Maassoumi 47579 and 47588 (TARI). -Khorassan: 15 km on the Gifan road to Bujnurd, near the village Soorek, 1000 m, Assadi & Maassoumi 50074 (TARI). -Khorassan: Esferayen to Sabzevar, Hesari, Kuh-e Shah-e Jahan, 17.06.1975, 1400-0750 m, Termeh s.n. (IRAN); N. of Farouj, 3.5 km to Koran, Kordiyeh toward Sarcheshmeh, 15501570 m, Memariani & Zangooei 42883 (FUMH). Examined specimens: Mazandaran: Chalous, Doab vers Dasht-e Nazir. 11 km de Doab, 450 m Termeh et al. 33756 E (IRAN). -Guilan: Baresar to Leushan, 16 km after Baresar, 1720 m, Zarre & Moazen 33897 (TUH). 38. O. szovitsii Boiss. & Buhse, Nov. Mem. Soca. Nat. Mosca. 12: 57 (1860). Typus: Tehran, M. Elburs bei Warahosul 7000’ Buhse (LE). Gen. Dist. Caucasus, Turkey and Iran. REFERENCES ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Thanks to Prof. Podlech, Dr. Kazempour and Dr. Ghahremaninejad for their invaluable comments and to Dr. Assadi for editting of the text. My best thanks due to Mrs. Nowbakht, artist of the departement, for preparing the illustrations. Boissier, E. 1872: Oxytropis DC. in Flora Orientalis vol. 2: 498-553. -Genevae et Basileae. Bunge, A. 1874: Species generis Oxytropis DC. –Mém. Acad. Imp. Saint Pétersbourg, Sér. 7, 22 (1). IRAN. J. BOT. 19 (1), 2013 De Candolle, 1802:Astragalogia ed. 4: 66 Dickoré, W. B. & Kriechbaum, M. 2006: Oxytropis iridum (Leguminosae), a new species from SE Tibet (Xizang, China), including phytogeographical notes. –Willdenowia 36: 857-865. Fedchenko B. A. & Vasilchenko I. T. 1948: Oxytropis Dc. In Komarov V. L. (ed.) Flora of the USSR vol. 13: 30-40. –Moskva & Leningrad. Iranshahr, M., 2010: My Botanical Tours in Iran. – Tehran. Jstore site, 2012: policies/ terms.jsp. Maassoumi, A. A. 1990: Some new species of Astragalus L. sect. Malacothrix in Iran. -Mitt. Bot. Staatssamml. Munchen 29: 503-508. Maassoumi, A. A. 1991: Some new species of the genus Astragalus sect. Malacothrix in Iran. -Iran. J. Bot. 5 (1): 9-15. Maassoumi, A. A. 1993: Revision of Astragalus L. sect. Malacothrix Bunge (Legumonosae) in Iran. Sendtnera, vol. 1: 157-240. Maassoumi, A. A. & D. Podlech 1990: New species of Astragalus L. from Iran. -Mitt. Bot.Staatssamml. Munchen 29: 509-514. Naqinezhad, A., A. Jalili, F. Attar, A. Ghareman & A. A. Maassoumi 2008: Two new records from Maassoumi 28 wetland habitats of the Central Alborz Mountains IRAN. -Turk. J. Bot. 32: 249-253. Podlech, D., Sh. Zarre, A. A. Maassoumi, M. Ekici & A. Sytin, 2010: Astragalus in K. H. Rechinger (ed.), Flora Iranica 178: 1-430. Podlech, D. & A. A, Maassoumi, 2003: New species of Astragalus L. (Fabaceae) from Iran mainly of sects. Incani and Malacothrix. -Feddes Repertorium 114 (5-6): 320-349. Podlech D., A. A. Maassoumi & Sh. Zarre 2012: Astragalus in K. H. Rechinger (ed.), Fl. Iranica 179: 1-312. Ranjbar, M 1999: Some remarks on the genus Oxytropis (Fabaceae) from Iran. -Sendtnera 6: 9396. Ranjbar, M., R. Karamian & S. Bayat 2009: Notes on the Oxytropis sect. Mesogaea in Iran. -Ann. Bot. Fennicii, 46: 225-228 Rechinger, K. H. 1984: Oxytropis. Additamenta. – p.p. 162-164 in Rechinger, K. H. (ed.), Flora iranica 157. – Graz. Vassilczenko, I. T. 1984: Oxytropis L. in Rechinger, K. H. (ed.), Flora Iranica 157: 101-162. – Graz. Vassilczenko, I. T. 1988: New Asiatic species of the genus Oxytropis DC. -Bjull. Mosk. Obsca. Isp. Prir. Otd. Biol. 93 (3): 97-102.