Thermalright HR-07 Trio Heatpipe Coolers

Memory cooling is often overclocked as a needless accessory. Much the same as MOSFET cooling adds little, if anything, to overclocking, memory coolers appear to be little more than a fashion accessory. If memory doesn’t have a heatsink then you will be seen as an outcast in the overclocking community. E-peen, it seems walks hand in hand with bling these days and if bling is what you need, then the Thermalright has it in bucket loads.
The packaging of the product was excellent. Despite the bland printed cardboard box, this did have an aura of excellence about it, perhaps because I am influenced by previous Thermalright products I know to be good. That said, the interior packaging was excellent and I find it hard to criticise what is almost a perfect example of how a product of this nature should be packaged.
Performance of the HR-07 was nothing short of amazing. With no fan to aid airflow, the coolers managed to keep temperatures of the memory well within check. I was sorely tempted to wind up the voltage dial to see if the extra volts could enable me to push the kit further but feared killing the modules with overvoltage as they are sadly just a test sample. That said I have little doubt that the HR-07 would still keep the temperatures within limits even if the voltage were to be increased and they will almost certainly extend the life expectancy of the ram which is perhaps, aside from the bling I mentioned earlier, one of the most attractive features of ram cooling.
The price of the kit may be the one thing that prevents this product from becoming a top seller. $50 for each 3 piece kit on the outset appears to be very expensive, especially if you have six modules to cool ($100) but when you consider that a high end CPU heatsink costs more than this and there is perhaps more work involved with the three memory coolers, the price does not seem too bad. How much you value your memory will perhaps be the defining factor of whether you see these memory cooling kits to be a sound investment.
So with the Thermalright HR-07 modules you get almost the best of everything, low temperatures, higher overclock potential, extraordinary looks. In the product description Thermalright pose the question ‘What more could you ask for?’. Apart from a lower price? Nothing is the answer I would give.
The Good
– Exceptional cooling performance
– Totally silent
– Stunning looks
– Great packaging
The Mediocre
– Price may be an issue for some
The Bad
– Nothing
Thanks to Thermalright for supplying both HR-07 kits for today’s review. Discuss in our forums.