Hearts of Iron IV

Hearts of Iron IV

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Items (212)
∞ Limitless ∞
Created by TQ Ambo
1.11V → https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2684778454 This mod tries to remove/expand the limits of the game. Some changes are: More factories can work per building (raised to 50 per line) Infrastructure raised to 100 (+1000% buildingsp...
Created by _kannA
discordのhoi4マルチ用鯖の派生鯖である再生政府鯖のメンバーを将軍として登用できるようにする内輪modです。 基本的に使用法はディシジョンで政治力を消費し、自分を登用してください。 ※一人以上を登用可能なのは使用です。 一応将軍の更新はする予定です。...
Created by toliner
タイトルのまま 他にも細かいMod作ってるのでよければユーザーから見ていってね...
++Easybuff - Endsieg
Created by MrBlazzar™
Requires the original Easybuff mod to be active. This edits a few of the files in the original Easybuff mod to have it work for Endsiegs ideologies, Factions and resources. Other Versions: See collection for other versions. Check out my other mods If you l...
Created by Inkit
+Easy Buff 24.3.9 update tag to 1.14 # Features: * For Single Players (Useable in Muti when others also use this mod). * No steam archievements. ## Modifier Buffs * Open Buffs in National Ideas. * Support different level Modifiers in Construction, Research...
+Japan State 改
Created by 優紗157
This mod adds about 200 states with a focus on Japan. There are also some other additions such as Japanese Peace Decisions and other basic Japan-centered items. It is recommended to play with the State Transfer Tool installed, as there is a possibility tha...
+JP:Hololive of Iron
Created by Kirindar
Hololive of Ironを日本語化するmodです。 翻訳率や変更箇所についてはページ上部変更履歴にて 不具合などの報告は下記Discordかコメント欄まで この日本語化modは現在、翻訳が滞っています。したがって翻訳をしてくれる方々を大募集しています!少しでも興味を持たれましたら下記Discordに入りプロジェクトに参加しましょう!(初心者も大歓迎) Hololive of Ironとは ホロライブがWW1に勝った世界線です。ホロライブはABK48と同じくアイドル企業。彼らはWW1を止めるために19...
+JP ModifierGUI
Created by mukkun
ModifierGUIを日本語化させていただきました。 #### URL #### 他の日本語化mod→https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2861627908...
+jp Peace Deals
Created by 初雪
https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1697276627310993571/1E6F2330E73649406C281945D3BECCE1C586F630/?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolor=%23000000&letterbox=false 概要 このmodはDziurkacz氏のPeace Dealsの邦訳版です。 戦争相手国や陣営を全面降伏に追い込む作業に飽き飽きしていませんか?...
+JP: Cold War Iron Curtain: A World Divided
Created by Kirindar
前管理者から引き継ぎました Cold War Iron Curtain: A World Dividedを日本語化するmodです。 翻訳率や変更箇所についてはページ上部変更履歴にて 不具合などの報告や質問は下記Discordかコメント欄まで 他modの宣伝をコメントでする場合、dmください。 注意 このmodはJapanese Language mod、Additional Japanese map fontsを必要としません。併用したら雰囲気が損なわれ、バグが発生する可能性があります。 このmodは前管理...
+JP: Hearts of Minecraft_old
Created by Kirindar
+JP: Hearts of Minecraftに移行しました...
+JP: Cold War Iron Curtain: A World Divided
Created by nozasan
Cold War Iron Curtain: A World Dividedの日本語化MODです。 翻訳率 or 変更箇所→ページ上部変更履歴へ 不具合報告→Discord or コメント欄へ Cold War Iron Curtain: A World Dividedとは? https://imgur.com/OEZPIHk.png 年は1949年、破壊された惑星が再び暴政と紛争の渦中に落ち始め、新たな競争が生まれている。 各国が独立と権力を勝ち取るために奮闘する中、新たな闘争、決意、紛争の時代へようこそ...
+JP: Expert AI 5.0
Created by hiya7cry
Compatible with vanilla HOI4 AAT 1.14.1 Donations: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/kondi (This account is original creator’s account, not mine.) This is Japanese translation mod. Please use original mod. Expert AI 5.0...
+JP: Hoi4 Plus
Created by 周防長門
※ハッシュ値変更あり。マルチ時は要注意! Hoi4 Plusの日本語化Modです。本Modは本体データが無いため元Modも一緒に入れてください。また日本プレイ時の地名を変えるためにcommonフォルダ以下変更が入ってます。ハッシュ値が変わるためマルチをする際は相手にもこのModを入れてもらうかMod内のcommonフォルダごと消してください。とは言えそこまで翻訳率は高くありません。気長に追加していくので待ってください。 ↓Paratranz(参加していただける方は是非) https://paratranz....
+JP: Italy Reworked
Created by Tokyo
Paglia氏製作のMOD「Italy Reworked」の日本語化MODです。 上記リンクからItaly Reworkedを導入した上でこのMODをご利用ください。 翻訳率:100% 翻訳サーバー:Discord 翻訳作業所:Paratarnz ※翻訳に協力して頂ける方はまずDiscordへの参加をお願いします。 利用上の注意 原作MODの説明文にある各種注意をよく理解して利用してください(下記に原作説明文の日本語訳もありますが、誤訳や古い情報を含む可能性があります)。 この日本語化MODでは、原作MOD...
+JP: Kaiserreich
Created by いなりずし
Kaiserreichの日本語化Modです。 翻訳率や変更箇所についてはページ上部変更履歴にて 不具合などの報告は下記Discordかコメント欄まで Kaiserreichとは? 第一次世界大戦(ドイツ語:Weltkrieg)にてドイツ帝国率いる中央同盟国が勝利した後の世界線を体験するHoi2からあるModです。 歴史あるModなだけに各地域のIFが事細かに設定されており、他の架空Modとは一線を画すといっても過言ではないでしょう。実際の世界がどうなっているかはご自身の目で確かめてみて下さい。それでは良いゲ...
+JP: Lamp's Eqpt Icons
Created by 周防長門
このModは「Lamp's Eqpt Icons」の翻訳Modです。本Modには言語ファイルしかないため元Modの導入も必須となります。またDLC「NSB」導入推奨です。 本Mod及び元Mod共に鉄人対応。 ちなみに一部の装備はGoogle翻訳に入れて発音を無理やりカタカナにしたものがあります。(POR、TUR、POLに顕著)気になった方はコメントなどで指摘してくださると幸いです。 https://paratranz.cn/projects/3518 以下本家の翻訳↓ 戦車設計のため新しい戦車アイコンを描い...
+JP: Millennium Dawn: A Modern Day mod
Created by Emil von Scarlet
Millennium Dawn: A Modern Day Modの日本語化MODです。 また、こちらからの移行&新バージョン対応版となっております。 翻訳率 or 変更箇所→ページ上部変更履歴へ 不具合報告→Discord or コメント欄へ リンク ・Discord ・翻訳作業所:Paratranz(参加するにはGitHubアカウントが必要です) ※翻訳に協力して頂ける方はまずDiscordに参加して下さい 翻訳に参加し協力して下さった有志の皆様に感謝申し上げます。...
+JP: Millennium Dawn: Modern Day Mod
Created by nozasan
Millennium Dawn: Modern Day Modの日本語化MODです。 翻訳率 or 変更箇所→ページ上部変更履歴へ 不具合報告→Discord or コメント欄へ Millennium Dawn: Modern Day Modとは? 2016年7月7日にアップロードされ、2019年5月25日に統合版にアップデートされたMillennium Dawnは、Millennium Dawn Classic、Modern Day 4、YaMDaM 2、Modern Warfare Modの努力を結集し...
+JP: Modifier Icons
Created by 周防長門
ほぼ全ての補正項目の横にアイコンを追加するMod「Modifier Icons」を日本語化するModです。本Modには翻訳された言語ファイルしか入っていないため別途本家Modと日本語化Modを入れる必要があります。 なお本家および本Modは鉄人モードに対応しています。 ちなみに 一人しかいませんが 現在は二 三人で翻訳は↓でやりました。誤訳やミスがあった場合は下記のコメント欄で教えてくださると幸いです https://paratranz.cn/projects/3499 素晴らしいModを作って下さり翻訳M...
+JP: Naval Rework Mod II
Created by いなりずし
DLC Man the Gunsの海軍関連を改良したMod Naval Rework Mod II を勝手に日本語化しています。 このMod単体では動作しません。本家Modと併用して下さい!...
+JP: Precise Buffs - Cheat Ideas
Created by kyrby
『Precise Buffs - Cheat Ideas』のやっつけ日本語化modです。 許可を取っていないので削除要請が来たら消します。 このmodにはlocalisationファイルしか存在しないので単体では動きません。 このmodは99%機械翻訳です。翻訳能力に期待しないでください。 他にもっと良い日本語化modが出たら消します。 このmodを編集してより良い日本語化modを作成してもらっても構いません。 その場合はコメントを下さい。...
+JP: Second Sengoku
Created by Kirindar
Second Sengokuを日本語化するmodです。 翻訳率や変更箇所についてはページ上部変更履歴にて 不具合などの報告や質問は下記Discord(日本語化サーバー)かコメント欄まで 他modの宣伝をコメントでする場合、dmください。 注意 このmodはAdditional Japanese map fontsを必要としません。併用したら雰囲気が損なわれ、バグが発生する可能性があります。 Second Sengokuへようこそ https://i.ibb.co/zNX9hJv/history.png もし...
+JP: The Great War
Created by nozasan
Hearts of Iron IV: The Great Warを日本語化するMODです。 本MODは有志の共同作業により制作されています。 必須MOD ・Hearts of Iron IV: The Great War ・Japanese Language mod ・Additional Japanese map fonts 翻訳率 ・92% Hearts of Iron IV: The Great War 日本語化作業所(参加するにはGitHubアカウントが必要です) Paratranz ※翻訳に協力し...
+JP: The Great War Redux
Created by Charlemagne
このmodは大型modである The Great War Redux の日本語化modです。 本家のリンクはこちら→ https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1946557392 最新バージョンに対応しました! サブmodであるGreat War Redux: Chemical Warfareにも対応いたしました! リンクはこちら→ https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?i...
+JP: The Road to 56
Created by puramai_mch
The Road to 56を日本語化するModです。 本Modは有志の共同作業により製作されています。 前提MOD  The Road to 56  Official Japanese Language fix(必須ではないですが、バニラの訳がよろしくないので推奨します)  Additional Japanese map fonts 翻訳率  52.52% Discordサーバー https://discord.gg/fSxMcQZ The Road to 56 日本語化作業所 https://parat...
+JP: Ultimate Tech Tree : New Horizon
Created by 周防長門
※Official Japanese Language fixにも対応済み Ultimate Tech Tree : New Horizonの日本語化Modです。本Modには言語ファイルしかないため本家Modも同時に入れる必要があります。 なお絶賛翻訳途中で完訳ではありません。現状訳されてるのはバニラで既にある部分と装備の汎用名です。 そのためしばらく武器の固有名称はアルファベットでは浮いてしまう日本と中華圏の一部装備を除き訳しません(数が膨大過ぎるため) 野砲関連以外は大体の装備名を訳しました。 ↓翻訳し...
+JP: War of the Worlds
Created by いなりずし
War of the Worldsの日本語化Modです。 翻訳率や変更箇所についてはページ上部変更履歴にて 不具合などの報告は下記Discordかコメント欄まで Hoi2のエイリアンmodとはシナリオ等が違います。難しいかどうかは個人差があります。 楽しみたい方はマルチプレイをオススメします。 2人マルチ:エイリアン・アメリカ 多人数マルチ:エイリアン、アメリカ以外 特徴 1938年にアメリカでラジオ放送された「宇宙戦争」(原作:イギリスの作家H・G・ウェルズが1898年に発表したSF小説)に基づいてシナリ...
+JP:Equestria at War
Created by Kirindar
Equestria at Warを日本語化するmodです。 翻訳率や変更箇所についてはページ上部変更履歴にて 不具合などの報告や質問は下記Discordかコメント欄まで 他modの宣伝をコメントでする場合、dmください。 注意 このmodはAdditional Japanese map fontsを必要としません。併用すると、バグが発生する可能性があります。 Equestria at Warとは Equestria at Warは、『マイリトルポニー』シリーズに登場するファンタジー世界「エクエストリア」を、...
+JP:Maid Corps
Created by paontv
翻訳率: 95.21% BBA対応済み 翻訳作業所 https://paratranz.cn/projects/3786...
+JP:The new Order : Last Days of Europe
Created by Kirindar
The New Order: Last Days of Europeを日本語化するmodです。 新たにユニット名が日本語化できるようになりました!! →+JP:The new Order : Additional unit name translation 翻訳率や変更箇所についてはページ上部変更履歴にて 不具合などの報告や質問は下記Discordかコメント欄まで 他modの宣伝をコメントでする場合、dmください。 注意 hoi4本体の言語設定を日本語にして起動してください https://i.imgur....
1 Million XP
Created by TheHunterManX
Increases the cap of army XP, navy XP, and air XP to 1 million....
12 Support Companies 1.12 Compat
Created by pasta_roni
1.13 compatibility here: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2962686641 Thank you to Heimdalus and 3068484785 for their help in maintaining this mod! A quick and dirty update to go commit stop's "12 Support Companies" If you're the origi...
1632 - The Ring of Fire
Created by CaesarVincens
1632 - The Ring of Fire brings the world of Eric Flint's 1632 series to Hearts of Iron IV. Play an alternate history set in the middle of the Thirty Years war where a town from the USA in the year 2000 has been transported to Germany in 1631. Play as the t...
Add ship custom slots(crazy slot)
Created by kusakanmuri
This mod add ship's custom slots to base design. ・All ships 40 slots can module more engine and armor can module a lot of sonars and raders can module 1 xp reduce build ic cost about 50% reduce need manpower about 50% reduce some module resource expand dec...
<旧ver用>Japanese Language mod For ver1.10.8
Created by Tokyo
こちらは旧バージョン(ver1.10.8)用のHoi4日本語化Modです。 最新バージョン用のものではありません! 最新の日本語化Modはこちらのリンクからご利用ください このModについて: Hearts of Iron IVの旧バージョン(ver1.10.8)用日本語化Modです。ver1.10.8(鉄道などが追加される直前のバージョン)でプレイしたい場合にご利用ください。 最新バージョン用の日本語化Modはこちらから→Japanese Language mod 使い方: 0. Steamのプロパティ>...
10 Support Companies 1.12 Compat
Created by pasta_roni
1.13 compatibility here: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2958906929 Thank you to Heimdalus and 3068484785 for making this update possible! A quick and dirty update to go commit stop's "!10 Support Companies" If you're the original mo...
Add Technologies Japanese
Created by Tnoji
HoI4が日本語に対応したため、大部分を Add Technologies https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=823161119 に統合しました。 日本の部隊・軍艦・航空機を日本語化しました。 バニラ1.14.2で日本語化されていない指導者を日本語化しました。 日本の艦船の画像を追加しました。 新規に生産する部隊の名前を日本語化しました。 自動生成の人物名を日本語化しました。 下記のMODを導入してください。導入すると文字化けが減り...
Additional Effects
Created by touyou_tarako
1.9.0 政治力を使用することで選択できる追加の効果と様々な decisions により国家を強化することができます。...
Additional Japanese map fonts
Created by uberded
Fix basical font (ex. Katakana) lacking 基本的なフォントが欠けていた問題を修正...
Additional Ship and Tank Slots ++Ultimate Tech Tree: New Horizons++
Created by AlicePractice
As has been requested multiple times here's the Version for Ultimate Tech Tree: New Horizons the standalone can be found here Tank slot only version here...
Additional Ship AND TANK Slots ++Updated++
Created by AlicePractice
Ultimate Tech Tree: New Horizons Edition here If you want a version with just additional Tank slots, head over here :) ++NEW++ Tanks now have 11 Special slots instead of 4! I also removed some restrictions on some components like secondary turrets for all ...
Additional Tank Slots ++Ultimate Tech Tree: New Horizons++
Created by AlicePractice
And here's the Tank only Version for Ultimate Tech Tree: New Horizons the standalone can be found here Tank and ship version here ...
Adjust Scroll Bar Under Equipment Cost
Created by Yes, Paimon
兼容铁人 兼容KR等没有对divisiondesigner.gui进行改动的mod ...
Created by nisinihonteikoku
ゲーム内通知音を紲星あかりの声にするModです。 音量調整対応済 2019/11/16 ver1.8.x対応 2020/03/02 ver1.9.x対応 2020/11/09 ver1.10.x対応 2021/11/26 ver1.11.x対応...
Created by TAM
・概要 このMODはゲーム内通知音の一部をVoiceroidの紲星あかりの声で置き換えるものです 先行の西日本帝国さんのakari_voiceでは置き換えられていないゲーム内通知音を一部置き換えます ・注意点 1 このMODは西日本帝国さんのakari_voiceが導入されていることが前提で作成されているので下記MODをサブスクライブしてください akari_voice https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1239824027 2 H...
Anime Colored Events
Created by Shouta
This mod colorizes all the events for Anime History and Starguard's World of Anime. Description While Anime History and Starguard's World of Anime use a black and white format for their events, this mod colorizes them to make reading the news a tad bit nic...
Anime Country Rework
Created by Macsim Belous
Не много переработанная версия мода AnimeCountry. От оригинального мода остались только портреты, названия и часть фокусов. В ближайшее время обновлений не будет....
Kaiser Wilhelm the II is an Anime girl
Created by Emperor Nichijao
This mod simply replaces the Kaiser(s) (This is because I dont like the stinky old men)...
Anime Historia
Created by Shouta
The first ever anime immersion mod for Hearts of Iron IV is here! https://i.imgur.com/4nEKw9A.png In honour of Anime History's first year anniversary, we have released a special name-changer mod consisting of special historical portraits for the starting l...
Anime History
Created by Shouta
The greatest anime crossover in history! https://i.imgur.com/pmJr2s4.png Anime History is the most popular anime mod ever made for a historical strategy game with over 100.000 subscribers! This mod not only fills every single portrait in Hearts of Iron IV ...
Millennium Dawn: A Modern Day +Anime
Created by スミス
Millennium Dawn: A Modern Day mod の一部の国家指導者を二次元のキャラクターに変更します。 気が向いたら追加します。 (未完成です) ほとんど自分が使うようなので多少のガバガバはお許しください。 注意 今現在追加した画像は全て2017年開始用に作っているので1999年時の画像は殆ど変えていませんので、2017年スタートをお勧めします。...
Anime Music
Created by SSS
Anime music Mod -The newly added songs and authors have been put into the ‘list’ document in the mod folder, and the previous song list is being made -Currently contains 107 musics Add more moe energy for the battlefield:D...
Anime Music
Created by Shouta
Anime Music is the largest collection of anime music ever made for a historical strategy game! https://i.imgur.com/2Ofe0An.png This music mod not only covers immersive music for playing with Anime History, but also provide anime songs from other genres thr...
Anime Music
Created by N.C.V.
Converted from EU4. Original mod by Der Stabsoberst26. Really liked this music mod in EU4, decided I would go ahead and convert it to HOI4. A couple songs didn't work in EU4 so I don't know if they'll work in HOI4. Mod hasn't been updated in almost a year ...
Anime Music 2
Created by N.C.V.
Hi, NCV here! Welcome to Anime Music 2! It's always been a dream of mine to make something special out of all these anime songs. Now that you're on this steam page, you can help me make that dream come true in this amazing mod! Every day is full of music a...
Anime Music Collection
Created by Majo Max
Currently up to date with Hearts of Iron 4 version 1.14.* INTRODUCTION This Anime Music Collection contains dozens and dozens of tracks from various anime and anime-adjacent sources such as Demon Slayer, Attack on Titan, Gundam, and many others. The collec...
Anime no Isekai
Created by Shouta
The world of anime has been isekaied! https://i.imgur.com/H3HY53o.jpg Welcome to Anime no Isekai Take control of waifu-led nations in the fantasy world of Equestria in this whacky mod I made for April Fools! From the freezing lands of Olenia to the lush fo...
Anime Sengoku: The Second Season
Created by Sir Ash Hull
An anime potrait mod for Second Sengoku! https://i.imgur.com/OnEfpvj.png *full potraits for leaders and generals *Natonal focus symbols https://i.imgur.com/iPuXGb6.png *approx 20% of the rest of the potrait in the mod *Military chiefs https://i.imgur.com/W...
Marked Incompatible ]  Anime Ships
Created by time lapses
舰船设计萌化 经 世羽 同意,从钢铁萌心分离出来的小mod。 mod有啥用,自个看截图嗷。 兼容铁人模式。 因为对KR太失望了,不再兼容KR。 A simple mod to replace pictures of ships with anime characters. Iron Man Compatible...
anime world skin
Created by StiZi
Many minor countries don't have skins yet. V1.01 added; skins for ROM and all remaining for SOV. V1.02 added; POL,CZE and JAP V1.03 added; USA,CHI,PRC and SPR. V1.04 added; Canada,Netherlands,Mexico,Belguim V1.05 added; all europe minor countries V1.06 her...
Atlantis Mu Lemuria
Created by Thursasprengir
::WORK ON THIS MOD HAS BEEN STOPPED:: One of our team will try to keep the mod functional so that you can continue to use it as Pdox updates things, but we will not be adding new content. Thank you for your support! Old European maps, so beautiful, so inno...
Attack on Titan ODM Technolgy
Created by Kiran Maosen
Updated for 1.12 Ever thought it would be fun to use ODM gear in Hearts of Iron? Yes? Good this mod adds Attack on Titan's "Omni Directional Mobility Gear" Unlocked via decision to select countries to allow for rt56 compatibility. This is the compromise. T...
Attack on Titan Paradis Island(1.11.3)
Created by Kiran Maosen
NEw update as a new mod is out Ever thought it would be fun to use ODM gear in Hearts of Iron? Yes? Want to have Paradis Island Discover the world at the onset of world war 2? Yes? this mod adds Attack on Titan's "Paradis Island" as an Addition to my ODMG ...
Azur Lane Radio
Created by Tooru
Radio Station for Azur Lane OSTs! Number of Songs: 132 Event Music: -A New Crosswave -Crimson Echoes -Dead or Alive -Empyreal Tragicomedy -Hololive Collab -Ink Stained Steel Sakura -Inverted Orthant -Iris of Light and Dark -Kizuna AI -Royal Maids Battle Ro...
bamboo spear
Created by bunt
歩兵装備に竹槍を追加しただけのネタmodです。 またそれに伴って竹の資源と竹槍大隊を追加しました。...
Battleship-Carrier Plus
Created by flowlanss
What mod is this? This mod add Battle Carrier, Flyingdeck Cruiser, Submarine Carrier. *Japanese Translation of this Mod is integrated into this itself. Update Info For base game ver1.12.* Designer Changed. You now no need to manage special decisions. Ship ...
Battleship-Carrier Plus for NSB w/Better Ship Module Name for Major Nations
Since the old mod haven't been updated for quite a long time and any mod involving new tab is basically broken so I've make the old mod playable to NSB update If you want to give credits to its original creator, links here : https://steamcommunity.com/shar...
Battleship-Carrier Plus JP
Created by flowlanss
Battleship-Carrier Plus( http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=771203206 )の日本語化ファイルです。 HoI4日本語化Modと同時にサブスクライブ・適用してください。...
Cheat Mods Combined
Created by Vincente Steele
Please rate so people can see this! 1.13.* ready. Combines EasyBuff+, Cheat Mod, Population cheat, Easy Cheats, and National Cheats into one mod to improve compatability and make the laws page a bit prettier. German Translation. French Translation. The mod...
Better Design Companies
Created by Beyond Disbelief
Clerical update for 1.14.* No anticipated issues found based on Diff Merge. EDIT: This is talking about the vanilla game without AAT installed. I took a look at the information about MIOs and I have no idea if MIOs will work for custom design companies or ...
Clear nuke's number
Created by 周防長門
IRONMAN COMPATIBLE It's a very simple Mod. Clear a number of nuclear bomb. You can storage nuke without any worries!! 鉄人モード対応 大量の核を保有すると数字があふれて見えにくくなる問題を修正するとても単純なModです。これで心置きなく核を蓄えられます!! Kaiserreich ver https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?...
Cold War Iron Curtain: A World Divided
Created by swf541
Updated to Current Patch Patch 03/11/2024 Current Version 0.3.9 Patch for DLC Comptibility and New Soviet Content (Kaganovich) https://i.imgur.com/HtdCckH.png The Year is 1949, a shattered planet begins to fall back into the arms of tyranny and conflict, a...
Coloured Air Force - Standard
Created by Lanyakea
Coloured Air Force - Standard Hey there :) The new air inteface is great and a vast improvement, but it still gets messy at times, right? Have you ever wondered whether these nifty new aircraft icons in the Air Mapmode could use some colour in order to mak...
Colored Puppets
Created by Dziurkacz
http://i.imgur.com/fVVaDCS.gif Colored Puppets is a mod that aims to increase the clarity of the map by changing the colors of puppets for a color that fits their controlling state. The simple design and use of the mechanics rarely used by moders makes the...
Coloured Buttons Updated
Created by Chod
Updated version of Gundahar's mod (since it no longer seems to be updated). Adds some colour to the main UI buttons to make for easier readability. Updated Buttons: Topbar Army/Navy/Air overview Map mode overlays Naval missions Intel Ledger Ironman compati...
Coloured Ship Icons
Created by Lanyakea
Coloured Ship Icons This mod colourizes the ship icons on the map for better visibility. Ironman and Multiplayer compatible I was a bit sceptical about this one at first. It probably isn't as useful as the Coloured Air Force Icons you can reach here. But I...
Coloured Theater Alert Icons
Created by Lanyakea
Coloured Theater Alert Icons This little mod gives colour to the theater alert icons for better visibility. Ironman and Multiplayer compatible Updated for 1.10 ...
Created by poti soul
要望や感想はここのコメント欄やマルチ休憩所のTwitterやマルチ休憩所のdiscordに書いてくれると助かります discord: https://discord.gg/XbxuFjy また1.8版も作成したのでそのverでやりたい人はこちら https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2013699211  バニラやゾンビMOD、エイリアンMODの敵の強さに少し物足りなさを感じたことはありませんか? このMODはそんな物足りないと思うHO...
Created by kawajp
fixed truck_supply and somethings...
Decision Cheat Mod
Created by MrDuckFIN
Toggleable cheats for practically every modifier in the game. Out of development....
Decision to add Italy General and Admiral
Created by Tamazou
- Pasta version A simple mod. Add the decision of a Italy military leader. Compatible for other mods. The portrait is from Kaiserreich. Kaiserreich Banzai! https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1521695605 ALL IN ONE https://steamcommunity....
Dismiss Leaders
Created by Oskar
Ever find yourself in the situation where you have to many leaders with bad traits and would like to get rid of them? Then this mod is the solution for you! Achivements: no...
Expert AI 5.0
Created by Kondi
Compatible with: vanilla HOI4 AAT 1.14.5 Unsub/resub the mod to make sure it is installed correctly. Not compatible with: 95% of non-cosmetic mods. Absolutely NOT compatible with major overhaul mods. Patch notes: LINK Donations: https://www.buymeacoffee.co...
Extended Building Slot (56 Slot)
Created by Hans Klueber
Support Version: 1.14.2 ✔️ This mod expend State's Maximum Building Slot from 24 to 56. Megalopolis: 12 -> 28 Metropolis: 10 -> 24 Large City: 8 - > 19 City: 6 - > 14 Large Town: 5 - > 12 Town: 4 - > 10 Rural: 2 - > 5 Pastoral: 1 - > 3 Small Island: 1 - > ...
Hololive of Iron
Created by Bobobright
https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FF_KihpVEAABK-y?format=png&name=4096x4096 Hololive of Iron: Unique mod version - Dawn of Resistance 6.6.2023 Latest Major Update https://i.imgur.com/aSFsTkw.png New formable nation: https://i.imgur.com/gQTBAWp.png https://pbs.tw...
Created by Grotius
This mod brings content for Switzerland, including : - A focus tree with almost 300 focuses - Events and decisions - Advisors and a factions system - Leaders - Map Changes...
Kancolle Music
Created by 纯爱战士
01.母港 02.工廠 03.海原越えて 04.秋月の空 05.武蔵の帰投 06.加賀岬改 07.水着の出撃 08.砲雷撃戦、始め! 09.夜戦! 10.二水戦の航跡 11.次発装填、再突入! 12.我、敵機動部隊ト交戦ス 13.飛龍の反撃 14.決戦!鉄底海峡を抜けて! 15.2016年秋活E1-E4 BOSS战,E5 道中战BGM...
Millennium Dawn: Construction Slots 112+
Created by Memil
Millennium Dawn: A Modern Day Mod : 112+ Construction Slots Expansion submod Precautions Please subscribe to the base mods below before playing this mod. Millennium Dawn: A Modern Day Mod What mode is this? This mod increases the maximum construction slots...
Millennium Anime
Created by Shouta
The world of anime marches into the new millennium. https://i.imgur.com/AxRtwRS.jpg Hi there! I would like to share with you all my latest project which is an anime mod for Millennium Dawn! I first came up with this idea a few months ago and got to work la...
Millennium Anime 2
Created by baconizerfordays
Will not change checksum! With permission from Juliet, this mod simply continues Millennium Anime to the newer version of Millennium Dawn. This mod is stand-alone and doesn't need the original Millennium Anime to work. Portraits that are of lower-quality a...
Millennium Dawn new companies
Created by Freezer
Mod adds new companies and battalions such as : -Logistics company -Helicopter Logistics company -Military Police Battalion -Air Recon Battalion -Air Recon Company -Motorized Special Forces Battalion -Special Forces Air Assault Battalion -Medical Company -...
Millennium Dawn: A Modern Day Mod
Created by Millennium Dawn Mod
https://i.imgur.com/hpEdk0J.png https://i.imgur.com/MYaznE7.png With the dawn of a new millennium, a new chapter in human history is about to be written. Globalization continues to change the lives of countless billions while rising extremism is showing si...
Equestria at War
Equestria at War (EaW) is a mod that tries to recreate the fantasy world of Equestria from My Little Pony franchise in a slightly darker setting with industrialization, corruption and political disagreements. The scenario focuses on global confrontation be...
Free Division Editing
Created by LLAL
UPDATED TO 1.11 The Free Division Editing mod eliminates the army experience cost for editing division templates, equipment variants, and ship classes. No need to actually wage war in order to change the functions of your divisions, it's now free. NOTE: Ma...
Focus tree swapper
Created by MrGeneral
Have you ever wanted to just throw away that boring Generic Focus tree as Nepal and steal France's Focus Tree? Well now you can with the power of a mod nobody asked for nor knew they wanted! No focus trees have been altered with this mod it just gives you ...
Japanese Language mod
Created by flowlanss
本ModはVer1.11.13で更新を停止しています。 ver1.12以降はこちらをご利用ください。 Ironman Compatible(実績解除可能) このModは、Hearts of Iron IVを日本語化するModです。 すべてのDLCにも対応しています。 日本語化の内容について、センシティブな表現がある場合がありますが、ゲーム内のフレーバー的表現を尊重しているにすぎず、特定の民族等を貶める意図は一切ありません。 使い方 (ゲーム初回起動の場合)ランチャーからプレイをクリックし、ゲーム本体を起動後...
Created by MrDuckFIN
A cheat mod with which you can set a modifier. Enter the menu by pressing the small draggable button on the right side of the screen. for obvious reasons, it isn't achievement compatible. I haven't tested whether it works fine in multiplayer. I predict tha...
More Division Icons
Created by Mask
This mod expands the selection of division icons. - makes all base unit icons available as division icons - adds new icons Ironman compatible Can be removed savely without breaking savegames. Custom icons will be replaced by standard icons. Troubleshooting...
Modifier Icons
Created by man
Have you ever been irked by how the "production efficiency" modifiers have a little icon next to them while all the rest don't? Well, I have, so that's why I created this very simple mod inspired by the fantastic mod New Ways, which has a similar system. W...
Ultimate Tech Tree : New Horizon
Created by iHavePopcorn
Current Version: 4.6.8 THE OFFICIAL DISCORD : https://discord.gg/Knzc7MtMv9 With over 2600 new icons this mod extends the tech tree timeline tinto the 90s while also introducing realistic unit icons, names and a immersive experience for those who wish to p...
PP , XP , CP Limit Power
Created by KapitanLisek
Power Politics Limit - 9000 XP Limit - 9000 Comand Power Limit - 1500...
SVA font fix
Created by Tokyo
Current version of Strategic View Adjustments (MP/A variant) has an error regarding fonts (": No font with name hoi_20bsSVA"), which causes problems displaying VP names in some non-English languages. The problem started to occur when SVA supported 1.11.x. ...
Shipgirls of Iron
Created by Shouta
Introducing Shipgirls of Iron! Your favorite shipfus are now able to take the mantle of your nation's admirals! Be they dominant aircraft carriers, strong battleships, well-made cruisers, or small quick destroyers, we want to make your Hearts of Iron IV ex...
Nuclear Annihilation
Created by Komandante
This mod makes Nuclear Bombs truly terrifying. Nuclear bombing now completely removes all buildings in the bombed province and also inflicts 1 million casualties. Also given the Fallout modifier, certain penalties to support war and strability for 90 days...
Nuclear bomb kill army
Created by DRAFT
HOI IV v1.11 updated https://i.imgur.com/XMixxyu.jpg Now the atom bombs are killing all the divisions in the state. P.S. This mod is part of our larger project - New Ways. https://i.imgur.com/iXLu1RU.png NOT IRON MAN COMPATIBLE...
Nuclear Destruction
Created by Kuebelwagen
Now you can be the "Destroyer of the World"! Destruct the whole map with your nuclear weapons destroying buildings and creating fallout areas. supported version: 1.6.x Ironman compatible? no! Compatibility with other mods? You can play this with every othe...
Nuclear Nadal
Created by alpha_king
Making Nukes great again! Nuked countries gain national spirit with following effects: - Surrender limit: -50% - War support: -1% per week - Stability: -1% per week - Political power gain: -90% The national spirit gets cancelled automatically after 90 days...
XP For Everything
Created by Araxiel
Screenshots say it all. https://i.imgur.com/7eyYlAV.png https://i.imgur.com/b7Ekg3l.gifhttps://i.ibb.co/MVz9bBw/Snap-workshop-meme.gifhttps://i.imgur.com/juHC5Ho.gif Added optional XP boost to pretty much every tech, with only electronics and industry bein...
Ultimate Cheat Mod Improved
Created by Niko ニコ
Welcome to the Ultimate Cheat Mod! The Ultimate Cheat mod has been around since February of 2018. The mod dates back all the way before update 1.5.0 (Waking The Tiger). In this new Improved Version which was introduced in 2019, the mod continues to grow ev...
Updated Zombie / Infected Mod
Created by I'm sorry, but I've
Mod no longer in development This is an updated and new Zombie/Infected mod which includes a 'Zombie Horde' enemy which will try and wipe out humanity. The Zombie Horde will start in China, and once it reaches the sea, will create events which will spawn e...
Maid Corps(English version)
This mod is now compatible with 1.12.* version of HOI4 If you want the Maid Corps of the 1.10.* old version: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2663267500 This is the English version. For other languages please visit: 女仆团中文版Chinese Vers...
No Puppet Divisions
Created by Imperial Admiral
Description (english): Are you annoyed of your AI puppets spamming lots of divisions to you?! Then I have the solution for you! With this little mod your AI puppets won’t give divisions to you anymore randomly. Just in case you request troops from your pup...
Lamp's Eqpt Icons
Created by 电灯弗里曼
I am drawing new icons for tank and plane designer. The priority of tank is higher than plane. This is a long-term work. Please be patient. Thk u for your support. While some equipment do exist in-game, they have no corresponding icons. This MOD provides s...
Second Sengoku
Created by SengokuDevs
Welcome to Second Sengoku https://i.ibb.co/zNX9hJv/history.png What if the Shogunate won the Boshin War In 1867 a rebellion broke out in Japan. A group of daimyo tried to restore the emperor and depose the shogun. Despite the odds, however, the Shogunate w...
Special Research Division [1.11]
Created by Notso
Now updated for 1.11 https://imgur.com/0DiGJz0.png Hi everyone and welcome to the Special Research Division, SRD for short. Here you will find all the technologies, equipments and buildings that normal people would call NOT FITTING IN A WW 2 GAME https://i...
Created by kaznoko
- Universal Century Gundam Mod - https://i.ibb.co/sWR5cf3/oyw-logo.png Discord: https://discord.gg/dcvF4FKfqv Let's talk freely about Gundam and OYW Mods! One Year War is a total conversion mod for Hearts of Iron IV set in the Mobile Suit Gundam Universal ...
Supply Hub 2000 cost
Created by Inspector Cat
I think most will agree that 20000 is too much to build a supply hub and is impossible for some countries. The mod simply removes one 0 out of 20000 and makes the build price 2000. NOT Ironman compatible....
Toastland - Hearts Of Anime
Created by Toastland
This is my personal mod that I share with you. Hearts of Anime has gotten a large makeover in this latest update. 11/04/2018. Hearts of anime 2 I call it! Every single nation and portrait has been changed and updated. Names have been added. Most nations sh...
ZMM More Variants Updated
Created by Artaazar
Updated Version of not available now ZMM More Variants Updated for 1.9.* This mod: Allows to create variants for the following equipments: - Infantry Equipment - Support Equipment - Artillery - Anti-Tank - Anti-Air - Rocket Artillery - Motorized Rocket Art...
Millennium Dawn Jets and Helicopters upgrades
Created by Freezer
Modd adds new upgrades for planes such as : -Weapon upgrades ( small increase in cost for each level ): * AAM weapons for AS Fighter air attack +7%, 5 levels * AAM and AGM weapons for MR Fighter and cv MR Fighter air attack +5% ground attack +5%, 5 levels ...
Music & Loadingscreen for WSG
Created by NabsYY
MOD本体见: (WSG)Warship Girls Gamma ...
Kancolle Music Collection
Created by N.C.V.
Contains Kancolle Orchestra, Kancolle Music, and both versions of Kancolle Sound. Made this mod because the others weren't updated and were incompatible with some music mods. Will remove if mod owners ask, I just made this because I wanted to use all 4 mod...
Add Technologies
Created by Tnoji
Add technology until 1964 If you use this mod you can not acquire Achievements. Modified: Changed so that mechanized can be designed. Changed so that Amtracs can be designed. Changed so that Armored Car can be designed. Changed so that Transport Plane can ...
スカーレット・ルーマニア_日本語化Mod用 - 東方Mod
Created by nananana
【前提Mod】日本語化Mod必須です! 吸血鬼レミリア・スカーレットがルーマニアの元首になるModです。以下の特徴があります。 - 62からなる専用国家方針ツリー - 紅魔館メンバー+αが大臣、指揮官に - 水上艦の名前はスペルカード由来のものに。"NMS クランベリー・トラップ"など ドイツ、イタリア、ソ連の中央に位置する国として、ルーマニアは難しい外交上の選択を迫られ、それによってゲームの目的が形作られてきます。新しい国家方針ツリーはイタリアなどの列強並に「強い」ツリーとなっており、工場を大量に建設する...
*Chaos World War Ausf. A*
Created by Niju_Menso
このMODはChaos Worlld War(http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1222066724)の新ージョンです。 旧バージョンからは以下のことが変更されています。 1.M_Variants_JP+(http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1138099675)の要素の追加 M_Variants_JP+を取り込むことで生産性の改修や歩兵装備の改修が可能となりま...
AnimeCountry [Discontinued]
Created by Rainline
Development of the mod is discontinued. Redux by VirtuoZZ - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2447982606 Our discord server (I am here) - https://discord.gg/UKB69Zm...
AnimeCountry [REDUX] 1.14.* Updated
Created by VirtuoZZ
Reworking of the original "AnimeCountry" mod Bugs fixed, new countries added. Added new focuses, ideas, events. Mod supports multiplayer At the moment, the mod supports four languages: Russian English (translation may contain errors and inaccuracies) Korea...
Created by さざび
ローカルmodが読み込めないので更新止まってます 治し方分かる人いたら教えて下さい ※Please read※ I use Google Translate because I do not know English. This mod is unfinished and will take time to complete. Your test play and feedback are important, so please cooperate. -v1.0 Add officers and voic...
Buffed Poland
Created by Jam
Poland now has the power to prepare a defense against the Soviet Union and Germany! Poland receives some buffs in this mod. The buffs include (basically) infinite resources, a higher industrial capacity, etc. New: Added decision to Reform the Commonwealth ...
Balls Leaders
Created by Gouriakov
Countryballs / Polandballs for every single leader (in theory). I didn't draw any of them, just found them all over. Don't hesitate to give suggestions. If you find an leader (with a personnalised portrait) that is not yet converted to a polandball, Please...
ColdWar 3D Models
Created by Ljungen81
ColdWar 3D Models v. 1.0 Changelog v. 1.00: * New 3D-models: AK-47 Assault Rifle M-16 Assault Rifle FN FAL Assault Rifle Jet models Helicopter Model Stratojet Model BMP apc Model * New Sounds: Machine gun sounds for infantry. Helicopter en...
Carpet Bombing Effects
Created by Steven
Watch the video to see the effects as screenshots do not do it justice. Works best with smaller 3d sprites mod : http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=951357913 Note : This mod will affect all bombers. Now any bomber will drop 10 bombs inst...
Cheat Mods Combined - Traduction Française
Created by Issras
Traduction Française du mod Cheat Mods Combined. Vous devez aussi vous abonnez au mod original: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=843933244...
Equestria No Taisen
Created by Sir Ash Hull
An anime potrait mod for the Equestria At War mod extension for leader name and models: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2833623706 Mod Content *potraits for leaders & generals *Natonal focus symbols *news pictures Upcoming content *a...
Dynamic Research Slots
Created by Lemur
This mod introduces a concept of "Research Power" (RP in short), which determines how many research slots every nation in the world gets. Requirements for unlocking each research slot: 1: 0 RP 2: 0 RP 3: 50 RP 4: 200 RP 5: 400 RP 6: 700 RP 7: 1 00 RP 8: 1 ...
OUTDATED: End of a New Beginning
Created by EoaNB Team
OUTDATED VERSION! Switch to the new Steam Page ...
Equestria Shoujo: Equestria at War Anime Mod
Created by Majo Max
Currently up to date with Hearts of Iron 4 version 1.14.* and Equestria at War version "The Way of Fire" 2.2.2 INTRODUCTION Equestria Shoujo is an anime submod for Equestria at War that seeks to replace every in-game portrait with an anime counterpart and ...
Endsieg:Ultimate Victory
Are you interested in a more accurate, more fun and europe-only Endsieg-like mod? Join the Primo Victoria Discord! This is the official successor to the Götterdämmerung 1944 Mod. Anyone else claiming to be or uploading a former/older version of this mod (G...
EoaNBR (Player Led Peace Conferences Add-On)
Created by Vanadium
Optional Player Led Peace Conferences for End of a New Beginning Redux! ONLY COMPATIBLE WITH: End of a New Beginning Redux End of a New Beginning I cannot guarantee it won't break when used with other overhaul mods...
Created by CafePharoah
本MODは更新を終了し新たに饅頭ボールさんによる新MODに引き継ぐことになりました https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3029758279 上記のURLからプレイしてください。 We support this mod for multiplayer. マルチプレイでの使用を前提とした対人用シナリオMODです。 This mod has a scenario. Germany,Soviet Union,Britain,Italy,Fr...
Even More Division Icons
Created by parkir
UPDATE: added Blackshirt Assault, Irregulars and Militia icons. UPDATE: compatibility with "By Blood Alone" and "More Division Icons Updated" (see the requirements). Adds division icons missing in the original mod: Armored Car, Camelry, Fake Intel Unit (ey...
Fast Justification
Created by Siggi ッ
This simple mod reduces the time needed to justify a war....
Even More Nuclear Reactors
Created by GNAV3
- UPLOADED VERSION COMPATIBILITY/LOAD FIX - LMK IN COMMENTS IF PROBLEMS - A small mod that increases the maximum buildable nuclear reactors per state from 1 to 9. KNOWN ISSUES: There is a bug where the nuclear bomb counter in the top resource bar will give...
Expanded tank designer
Created by Issac411
IRONMAN COMPATIBLE https://i.imgur.com/fmPYN9u.png Please, upvote if you like the projet / idea of making blueprint for each tank technologies Which will get blueprints next ? Vote here : https://take.quiz-maker.com/poll4390938xbBA44D64-138 This mod add se...
Fields of Anime
Created by Shouta
https://i.ibb.co/MpYr8tF/Fields-of-Anime.png For the Kawaiiser! The first ever World War I anime mod is here! March forth onto the battlefields of the Great War with your fellow waifus. From the muddy trenches of the Western Front to the vast steppes of th...
Fixed Modern and Super Tanks Icons
Created by Mackus
Exactly what it says. There is no generic icon for Modern Tanks and Superheavy Tanks in the new NSB designer. So if you play a minor country and manage to research them, you'll be rewarded with an ugly turret-less icon. Well, no more! Polish tank icons (th...
FPS Map (no coloured icons)
Created by Mlecz
https://i.imgur.com/fVVaDCS.gif This mod will optimize your game and make the map more clear. Addons: *less shaders *non-reflective water *sharper borders *strategic view adjustments HOI4 Version: 1.14+ Classic version: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfil...
GEO Modern Models Mod for Millennium Dawn
Created by Kakheti Kartli
★Prohibited activity Unauthorised redistribution or modification is prohibited. If any unauthorised redistribution or modification is discovered, this mod will be deleted. (Do not re-texture it either without my permission) ★Creation of sub-mods of this mo...
Geo Ukraine Army Mod
Created by Kakheti Kartli
First. I created this mod to support Ukraine. I would be happy if Ukrainian players who are facing difficulties are happy. If you like this mod, I hope you will do something for Ukraine. Слава Україні! ★Attention!!! This mod does not support DX11. If a whi...
German Tank Blueprints
Created by Rudi Mentär
German Tank Blueprints (Deutsche Panzer Baupläne) After my success with my other older mods, here's something new.. The mod was actually only intended for myself as a little help, but I decided to provide the tool for you. Maybe it's useful for you too. Bl...
Hearts Of Anime Ironman/Multiplayer
Created by Toastland
it is finally here again. Hearts of Anime the ironman version. I had to reupload this mod as there was a problem with the other one, not allowing me to update it to the latest version. This removes the history folder meaning that not all portraits will app...
Hearts of Iron IV: The Great War
Created by Wolferos
http://i.imgur.com/fVVaDCS.gif BASICS INFORMATIONS Current Version: Open Beta 0.23.1 "Shell Shock" Compatible with: Hearts of Iron IV 1.14.5 Supported Languages: - English - French (Integrated in the Mod, Version Améliorée) - German (Integrated in the Mod,...
Hearts of Mech - Ultimate Tech Tree patch
Created by Diekbeck
Overview This mod is a patch to use "Hearts of Mech" and "Ultimate Tech Tree" at the same time. Credit Ultimate Tech Tree https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1970546626 License CC BY-NC (C) 2020 Diekbeck...
Hearts of Minecraft: Glimmer of the North
Created by AceAdamGaming
https://imgur.com/cwv8Ig8.png Hearts of Minecraft is a total conversion mod bringing the ever-growing story of Minecraft players to the strategy warfare of Hearts of Iron 4. Featuring a brand-new world map, new 3d models, a new tech tree, 8 nations with fu...
Marked Incompatible ]  Historical German Flag
Created by Instinct
http://i.imgur.com/fVVaDCS.gif The Swasticka was the National State flag of Nazi Germany (1933–45) Yes, I know this isn't the 100% correct flag (the real one is off center abit) but who the hell likes off centered flags? Ironman Mode compatible. Not Compat...
Historical Naval Production
Created by Griffinshark
**UPDATED: 4/8/22** *********************** UPDATE 11/02/21: I am pleased to announce the newly updated Historical Naval Production with Lower Fuel Consumption: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2644441410 This new update reduces ship ...
Historical Portraits
Created by Scotvince
http://i.imgur.com/fVVaDCS.gif If you prefer playing with the Ironman compatible version, subscribe here: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3258258375 1. Introduction ✪ This mod replaces portraits of historical characters by black and ...
Hoi4 Plus
Created by Coco
https://i.imgur.com/Uu9eWXR.gif I am releasing the secret formula/recipe of HOI4 Plus. This mod only has a few of the mods this was the original list but I didn't update it when I removed or added mods. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?i...
Hungary - Always Annex Czechoslovakia & Austria
Created by AeneasXI
Restoring Austria-Hungary could be very fun if it wouldn't be a complete gamble everytime! You never know if you'll be able to integrate CZE or have to reload dozens of times or keep playing with the Loss. Also you end up doing nearly nothing till 1940 as ...
i replaced hoi4 leaders with anime girls again
Created by sebthepower
cool anime girls updated version of https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2567385751&searchtext=i+replaced+a+bunch+of+hoi4+leadersa this will be updated and will become a live service with updates and microtransactions...
Increase Experience Limits [+9999]
Created by hayasan495
経験値の上限を500から9999(約20倍)に変更。 バニラの経験値上限が低すぎて、いつの間にかカンストしていることはよくあると思います。せっかく得られた経験値を無駄にはしたくないのであれば、このMODはその悩みを解決してくれるでしょう。 そして、ちまちま数回に分けて装備や兵器をアップグレードする必要もなくなり、1回で最大強化が可能となるでしょう。 技術ツリー追加系MODや改良項目追加系MODと併用することを推奨します。...
innovative balance
Created by uy0311
パッチノートリンク 最新のverに関して詳しくはパッチノートをご覧ください 注意事項 バランスmodな以上頻繁にアップデートいたしますので もしマルチなどでverが合わない場合は一旦HoI4を落とし サブスクライブをはずし、もう一度入れると最新verになります...
Italy Reworked
Created by Paglia
Mod Version: 1.3.1 - "Garibaldi" HOI4 supported version: 1.11.9 Italy Rework - A complete rework for Italy After a lot of time, I have finally decide to publish this mod. I know that there are a lot of other rework of Italy outhere, but I hope you can stil...
Created by Kaiserdevs
Welcome to the world of Kaiserreich! Current KR version: 1.1.3, released 22/05/2024 Current HOI4 version supported: Bolivar 1.14.5 (d40a) https://i.imgur.com/cG09SXv.png "What if Germany had won World War 1?" As 1936 dawns, the Weltkrieg's legacy lies heav...
Japan Tank Icons Expanded
Created by Telephone Crab
*Updated for 1.12.X! Thank you for your patience.* *No Step Back DLC is required to use this mod.* Check out my other mods: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2804292565 Japan Tank Icons Expanded adds a host of new tank icons for the ne...
Kaiserreich Anime Mod: Moereich!
Created by Rei
The new home for the official anime adaptation of Kaiserreich by Soyuzmultfilm! ♥ CURRENTLY UP TO DATE WITH KR 0.26.1 & HOI4 1.12.*! If your launcher says anything else, you've run into a Paradox launcher bug, please consult the KR Wiki help section. Moere...
Kaiserreich: Ukrainian Localization
Created by Stepan
Доброго дня, шановні! Радий представити вам локалізацію модифікації Kaiserreich! Робота тільки нещодавно почалася, тому поки не очікуйте повного перекладу всіх країн. Включає ванільний переклад. Мод працює на англійській мові. Закликаю всіх охочих просуват...
Created by nisinihonteikoku
ゲーム内通知音を東北きりたんの声にするModです。 音量調整対応済 2019/11/16 ver1.8.x対応 2020/11/09 ver1.10.x対応 2021/11/26 ver1.11.x対応...
Knightmare Frame [dead]
Created by Mat
Add 3rd, 4th, 5th and 7th generation of Knighmare Frame from Code Geass in our WW2. Add new resource : Sakuradite (mainly present in Japan). Version 0.3 Feel free to use this work in other mods as long as you quote me. Will not update this mod (Waking the ...
Created by chijan
Sorry Japanese only. ゲーム中の効果音の一部が琴葉茜ちゃんの声になります. 副官(adjutant)の名の通り,戦争関係のサウンドが変わります. 以下のMODも合わせてどうぞ: KotonohaAoi_Voice(aide), https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1524005162 文官の琴葉葵ちゃんが補佐官になってくれます. トップ画像: 新島秋一.”病ンデる琴葉姉妹立ち絵”,http://seiga.nico...
Created by chijan
Sorry Japanese only. ゲーム中の効果音の一部が琴葉葵ちゃんの声になります. 補佐官(aide)の名の通り,内政関係のサウンドが変わります. 以下のMODも合わせてどうぞ: KotonohaAkane_Voice(adjutant), https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1524005381 武官の琴葉茜ちゃんが副官になってくれます. トップ画像: 新島秋一.”病ンデる琴葉姉妹立ち絵”,http://seiga.ni...
Land Cruisers
Created by Dat Boody
RELEASE 2.1 Updated to work with version 1.12.x A mod for all of your cruiser tank needs! Research the Cruiser Tank Chassis in 1943 after the Super Heavy Tank Chassis, and construct the behemoths you've always dreamed of. Currently has several different Tu...
Mage Battalions - Youjo Senki (Outdated)
Created by Comnyandooooo
Hello there! This mod is now deprecated and the new version can be found at: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2185977959 Please go check it out there if you want to play with it into the future! Unfortunately Steam + the new paradox l...
Millennium Dawn: Expanded
Created by roemer9
Millennium Dawn: Expanded is an submod for the original Millennium Dawn: Modern Day Mod. In oder to play this mod, download MD first. My aim is to create an more deeper scenario with more options, leaders, songs, events, equipment and an overall rework....
Created by Heavy
To stop experiencing crashes on loading change the renderer settings to DX9 and run un-modded vanilla HOI4 ONCE before starting with the mod. Чтобы избежать сбоев при загрузке, измените настройки рендерера на DX9 и запустите HOI4 без модов ОДИН РАЗ перед з...
Millennium Dawn: A Modern Day Mod
Created by Ted52
https://i.imgur.com/hpEdk0J.png https://i.imgur.com/MYaznE7.png With the dawn of a new millennium, a new chapter in human history is about to be written. Globalization continues to change the lives of countless billions while rising extremism is showing si...
Created by poti soul
マルチリブートはマルチ向けに最低限の修正を施すMODです。 詳細はHOI4休憩所にて、最新情報と更新日記を記載しております https://discord.gg/U24FA6h リブートは ①明らかにシングル向けの機能をマルチ向けに変える ②マルチを行う上で明らかにバランス崩壊する機能の調整 ③普段明らかに使われない兵科、要素を活用できるようにする を方針としています MODの方針として ①バニラから乖離し過ぎない ②プレイヤーの自助努力を超えたアンバランスな環境になった場合のみ修正を加える ③特定国家への...
Naval Rework Mod II
Created by Elouda
Description Naval Rework Mod returns for Man the Guns. REQUIRES MAN THE GUNS DLC Version Currently BETA - expect potential issues v1.4.0 for HOI4 1.9.1 Features -Over 1200 new modules for the ship designer, allowing for a range of historical designs from I...
New Ship turret and slot
Created by 木木来啦
Redesign ship (BB,BC,CA,CL,DD) slot and Modify turret overlap, make the available choices of slot closer to reality. Of course, the vanilla ship template is useless and needs to be redesigned. When the game starts, it has studied the BB(1922,1936) CA(1922,...
Officer Corp Eng RU
Created by Floki
Reupload of my translation cus im stoopid. #Round 2 lmao# Not my mod just translated it to english. All credits goes there. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2787761666...
No Division Limit
Created by Instinct
http://i.imgur.com/fVVaDCS.gif No division limit for the latest patch 1.5 CORNFLAKES Video of the mod in action from a HOI4 Youtuber It's just like what it was before the 1.5 patch, Field Marshals can have infinite divisions while Generals can only command...
No Division Limit [UPDATED!]
Created by yhsu0000
Ver 1.12 THS MOD WORKS!!!! No Division Limit is UPDATED! change point Compatible with Ver1.11.3 Changed the maximum number of general command divisions to 240> 300 Increased the maximum number of Army Marshal commanders to unlimited> 50 newchange by220205...
No Division Limit: x10
Created by SirPika
What does this mod do? Field Marshals: 5 armies --> 50 armies Generals: 24 divisions --> 240 divisions Field Marshals: 24 divisions --> inf. number of divisions Compatibility Almost every mod should be compatible. Every version, with the exception of the f...
Peace Deals
Created by Dziurkacz
http://i.imgur.com/fVVaDCS.gif Info This mod offers the option to make a peace deal with a country/faction you are at war with without capitulating it. It offers EU4 like peace deals that you can configure and send as a proposal to AI or other players. Add...
No Experience Limits
Created by justcheat67
This mod removes all experience limits for army, navy and air. Check out my other mod! Better States: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=947441592 Check out my other mod! No Command Power Limit: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/fi...
Special Research Division [LEGACY for version 1.10.X]
Created by Freik
Wont be continued. A version for 1.11.X can be found on the workshop Do with it whatever you want Thanks to The Iron Workshop for making GREAT educational videos they helped me get into hoi 4 modding Thanks for all the great people who are working on the H...
Precise Buffs - Cheat Ideas
Created by Anumiell
Precise Buffs - Cheat Ideas | 1.14.* Buff this thing. Debuff that thing. Customize your playtrough experience as never before! This mod features spicy buffs/debuffs menu with many options to choose from. From Monthly Population to Experience Factors. From ...
Realistic Nukes
Created by KEKS1C
Realistic Nukes makes nuclear bombs more realistic. Now, after a nuclear strike, the population of the region decreases, and radiation appears in the region. The level of radiation decreases over time, the less radiation left, the slower it decreases. If t...
State Transfer Tool MP
Created by Dziurkacz
http://i.imgur.com/fVVaDCS.gif Info This mod is a Multiplayer version of State Transfer Tool. A mod based on newly added scripted GUIs mechanic. It has been balanced specially for multiplayer letting you transfer only your own states or the states owned by...
Strategic View Adjustments (MP/A variant)
Created by Kondi
Compatible with 1.12 This version of SVA is multiplayer and achievement compatible. For the main mod which includes more extensive changes, ...
RPG texture
Created by linwajun
69420 support: english,russian,chinese,japanese NOT compatible with ironman this mod was Combined with "A Simple Terrain Map Mode": https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=957111624 if it doesn't shows up in the launcher downlaod this and pu...
The Great War Redux
Created by J12
The Great War: Redux is a stand-alone rework to Wolferos’ famous Great War mod. https://i.imgur.com/q8cpY5E.png Revamped focus trees and gameplay for a more varied, replayable, historical and interesting experience. If you want to be involved in the develo...
School for leaders
Created by PanzerHundCZE
IF YOU WANT TO HELP UKRAINE HERE ARE SOME LINKS WHERE YOU CAN DONATE TO THEM: https://www.unfpa.org/donate/Ukraine-a https://donate.unhcr.org In this mode you have a lot of decisions to improve any part of your country from construction speed through agenc...
Shika's Vanilla Improve Mod
Created by aoja
私用マルチmod 各種マルチmodを参考()にして作成しました。 主な機能 ・プレイヤーのみ研究枠+1 ・独立保証不可能 ・講話会議からAIの排除 ・和平交渉の条件の緩和(即時和平可能) ・観戦武官の消費政治力を50に変更 ・クーデターを実質使用不可能へ ・民主主義国家も緊張度100%で無条件正当化可能 ・艦船・戦車改造、師団改変に必要な経験値を1に ・包囲下の師団を解体した場合装備損失100% ・政治力使用で義勇軍派遣可能 ・政治力使用で特殊部隊制限緩和 ・レンドリースでの自治度増減量変更 ・各種軍経験値...
The Moe Order: Last Episodes of Anime
Created by Rei
The Moe Order: Last Episodes of Anime - or TMO for short - is a full anime conversion of The New Order: Last Days of Europe that aims to recreate its entire world in a new light. We hope to be as accurate to the source material as possible within the mediu...
The New Order: Last Days of Europe
https://i.imgur.com/t6GK7yd.png The year is 1962, and Europe rests under the jackboot. The Second World War incinerated the old world. In its ashes now marches a New Order, burying millions under its brutal reign as the last lights of freedom threaten to b...
The Road to 56
Created by Greatexperiment
https://i.imgur.com/G8Lt4Zo.png Road to 56 is a DLC-sized addition to your Hearts of Iron experience that has been lovingly crafted by a team of dedicated fanatics. https://i.imgur.com/mEx5XdH.png We've massively expanded the technology tree, extended the ...
The Road to Anime
Created by Shouta
The world of anime shall last to '56 https://i.imgur.com/BK9ER0g.jpg Road to Anime is the official Road to 56 compatibility spin-off of Anime History. Having over a thousand portraits in the quality Anime History is known for, this mod will enhance the ani...
Ultimate Cheat Mod (OLD - Check Desc.)
Created by Nikorasu-chan
This is the old version of Ultimate Cheat Mod. It no longer will be updated on this mod page. Unsubscribe from this one and resubscribe to the new one. - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1949510020 Link to Discord - https://discord.gg...
Ultimate Tech Tree:Millennium Dawn
Created by Tolis
Ultimate Tech Tree:Reforged
Created by Tolis
With over 1300 new icons this mod aims to extend the timeline to the 90s while introducing realistic looking unit icons and tech development. COMPLETED NATIONS:USA,SOV,ENG,FRA,GER and ITA(WW2 ONLY),NAVAL TREE Special thanks to the Operation Overhaul( https...
World of Anime
Created by Shouta
World of Anime is Anime History's companion mod with alternate portraits! https://i.imgur.com/pmJr2s4.png World of Anime is Anime History's companion mod with alternate portraits! This mod not only fills every single portrait in Hearts of Iron IV with an a...
Warships Designer Overhaul
Created by wagnerleung0079
Description: Unable to recreate the historical accurate Yamato? This is the right mod for you. This mod allow player to fit every modules that can visually fit on the ship to the ship. Details: This mod would allow player to put equipments on every space o...
Ultimate Techtree New Horizon: Extended Tankslots and AFVs
Created by B4skerV1lle
This is a submod created to bring the joy of more Tank Module Slots and Customizable IFVs to the Ultimate Tech Tree: New Horizons Mod. (for those comming here from the first mod, welcome back) #####THIS MOD IS STILL IN EARLY ALPHA##### The core of this mod...
Umamusume Soviet Derby
Created by Mario_RU
uma musume soviet derby is anime chara-ed soviet MOD with umamusume ( ウマ娘 ) uma musume is covered with communist russia. enjoy. ironman ok i do not claim any picture, which is included in this mod. add the compatibility with Hearts of Tansei https://steamc...
Created by Manuellem
The mod adds new patterns of divisions and support companies, translated Essen mod P.S The original mod was deleted so I decided to resurrect it. Compatibility of other mods available. Translation was taken from here (With the author's permission) steamcom...
War of the Worlds
Created by Darzall
Welcome to the War of the Worlds mod: Major heads up, the workshop version currently doesn't work with the up to date version of the game. You need to go to the mod's discord and get the work in progress update, if you want to use 1.12! Small public servic...
Yukari voice
Created by Kyrie
Created by MEIAS
【概要】 VOICEROID WORLDは指導者をvoiceroidやCeVIOに変更するmodです。 (趣味で開発している物なので完成度に関しては悪しからず) 【☆アップデート情報☆】 1/30 自由フランス、ヴィシー政府の指導者の差し替え その他イベントスチルの差し替え 1/24 各種イベントによって指導者の表情が変化 イベントスチルの差し替え 軽微なバグを修正 1/19 満州国、中国共産党、中華民国の指導者を変更 満州国にイベントと国民精神を追加 【変更点】 主要七大国、その他一部国家の指導者を変更 ...
Voiceroid Leaders+
Created by after.dark
◆Mod概要 各国の指導者をVOICEROID、VOCALOID、CeVIO、UTAUなどの音声合成ソフトのキャラに置き換えるModです。 ◆Version 1.14.5仮対応 ◆5/31更新点 36年シナリオの各国の初期技術を一部変更 初期ドクトリンを廃止し、各国に陸海空経験値50を初期値として付与 ※陸は大規模作戦か優勢火力をAIが取得しやすいように変更 南米国家の資源量、安定度、戦争協力度、初期イデオロギー支持率を調整 ◆主な変更点 指導者の変更、指導者特性、国民精神、将軍、提督の追加 イデオロギー、...