Archangel Jophiel — Lift Your Vibration Guided Meditation

Lisa Beachy
6 min readMay 1, 2023
Archangel Jophiel — Lift Your Vibration Guided Meditation

In a world where the hustle and bustle of life can often leave us feeling overwhelmed, it’s no wonder that many of us seek solace in an ancient practice — meditation. But what if instead of just bringing peace and clarity to our minds, we could also raise our vibrations? Step into the spiritual realm with Archangel Jophiel, a celestial being whose mission is to help us lift our vibrations through guided meditation. I LOVE Jophiel and her vibrant energy!

Have you ever felt like life was sending you too many messages? You’re not alone! This is where Archangel Jophiel comes in. A powerful archangel, who has been mentioned in various religious texts throughout history, Jophiel helps us to open up our connection with the divine through her guided meditations. With her help, we can learn how to raise our individual vibration, allowing us to become more in tune with ourselves and find inner balance.

Taking some time out for yourself can be difficult in a hectic world — but with the help of Archangel Jophiel’s meditation sessions, you can easily make time for yourself and reap the benefits that come from lifting your vibration. So why not give it a try? Open your heart and soul to this spiritual experience and allow Archangel Jophiel to guide you on your journey toward self-discovery.

Who is Archangel Jophiel?

Who is Archangel Jophiel? This powerful archangel is known as the angel of illumination and is often referred to as the “blessed one.” She was sent by God to help guide those who are seeking enlightenment and wisdom. Her mission is to bring divine light and love into our lives, helping us to open our hearts and minds to higher spiritual energies.

Archangel Jophiel’s energy can be felt when we take time to connect with our inner self and recognize our true divine nature. She helps us embrace the power of love, compassion, and understanding within ourselves. She also encourages us to manifest beauty in our lives through positive thoughts, words, and actions. By connecting with Archangel Jophiel, we can lift our vibrations, allowing us to experience greater peace, joy, abundance, and happiness in all areas of life.

What are the Benefits of Connecting with Archangel Jophiel?

Connecting with Archangel Jophiel is like a breath of fresh air for those searching for spiritual guidance. Her presence is said to bring about a calming energy that helps to lift the vibration of the space around you. By connecting with him, you can open yourself up to a higher level of consciousness and understanding.

Archangel Jophiel is known as the angel of enlightenment and wisdom, so it goes without saying that one of the main benefits of connecting with him is gaining access to her powerful insight. She can help guide your decision-making and give you clarity on situations that have been weighing heavily on your mind. With her assistance, you’ll be better equipped to make decisions based on what is best for your highest good.

In addition to offering spiritual guidance, Archangel Jophiel also helps to bring peace and joy into your life. She has a way of soothing negative thoughts and emotions, allowing you to truly feel the love in your heart. By tapping into her positive energy, she can help uplift your spirit so that it radiates throughout every aspect of your being. This newfound sense of peace can then spread outwardly, touching those around you in a beautiful way.

By connecting with Archangel Jophiel, we find ourselves in alignment with our soul’s highest calling and purpose, allowing us to experience all the abundance life has to offer! The benefits are truly endless when it comes to this powerful archangel; by embracing her loving presence, we open ourselves up to an entire universe of possibilities!

What is a Guided Meditation?

Guided meditation is a technique that helps individuals focus and relax their mind, body, and spirit. It involves a facilitator — often a trained meditation teacher or spiritual guide — who leads the group through verbal instructions for visualizing images and sensations. This process can help to quiet the mind, reduce stress levels, and bring about emotional balance.

Guided meditations are not limited to just one type or belief system; they can be adapted to fit many different faiths, traditions, and cultures. They may involve focusing on breathwork or an object of contemplation, such as a crystal or candle flame. It is also possible to incorporate music into the practice, which can create a harmonious atmosphere for inner reflection. Guided meditations are often used in combination with other relaxation techniques, such as yoga and tai chi to cultivate deeper states of consciousness. By allowing ourselves time to go within and explore our inner world, we can gain insight into our thoughts and feelings while also developing greater self-awareness.

How to Prepare for a Guided Meditation

After exploring the benefits of connecting with Archangel Jophiel, it’s time to prepare for guided meditation. To get the most out of your experience, a few simple steps can help you create the right environment and mindset.

Your physical space is important when preparing for a guided meditation. You need to be comfortable in order to relax into the meditation. Make sure you have enough room to sit or lie down comfortably without any distractions or interruptions. Dim the lights and play some soft music if it helps you relax. It can also be helpful to light some candles or burn some incense to help promote a calming atmosphere.

Take a few moments before beginning your meditation to clear away any negative thoughts or emotions that might interfere with focusing on your practice. Focus on taking slow, deep breaths and focus on releasing any tension from your body. As you take this time for yourself, start setting an intention for your meditation session and visualize what you want to achieve through it. Once you feel relaxed and ready, close your eyes and begin your guided meditation journey with Archangel Jophiel.

Closing Meditation Rituals to Honor the Connection With Archangel Jophiel

As the sun sets and the night sky begins to sparkle above us, we can take a moment to honor our connection with Archangel Jophiel. Our journey of guided meditation has come full circle, and it’s time to close off this experience with a ritual that honors our spiritual relationship with Archangel Jophiel.

It’s important to remember that rituals do not need to be complicated or formal; they need to be meaningful and heartfelt. A simple gesture can be enough: light a candle, burn some incense, lay down on the ground, and sense the Earth beneath you. Allowing yourself to become still in this moment and express your gratitude for the guidance of Archangel Jophiel is all you have to do. Spend as much time as you need here, letting go of any worries or fears that may have come up during your meditation journey. Remembering that Archangel Jophiel is always by your side, ready to help guide you on your spiritual path.

At this point, take a few deep breaths and visualize yourself surrounded by love, comforted by the presence of Archangel Jophiel. As these feelings of peace wash over you like a warm embrace, feel free to let out an audible “Thank You” or simply whisper one from inside your heart before slowly ending your meditation session.


The connection with Archangel Jophiel is one that helps us to rise to the highest levels of vibration. After a guided meditation, we may find ourselves feeling lighter, more in tune with our true selves, and filled with peace and joy. It is as if we have been bathed in the light of an angel’s love.

This connection allows us to feel aligned with the power of divine energy and leave behind any negative emotions or thoughts that may have been weighing us down. We can take away a newfound sense of clarity and focus on manifesting our dreams into reality. When we honor this connection by completing a closing meditation ritual, it gives us an opportunity to thank Archangel Jophiel for her assistance and guidance during our meditation journey.

Just as when we look up into the starry night sky, we are reminded of how small and insignificant we are compared to the vast universe around us; connecting with Archangel Jophiel reminds us that no matter what challenges life throws at us, there is always divine protection from above guiding and strengthening us along our spiritual path. As we end each session feeling renewed, invigorated, and connected to something larger than ourselves, it is clear that Archangel Jophiel has worked her magic once again!

Here is a YouTube meditation I have created to meditate with Archangel Jophiel. I hope it blesses you with her presence

Make sure to check out my YouTube Channel Guided Meditations with Lisa Beachy for hundreds of meditation options with the angels if you would like to give it a try. I also go live and teach on my other YouTube Channel — Lisa Beachy, Intuitive Aries.

I also have many blog articles on my website.



Lisa Beachy

Lisa Beachy is a renowned spiritual intuitive with extensive experience in working with angelic beings.