
basic information

Eurasian Green Woodpecker

Picus viridis (Linnaeus, 1758)

Жовна зелена | Зелёный дятел

Carpaths mnts. Ivano-Frankovska oblast.
© Mykola Skyrpan


An adult male from the top is olive green; on the head is a red "hat"; A dark spot around the eye that turns into a black "mustache" with a red spot in the center; on the underside and over the throat yellow: the bottom is whitish-greenish-gray, with a transverse dark variegatedness on the back of the abdomen and underarm; primordial fly feathers of storm, with white spots; secondary mah feather on top of olive green; the tail is plump, sharpened, dark brown, with an olive shade, an extreme stubble feather with whitish stripes; the beak is dark brown; legs are dark gray; the iris of the eye is whitish. Adult female is similar to an adult male, but the "mustache" is completely black. In the young male, the upper is a brownish-green, feather with a whitish rim; red "mustache" and "cap" are dotted with black spots; The bottom is greenish, with brown spots and transverse bands; iris brown; in the young female "mustache" is completely black.

It is distinguished by a large red "hat" from the gray lobe, and an adult bird of the green of the gray bird's adult bird - also dark mottledness on the back of the abdomen and underarm; a young yellow green from a young gray lobe - also a transverse strip of the lower part of the trunk.


It is distributed in the forest and forest-steppe zone, except for the Carpathians, as well as in separate areas in the west of the steppe zone.


1. Г.В. Фесенко, А.А. Бокотей / Птахи фауни України: польовий визначник. - К., 2002. - 416с.: іл. 1430 (іл. табл 195)


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Олег Марцун: Я б сказав, що галка.Видно сіру шию.

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