Lonicera ligustrina var. yunnanensis

Andrew Luce
2 min readOct 14, 2022

Lonicera nitida, a perennial shrubby honeysuckle that is native to China, is an evergreen shrubby. It is a popular hedge plant that is hardy, quick-growing, great for screening, and easy to grow. Its botanical name was changed to Lonicera.ligustrina.var. yunnanensis, but it is still sold under the old name. It is easier to remember and pronounce.

Lonicera nitida can sometimes be called box-leaved honeysuckle because its small, oval, evergreen, leaves look very similar to those of box (Buxus.sempervirens). The species’ leaf colour is medium to dark green. However, there are several varieties that produce coloured leaves, including ‘Baggessen’s Gold’, which has bright yellow young and matures to lime-green.

Lonicera nutrida is easy to grow, and can thrive in many soil types and environments. To get the best results, plant in fertile, well-drained soil. Keep your hedge in shape by trimming twice to three times per year during the growing season. Late summer is the best time to trim hedges. After birds have finished nesting, a final trim in fall will make sure that they look neat through winter. The hedge can reach up to 3m in height, but can be kept as low as 1.2m and as wide as 60 cm.

Plant Lonicera nutida hedgee 30 cm apart in one row to make a hedge. Plant in a double row, with the same spacing between the plants as the other rows, if you require a thicker hedge. Plant in autumn, early to mid-spring, and water until established.

Lonicera Nitida can be purchased as pot-grown plants at nurseries, garden centers, and online. The largest selection of sizes is available from hedge specialists. They may also offer bare-rooted plants that have been taken directly from the nursery fields while they are dormant (November through March). These are the most economical and also have no plastic.

