Running Sevilla under Linux (Wine)

Sevilla under Linux

Although Sevilla is designed for Windows, it can run perfectly well under Linux. If you like to know how please read the article below which was kindly contributed by Claudio Ruzza.

For this Sevilla Installation under Linux I used my laptop where ubuntu 7.10 has been recently installed.
In this ubuntu release the package "Wine" is bundled with the distribution. For different (older) ubuntu releases or different Linux distributions you may need to get and install "Wine" before the installation of Sevilla.
Please note that ubuntu uses the "gnome" desktop environment. Paths and commands of this example refers to gnome. For Linux distributions based on other desktop environments (like KDE) the position of Wine may vary.

Please refer to your distro’s Package Manager or download the "Wine" source files from the "Wine" homepage:

Download page:
In this page you can find Wine packaged for several Linux flavours.

In ubuntu 7.10 you can check the precence of "Wine" in Applications–>Wine


Once Wine is installed, download Sevilla setup file in a temporary directory of your Linux box. In this example I have downloaded SevillaSetup1262.exe in a directory named /kits/Sevilla under my home directory (see fig.2).
To install Sevilla simply run:

            wine SevillaSetup1262.exe

fig. 2

The installation of Sevilla starts normally as it will do in a Windows machine:

fig. 3

Accept the license agreement, then click next and choose the destination directory. You can specify a directory or leave the default unchanged. Wine will create a virtual disk C: in its Linux home directory; any path you specify for Sevilla executables installation will be created there.

fig. 4

Accept the defaulted shortcut folder, then press next. A summary of installation parameters will appear:

fig. 5

Press the install button, and the installation begins immediately. After about a minute the installation completes and this screen shows up:

fig. 6

Press finish. The installation of Sevilla is complete. To run Sevilla: Applications–>Wine–>Programs–>JBF Software–>Sevilla

fig. 7

Sevilla starts as it will do in a Windows machine. Now you can browse your file systems to open competition files or to load language files

fig. 8

You may encounter this problem: fonts used by programs under Wine are different than those used under Windows.
You can fix this simply copying the contents of your %SYSTEM DRIVE%\Windows\Fonts under the "virtual" directory for the Windows fonts created by Wine. Wine creates a file named "drive_c" that emulates a Windows installation disk. Under the directory "drive_c" wine creates a basic Windows directory structure, including the "fonts" directory.
In this example the "drive_c" directory is here:


where "claudio" is my Linux user and my home directory. It may vary for every machine/user (of course!)

The "Fonts" directory is here:

My laptop has two partitions and dual boot. Ubuntu 7.10 mount in r/w file systems of NTFS and FAT32 type, so I just copied fonts from the Windows partition, visible as /media/sda1, to the /home/claudio/.wine/drive_c/windows/fonts directory.
As an alternative, is possible to copy fonts from a Windows machine to a USB stick, to connect the USB stick to the Linux machine, and then copy fonts to the appropriate directory.
This is what I did on my PC:

fig. 9

That’s it!
Have fun with Sevilla

Additional note from the author:

I have tested Sevilla 12.7.1 with Wine under another linux distribution, Debian 4.0: veeeeeeeery smooth! A piece of cake.
Debian is famous for being less eshoteric than Ubuntu and much more solid, very much appreciated by hardcore linuxers.