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Can You Develop Autism Later in Life?

autism graphic with various heads with different colors

What Autism Looks Like in Adults

By Mary Zamost, quality care coordinator at Network Health

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD), or simply autism, is a neurological and developmental disorder that affects how a person interacts and communicates with those around them, how they learn and how they behave. Medical experts describe it as a developmental disorder because autism symptoms usually appear by the age of two.

Despite this, it is not unheard of for adults who were never diagnosed with autism to wonder if they have the disorder. This may be due to increased education about autism or a feeling that the person has behavioral tendencies that may align with autism.

Can Adults Develop Autism?

First, it’s important to understand that autism cannot develop in adults. Autism is caused by atypical brain development that occurs at the young age we mentioned above. By the time someone has reached an adult age, basic neurodevelopment has already completed.

This does not mean that adults cannot receive an autism diagnosis later in life, though. Higher-functioning individuals with autism may go through much of life without receiving a diagnosis, with symptoms of autism only becoming clear when facing more challenging or demanding life situations.

Autism Symptoms in Adults

Diagnosing autism in adults can be difficult. Many of the symptoms associated with autism can also be symptoms for other common mental health disorders, including anxiety and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). These symptoms may be easier to associate with autism in children than they are in adults. Such symptoms that are often found in adults with autism include the following.

  • Difficulty understanding other people’s feelings or reactions
  • Trouble making and keeping friends
  • Coming off as brutally honest
  • Not realizing when they offend others
  • Not being interested in others’ points of view or feelings
  • Having the same routines and being uncomfortable when those routines are interrupted or changed
  • Difficulty expressing how they feel
  • Interpreting things literally
  • Social anxiety

Some symptoms of autism can present as strengths in an individual as well. These include the following.

  • Ability to learn minute details and remember information for extended periods of time
  • Being strong audible and visual learners
  • Excelling in math, science, music or art

[Read more: Autism Symptoms to Look for in Young Children]

Late Diagnosis of Autism

It’s not uncommon for people to go through life without an autism diagnosis only to realize they may have autism later in life. It usually comes from feeling like they never quite “fit in” and recognizing some of the symptoms above in their own life.

That said, it’s important not to attempt to diagnose yourself. As mentioned, these symptoms can often be from other mental disorders, and additionally, those diagnosed with autism as an adult often have milder symptoms than those diagnosed as a child. This can all make a diagnosis more challenging.

Is It Worth Getting an Autism Diagnosis as an Adult?

If you are a higher-functioning adult, you may wonder if it is even worth receiving an autism diagnosis at an adult age. Is it worth the time and effort to pursue a diagnosis?

Many adults who receive a diagnosis later in life see it as a profound experience that can be life changing. It can give them insight into why they may think or act differently, whereas prior to a diagnosis, they may have been left struggling to understand their feelings. A lack of understanding can lead to self-doubt, isolation and anxiety.

Once a diagnosis is received, an adult with autism may feel a renewed sense of identity. It can also allow them to look back on past challenges and better identify both their strengths and areas where they could use help. So, to put it simply, it is absolutely worth getting an autism diagnosis, even as an adult.

Accepting and Managing Adult Autism

With a diagnosis in place, the focus can now be on accepting that diagnosis and learning how to manage it. Support is available that will help improve quality of life and offer a better outlook on the future. Though an adult autism diagnosis isn’t as common as it is for children, adults with autism are certainly not alone, and more and more adults are seeking an autism evaluation these days.

If you are an adult who was recently diagnosed with autism or if you are simply seeking resources to learn more, a great place to start is with the Autism Society with multiple locations throughout Wisconsin. Choose the one below that is near your area.

If you are a Network Health member, you can also contact us with any questions you might have about how your health plan may cover autism-related services or to learn where you can go to seek a diagnosis.

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