Birds in Fiji’s Forests: Delakula

Birds in Fiji’s Forests: Delakula


The cheerful, tiny Delakula, or Orange-breasted Myzomela (Myzomela jugularis), is one of the most common birds in Fiji. It may be found in any habitat, even visiting many suburban gardens. It primarily feeds on nectar from a wide variety of flower types, but spiders and insects form a significant portion of its diet. Normally, Delakula are solitary or found in small groups, but large groupings do form at favourite flowering trees, and at such times, they may seem rude, appearing to spend more time chasing their neighbours than actually feeding. In Fiji, the Delakula is also known as the Bicibicikula.

“Forests and Biodiversity – Too precious to lose!” is the theme of the upcoming International Day of Forests on March 21. Each day until then, we’ll be sharing information about a different bird highlighted in our special edition playing cards. We hope you enjoy learning more about the precious diversity you can find right here in our Fijian forests! #IntlForestDay #IDOF2020