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  • Michael K. Williams

Examples of similar logos

Due to the impossibility, and sometimes unnecessary, contacting professional designers, it may seem that the problem of a non-unique logo applies only to small businesses. In addition, small businesses and startups often benefit from imitating more recognizable competitive brands. But now we will destroy these stereotypes, because a unique logo is a rare thing and sometimes even highly paid designers are not able to achieve the desired result. Let's see how the copying of corporate identity manifests itself in the practice of world famous companies.

Vodafone / Pinterest / Target

The rounded shapes of the sign and the same red and white coloring make the logos of companies from completely different niches similar: the mobile operator Vodafone, social photo hosting Pinterest and the Target chain of stores. But the additional elements and details of the logos are still noticeably different from each other.

Gucci / Chanel

Competitive companies sharing the same niche are even more likely to copy their corporate identity. See how the achromatic colors and the mirroring of the lettering elements compare the logos of the fashion houses of Gucci and Chanel to each other.

TripAdvisor and the Swedish Publishers Association

Animal images are often seen as brands because they have symbolic implications and can be great characters in advertising campaigns. But sometimes developers choose the same animal for their logo(Hire Creative Logo Designers in USA) and even use a similar style to implement their plans. It also happened with TripAdvisor and the Swedish Publishers Association.

The logo does not have to be different from others in order to perform its functions efficiently. It is enough to develop a sign with a semantic load, choose the appropriate color and follow the advice of experienced designers in basic solutions. We hope this article and the Logo Design Hill online service will help you realize your own attractive brand.

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