Embracing the Difference- Exploring Autism Spectrum Disorder

Heart It Out
5 min readJun 16, 2023

Written by- Keerthana M

Let’s conjure up a scenario: Aaron is a 9-year-old student who is always distracted in class and cannot attend to teaching at the same pace as his classmates. His level of understanding and perception is too slow and needs help as he finds it highly difficult to do work individually. But, once something is in his head then, he is a master of it. He does not talk much to others, finds it difficult to express what he is feeling and is engaged in stereotypic behaviours.

Does the scenario seem similar? Maybe you have seen it in a famous series called The Good Doctor?

If yes, you must have heard the term “Autism”!

Still unfamiliar? Read on for some insight.

Autism: a Complex Disorder That Hampers Brain Development

Autism, also called, Autism Spectrum Disorder (also known as ASD) is a neuro-developmental disorder, that is, it is related to one’s mental health.

It is characterised by difficulty in social interaction and repetitive-stereotypical behaviours. Thus, an individual with autism has problems in social interaction, communication, and behaviours.

Know the Facts — The Autism Fact-book

Awareness is not awareness without the facts to back it up, right? Here are a few facts about Autism that you might or might not have heard of before.

  • Autism affects people of all races, ethnicities, and socioeconomic backgrounds.
  • According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), approximately 1 in 54 children is diagnosed with ASD in the United States.
  • Autism is typically diagnosed in the first three years of the individual’s life, that is, in early childhood. The diagnostic process involves evaluating behavioural symptoms, communication patterns, and social interactions.
  • The diagnosis of Autism is traditionally given as “Autism spectrum disorder (ASD)”. Here, “Spectrum” is used to refer to the feature of the disorder to be “characterised by a wide range of symptoms and variations in severity”. Thus, the presentation of the disorder is different in each individual.
  • People with ASD may have difficulties with social skills and communication.
  • Individuals with ASD often engage in repetitive behaviours, such as hand-flapping, rocking, or lining up objects. They may also have intensely focused interests in specific topics and may exhibit rigid adherence to routines or rituals.
  • Many people with ASD experience sensory sensitivities, meaning they may be either hypersensitive or hypersensitive to sensory stimuli.
  • Autism affects individuals across a wide range of intellectual abilities. While some individuals with autism may have intellectual disabilities, many others have average or above-average intelligence.
  • With the right support and accommodations, individuals with autism can lead fulfilling and independent lives. Many people with autism have successful careers, form meaningful relationships, and live independently.
  • Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder with a strong genetic basis. While environmental factors may influence the expression of certain genetic traits, they do not cause autism.

Busting Some Myths on Autism Spectrum Disorder!

Mental health disorders have been gaining attention for a few years, and autism is no different. While it is highly important to know the condition, it is equally important to know what it is not.

Is There a Way to “Cure” Autism?

Scientists and Researchers have been studying and striving to understand the complexity of Autism Spectrum Disorder to get a cure. However, as of yet, there is no cure for Autism. On the bright side, treatment approaches for management have evolved tremendously (kudos to our hardworking researchers). Since Autism is believed to persist throughout the individual’s life, diagnosis and awareness are the first steps to effective management.

Early intervention is crucial and provides appropriate support for individuals with Autism. They significantly improve an individual’s quality of life. Early interventions are offered through various therapy modalities. Intensive behavioural interventions, speech therapy, occupational therapy, and social skills training can help improve communication, socialization, and adaptive skills in children with autism.

Autism Awareness is the First Step in Being Supportive

So what do we know so far? Autism is a mental health condition, that affects the individual’s social communication and also behaviour patterns.

But, why do we have to know about Autism at all? Here’s why:

  • Autism is a disorder with a genetic disorder and presents itself differently in different individuals. Each individual with ASD may experience a unique combination of challenges and strengths.
  • The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)’s 2021 report noted that 1 in 54 children is diagnosed with ASD in the United States. The previous estimate said, 1 in 59. The rate of individuals being affected with Autism is increasing dramatically.
  • The best and most appropriate care plan for autism is early intervention and assistance through therapy.
  • People with ASD benefit from supportive and inclusive environments. Building understanding and acceptance in society can help create opportunities for individuals with autism to lead fulfilling lives and participate fully in their communities.

With the increasing prevalence rates of the disorder, with genes of an individual being one of the causal factors of the disorder, and with the disorder demanding early intervention as the best care plan, it becomes highly necessary for one to be aware of the condition.

Awareness empowers individuals with ASD and their families to seek appropriate support and services. It enables them to access resources, therapies, and educational opportunities tailored to their specific needs. Additionally, being aware of ASD allows individuals to advocate for the rights and needs of people on the autism spectrum, promoting a more inclusive and accommodating society.

Heart It Out is More Than Just a Care Zone

We truly care about every human being that comes to us with a broken heart and a confused state of mind. Being human comes with its own perks and hardships in life, but that doesn’t mean we ought to run away from our problems in the hope that they will be solved! That’s why we have therapy. Therapy is the best care plan for individuals with Autism. And Heart It Out is here to help you, with their affordable assessment and therapy!

Well, we do have a bonus! We understand that caring for someone with Autism can be both rewarding and challenging, and it’s important for caregivers to take care of their own well-being in order to provide the best support for their loved ones. Therapy is a safe place for caregivers to express their feelings, cope with stress, and develop effective strategies for managing the unique challenges associated with caring for someone with autism.

Heart It Out not only brings individual therapy for the affected but offers care for the caregivers and the families of the affected through individual therapy and other therapy facilities.

Visit us now!



Heart It Out

Heart It Out is a mental health and well being initiative that aims to provide accessible mental healthcare to all.