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green broadbill (Calyptomena viridis) also known as the lesser green broadbill

Distribution and habitat

The green broadbill is distributed in broadleaved evergreen forests of Borneo, Sumatra and the Malay Peninsula where it frequents lowland and lower montane rainforest.


It is often overlooked, as it sits motionless inside the canopy or just below, quickly flying to a new location if disturbed. Its foliage-green color provides excellent camouflage.It feeds largely on soft figs. The broadbill’s feeding habits helps to distribute the seeds of the fig around the forest floor. The female usually lays between two to three whitish eggs, and the young fledge after twenty-two to twenty-three days.


Lim Kam Su Photos

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    U forgot to include a photo showing how their mouth is actually fuckin huge
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