January 7th: Giant Golden-Crowned Flying Fox (Acerodon jubatus)

Diet: Fruits
Range: Philippines
Conservation Status: Endangered

First Monday of the new year is always a drag, so let’s go big, really big, 5 foot 6-inch wingspan big. The giant golden-crowned flying fox is accepted as the largest bat species in the world and therefore the largest true flying mammal on the planet. With a wingspan the size of an adult, A.Jubatus flys up to 20 miles a day in search of fresh figs to eat. It then spreads those seeds throughout the Philippines.

No need to be afraid, unless you are hiding figs. If so you should be very, very afraid.

Despite being passive to humans, A.Jubatus, like other mammals such as rodents, has a troubled reputation as a vector for harmful diseases. Despite this history, another predominate cause of their endangered status is bush meat hunting. Colonies once numbered 150,000 individuals, each one providing 2 pounds of meat and fur. Combined with the destruction of pristine forest utilized for habitat these difficulties have landed A.jubatus in the endangered category