The Infinite Zenith

Where insights on anime, games and life converge

Category Archives: Houkago Teibou Nisshi

Houkago Teibou Nisshi: Remarks on Slice-of-life Portrayals of Incremental Growth and A Glimpse Into The Future Through the Live-Action Drama

“There are always new places to go fishing. For any fisherman, there’s always a new place, always a new horizon.” –Jack Nicklaus

After final exams, summer vacation arrives for Hina, Natsumi, Yūki and Makoto. Yūki reveals there’s a special outing planned out as a part of the Breakwater Club’s custom, and because they’re going to head towards an uninhabited island, Sayaka will be accompanying everyone. However, ahead of the trip, there’s the matter of money: to help secure some funds ahead of the trip, Yūki has arranged for the club to partake in community service and help clean up the local beaches at Perigean spring tide. At the same time, Yūki plans to re-sell any lures they find. As Hina helps the others out, she’s surprised to find so much trash, and that so many lures, some of which are in excellent shape, are left behind. Natsumi explains that even at the local flea market, a lure in decent condition can go for up to five hundred yen. However, in her excitement, Hina neglects to keep an eye on her surroundings and becomes stranded, requiring the others come grab her in a boat. Later, the Breakwater Club create handicrafts together and restore most of the lures for sale at a flea market. On the day of the fishing expedition, Hina wakes up early to join Natsumi and the others. When they reach the pier, they’re surprised to see Tako-ya’s manager, Akai, present; it turns out he’s also a ferryman, and they head off to the island. After arrival, the girls set up their tents, and Sayaka gives the girls a quick overview on safety. Hina and Yūki begin fishing; after getting set up, Yūki notes that Hina’s improving and is able to do more on her own, and Hina manages to catch fish on her own with only a handful of pointers from Yūki. Later, Hina watches Makoto fish, admiring how expertly she handles the fishing rod. Makoto ends up catching a red-spotted grouper, and on the way back, Natsumi finds an octopus. Back at camp, Yūki successfully catches an impressive two-foot-long flounder, beating her personal best. The Breakwater Club spend the remainder of the evening preparing and enjoying the day’s catch, with Hina being surprised with how bountiful the coasts are even though they’re technically on a deserted island. This is where Houkago Teibou Nisshi‘s live-action drama wraps up; the desert island trip takes place in the manga’s fifth volume, immediately after Hina shows Natsumi and the others how to do handicrafts, and by the sixth volume, the Breakwater Club hits the breakwaters to help clean up. Unlike the manga, which has the club take on part time work to save up for the next trip, the live-action drama ends up altering the order of events and a few minor details: Hina and the others help to clear the beaches first, sell their handicrafts and refurbished lures at the local flea market and use the proceeds to fund their desert island outing, during which Yūki ends up catching a stingray instead.

By the end of Houkago Teibou Nisshi‘s live-action drama, Hina’s progress becomes apparent. From requiring instruction to operate a fishing rig and learning how to cast properly, to gaining the right mindset for fishing when one is skunked, the live action drama goes one step further in showing how Hina’s come to not just appreciate fishing, but also become proficient enough for a veteran like Yūki to comment on things. The idea of incremental growth in slice-of-life works is a recurring theme, one that continuously reminds viewers that in any activity, there is going to be a learning curve, and that in order for one to reach a point where they can enjoy the truly memorable moments, they must also be prepared to invest time in learning how to improve their craft. In a world where instant gratification seems to be the norm, messages from such works become all the more important: stories like Houkago Teibou Nisshi show the learning process, how failure and disappointment are handled, and how partaking in activities with others acts as a wonderful motivation for picking onself back up in the face of failure. In Houkago Teibou Nisshi, while Hina does have a string of beginner’s luck, she also has moments where she ends up short, whether it be trying to fish for Horse Mackerel Fry on her own with the wrong setup, struggling to catch freshwater shrimp or discovering that she needed to prepare artificial bait correctly for Whiting. Showing Hina’s failures is important because it demonstrates that coming up short is an inevitable part of the journey; it’s not just normal, but a critical part of the process. Learning how to address failure, rectify one’s mistakes and have the spirit to make another attempt is how one improves over time. However, changing trends in society give the impression that failure is something to shy away from: for instance, influencers often paint the (untrue) image that their lives are perfect, and that they can get perfect moments just by being lucky all of the time. For those who follow influencers, this can lead to the impression that anyone can take that one-in-a-million shot of a sunrise in the mountains and expect the likes to roll in. When the reality doesn’t line up with expectations, disappointment results. This is why, at least for me, I prefer reading about legitimate photographers, who often share stories of how it took them a week of waiting through inclement weather and taking hundreds of photographs in sub-optimal to find one they were proud of, or how seemingly poor weather and lighting led them to take a picture that came out much better than they’d anticipated: there’s a more sincerity to hearing stories of how failure, and persistence, allows professionals to tell genuinely impactful stories. Houkago Teibou Nisshi and other anime dealing with such activities are able to be sincere for the same reason; the characters do succeed, but along the way, they fail, learn that failure is normal, and most importantly, learn to pick themselves up. By doing exactly thus, Hina is able to learn that there’s more enjoyment to fishing than she’d initially thought, and by the end of the live-action drama, Hina is pleasantly surprised to see just how deep fishing is, becoming a full-fledged member of the Breakwater Club in the process.

Screenshots and Commentary

  • While going through Houkago Teibou Nisshi‘s web drama, I was initially surprised to see the Breakwater Club participating in activities the anime had never covered. It became clear that the web drama was adapting materials later into the manga, and I decided that the two remaining episodes merited a standalone talk. The final two episodes of the web drama are actually well-chosen, rounding out Houkago Teibou Nisshi in a very concise and definitive manner. However, similarly to the other episodes in the web drama, things are very condensed – the desert island trip is set over the course of three chapters, and preparations leading up to the trip require another chapter.

  • Whereas the manga has Hina and the others cleaning up the beaches in swimsuits, the web drama has everyone dressed more normally. Yūki explains that it’s to keep their regular clothing from getting wet, although as the drama correctly depicts, it is possible to dress well and not need to resort to swimsuits. The live action drama’s choice of setting may also account for the difference: the ocean waters in Chiba are about 2ºC cooler than the waters in Sashiki, and this helps the web drama to be a little more modest. For this post, I’ve dispensed with the picture-in-picture comparisons that my live-action discussions usually feature: there are no equivalent moments in the anime to make the comparisons.

  • The change in the order of events, while a shade confusing in the beginning, actually does help to make the web drama a little more standalone. The manga had Hina and the others cleaning up the beaches as a part of their work to save for another training camp after the Marine Day trip to the deserted island – whereas the first trip had drained their finances, Yūki indicates that this training camp is a must-do trip, so the Breakwater Club uses the part time work to refill their club budget. On the other hand, the web drama has the Breakwater Club save up the funds so they can do the deserted island trip, creating build up to the final episode.

  • Differences in the order of events notwithstanding, the web drama remains faithful enough to the manga: after Hina becomes completely immersed in picking up and untangling lures, she fails to notice that high tide’s returned, trapping her on a stack. For comedic effect, the manga puts Hina on a tiny stack that is no more than a square metre in surface area, but in both cases, the others end up calling in a boat to rescue Hina.

  • Houkago Teibou Nisshi‘s decision to show failures is by no means unique: many anime that deal with young women picking up activities which demand a modicum of skill and learning invariably show failure as an essential part of the process. This is something that viewers value – making mistakes and being unsuccessful help one to learn, and when starting out, one of the best pieces of advice I have is that every time one sets out, they should expect to fail, but also enter with an open mind and the preparedness to learn from their experiences. Over time, as one picks up more, failures become less frequent, and one can really begin to enjoy their activity.

  • When a work shows failure as a part of the process, it reassures viewers that it is okay to fail.  However, in today’s society, the always-online nature of things means it can be difficult for people to spot this. On the internet, people tend to show only their successes, and this creates the false impression that an online personality is always having successes in what they do. In this way, it becomes impossible to learn about the process, as all one sees are the results. For instance, a month ago, I went on a hike to go see the larches in Ptarmigan Cirque. To readers (and the people who know me in person), all they see are the photos I took, of a cold and foggy morning giving way to sunshine and vividly golden larch trees.

  • The hike was quite beautiful, but what folks don’t see is the climb it took to get up to Ptarmigan Cirque. In the summer, climbing up the trail is relatively easy, but on the day I went, the night temperatures had dipped below freezing following a light snowfall, rendering the trail extremely slippery. Climbing up the trail was therefore moderately challenging, as I had to grab onto tree branches and rocks to maintain my stability. After I finished taking my photos, I knew I was in for a difficult trip back down the trail – as a general rule, going downhill on a climb is always tougher than the climb up, and given how slippery it’d been going up, going down was going to be very demanding.

  • At several points on the return trip down the trail, I was actually sliding down on my rear in a way that was reminiscent of how Les Stroud had to get down the fjord in his Survivorman: Ten Days episode for Norway. While there were other hikers that day, slipping down and twisting an ankle was always a real hazard. My photographs don’t show this, and to viewers, I appear to have had a perfectly easy time where I just walked in, pointed my camera at the larches and clicked the shutter.

  • It is for this reason I love hearing photographers talk about the stories behind their photos. A large number of professionals, and long-time hobbyists, tell tales of being skunked by bad weather, unforeseen conditions and other challenges. In spite of this, it is a creative eye and a modicum of patience that allows them to still walk away from the day with a photo they might be proud of (or at least, one they feel to be worth sharing). Hearing these stories speaks to the determination and perseverance people have when it comes to their activities, whether it be their hobbies or profession.

  • Showing the in-between moments is what makes slice-of-life stories so genuine; in Houkago Teibou Nisshi, for instance, Hina does end up participating in a local event where she has to help sell the refurbished lures, and despite her protests otherwise, she ends up doing an admirable job of encouraging visitors to buy the lures. This is quite unrelated to fishing, but Hina’s being able to step up shows that, as a part of her growth while fishing, she’s able to do other things she hadn’t been previously doing. In this way, the Breakwater Club does earn enough to make their deserted island trip possible.

  • The value of hearing stories of failure and difficulty in an activity is why I generally don’t have a favourable view of social media influencers; their feeds are full of seemingly “perfect” moments, and this gives the impression their lives are blessed, with everything going precisely the way they’d wish. For impressionable youth, it can be quite demoralising to learn that the world the influencers present isn’t quite true to reality, and there have been many influencers caught faking their photos using stock images and a bit of trickery to give the impression they’re doing something for real. For instance, an Instagram influencer posted yesterday that they’d captured a picture of Banff’s Peyto Lake after a fresh snowfall. In this image, the sky is perfectly blue.

  • However, a quick check of satellite maps and weather records indicate that thick clouds had covered Peyto Lake for the whole of the day. While I could buy that the photograph was uploaded yesterday but taken on a different day, the influencer claims in their image caption that it was taken yesterday. The practise of faking things on social media is, unfortunately, all too common, and it can be easy to become envious of their seemingly endless luck in capturing photos or ability to commit to things that would be outstanding if true. The knowledge that influencers often fake their experiences would provide a logical explanation for why they always seem to be in the right place at the right time for photography: some influencers have use a 4K television and stock images to create the impression they’re watching a sunrise in a remote mountain meadow on a date where the weather was actually poor.

  • While faking things is actually not too difficult, doing so does feel hollow and unrewarding – the reason why I travel around for food and photography is because they’re things I enjoy doing, and doing so provides memories that I’m happy to look back on. For an influencer who fakes their experiences, they won’t ever have a memory of the brisk mountain air, or the taste of a well-made dish. While their following may never know this, the influencer will recall that the photo was actually taken in a different context and never afforded them with a real memory of having done something fun. Slice-of-life anime act as the antithesis of this: the characters participate in genuine activities they’re happy to remember.

  • This is why there is merit in sharing moments of disappointment and setbacks, as well: although they might not be flattering, they give the impression that one is reading about a real individual, versus a manufactured ideal. Yesterday represents a perfect example of such a teachable moment – I had originally planned to drive out to Peyto Lake with the intention of capturing photos of the still-blue lake surrounded by a fresh snowfall, and after doing extensive reading of weather charts and records of weather patterns from previous years, I had determined the last Friday of October would be ideal for such a photo-op and submitted a vacation request a full month in advance of this.

  • However, with about a week left to my vacation day, a request for volunteers from the local photograph association came about: an assisted-living foundation had secured both funding and approval for the construction of their latest building, and yesterday was their sod-turning ceremony. While having photographers on-site was important, I decided to volunteer because having video of the event would have helped the foundation in a major way. I had originally planned to do the drive out to Peyto Lake and come back in time for the filming, but when a major snowfall rendered most of the roads leading in and out of town slippery, I decided to drop the drive: failing to make my commitment because of difficult road conditions would represent poor judgement on my part.

  • In the end, I decided to spend my morning downtown: the same weather forecasts suggested I would be treated to a spectacular sunrise. However, when I arrived downtown, there was no sunrise because clouds the forecasts failed to account for completely blocked out the sun. A full half-hour later, the sun had peeked through a very small gap in the clouds, and there had been about two minutes to capture the glow of sunlight reflecting off the buildings downtown. I ended up missing this window and only arrived at the viewpoint after the sun began fading. I was able to take a single photo before the sun disappeared completely, leaving the cityscape grey and miserable. The image hadn’t turned out too well, being underexposed and lacking any colour, and after spending another quarter hour on the hill, hoping the sun would return, the cold air won out and I moved on.

  • However, having had the foresight to shoot in ProRAW, I would later edit the lone photo I’d taken to correct the exposure and, in the process, I also increased the saturation of the yellows and golds in the image. The resulting photo isn’t going to win any contests, and it’s not something I’d frame, but it does capture the last glimpse of light glancing off the office buildings of a frigid Calgary morning right as the sunlight began receding. Just from looking at this photo alone, the viewer would never know that there was such a story to it. In this post, I found that the story was worth sharing precisely because it shows that no, I’m not uncommonly lucky in my photography, and that bad luck does affect things quite frequently.

  • While the day didn’t yield any photos of the sort I’d been looking for, and the weather had been quite miserable, I did end up scouting out a few spots that I can return to in the future under better conditions. Similarly, Houkago Teibou Nisshi has Hina failing at several points to show viewers of this process: if one only cared about the series’ ending, that Hina’s able to catch fish with consistency and enjoy them with her friends, Houkago Teibou Nisshi would be presenting an idealised, heavily filtered version of the experience Hina went through. From falling in the mud, nearly getting pulled off the pier by a large fish and fainting at the sight of blood, Hina’s journey with the Breakwater Club has not been an easy one.

  • However, it is with support from Natsumi, Yūki and Makoto that compels Hina to stick around. Had Hina lacked the perseverance to try again, and the gumption to research means of improving her game, Hina would’ve never reached a point where she could travel to an uninhabited island to fish in a way she’d never previously experienced. Houkago Teibou Nisshi suggests that when picking up something, it is with others that one has the support they need to not get discouraged when the going gets tough. For me, joining the local photography association has given me a similar boost: while I don’t go on the more involved events (most members are retirees, and the events are set on weekdays), during events we do attend as a group, I have a chance to pick up pointers during conversation, and so, when I go out on my own photo shoots, I can draw upon what I gain from these conversations to see if I can turn poor conditions into something I can learn from.

  • In Houkago Teibou Nisshi, Hina’s morning had started slowly, but once she takes a few pointers from Yūki, she begins to make more progress. As the day wears on, she walks around the island and watches both Natsumi and Makoto fish. Here, Natsumi manages to pull an octopus from the shores; the manga shows Natsumi using a resourceful means of extricating the octopus, but in the drama, the octopus has washed up on shore, reminiscent of a similar moment in Survivorman: Ten Days‘ Tiburón Island episode, when Stroud found an octopus. Stroud has since posted a director’s commentary on the Tiburón Island episode, saying that he hadn’t been expecting the episode to turn out well, but thanks to Barry Farrel’s editing, things came out better than expected, and on the octopus, Stroud indicated that he’d actually discarded more than necessary because he wasn’t familiar with how to prepare octopus.

  • Insight like this, again, shows that creativity and experiences are a process that has both ups and downs. For the same reason that I enjoy reading a photographer’s remarks about a photo and the story it took to capture said photo, Les Stroud’s Director’s Commentary videos are immensely enjoyable because it humanises Stroud’s experiences and makes them very visceral. Seeing the journey it took Stroud to shoot Survivorman increases my respect for his work ten-fold, and as such, when Stroud criticises other survival shows, I hold that Stroud’s earned every right to do so: real survival is slow, methodical and measured, rather than dramatic and exhilarating.

  • Throughout Houkago Teibou Nisshi, Yūki is portrayed as being lazy and usually prefers to kip rather than actively participate in the fishing. However, here in the web drama’s finale, Yūki is given a chance to shine when she captures a very large fish that’s nearly sixty centimetres in length. In the manga, Yūki ends up with a stingray instead, but despite being counted as being quite tasty, I imagine that here in the web drama, the choice was chosen to substitute a record-breaking fish over a sting-ray for practical reasons: stingrays are highly poisonous, and as the manga correctly states, their tails are highly venomous.

  • On Tiburón Island, while exploring the estuary in search of food, Stroud had fashioned simple shin-guards to protect against the possibility of being hit by a stingray’s tail. In Houkago Teibou Nisshi, on the other hand, Yūki’s extensive knowledge of marine life allows her to make the call to prepare the stingray for consumption. This shocks Hina, but Yūki reveals that once the tail is removed, preparing becomes a little more cut-and-dried. Makoto discards of the tail, and explains that despite their reputation, the flesh from a stingray is quite good; the flesh is most similar to that of a scallop, being flaky and sweet. The manga picked this to show how a little bit of knowledge can go quite far in turning around something that outwardly appears unpalatable.

  • The same thing applies to photography; I’d expect that an experienced photographer would be able to make the most of a situation that otherwise isn’t ideal for shooting and still come away with something instructive, whether it be exploring how to best operate in those conditions, experimenting with something new or otherwise using that time to scout out locations to return to. When it comes to surprises, one of the things I still need to master is learning to roll with the moment; I can outwardly handle disappointment stoically enough, but whenever things don’t pan out as I’d hoped, I always begin planning another attempt in my mind right away. This can lead me to miss out in the moment, so to remedy this, even in a suboptimal moment, I try to at least push the negativity from my mind and at least do some exploration.

  • In this way, even though the lighting yesterday morning remained quite poor owing to the presence of high-altitude clouds that diffused the lighting and created a very cold tone, I still managed to take a warm-looking photo of Calgary’s Peace Bridge, framed by dying autumn leaves, that came out a little better than I’d thought it would. I subsequently wrapped up my walk in Kensington, was hit with yet another disappointment when I found the poutine place closed without notice, and decided to grab lunch at Kim’s Katsu: I always plan ahead for such eventualities, and while I’d been looking forward to a hearty poutine, I also had been meaning to return to Kim’s Katsu – back in May, I remember enjoying dinner here following Otafest, but the day had left me so exhausted that I only had the appetite for something small. This time around, I returned to order my favourite item on their menu – the Assorted Katsu set meal comes with hire katsu, cheese katsu and ebi-furai, perfect for warming up after a full morning outdoors in -13ºC conditions.

  • Because I’d arrived right after opening, my meal came fresh from the fryer. When lunch concluded, I headed back home, grabbed my camera gear and drove out to the sod turning ceremony; by then, the clouds had completely dissipated. I felt a twinge of annoyance at this turn of events, since I was hoping to take some cityscape photos under better skies, but the flipside of this was that the filming for the sod turning ceremony was very smooth. While I’m probably not to return to Peyto Lake following a snowfall until October 2025 (next October, I’ll be in Takehara just in time for their Shokeinomichi Bamboo Lights Festival), I have the satisfaction of knowing I gave back to the Chinese community instead: if this foundation decides to have more events in the future requiring videography, I would be more than happy to help out.

  • Back in Houkago Teibou Nisshi, after thoroughly enjoying their evening meal, the Breakwater Club share conversation over the barley tea they’d brought. When I first saw the web drama, I’d wondered if the Breakwater Club was overnighting on the island, but it turns out this was just home base for the club: Sayaka had set this up so in the event of an emergency, she could administer first aid here. After cleaning up, the Breakwater Club prepares to head for home in the web drama. In the manga, after thanking the wildlife for providing dinner, the girls go swimming before leaving. In both cases, the outcomes are identical, and if Hina had wondered if she’d joined the right club early on, by now, it’s clear that she’s a fully-invested member of the Breakwater Club.

  • With this, Houkago Teibou Nisshi‘s web drama draws to a full close, and I am glad to have taken the time to watch and write about this series – in covering a familiar story in a slightly different way, the web drama was able to provide another set of perspectives as Hina learns to fish and appreciate nature with new friends. I’ve heard that another slice-of-life, Do It Yourself!, also received a live-action adaptation in July of this year, and given my experiences with both Houkago Teibou Nisshi and Yuru Camp△‘s dramas, there could be merit in seeing how a live-action version of Do It Yourself! fares in a different setting. I had thoroughly enjoyed the anime adaptation, and one of the biggest merits about rewatching a series in a different medium is seeing how a change in medium can bring out different parts of the story to extend one’s experience.

Despite receiving poor reviews in North America (Anime News Network, for instance, decries the series as suffering from significant “structural, narrative, and aesthetic issues” that creates “tonal incongruity”, in turn rendering the anime unwatchable), Houkago Teibou Nisshi was actually very well-received in Japan. Local fishing magazines praise the series for being a heartwarming and realistic portrayal of fishing, as well as correctly portraying more practical aspects like how to tie a line or get a fishing rig set up. Japanese reviewers felt that Hina’s journey provides viewers with a good idea of what picking up fishing from the perspective of a newcomer could look like, and while there’s no overarching story, showing key moments in Hina’s journey serve to remind veteran fishermen of both the highs and lows in their own experiences. Coupled with increased tourism in Sashiki, Houkago Teibou Nisshi has proven to be quite successful in Japan, and this is ultimately what made the web drama a reality. Besides giving viewers a chance to enjoy more Houkago Teibou Nisshi, the web drama also creates an exciting possibility: given that Houkago Teibou Nisshi performed well enough in Japan to garner a web drama, there is a nontrivial chance that a second season could be possible. Although the manga was delayed on several occasions, author Yasuyuki Kosaka has managed to continue on with the story, and at present, there are a total of eleven volumes to the manga. The original anime adaptation had brought four of these volumes, plus a chapter of the fifth volume to life; on the assumption that a second season could adapt another four volumes, there is enough content to adapt into the anime format. This does represent an exciting possibility, and in showing parts of the story the anime had not, the live-action drama of Houkago Teibou Nisshi is able create anticipation about where this understated, but sincere story about fishing could be headed. Of course, sales figures ultimately will dictate whether or not a second season of Houkago Teibou Nisshi becomes a reality, but even if another anime season never comes to pass, the drama does do a wonderful job of showing what lies ahead for Hina as she becomes more proficient and appreciative of eating what she catches.

Houkago Teibou Nisshi Live-Action Drama: A Review and Reflection, Remarks on the Versatility of Slice-of-life Stories in Choice of Setting

“The charm of fishing is that it is the pursuit of what is elusive but attainable, a perpetual series of occasions of hope.” –John Buchan

After moving to a small coastal town, Hina Tsurugi reunites with her childhood friend, Natsumi Hodaka, and finds herself roped into her school’s Breakwater Club. Despite her initial reservations, Hina comes to appreciate the joys of catching fish with her own hands, and while she occasionally struggles with parts of the process, she comes to genuinely enjoy fishing with her friends. Yasuyuki Kosaka’s manga on recreational fishing began serialisation in 2017, and in 2020, Doga Kobo produced an anime that captured Hina’s journey into fishing. While the anime was a respectful and detailed portrayal of fishing, as well as providing a measured view on sustainability, Houkago Teibou Nisshi never did get a continuation: author Kosaka was forced to delay work on the manga after heavy rainfalls in Kyūshū resulted in flooding. By 2021, Houkago Teibou Nisshi has since resumed, and at present, there are a total of ten volumes. The 2020 anime covered events leading up to the middle of the fifth volume, and while no news of a continuation has been announced yet, a web drama was announced earlier this year. Directed by Takahiro Horie and written by Takeshi Miyamoto, Houkago Teibou Nisshi‘s web drama began streaming on Lemino in July and ran for a total of nine episodes. Starring Riko as Hina, Natsumi Ikema as Natsumi, Noa Tsurushima as Yūki, and Hinako Kikuchi as Makoto, Houkago Teibou Nisshi‘s web drama is a faithful adaptation that closely follows the events within the anime and manga, and similarly to Yuru Camp△‘s live action drama, Houkago Teibou Nisshi is able to use the format to capture details that the animated format does not: character reactions are more muted, but details in fishing become more vivid, giving a strong sense that fishing is something that, with the right instruction and guidance, one can pick up with reasonable confidence. The web drama adaptation of Houkago Teibou Nisshi is generally consistent with the events seen in the anime and manga, with minor differences being seen in the order of some events, and overall, represents another way of seeing Hina’s story.

The largest difference between the original manga and the web drama lies in the choice of setting. The manga and anime had set Hina’s adventures in the town of Sashiki on the island of Kyūshū. With a humid subtropical climate, Sashiki has hot summers and cool winters. Summers are very wet, while springs are comparatively dry: in Sashiki, the months of April and May are the sunniest, and it is unsurprising that it is during the spring that Hina joins the Breakwater Club and begins fishing with them under beautiful blue skies. With its verdant forests and natural harbours, the Sashiki area is ideally suited for the story in Houkago Teibou Nisshi: author Kosaka hails from Kumamoto, after all, and has a sufficiently deep knowledge of the area to create a realistic, immersive tale of how Hina would to embrace fishing as she spends more time with Natsumi, Yūki and Makoto. On the other hand, the web drama was filmed in and around Katsuura, Chiba. Located some nine hundred and sixty kilometres from Sashiki as the crow flies, Katsuura has a similar climate and species of fish: the city is suited as a setting for Houkago Teibou Nisshi owing to the fact that it has a very extensive fishing industry. However, this choice of setting means that iconic places from Houkago Teibou Nisshi are unavailable. Hina and her friends no longer swing by Tenguya Fishing Tackle Shop for their bait, and rather than taking the train out to Kumamoto so Hina can buy a new coat, the breakwater club can bike to a nearby store. Similarly, Natsumi’s home is not modelled after Grill Kakashi in Hitoyoshi. At first glance, the essence of Houkago Teibou Nisshi appears to have been changed entirely with a shift in the setting. However, this is not the case: there are equivalents for every location of note in Houkago Teibou Nisshi. In fact, it is evident that whether or not Houkago Teibou Nisshi is set in Sashiki, Katsuura or any other humid subtropical coastal area of Japan, the story still succeeds in delivering a relaxing and compelling tale of fishing and self-discovery. In this way, Houkago Teibou Nisshi‘s web drama shows how, while settings can often become an integral part of slice-of-life stories, it is ultimately the characters and experiences that contribute most to the strength of the story, and moreover, when a story is well-written, it can happen most anywhere and still remain convincing. K-On!, for instance, is well-known for the fact that Kyoto Animation used Toyosato Elementary School as the model for Yui’s school, but in the manga, author Kakifly makes no such allusion to Toyosato. The anime helped to make the real-world elementary school famous, but the original story stood of its own accord. The same holds true in Houkago Teibou Nisshi, and once the initial surprise of watching Hina’s story unfold nearly a thousand kilometres to the northeast wears off, the web drama becomes a welcome addition to Houkago Teibou Nisshi.

Screenshots and Commentary

  • It’s been a while since I’ve written about a live-action adaptation of an anime – according to the site archives, the last time I did a post in this style was in the August of 2021, when the drama for Yuru Camp△‘s second season was airing. The format of these posts are inspired by Les Stroud’s Director Commentaries, where Stroud would offer additional insights into the filming of Suvivorman and Survivorman Bigfoot in a fireside-style discussion: a picture-in-picture style screenshot allows Stroud to maintain a presence while he provides commentary on his experiences and behind-the-scenes details.

  • For my discussion of live-action dramas, I use the picture-in-picture format because this allows me to do a side-by-side comparison of how the live action adaptation compares to the anime. In live action adaptations, I’ve found that these always do a faithful job of replicating moments from the anime, but there are obvious constraints. In Houkago Teibou Nisshi, the anime has Natsumi wrapping her legs around Hina a full-body hug, causing Hina to fall over. In the web drama, their reunion is ways more subtle – Natsumi is still excited to see Hina again, but it’s nowhere near the same spectacle that it was in the anime, and is more appropriate for something people would do.

  • Similarly, while Yūki is quite faithful to her anime counterpart, she’s not quite as lazy or free-spirited. The anime had Yūki openly dispense with wearing shoes and socks while hanging out at the Breakwater Club’s clubhouse, and while she sits more casually than other members of the Breakwater Club in the drama, it’s not quite as pronounced. These differences help to make the characters fit with the medium better: anime is dependent on bold visuals, but in a live-action series, more subtle portrayals help to make things feel more believable.

  • When a web drama adaptation of Houkago Teibou Nisshi was announced earlier this year, I had been quite interested to see how it would turn out. The activities and setting of Houkago Teibou Nisshi means that on paper, the series wouldn’t be too difficult to film: with the right actresses, location and props, slice-of-life anime are comparatively easy to bring to life. However, since Houkago Teibou Nishi deals with fishing, an activity where luck does factor into things, one of the largest questions in my mind was how Hina and the others would reliably reproduce moments from the anime on days where the fish weren’t biting.

  • In the anime and manga, Hina’s ability to catch fish is dependent on what the story demands, so she’ll have success on days where it’s appropriate for the story. However, a bit of logic will allow one to work things out: the production team could just as easily buy fish from a local market, hook them onto the line and use editing to create a convincing scene. I imagine this trick would be used for scenes involving larger fish, and I’d love to read the behind-the-scenes: if smaller fish are easier to catch, such as the Horse Mackarel Fry, it would be quite convincing if Riko and her co-stars actually caught the fish themselves on screen; this would really show that with the right instruction and gear, fishing is something anyone could start.

  • While Houkago Teibou Nisshi‘s web drama is generally faithful to the anime, more so than Yuru Camp△‘s live action drama, Houkago Teibou Nisshi takes more creative liberties with the timeline and pacing of things. There are only nine episodes, and as a result, the web drama is more condensed compared to the anime. Fewer scenes of Hina and Natsumi at their school are shown, and some activities, such as when the Breakwater Club go clamming and fishing for prawns, are completely omitted.

  • However, the omissions in Houkago Teibou Nisshi‘s web drama aren’t to its detriment: core moments are still shown, such as when Yūki persuades Hina, whose skill in handicrafts allows her to swiftly untangle fishing line on a reel. The anime has Makoto intimidate Yūki into not exploiting her juniors into doing the dirty work; I found that there were small differences in how the web drama portrays Makoto and Yūki’s characters, and in exchange for dialling back the ensuing comedy from more outrageous moments, these changes end up making the show feel more life-like.

  • This isn’t to say Houkago Teibou Nisshi‘s web drama is free of comedy; the most amusing moments are retained and brought to life in the live action adaptation. While learning how to cast, Hina had inadvertently caught Natsumi’s skirt, and masterful editing in the drama allows this moment to come to life. The anime has Hina doing this on several more occasions, managing to hit Natsumi even when the latter hides behind a fixture on the breakwater. Repetitive jokes are a mainstay of humour to emphasise a moment, but when overdone, they can diminish a given gag’s impact. Houkago Teibou Nisshi‘s web drama’s condensed format means that there is no time for showing a joke several times, and some viewers may feel this would be to the series’ advantage.

  • When it became clear that Sashiki was not the filming location for the web drama, I began digging around to see what I could find. Reading through some of the production notes, I learnt that filming took place around Katsuura in Chiba, and so, I decided to drop in and take a look using Google Maps. However, Katsuura itself didn’t appear to have the landmarks seen in the breakwater that Hina and Yūki are seen at: there’s a large building visible here, and after looking around the area, I learnt that this particular spot is actually Okitsu Beach: the Okitsu port seaside public toilet is visible.

  • Across the harbour, the Blue Sky Katsuura condominium complex can be seen. Multi-story buildings are absent in Sashiki, and this creates a different sort of aesthetic compared to the decidedly rural feeling that Sashiki had. However, the blue skies, gentle harbours and verdant hills are identical – the events of Houkago Teibou Nishi could happen anywhere in coastal Japan, and so long as there are breakwaters and clear skies to fish on and under, the story would’ve succeeded in conveying its messages. Japanese viewers familiar with the area wondered if the drama would capture the same feel as the anime had, but in the end, even if the locations aren’t 1:1, Houkago Teibou Nisshi‘s web drama does a wonderful job of things.

  • It’s been a while since I’d last seen Hina pull in a flathead that nearly sends her into the harbour – in the anime, after the thrill of the catch wears off, she bursts into tears. No such equivalent happens in the drama, and altogether, I found Riko’s portrayal of Hina to be more grounded. For one, Hina faints a great deal less, but one detail I liked was how the drama would have Hina needle-felting whenever things got too stressful. It’s a respectful callback to the anime and manga, but in the context of the web drama, that Hina is able to produce a needle and plushie to do this on the fly suggest she carries them with her.

  • At this point in her career, Hina’s still not accustomed to killing the fish, but she does enjoy a good fish dinner with the Breakwater Club. The process of cleaning and preparing a fish for consumption is shown in vivid detail in the web drama – in Survivorman, Les Stroud usually skips the preparation process for the reptiles, birds and mammals he catches for food, but when he catches fish, the process is portrayed in vivid detail. I’m not sure why this is, but people do seem to have fewer reservations about watching the preparation of fish. I remember one of my readers commenting that Yuru Camp△‘s live-action adaptation was a little too aggressive with its portrayal of food. This reader will be happy to learn that Houkago Teibou Nishi doesn’t go to quite the same lengths.

  • Originally, Hina and her friends swing by the Yamamototsurigu Center Honten Fishing Store in Kumamoto so Hina could buy a jacket. The web drama substitutes Casting Hachioji in Hachioji, which is located just west of Tokyo, and while the drama shows the Breakwater Club biking to their store, in reality, Casting Hachioji is located a hundred and thirty-seven kilometres from Katsuura. By car, it’s a two-and-a-half hour drive, and on bike, the distance is estimated to require ten hours to cover. The implications in Houkago Teibou Nisshi are that Hina and the Breakwater Club live closer to a large retailer in the web drama than they did in the anime and manga.

  • Despite the differences in choice of retailer, both shops provide Hina with a coat and hat of her choosing, and just as the anime did, Natsumi ends up gifting a hat to Hina after Hina picks a coat that’s a little pricier. As memory serves, Yuru Camp△‘s live action adaptation also took a few liberties with its locations to ensure everything worked out for the story: the outcome of this decision is that the live action versions end up being more faithful to the anime and manga, but for folks who wish to visit the locations, additional challenges may end up being introduced.

  • The biggest draw about live-action adaptations of slice-of-life works are the fact that, when the characters are portrayed by actresses, it really gives the impression that what the characters experienced within the context of their story is something that ordinary people can experience for themselves. There is a feeling of nostalgia about watching secondary school students living out their youth to the fullest extent possible; my own time as a secondary student wasn’t quite so remarkable, but I do remember participating in extracurricular activities to keep my life from being too cut-and-dried.

  • The music in Houkago Teibou Nisshi‘s web drama is quite unlike what was used in the anime. Unlike the anime’s use of woodwinds and xylophone, the web drama’s incidental music makes extensive use of horns. The former created a wistful, summery feeling that conveys excitement and curiosity, while the latter gives the air of nostalgia and a yearning for simpler times. Overall, I found that in both Yuru Camp△ and Houkago Teibou Nisshi, the incidental music in the anime was a ways more memorable, but the live action adaptations’ music remains serviceable.

  • Houkago Teibou Nisshi originally had the Breakwater Club go clamming, but the briny nature of mud in a tidal flat gives it a very strong odour, and as such, I imagine that for the cast and crew’s comfort, the decision was made to skip over actually showing the clamming process in the web drama. However, to keep things consistent with the original story, both Hina and Natsumi are shown as being completely muddy. Once they clean up, and the clams are sorted, Sayaka is introduced.

  • I was quite impressed as to how the web drama perfectly aligned with the emotional tenour and suspense that preceded Sayaka’s introduction in Houkago Teibou Nisshi. At first glance, Sayaka is a competent and respectable advisor who also acts as the school’s nurse – the only thing viewers had to go off of is how Sayaka’s mere presence seems to put the fear of God in even someone as stoic as Makoto, and so, when Sayaka shows up, viewers are left perplexed at what’s going on. Hina and Natsumi seem quite unaware of Sayaka’s reputation.

  • As it turns out, Sayaka is a mean drunk comparable to Yuru Camp△‘s Minami Toba, and she tends to leave the Breakwater Club to their own devices until the end of her month; because she’s so fond of alcohol, she ends up spending more on her drinks than on food and tends to leech off the Breakwater Club since they catch their own food. Yūki is quite accustomed to this, and it was hilarious how Noa Tsurushima captures Yūki’s dissatisfaction and annoyance perfectly: although Yūki is generally laid-back, I’d imagine that having the Breakwater Club’s hard-earned catch being devoured on a nontrivial basis would become tiresome very quickly.

  • Ito Ōno plays Sayaka – in Houkago Teibou Nisshi, Sayaka is only mentioned as being in her late 20s, and Ōno was born in 1995, meaning she’d be the right age to portray Sayaka. The drunken instructor archetype is one that’s been bothersome to anime fans, who argue that the comedic value provided doesn’t offset the fact that such individuals are tiresome and add nothing new. It is the case that, were Sayaka and Minami to be ordinary instructors, Houkago Teibou Nisshi and Yuru Camp△ would still succeed from a thematic and character development standpoint. However, in stories centred around youth, instructors end up being secondary characters, and their antics are tolerable on the grounds that different groups of students handle things differently, which prevents things from becoming stale.

  • After Sayaka falls asleep from excessive alcohol consumption, the Breakwater Club is afforded a moment of peace and make to begin eating their other clams. Hina had found a hamaguri clam earlier, and since she’s found it, the others have no qualms in offering it to her. Just like the anime, Sayaka comes to and snatches it from Hina, causing Hina to blank out. Because the clamming scene was not shown in the web drama, the significance of the hamaguri isn’t quite as apparent, although the moment still serves to establish the reason as to why Yūki and Makoto aren’t too fond of their advisor.

  • Overall, the omissions and changes in Houkago Teibou Nisshi don’t dramatically impact the experience for viewers: the story still flows well enough despite its condensed runtime. Here, Hina, Natsumi and Makoto swing by the Takohigeya for fishing supplies. I was unable to find the storefront that served as the model in Houkago Teibou Nisshi‘s web drama, but the actor playing the manager was well-chosen and is a splitting image of his anime counterpart in both manner and appearance. He expertly outfits the Breakwater Club with the right tools they need to go light rock fishing.

  • Makoto ends up lending Hina her life jacket for this particular outing, which takes the Breakwater Club to the Kazusa-Toyohama Port Breakwater. This port’s lighthouse can be seen in the background, and in the screenshot below, the Shin Katsuura Fisheries Cooperative’s branch office for Toyohama can be seen. Location hunting for Houkago Teibou Nisshi‘s web drama has proven to be a shade more challenging than it had been for the anime, but thanks to a combination of extensive Google Street View and image recognition tools, I’ve had some success in identifying some of the spots seen in the web drama.

  • Observant readers will have noticed that Hina’s already got her self-inflating emergency waist belt here, whereas in the anime, this wasn’t introduced until the ninth episode. The waist belt is a low-profile device that automatically inflates on contact with water to provide immediate floatation for users, and so, Makoto giving Hina the life jacket here would be redundant. The anime spends half an episode on these devices, and the Breakwater Club is seen using them again in later episodes, but here in the web drama, they’re introduced much earlier, and without any fanfare.

  • In her typical fashion, Hina catches a scorpionfish on this outing, and Natsumi ends up pushing Hina to remove the hook from its mouth, leading to a few moments of horror that linger until Hina drops her catch into the cooler. Houkago Teibou Nisshi‘s official soundtrack came with character songs, and Hina’s track, performed by Kanon Takao, is titled “Beginner’s Luck”, which speaks to how Hina sees her experiences as being lucky and prompting her to learn more so she can be more confident. Both in the anime and web drama, Natsumi enjoys the moment enough to take a few photographs of it. Yūki later explains that it would be easier for Hina to handle fish with tongs.

  • It is revealed here that Makoto has hydrophobia because of an incident in her childhood, and since then, she’d always worn a life jacket for the sake of safety. Hinako Kikuchi’s portrayal of Makoto’s reaction is spot on, right down to how Makoto covers her face in embarrassment once the story gets out. While Makoto’s fear of water seems to contradict her love of fishing, it turns out that her love of fishing is greater, and wearing a life jacket around water is what gives her peace of mind. This was a pleasant addition to her character to show how even though falling into the harbour as a child left her with some trauma, she’s still able to enjoy her favourite hobby.

  • Having this side of Makoto is what makes Hina’s own journey more engaging: if Makoto can find ways of managing her fear, then Hina has precedence to do the same. However, the process isn’t something that can realistically happen overnight; when Natsumi asks Hina to help prepare the fish they’ve caught, Hina has difficulty doing so until Natsumi suggests regarding the fish as being plushies. This is very effective, and in no time at all, Hina manages to get an entire bowl’s worth of fish ready. The sight of blood still frightens her, and while the drama does its best to capture this, the anime has the advantage of being able to decolourise Hina to really emphasise how scared she is.

  • Later, excitement at the prospect of catching the night’s dinner leads Hina to go fishing for horse mackerel on her own. While the drama and anime differ in several areas, the former still makes a commendable effort to ensure everything is consistent. Hina is seen wearing her emergency waist belt here, whereas in the anime, since she goes fishing on her own prior to learning about the waist belt, she is shown without one.

  • The lesson this particular outing imparts is to always know the gear one is using. Until now, Hina had always used the equipment the Breakwater Club have supplied for her, and with Natsumi, Yūki and Makoto being quite experienced, all of Hina’s gear has already been configured. Since Hina had just grabbed hooks and a fishing pole from home, she finds that despite there being plenty of fish in the water, none of them are biting. While Hina might be a greenhorn at fishing, she also knows when she’s in need of help, and while her pride takes a hit, she calls Natsumi, who is all too happy to give Hina a hand.

  • The dynamics in Houkago Teibou Nisshi remind me of the learning process across a variety of disciplines. As people pick up a new skill or hobby, there are cases where they may get stuck as a result of allowing enthusiasm to overtake mindfulness. For Hina, this results in situations where had Hina taken the time to read the instructions or independently learn about things, she would’ve found more success.

  • As evening sets in, Hina is able to return home with a good haul of horse mackerel. She’s a little dejected that it took help from Natsumi to figure things out, but this is a natural part of learning. Even experts occasionally must seek out help or further their knowledge – it is a misconception that experts can do most anything, and in reality, I hold that experts are people who have extensive experience in an area, can solve problems and make decisions in a structured, logical manner and above all, knows how to go about furthering their knowledge when these limits are reached. Non-experts, on the other hand, tend to try and fake things and are reluctant to acknowledge when they’re wrong, or when they don’t know something.

  • Since Houkago Teibou Nishi‘s web drama isn’t set in Sashiki, it was not possible to use Grill Kakashi as the model for Natsumi’s home. My usual methods were unsuccessful in locating the filming location used in the web drama, so for the time being, I’ve opted not to pursue the location hunting further. Since Houkago Teibou Nisshi‘s web drama isn’t quite as widely watched as the anime overseas, I imagine this won’t disappoint as many readers who might be looking to do a real-world tour of the locations the web drama features.

  • Despite these outward differences, the web drama follows the anime’s events quite closely, matching the details in the latter quite closely. Natsumi’s mother warmly greets Hina in the web drama the same way she does in the anime, while Natsumi looks on with a degree of embarrassment. Other details, like the placement of Hina’s shoulder bag, and the fact that Natsumi is wearing her glasses, are reproduced, faithfully translating the scene. One interesting change in the detail was that the scenes appear to be mirrored, perhaps as a deliberate callout to the different format between the drama and anime.

  • In most slice-of-life anime, the main character’s grades are usually dicey. This is a classic trait amongst anime characters, since it forces the series to slow down and also portray their activities as students. Most stories use this as a means of humour, but also paint these individuals as people who can perform if they apply themselves. This has been the case for anime from K-On! to Yama no Susume and Yuru Camp△, and while it’s even more prevalent than the drunken instructor archetype, I’ve noticed that members of the community have no qualms with this.

  • After a morning’s worth of study, Hina joins Natsumi for her mother’s Neapolitan pasta. Despite its Italian-sounding name, Neapolitan pasta is actually a Japanese dish originating from Yokohama, being inspired by pasta from the Naples region of Italy, and its simple ingredients (soft pasta mixed with ketchup, onions, peppers and sausage) make it a popular dish in Japan. As an aside, the original Grill Kakashi does have Neapolitan pasta on its menu, and it’s served on the same kind of sizzling plates that are popular in Hong Kong.

  • Natsumi becomes interested in the fish plushies with detachable innards that Hina’s crafted, and Hina ends up helping Natsumi to make her own. Natsumi is impressed with how skilled Hina is in handicrafts, and while the web drama doesn’t show the moment, once Hina shows her craft to Yūki, the latter considers asking Hina to make more so they can sell them and use the funds to supplement the Breakwater Club’s budget. The anime subsequently has Hina joining Natsumi and the others in fishing for freshwater prawns and later, trying to free a heron from some fishing wire it became entangled in.

  • When I learnt that Houkago Teibou Nisshi‘s web drama would only have nine episodes, it became clear to me that not all of the stories from the anime would be told. However, I was surprised by the fact that the web drama reached the no-reel fishing and Whiting stories so quickly: by the drama’s sixth episode, Hina’s already gone to Natsumi’s house and presumably passes her exams, and is back on the breakwater, fishing using a kind of rod without reels. As it turns out, the web drama’s final two episodes cover stories that take place after the anime had ended. I’ll return to cover these at a later date: something similar had happened in Yuru Camp△‘s live-action drama, where some moments from newer manga volumes were adapted.

  • Considering Yuru Camp△‘s popularity, this has interesting implications for Houkago Teibou Nisshi, and I do wish to discuss this in greater detail at a later date. For now, I’ll jump back to Hina’s response to pulling up a small puffer fish, specifically, a Takifugu flavipterus: Hina had found this one adorable, but her thoughts turn around when Natsumi and Makoto explains this to her. In spite of a slower start on this outing, the Breakwater Club soon find themselves with enough fish to make a good meal as evening sets in: fishing leaving their hideouts to feed become easy pickings for the Breakwater Club, and Hina catches a large fish in the process.

  • Mirroring the anime, the drama does depict Hina’s reaction to being made to kill the fish, and subsequently, Sayaka appears with a homemade smoker to help the Breakwater Club. This part of the story has always been important because it gives Sayaka additional depth beyond her usual antics, and it turns out she’s also got a hunting license and goes on hunting trips with her friends during the off-season. Bringing everyone together for a day of food and enjoyment shows how people can have more merit than is apparent, and this is how Houkago Teibou Nisshi shows Sayaka isn’t merely an instructor who loves alcohol.

  • The merits of enjoying the outdoors is one I can certainly relate to – of late, I’ve been spending more of my free time making the most of the weather before the Canadian Winter™ appears, and with my day off today, I swung by Ptarmigan Cirque in Kananaskis Country to take a gander at the autumn larches, a sight that draws out crowds in a way few other natural phenomenon can. Having heard that parking could be a challenge, I left home at 0630 and took advantage of the quiet morning to visit two other ponds along the way, Mount Lorette Pond and Wedge Pond. Being so early, I had the entire area to myself, and I took the time to enjoy the tranquility of brisk autumn morning ahead of the hike at Ptarmigan Cirque.

  • After arriving at the Ptarmigan Cirque trailhead, I switched over to my hiking shoes and began making the ascent. Compared to Ha Ling Peak, Ptarmigan Cirque is a more manageable 241 metres. However, recent snowfall had made this one of the tougher hikes I’ve done – the entire trail was covered in ice, and when I found moderate difficulty in climbing it, I immediately knew the descent was going to be extremely challenging. However, the scenery was worth it, and after reaching the alpine meadows leading to the cirque, I was greeted with clearing skies and golden larches. Although the larches had been hidden in the cloud cover, once the sun came out, they stood out in the morning light. I took time to explore the cirque before heading back down the trail, and by the time I returned to the trailhead, I’d found the entire parking lot full with vehicles.

  • Ahead of the trip to fish for Whiting, Hina returns to Takohigeya for supplies, and here, I remark on how Houkago Teibou Nisshi‘s live action drama, like Yuru Camp△‘s drama, also has wonderful vocal music. Houkago Teubou Nisshi doesn’t have an opening song, but the ending song, “Our Journey”, is performed by Kaneyorimasaru. This band performs alternate rock and originates from Osaka. Like H△G, who performed the Yuru Camp△ drama’s first opening song, Kaneyorimasaru’s style creates a very bittersweet yearning for youthfulness, and the band has taken off as a result. While K-Pop is more popular than J-Pop, I’ve found that the seishun feeling of J-Pop bands appeals to me more.

  • Seeing Yūki, Natsumi and Hinata frolicking in the water evokes a feeling of nostalgia and yearning for a simpler time. The live action captures things as well as the anime did, and I am reminded of Shinnosuke Uchida’s Natsuiro Photography, a photo-book I bought back in June. This photo-book seeks to capture the youthfulness that schoolgirls possess, and for reasons beyond my ability to articulate, I find that seeing imagery of Japanese students brings back memories of my own youth far more effectively than any imagery of the things that North American youth would find commonplace.

  • Like the anime and manga, Hina’s initial attempts to fish for Whiting fail. This fish represents a sort of milestone in Houkago Teibou Nisshi because of its texture and flavour, and while Natsumi, Yūki and Makoto have no trouble pulling Whiting from the ocean, Hina initially struggles. Hina initially wonders if it’s to do with the fact that she’s using artificial bait rather than the live bait the others are using, and leaves the beaches dejected, but before giving up, she decides to fall back on an old standby. A look around at the scenery finds that for this last round of fishing, Hina and the Breakwater Club have returned to Okitsu Beach – Blue Sky Katsuura is visible in some of the shots. Originally, Hina’s effort to fish for Whiting was done at Tsurugahama Beach.

  • While I vocally dismiss the validity of anything taken from social media, not everything online is untrue, and if one looks in the right places, they can gain access to information that is helpful. As a software developer, for instance, I have no objection to sourcing suggestions from StackOverflow: while different developers face different problems than what I may encounter, seeing solutions for other problems can often act as a source of inspiration. There are, of course, cases where other developers have the same problem I do, and good answers not only walk me through a solution, but explain why the problem occurs and what their solutions do to rectify things.

  • For Hina, it turns out she’d been cutting the artificial bait incorrectly, and this led the fish to immediately recognise it as fake. An evening’s worth of research helps Hina to figure things out, and while Natsumi and the others immediately point out the packaging provided these precise instructions, it does nothing to diminish the fact that Hina’s become increasingly resourceful whenever things aren’t going the way she’d like. In this way, Houkago Teibou Nisshi‘s anime had ended on a very positive note because it showed that while Hina may continue to encounter new challenges while fishing, she certainly has the right mindset in how to improve her circumstances.

  • The only thing that Hina needed to accept was that this is a natural part of the process, and it’s okay to make mistakes. Her impatience and drive to succeed are understandable; having found a great deal of success in handicrafts owing to her perseverance, a part of Hina feels that because she’s experienced success in making plushies, the same success should follow in fishing. Yūki had spotted this right from the start, and while in the short term, it makes Hina a little careless, over the long term, Hina’s desire to excel means that she has the drive to overcome these and find enjoyment in fishing. This is ultimately what made Houkago Teibou Nisshi so enjoyable, and as I watched the web drama, it became clear that the story in the series works, both in manga, anime and live-action format.

  • Not every slice-of-life series receives a live-action drama, and even though Houkago Teibou Nisshi wound up being a web series rather than being broadcast to terrestrial network, the fact that Houkago Teibou Nisshi was received well enough in Japan to the point where a live action adaptation was made speaks volumes to the series’ strengths. For this post, I’ve decided to conclude discussions on the web drama where the anime concluded: were I to go any further, I wouldn’t be able to do the picture-in-picture comparison for those scenes, and admittedly, it was only upon seeing what happens following Hina’s success with the Whiting that made me realise that I’d definitely like to check the manga out.

  • I will be returning in the future to discuss the implications of the web drama’s adaptation of events from later chapters, but in the meantime, I can say that I thoroughly enjoyed Houkago Teubou Nisshi‘s web drama, as it allowed me to revisit a series that helped me to relax and take stock of things during the global health crisis: Houkago Teibou Nisshi‘s anime began airing during the spring of 2020, right at the onset of the global health crisis and attendant lockdowns, so the series’ cathartic atmosphere and educational component gave the series an especially immersive feeling; every week, I looked forwards to seeing what lay ahead for Hina and her friends. Being able to revisit that feeling in the present and experience a feeling of warmth anew speaks to the series’ strengths.

As a web drama, Houkago Teibou Nisshi is more than serviceable – the actresses do a commendable job of portraying their respective characters, and while I had some trouble differentiating between Natsumi and Hina on appearances alone, their personalities are distinct enough so that it became easy enough to tell everyone apart. Compared to their anime counterparts, Hina and Natsumi are a lot more dialed back: Hina doesn’t overreact quite as vociferously in the web drama, and Natsumi’s enthusiasm is more measured. Yūki isn’t quite as laid-back or lazy, and Makoto is nowhere nearly as enthusiastic about technical details in fishing. Outrageous moments from the anime are no longer present, creating a more muted aesthetic. However, this is not to the drama’s detriment; Riko and her co-stars still capture their respective characters’ traits well: Hina’s over-the-top reactions to the sight of fish guts and blood remains, and similarly, moments of joy, surprise and frustration are still tangible. The live action setting, and more plausible reactions to events gives allows Houkago Teibou Nisshi‘s drama to really convey that Hina’s experiences are things that could convincingly happen to anyone. This is where the joy of a live-action adaptation becomes most apparent: oftentimes, the clean aesthetic in anime give the impression that things happen in a very controlled environment. When the characters succeed, one cannot help but feel that conditions in the anime might’ve helped. Conversely, in a real-world setting, imperfections in both indoor and outdoor spaces, visible in things things like cluttered rooms and worn buildings, give a more immersive sense – in an imperfect world, there is a feeling that sometimes, things can boil down to luck, and so, when characters succeed, things feel a bit more plausible. With fishing being the core of Houkago Teibou Nisshi, watching Hina successfully catching fish with the Breakwater Club in the web drama gave me the same feeling that the anime had. With actresses playing the characters, I gain the impression that each of Riko, Natsumi Ikema, Noa Tsurushima and Hinako Kikuchi have learnt enough about fishing during filming to experience precisely what Hina had learnt as a member of the Breakwater Club.

Houkago Teibou Nisshi: Finale Review and Whole-Series Recommendation

“Fresh cooked Arctic Char: mmm! Wow…that’s unbelievable. Right now, my editor is watching this and thinking, ‘Man, I wish I were there. Catching them Char, and eating them too’. Right Barry? Oh, that’s so good!” –Les Stroud, Survivorman

With summer in full swing, Yūki feels disinclined to go fishing on account of the warm weather, but Hina feels that since they’d come to the clubhouse, it’d be worthwhile to do something. Yūki decides that to keep it simple – they’ll go for the Horse Mackerel fry, and this time around, they’ll use fishing rods without reels. The experience is supposed to be quite different, and these low-cost rods have their own advantages, as well. Hina has fun, although things slow down towards the evening. However, Yūki convinces the girls to stick around for a bit longer, since the evening is when fish begin coming in to feed. Hina ends up catching an adult Horse Mackerel, and it turns out that this is what Yūki had been setting the club up for. The girls end up with a sizeable catch and go about preparing the fish for consumption, but Hina struggles to properly filet the larger Horse Mackerel. The next day, the girls set up a grill and sit down to enjoy their fish with Sayaka, who’d invited herself to the party. While fishing one day, Hina catches a spiney fish. Natsumi suggests she carefully returns it, since they are highly poisonous, but with Makoto’s instruction (at Yūki’s behest), Natsumi and Hina come around. After Hina has Whiting tempura for dinner one evening, she asks if the Breakwater Club can go fishing for Whiting next, but learns that they’ll need live bait to do so. Frightened at the prospect of using worms, Hina picks up artificial bait at the local shop instead, but spends the outing unable to catch anything. Yūki suggests to the dejected Hina that she look up the technique required when using artificial bait, since the others had taught her the way to use a rod when using live bait. As it turns out, Whiting are attracted by motion, and so, Hina’s been itching to try things out. While her first attempts are promising, a lack of fish prompts Hina to move to different spots to see what happens. While taking a break, Hina realises that the online guides she’s been following were for larger Whiting – lengthier bait corresponds to the smaller Whiting not being able to reach the hooks. After shortening the bait, Hina successfully catches her first Whiting. With their fish, the Breakwater Club prepare freshly-caught Whiting tempura. Yūki remarks that fishing is really about figuring things out for oneself, and a successful catch this is the reward of the activity. On the hottest day of summer, Hina and Natsumi decide to make a large stock of barley tea after the clubhouse runs out. Makoto notices that Hina and Natsumi have matching plushies. As it turns out, after their midterms ended, Natsumi visited Hina’s place so they could make plushies. When Makoto expresses an interest, Hina decides to show her how, and when Natsumi asks Hina about her interests in handicrafts, Hina replies that the time she’s spent with the Breakwater Club is fun precisely because of the people she gets to be with. All twelve episodes for Houkago Teibou Nisshi are now in the books, and despite an intermission brought about by the global health crisis, the anime remains immensely enjoyable and well-crafted.

Par the course for a slice-of-life series with an educational component, Houkago Teibou Nisshi introduces viewers to the nuances of fishing in detail: it is much more than the act of obtaining a fishing license, sticking bait on a hook and then whiling away an afternoon on a boat, as Westernised portrayals are wont to present the activity as. Through Hina’s inexperience and reluctance to come into contact with any insects, Houkago Teibou Nisshi showcases the varieties of fishing one can partake in using different techniques and equipment, illustrating just how varied fishing is even when one is unable to (or unwilling to) catch larger fish or use live bait. It becomes evident that fishing is very involved, but also very rewarding those who participate – in this manner, Houkago Teibou Nisshi speaks to the idea that activities in general are very accommodating, allowing individuals of all skill levels to have a good time, and also for beginners to pick things up at their own pace based on their comfort level. Despite her great fear of creepy-crawlies, Hina has come quite a ways since she met Yūki, developing an interest in fishing and even taking the initiative to go on her own trips to try out the things she’d learned from the others, as well as making suggestions for what to try and fish for next. While there are moments and days where Hina comes out disappointed, the Breakwater Club also help Hina learn the value of perseverance. Much as how Hina’s perseverance had allowed her to become proficient with handicrafts, taking the initiative to seek out new knowledge also helps Hina to improve her fishing. This is reiterated towards the series’ end, where Yūki encourages Hina to learn about how to make use of artificial bait works following a day of disappointment, and Hina at last finds success with her new-found knowledge. In conjunction with the fact that the Breakwater Club allow Hina to gradually step out of her comfort zone by selecting modes of fishing that do not frighten the daylights out of her, Hina comes to develop a great love for an activity that she never imagined she would participate in, and in doing so, Hina comes to cherish her foods to a much greater extent than before, appreciating the effort it takes to capture and prepare what ends up on her plate. She also realises that the Breakwater Club is fun precisely because she’s been able to hang out with people, whereas with Handicrafts, she’s always able to pursue it at her leisure, making fishing a superbly enjoyable and rewarding activity for her.

Screenshots and Commentary

  • Houkago Teibou Nisshi is a very summer-like anime, and so, it is appropriate that its finale comes on the autumnal equinox; today marks the first day of autumn, and it’s a surprise to see summer pass by so quickly. This year’s been a bit of an unusual one, and present circumstances precluded any opportunity to travel into the mountains. However, there are more important things than travel, and I’ve been enjoying the beautiful summer weather of our area in alternative ways to do my part: this past week has been quite smokey on account of fires in the province over, but Sunday saw the skies clear up, making it perfect to take a walk under.

  • Pole fishing is the practise of using no-reel fishing rods to catch fish. Both Japan and the West have their own no-reel techniques: in the West, the extremely long poles allow fishermen to reach distant or difficult-to-reach spots with great precision. The Japanese counterpart, tenkara fishing, was developed independently. The idea is that simple equipment would allow fishermen to catch fish without worrying about their gear, and tenkara fishing became popular, since these simple poles were far less costly than conventional rods with reels. In Houkago Teibou Nisshi, Hina quickly adjusts to pole fishing and finds it enjoyable, being a different way of catching the Horse Mackerel Fry.

  • While pole fishing, the girls come across a variety of fish, including blackfish, red seabream and even a fine-patterned puffer (Takifugu poecilonotu). Hina finds herself enraptured by its small, rotund appearance. However, pufferfish are highly poisonous and difficult to prepare: the fine-patterned puffer contains the neurotoxin tetrodotoxin, which blocks sodium channels. Further to this, Natsumi explains that these fish will take bait from rods, snap hooks and cut lines. To prevent trouble from befalling her, Hina returns it back into the ocean.

  • As evening sets in, the Breakwater Club finds that they’d had a slower day. Natsumi had gotten bored and switched over to a more active form of fishing, but for Hina, the slower pacing of pole fishing suits her just fine. This attests to how different styles of fishing may appeal to different people. With nothing of note biting, the girls enjoy a peaceful sunset before preparing to head off. However, Yūki has another idea in mind: by evening, fish return into the tidal areas to feed, and so, it is during the evening that larger fish are the most active.

  • When Hina gets a bite on her line, she’s shocked at how ferocious the fish is. She extricates an adult Horse Mackerel from the waters, which comes across as a complete surprise to her. Encouraged by Hina’s success, Natsumi and the others follow suit and drop their lines in the water. The Horse Mackerel in Houkago Teibou Nisshi are specifically, the Japanese variety (Trachurus japonicus). These fish can reach lengths of half a metre, and the average size is roughly a foot. After Hina catches her first, she stops to admire it, showing how she’s come to find beauty in the ocean’s life.

  • After Hina makes the kill on the Horse Mackerel she’d caught, she loses focus of her surroundings upon seeing blood pour out of the fish. Natsumi remarks that since Hina’s not fainting anymore, she’s slowly getting used to things, although there are still moments that shock her. During this time, the others successfully catch Horse Mackerel of their own, and very soon, they have enough fish to prepare a meal with. Makoto subsequently walks Hina through the process of filleting a Horse Mackerel: after descaling the fish, one makes cuts underneath the pectoral fins on both sides to remove the head. Then, one makes cuts lengthwise along the top and bottom down to the tail, before making a cut along the ribs. In this way, three filets result, although Hina isn’t quite as deft as Makoto: her filets end up misshapen (but otherwise, still edible).

  • Makoto also introduces viewers to an alternate method, where after the head is removed, a lengthwise cut is made along the spine. Once the cuts are removed, the fish is ready to be soaked in a 1.71 ᴍ solution of salt water for half an hour, and finally, the fish is ready to be refrigerated overnight. Learning traditional methods for preserving fish can prevent a lot of food from going to waste, and Houkago Teibou Nisshi goes the extra mile in presenting this sort of thing: every step, from fishing to preparation, is shown, so viewers understand the processes and their context. While the girls look forwards to enjoying their Horse Mackerel on white rice the next day, they worry that Sayaka might show up and rain on their parade. In a cruel turn of events, Sayaka happens to be nearby and immediately discovers the girls making preparations for tomorrow.

  • Yūki’s rather displeased that their originally-peaceful lunch will be crashed, and instructs the others to get started as soon as possible so they can spend less time in the presence of a drunken Sayaka. However, Sayaka does appear to be mindful of the girls’ wishes, and refrains from getting hammered right off the start. While Makoto grills the fish, Sayaka reveals that she’s brought her smoker: in her spare time, Sayaka also appears to hunt, making use of snares and the like to catch game as large as boar and deer. She promises to treat the girls to some deer and boar at some point in the future.

  • It suddenly strikes me that a hunting anime, making use of basic implements like deadfalls and snares, to compound bows, crossbows and even firearms, would be worth watching were it to be done in the same style as Houkago Teibou Nisshi. Such a series would need to feature post-secondary aged students, since the minimum age to hunt in Japan is eighteen. However, some have suggested that this will never fly, simply because having university students would defeat the purpose of the high school girl genre. However, series that feature older characters have worked reasonably well before (e.g. New Game!, Sakura Quest and Shirobako). Back in Houkago Teibou Nisshi, Yūki’s fears do not come to pass, as Sayaka and the Breakwater Club sit down together for a peaceful lunch, bringing the tenth episode to a close.

  • While fishing, Hina and Natsumi come across a White-spotted Spinefoot (Siganus canaliculatus), a species of rabbitfish: Natsumi is swift to note that these fish have venomous spines and suggests that Hina (carefully) return it. Having eaten rabbitfish before, Natsumi finds the flavour to be overpowering: but Yūki is insistent that they keep it. Rabbitfish are indeed commercially farmed and used as food. Although consuming improperly prepared rabbitfish can result in hallucinations, they are widely-cultivated and have a more moderate flavour. Natsumi is unconvinced, and so, Yūki decides to send in the big guns after Hina releases it.

  • Les Stroud notes that there are three basic criteria as to judging whether or not something is safe for general consumption: whether something has bright colours, moves slowly and smells bad. It is sufficient to make the decision not to eat something if one of those traits are seen, and Natsumi remarks that the White-spotted Spinefoot Hina’d caught smells bad. However, Makoto is versed in preparing rabbitfish, and at Yūki’s request, steps in to show the pair how to properly prepare one when Hina catches a second White-spotted Spinefoot. It turns out that, after the spines are removed, the fish should be swiftly gutted so the organs’ chemicals do not leech into the flesh. Hina and Natsumi are surprised at how good the resulting sashimi tastes.

  • After enjoying whiting tempura for dinner, Hina becomes interested in catching whiting for herself and makes the suggestion at the Breakwater Club the next day. The Japanese Whiting (Sillago japonica) is locally known as kisu. A commercially-fished species in Japan, the Japanese Whiting is very popular in Japan, enjoyed as sushi or tempura, with its flaky texture and a subtle sweetness. If memory serves, Rin enjoys Whiting tempura as a part of her lunch during her solo outing in the Heya Camp△ OVA at a local restaurant en route to her campsite, attesting to the fish’s popularity in Japan. However, catching Japanese Whiting presents a different kind of challenge for Hina: although they’re not terribly large (reaching a maximum length of thirty centimetres), catching them is preferably done with live bait, such as ragworms.

  • Upon seeing these creepy-crawlies, Hina’s enthusiasm to go fishing for Whiting evaporates. Her scream is loud enough to bring the shopkeeper back inside to see what’s going on, and once he gets a measure of what’s going on, he recommends artificial bait to Hina. More durable than live bait, and reusable, artificial bait is also cleaner and easier to store. Their advantages are immediately apparent for Hina, who wishes she’d known about artificial bait sooner. When asked, Yūki remarks that she’s come to grow fond of watching Hina’s reactions, which are admittedly adorable. However, artificial bait also has a set of drawbacks, with the main one being that artificial lures require a bit more skill to use: fish aren’t as readily attracted to these compared to live bait.

  • Hina’s exchange with the shop keeper shows that she’s learning, becoming more familiar with the different sizes of hooks and other details required for a successful day. With their equipment and provisions ready, the Breakwater Club prepare to head out for a day of Whiting fishing. The club thus begins to head on over to Tsurugahama Beach, the same spot where they’d gone fishing for Flatheads back in the third episode. The observant reader will notice that Hina and the others are equipped with their automatic floatation belts. Since the events from the ninth episode, the girls wear these as a safety measure in the event they fall into the ocean.

  • In any other anime, the combination of a beautiful beach and summer weather would mean that swimsuits and a laid-back sort of day would be inevitable. However, Houkago Teibou Nisshi is in a different category, and beaches are simply another place to fish at. However, it does seem a waste to not frolic at least a little in the white sands and warm waters at Tsurugahama Beach before setting about their day’s feature activity. Looking back at this past summer, the weather most resembled what was seen in Houkago Teibou Nisshi during August: every weekend saw flawless skies, and I capitalised on this by exploring the area, visiting places that I’d never visited previously. Since September, the weather’s been passable, although the combination of shortening days and more overcast weather means that opportunity to enjoy pleasant weather will be on the decline.

  • Yūki provides Hina with a primer on how to draw in the Whiting using her rod, and having prepared her line, Hina is excited to begin catching Whiting. To catch Whiting, the line needs to be prepared so that the hooks don’t catch on the bottom. Armed with their live bait, Yūki, Makoto and Natsumi begin reeling in Whiting on short order. Encouraged, Hina sets about trying to catch Whiting of her own. Uncha However, after a full afternoon, Hina has nothing to show for her efforts. Makoto and Natsumi are itching to give Hina advice, but Yūki stands them down, explaining that this should serve as a learning experience for Hina: fishing doesn’t always end in success, and one of the luxaries of fishing for the Breakwater Club is that there is room to fail and learn.

  • In a survival situation, being shafted can be a huge demoraliser: on multiple occasions, Les Stroud had attempted to catch fish without proper gear for Survivorman and typically comes up short. For Hina, catching nothing on an outing is, fortunately, not a matter of life or death, but she remains too dejected to consider potential improvements as the day comes to an end. Yūki reluctantly steps in and gives Hina a hint, that she’d only shown her how to catch Whiting using live bait. Artificial bait has different properties than live bait, and therefore, it stands to reason that a different technique would be involved.

  • With this clue to go on, Hina spends the evening looking up how to properly use artificial bait for catching Whiting: lures often require a correct combination of line lengths, hook sizes, weights and colours, in conjunction with movement to convince the fish that the lure is real. Armed with this newfound knowledge, and seeing folks successfully catch fish with artificial bait online, Hina’s spirits are restored, and she’s ready to hit the beach again to catch the elusive Whiting. Here, I remark that the internet is an immensely powerful pool of knowledge available at one’s fingertips, but nothing is a match for field experience. The finale has Hina putting the suggestions online together with her own experiences; since the information people share online can also be dependent on their circumstances, preferences and equipment, I’ve always found that online resources act more as a hint, rather than a step-by-step solutions manual for problems.

  • A common enough case-in-point is when I search for information surrounding specific errors I encounter during iOS development. People online often report the same error, but under completely different circumstances, and the solutions they take towards solving the problem is probably for their specific use case. As such, after reading their solution, I assess what aspects of their solution are relevant to me, and then I decide whether or not I can attempt their solution as it is, or hand-pick parts of it to synthesise my own answers. In this way, I find that I solve a problem in a way that is much more appropriate for the problem I faced, rather than jury-rigging a solution that was meant for a different context.

  • This is something that Hina comes to realise during her second attempt. After spending the day psyched up to go fishing again, she notices that moving the rod in a convincing manner allows her to get nibbles, but something still isn’t quite right. When Hina decides to try a different spot, Natsumi spots a difference in how Hina is fishing. Hina’s come a long way from the first episodes, and she’s actively engaged in the process now, taking the initiative to learn more on her own. I imagine that Hina’s desire to pursue excellence, evident in how she approaches fishing, is also likely how she became so proficient with handicrafts.

  • After a lack of success, Natsumi decides to sit Hina down for a break, and during their conversation, Natsumi inquires as to how large the Whiting were that the various videos were using: she knows that small differences in circumstances means that what may work in a video may not work in reality, and soon, Hina has her answer: the bait she is using is attractive to the Whiting, but they’re also a little too large; Natsumi and the others had been catching smaller fish the day before. She decides to shorten the lures and gives things another go.

  • Hina manages to catch her first Whiting, having found the proper technique for enticing them to take the artificial bait and setting the length up such that the Whiting can actually get hooked. This is Hina’s largest triumph in Houkago Teibou Nisshi: up until now, Hina had been following the techniques that Yūki and the others have taught her, but with the Whiting, Hina needed to figure things out for herself (Yūki notes that the packaging already explains how to use them, and Hina could’ve saved herself the trouble by reading the attached instructions). Independent learning is very much a part of the world I am accustomed to: in software development, unique use cases mean that oftentimes, solutions and algorithms need to be adapted for whatever I am doing. However, resources remain immensely useful because they can set one down the right path, providing an idea of how one can start working something out. Hina warmly thanks Natsumi for having helped her, surprising the latter.

  • One of my favourite examples of this is the time where I was implementing a table view in Swift that needed to accommodate both a string search and section index scrolling simultaneously, but no tutorials existed for how to handle this particular function. I ended up using an algorithm to sort the items into a dictionary, and then applied the indexing on this to support the scroll. I then filtered the values of the dictionary for searching, but since the number of elements was constant and a smaller number, this was an acceptable solution. Today, I would probably create an array of objects instead and apply the filter on the array: while a dictionary offers O(1) search if the key is known, in that particular situation, the keys are not used in the search, so iterating over the values of the dictionary would yield a O(n) complexity, same as the array. In that case, the array of objects would be more readable and extensible. Back in Houkago Teibou Nisshi, the girls enjoy Whiting tempura of their own as the sun sets, and for Hina, this tempura is sure to be doubly delicious, since she’d caught most of it.

  • The final half of the finale is a bit of a breather: on a hot day, after Hina braves the sweltering club room to open the windows and air it out, the girls learn that their supply of barley tea is depleted. Japanese barley tea, mugicha (麦茶), is a staple in Japan during the summer, served cold to refresh drinkers. As Hina and Natsumi make enough to keep the clubhouse well-stocked, Makoto swings by and notices matching bag charms on Natsumi and Hina’s school bags.

  • A flashback follows, giving viewers a chance to see Hina showing Natsumi how to make plushies, as they’d promised to do so during the seventh episode. These plushies are of the Horse Mackerel, the first fish Hina catches, and to ensure Natsumi can keep up, they go with simpler plushies that don’t come apart. It’s a touching moment, and while Natsumi’s plushie doesn’t come out perfectly, it’s still serviceable, rather similar to how Hina’s preparation skills are a little rough: the gentle atmosphere suggests that with time, much as how Natsumi could improve at handicrafts, Hina can improve her fishing.

  • The Houkago Teibou Nisshi soundtrack also released today alongside the finale: it consists of forty-two tracks, thirty-eight of which are instrumental cues, and then four of the remaining songs are image songs, sung by each of Hina, Yūki, Makoto and Natsumi’s respective voice actresses. There is a great variety of moods conveyed by the incidental music, and to no one’s surprises, my favourite tracks are the songs that convey a hot summer’s day: 放課後ていぼう日誌-メインテ一マ- (Houkago Teibou Nisshi -Main Theme-), 釣りって、楽しい! (Fishing is Fun!) and 今日はなにを釣るんですか (What are we catching today?). The use of wind instruments and percussion in Houkago Teibou Nisshi‘s soundtrack gives it a warm, inviting sense reminiscent of both Yuyushiki and Non Non Biyori‘s incidental music.

  • While Yūki has no particular interest in making plushies, she immediately realises the depth of Hina’s skill and considers opening a stall at the local flea market. Given the quality of Hina’s handicrafts, Yūki believes they could command a good price. Hina sees through this plot immediately, and later, after seeing Hina’s handiwork, Natsumi wonders why Hina didn’t leave the Breakwater Club to do activities with the Handicrafts Club. The reason is two-fold: Hina’s come to love fishing with Natsumi, Yūki and Matoko, feeling handicrafts is something she can do whenever she’s got time.

  • The second reason is a bit more amusing; the handicrafts club is inexplicably all-male, and Hina had been dissuaded from joining as a result. I remark that in this final post for Houkago Teibou Nisshi, I’ve not done any location-hunting. This is because the last three episodes all happen in familiar turf, in and around Sashiki. While this means I don’t get to break out the Oculus Quest, drop myself off in Sashiki and look around for locations, it also reduces the amount of effort taken to write this post: one of the great joys about series like Houkago Teibou Nisshi is that I am looking up the real-world equivalents to what Hina and the others are doing, but this also takes a bit of time, as I strive to ensure that what I’ve got here is accurate for the readers.

  • When everything is said and done, Houkago Teibou Nisshi is a solid A+ (4.0 of 4.0, or 9.5 of 10): immensely enjoyable, informative and adorable, Houkago Teibou Nisshi certainly piqued my interest in fishing. Despite my having no prior experience in fishing, Houkago Teibou Nisshi properly walks viewers through the details. Houkago Teibou Nisshi stands out for utilising all its characters to provide a perspective of different skill levels. Hina doubtlessly stands in for folks like myself, who have not fished before. Natsumi and Yūki act as entry-level instructors who present the basics such that Hina knows what to do (and also to allow beginners to follow along), while Makoto acts as a guide for the experienced. Altogether, each of Hina, Natsumi, Yūki and Makoto represent a different level of skill, allowing all viewers to enjoy Houkago Teibou Nisshi.

  • It is a little sad to see Houkago Teibou Nisshi draw to a close with its final haikyu: “always look after the ocean”. Having a good slice-of-life series in a given season always brings a smile to my face, and I am rather fond of anime of this style. The next season where an anime of this calibre will grace viewers is in January 2021, when Yuru Camp△ returns with its second season. However, in the upcoming season, GochiUsa: BLOOM will be airing, filling the void that Houkago Teibou Nisshi leaves behind. The fall anime season looks to be extremely busy, and I have plans to do episodic reviews for GochiUsa: BLOOM, as well as Strike Witches: Road To Berlin. In addition, Kamisama ni Natta hi, Higurashi no Naku Koro ni and Iwa Kakeru! Sport Climbing Girls also have my interest. It’s going to be interesting to see just how the next three months pan out, and in the meantime, I have both Halo 3: ODST and The Division 2‘s third manhunt season to unwind to during the brief intermission between the two seasons.

Acting as a balancing act between entertainment and informing viewers of the subtleties of fishing, Houkago Teibou Nisshi is an excellent series that is to fishing what Yama no Susume is to hiking, and what Yuru Camp△ is to camping. Simultaneously instructive and adorable, Houkago Teibou Nisshi shows how with the right instruction and encouragement, individuals of all backgrounds and experience levels can get into a new activity. Hina’s entry into fishing is gentle, and with ample instruction from each of Yūki, Makoto and Natsumi, viewers feel as though they’re right there with Hina as she learns the basics surrounding fishing, from picking the right rod and hook size, to preparing the bait needed and making the correct motions to draw in the fish of choice. It is clear that a great deal of attention was paid towards these minor details to create a compelling and accurate depiction of fishing; together with solid artwork and animation, as well as a warm, inviting soundtrack and a cast of lovable characters, Houkago Teibou Nisshi stands alongside the giants of its genre, being informative, cathartic and a fun series to watch. Such a series is one that could easily gain a continuation, but owing to flooding in the Kyushu region, where author Yasuyuki Kosaka resides, the Houkago Teibou Nisshi manga has gone on indefinite hiatus. Until Kosaka’s situation improves, it stands to reason that for the present, Houkago Teibou Nisshi will see another intermission. With this being said, Houkago Teibou Nisshi is an excellent series, and I am confident that once things look better for Kosaka, Houkago Teibou Nisshi will resume in all of its glory, with a second season becoming reality once there is enough material to adapt. When that occurs, I will certainly be returning to watch and write about this excellent series.

Houkago Teibou Nisshi: Review and Reflections At The ¾ mark

“We have enough Pym particles for one journey each, plus two test runs…one test run.” –Scott Lang, The Avengers: Endgame

On a lazy day, while Yūki is dozing away in the clubroom, Makoto explains the concept of light rock fishing to Hina and Natsumi. Yūki overhears them and decides that this should be their activity for the day, as she’s yearning for some Scorpionfish, which is supposed go great with miso soup. Makoto lends Hina her life-jacket, and Hina manages to catch something shortly after starting out. However, the girls notice that Makoto’s been a little antsy all day. As it turns out, Makoto had fallen into the ocean and very nearly drowned on her first fishing trip, and since then, she’s preferred wearing a life-jacket for safety’s sake, being quite unable to swim. Later, when Hina forgets to study for the upcoming midterms, she swings by Natsumi’s place to study with her, before sharing with Natsumi her love for handicrafts. On a rainy day, club activities are postponed until Yūki and Makoto reveal they’ve been keeping small rods for prawn fishing in the school infirmary. They head to a nearby bridge to fish for freshwater prawns, promising to save some for Sayaka, and although Hina’s initial lack of experience means she’s unsuccessful, Yūki shows her how to properly fish for them. At the end of the day, they have a reasonable haul: Makoto fries them up, and the girls enjoy them under the cool, rainy weather. Later, Sayaka has the Breakwater Club practise floating to ensure survival in an emergency, but Makoto’s fear of the water makes it difficult for her to pick up the techniques. Sayaka ends up introducing an emergency self-inflating waist belt, which assuages Makoto’s fear, but when Hina, Natsumi and Yūki give it a whirl, an irate Sayaka charges the girls for the cost of the compressed air cans. While fishing, Hina notices a heron with a fishing wire stuck to its leg and feels guilty about fishing. Yūki has the Breakwater Club help clear litter around their fishing spot. The next day, Yūki and Hina announce a plan to help the heron out; they manage to capture it and remove the wire. The next day, the heron reappears, having come to expect Hina to give it free food.

While Houkago Teibou Nisshi had been focused on fishing and its processes thus far, the anime has also begun delving into ancillary activities and know-how: fishing, preparing catches and enjoying said catches is fun, but there is a great deal that goes on behind the scenes, from fishermen’s unions to look after local aquatic populations, to health and safety, Houkago Teibou Nisshi is open about each aspect behind the Breakwater Club’s activities. The decidedly duller details are no less important: from ensuring one is able to float and keep safe should they fall into a body of water, or making certain that one leaves no detritus or litter behind from their activities to avoid having an adverse impact on wildlife, Houkago Teibou Nisshi indicates that there is always more to something than meets the eye, and that each activity has an accompanying set of responsibilities participants must uphold. In its ninth episode, Houkago Teibou Nisshi presents a safety and wildlife awareness video elegantly rolled into Hina, Natsumi, Yūki and Makoto’s story. Having established how much fun the girls have had thus far, Houkago Teibou Nisshi gently, but also firmly, reminds viewers that there is more to their activities that must be accounted for, and that in being aware of emergency procedure, safety measures and being respectful to the environment are essentials to fishing. When all of these are factored into one’s activities, one can fully enjoy fishing in a safe and responsible manner, ensuring that they minimise disruption to the environment and also maximise the fruits of their effort.

Screenshots and Commentary

  • The seventh episode opens with Makoto getting rather excited about light rock fishing, a form of fishing with its origins in Japan where fishers use a specialised kind of rod and small lures to target smaller species that make their homes in rocks underwater. As Makoto falls into a reverie and begins rambling about the technical aspects of light rock fishing, Natsumi and Hina become a little confused, prompting Makoto to stop in embarrassment. Makoto’s resemblance to Azumanga Daioh’s Yomi Mizuhara and Sakaki is more apparent than before: tall and shy like Sakaki, Makoto also has Yomi’s facial appearance and is very level-headed, keeping Yūki in check.

  • Equipped with special fishing poles and tiny lures, Yūki has the girls fishing for Scorpaenidae (commonly known as scorpionfish), which are a family of marine fishes with many highly venomous species: coming into contact with the spines on a venomous species will be extremely painful, and care must be taken to handle them to prevent injury. To render the meat from a scorpionfish safe for consumption, venomous or not, the spines must be removed, and then the fish is cooked all the way through. Properly prepared, the flesh from a scorpionfish is said to be quite delicious, being said to resemble a cross between the flaky meat of a halibut and crab in texture, as well as a similar taste to Monkfish.

  • For Hina, the scorpionfish’s fear factor lies not in the fact that it is venomous or spiny, but because it has a highly frightening appearance. Seven episodes in, Hina’s fears still remain: this is to juxtapose the fact that while she’s acclimatising to fishing, there are still things she’s not quite ready for. It also serves one more purpose – watching Hina squeal in horror and be reduced to a trembling wreck is immensely adorable, adding a bit of comedy to Houkago Teibou Nisshi.

  • Because light rock fishing has Hina stand close to the breakwater’s edge, Makoto decides to lend Hina her life-jacket, and she also is seen frequently reminding Hina to not get so close. It is uncharacteristic for Makoto to be this jumpy, but this does foreshadow a bit of exposition for her later on in the episode. As the girls begin fishing, some of their lures become caught on the bottom, and in a moment reminiscent of The Avengers: Endgame, when Scott Lang is concerned about how the limited supply of Pym Particles limits everyone to one round trip each (plus two test runs), Yūki reminds both Natsumi and Hina that their supply of lures are limited, hence the need to be careful.

  • Hina once again demonstrates her uncommon talent for catching something once she gets the hang of the technique as she reels up a scorpionfish. Hina wonders how to unhook it, and the girls immediately show her the way owing to the presence of spines. The episode doesn’t go into how the Breakwater Club prepares their catch: given the fact that anime like these usually offer a reasonable picture of things, the fact that it was omitted is a sign to users that preparing a freshly-caught scorpionfish requires advanced skill. Consequently, I imagine that the task in Houkago Teibou Nisshi would fall to either Makoto or Yūki.

  • The seventh episode’s choice to explore Makoto’s background gives viewers a strong understanding of her personality and also reminds viewers that for her talents in fishing, she’s also got weaknesses of her own: after nearly drowning, Makoto became quite fearful of falling into water and as a result, isn’t a good swimmer. This is why she’s seen with a life-jacket whenever fishing, and why she’s so pensive during the course of the episode’s events. The girls make plans to get their own life-jackets for safety’s sake, but this looks like it’ll be a task for another time.

  • In excitement about fishing and her own handicrafts, Hina’s forgotten to study for the upcoming exams. Fortunately, Natsumi is on station to help her, and she suggests a study party at her place. Like Hinata, Natsumi might be energetic and carefree, but contrary to their appearances, both girls also surprisingly responsible and focused. Seeing these depths in a character is what makes slice-of-life series so enjoyable; rarely are people one-dimensional, and having an unexpected side to individuals both serves to remind viewers that the characters are complex beings, as well as drive humour where appropriate.

  • It turns out that Natsumi’s parents run a café of sorts – the model for their café is the Grill Kakashi, which is located about seven minutes southeast of the Nishi-Hitoyoshi Station on foot and sports a distinct pyramidal appearance. Locals compliment the restaurant on its ambience, solid menu and large portions, although their staff aren’t fluent in English, and service can be a bit slow. Hitoyoshi itself is twenty-four kilometres east southeast of Sakishi, so folks looking around that area won’t have any luck locating Natsumi’s home: given the path the girls take, one would imagine that Natsumi lives along the Yunoura River, and a search for Neapolitan restaurants in Sashiki finds that the Bistro Pazapa would be the nearest candidate as the location for where Natsumi’s house is.

  • After a morning’s worth of studying, Natsumi’s mother has the girls break for lunch, where they enjoy a Spaghetti Neapolitan. This dish is, like omurice, Japanese in origin, being a spaghetti pan-fried with onion, bell pepper and ketchup. From here, it can be topped with sausage, beef and cheese. The dish is a great option when tomato sauces with herbs and spices are not available: while ketchup and spaghetti don’t initially sound like they’d go well together, pan-frying causes the ketchup to take on a different texture and character. One of my variations of the dish is to add small beef meatballs and pineapple to the pasta.

  • Thanks to Natsumi, Hina’s feeling more confident about the maths exam, and the two decide to take a break. Here, Hina has a chance to share with Natsumi her hobby of handicrafts; she’s made a fish plushie that can open up to expose the plushie’s “entrails”, impressing Natsumi and inspiring her to give it a whirl, although she admits that what Hina’s made might be too complex for her to pick up out of the gates. It’s a gentle moment that allows the two to interact in an ordinary setting, and also shows that for their sparring, like Hinata and Aoi, Hina and Natsumi genuinely do care for one another, getting along like peas in a pod.

  • On a rainy day, the Breakwater Club decides to visit a clubroom closer to their school: Yūki had managed to convince Sayaka to allow them to store small fishing rods in the infirmary, as well as make use of the space as a meeting spot should weather make it difficult to travel to their usual clubroom. Although Sayaka objects to use of school facilities for such a purpose, Yūki is able to placate Sayaka with the promise of freshly-caught freshwater prawns.

  • As the girls set off for their prawn fishing spot, the typically-blue skies of Sashiki are overcast, moody and grey. The girls stop briefly by a 7-Eleven in Ashikita along Route 27, to pick up their fishing license so they can legally fish in the river. There are two 7-Elevens in Sashiki, and this particular 7-Eleven is located just down the way from Ashikita High School. While the skies and colour palette suggests a cooler day, experience indicates that even when overcast, it can still be pretty muggy and humid in Japan.

  • I believe this is the first time in Houkago Teibou Nisshi that the weather’s been rainy: up until now, the weather in Sashiki has been shown to be extremely pleasant, with blue skies and warm days. Kumamoto has a humid subtropical climate, and in May, averages around eleven rainy days. June and July are far rainer: despite only averaging fourteen rainy days, the area can receive up to 400 millimetres of rainfall during each month. As the girls walk along the roadside en route to their fishing spot, the rain begins to fall.

  • Under a bridge crossing the river, the Breakwater Club is reasonably well-protected from the elements, and here, they begin fishing for the freshwater prawns, specifically, the giant river prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii). These are one of the biggest freshwater prawns in the world, capable of reaching thirty centimetres in length and half a kilogram in weight. Native to the Indo-Pacific area, they were introduced to Japan, and the local fisherman’s union manages their population. The fishing license that Hina and the others purchase is a means of supporting the union and their duties in preserving the local aquatic populations, as well as maintain sustainable practises.

  • As the day wears on, the rainfall and misty weather brings back memories of my vacation to Taiwan some six-and-a-half years earlier. After arriving in the Taitung area, we stopped at a jade shop located in the Huadong Valley. It had been a cool and grey day, and a part of the tour included a visit to a warehouse where the jade blocks were stored. Rain began falling as the guide explained how jade was processed and carved, and even though it was only four in the afternoon, it was quite dark. Back home, rainy days are hardly ever this moody, and here, two girls from the same high school as Hina and the others hear a piteous scream emanating from the river below as they cross the bridge that the Breakwater Club is fishing under.

  • It turns out that Hina’s having absolutely no luck with catching anything: the prawns let go of the line after taking the bait, leaving Hina with nothing. Frustration mounts, and Hina throws a small, adorable tantrum. Each of Yūki, Natsumi and Makoto have their own measures for how long to keep the line in after a prawn’s grabbed on, giving Hina a bit of trouble as she struggles to strike a balance between pulling the line in and leaving it to entice the prawns.

  • Fortunately, with guidance from Yūki, Hina soon manages to reel a prawn in. However, when she taunts it, the prawn slips off back into the river. Yūki might be a lazy individual, but her knowledge of fishing and conveying this knowledge is unparalleled – it is with Yūki’s encouragement that Hina’s managed to pick up fishing so quickly which is no mean feat. Soon after, Hina manages to help catch several of the freshwater prawns, returns a prawn with a full clutch of eggs to keep the populations healthy, and Yūki calls it in, asking Sayaka for a ride back so they may prepare the prawns for enjoyment.

  • Makoto takes on the preparation and walks viewers through her favourite recipe. After rinsing the prawns in fresh water to remove any grit and sediment, she drops them into bowl of sake, which intoxicates them and calms them down. Subsequently, the prawns are placed in a bag with starch and shaken to thoroughly coat them. From here, they can be fried in oil (Makoto recommends 170ºC) to cook them, and then salt or lemon juice is added for taste. One thing I noticed is that Makoto is cooking the prawns directly, which results in the freshest experience possible, but I’ve always learnt to devein shrimp and prawns before cooking them.

  • This large “vein” is actually the intestinal tract, and for peace of mind, I prefer taking them out. With this being said, the vein can be left in a shrimp or prawn and consumed, having no adverse impact when eaten. Once everything is good to go, the girls sit down to enjoy fresh prawns, which is easily one of my favourite seafoods to eat. Hina is shown to be eating one, shells and all – deep-frying a prawn will render the shell crunchy and palatable. However, when boiled, they are much tougher to chew and usually are discarded: I typically suck on them to get the flavour out before setting them aside.

  • Sayaka objects to the idea of getting the Breakwater Club members annual licenses to fish in the river, since it’d be quite costly: Yūki attempts to persuade her otherwise, suggesting that with the licenses, Sayaka would be able to more or less have as much prawn as she’d like. Sayaka’s counter-proposal, that Yūki allow her to drink, leaves Yūki reconsidering. While this moment might be simply seen as Sayaka falling to her old habit of drinking, from another angle, this is Sayaka firmly saying no to the licenses in a very indirect, but effective manner. Although she might have an unhealthy fondness for alcohol, Sayaka is still the school nurse and has a responsibility to her students. Being able to decline the club’s request for annual licenses in this way, therefore, shows that Sayaka is rather clever and capable of dealing with her role as the Breakwater Club’s advisor.

  • Nowhere is Makoto’s fear of open water more apparent than when she’s asked to swim – she appears to have mild aquaphobia. Despite sporting a physique that suggests athleticism, Makoto is unable to swim, and the thought of being immersed in water without any flotation device terrifies her. However, since falling into the water is a real risk during fishing, it is imperative that the girls know basic water safety, and Sayaka is on hand to teach everyone the basics, having been a lifeguard during her university days.

  • Makoto’s aquaphobia brings to mind a training exercise that all Navy SEALS must take: rescuing a panicking individual who may very well drag them down, as well – the key to survival is to keep the distressed individual’s head above the water, and also find a way to restrict their limb motion, otherwise, one risks being dragged down. It goes without saying that using force to restrain the individual is out of the question. For folks unaccustomed to open water, the fear of drowning is very real, and water safety classes will always teach the back float, the most basic and important of skills. By going onto one’s back, one keeps their head above the water and can breathe. Coupled with the body’s natural tendency to float, one can therefore be assured of some safety as they await rescue.

  • When I was much younger, I took swimming lessons, and although I’ve not swam in quite some time, I still retain enough knowledge of the basics to hopefully survive should I fall into open water. However, even with basic water safety knowledge, it can be quite dangerous to fall into a body of water; lower temperatures can cause hypothermia. Because Makoto’s phobia limits what she can do, Sayaka decides to showcase another apparatus designed for emergency use – the self-inflating emergency waist belt, which uses a can of compressed carbon dioxide and automatically inflates on contact with water.

  • These low-profile devices are compact and effective: Makoto decides to give it a test after worrying that she’ll only be a burden to the others should anything happen, and upon hitting the pool, the device inflates, keeping her above the water. Typically, there’s a small seal that keeps the compressed air in its cylinder, and on contact with water, the seal dissolves, releasing the air into the chamber. More sophisticated self-inflating life-jackets may have a pressure gauge that monitors external pressure and will engage after a certain threshold. While Houkago Teibou Nisshi does not mention this, self-inflating life-jackets will also have valves for manual inflation in the event that the automatic inflation fails.

  • In excitement, the other girls hop into the water, as well, forgetting about Sayaka’s explicit request for them not to do so: each compressed air cylinder costs a hefty two thousand yen, so having Hina, Natsumi and Yūki discharging theirs means the Breakwater Club has now expended a total of eight thousand yen, six thousand of which were unnecessary. The girls end up remunerating Sayaka for the cost of the materials, and I admit that this was a little uncharacteristic of everyone to forget instructions given to them. The unnecessary expenditure of compressed air tanks, combined with Hina and Natsumi burning through fishing lures earlier, motivates the page quote.

  • While fishing, a heron ends up eating the fish that Hina had caught but was planning on releasing. Hina is initially angry, until she notices a bit of fishing wire, hook and missing toes on the heron. She is subsequently distraught, and the Breakwater Club spends the remainder of the day cleaning up the area, removing litter and detritus around the breakwater. However, the thought of the heron hurting keeps her awake into the night, and she finally phones Yūki, who has an idea on how to proceed.

  • With permission from the municipal government, the Breakwater Club decide to capture the heron and attempt to remove the fishing wire. While Hina may dislike animals and see them as opponents, she does care about their well-being, as well: Yūki and Makoto are on board with the plan, since the heron could be in a great deal of pain. Such a task is ordinarily reserved for municipal wildlife specialists, who have both the know-how and equipment for properly freeing wildlife from difficult situations: my go-to in the case of anything unusual surrounding wildlife, from injured large birds to encountering entire deer carcasses on the road, is to call the local government and have them handle things.

  • Houkago Teibou Nisshi chooses to have the girls do it themselves; doing things this way is not typically exactly recommended, since there’s always the risk of biological contamination when handling wildlife. This is why municipalities will recommend people contact them, as opposed to doing things themselves. With this being said, we can assume that Yūki, Natsumi and Makoto are somewhat familiar with handling these situations on account of them being accustomed to rural life, and it is easier from an animation perspective to have them do it, as opposed to designing new characters and having separate voice actors and actresses in the corresponding roles.

  • With a bit of luck on their side, the Breakwater Club succeeds in trapping the heron after Hina distracts it, and with her skill, Hina swiftly removes the wire, allowing the heron to finally fly freely without being encumbered by the fishing wire. She hopes that it’ll fly to better grounds, expecting to never see it again, but the next day, it returns, clearly expecting Hina to give her more fish. In a cruel twist, in helping the heron to remove the fishing wires, the girls may have also habituated the heron to humans, which presents a different set of problems – habituated wildlife are less likely to keep their distance with humans, resulting in increased confrontations and decreased survival.

  • Houkago Teibou Nisshi chooses to portray this as comedy, but for readers and viewers alike, I think it should go without saying that leaving the wildlife alone (and letting professionals handle major situations) is the best way to go. While I may have rattled off a list of things this final story portrays as being detrimental, this is in no way a strike against Houkago Teibou Nisshi, which remains excellent. Small details like these aren’t anywhere nearly sufficient to detract from the things that Houkago Teibou Nisshi does well, and having said this, my first post for September comes to a close.

Having now passed Houkago Teibou Nisshi‘s three-quarters mark, I find that the series has consistently delivered a solid experience in each of its episodes, striking a balance between educating viewers on different aspects of fishing, as well as advancing Hina’s growth and increasing familiarity with fishing. However, while Hina’s come to love fishing with her friends, fishing has by no means displaced her existing interests; Hina still loves the handicrafts, and her skills here have come in handy more than once for the Breakwater Club. Joining the Breakwater Club has simply allowed Hina to expand her horizons and also develop a very practical skill in fishing, showing how new experiences do not necessarily change a person completely, but rather, adds to one’s repertoire of existing skills and interests. The key here is to keep an open mind, and being in the company of skilled, like-minded individuals can do wonders in helping one maintain and cultivate their interest in new experiences. Entering the final quarter of Houkago Teibou Nisshi, it is clear that this anime will not disappoint, having firmly established that the series can strike a balance between exploring fishing, Hina’s growth and acclimatisation into the Breakwater Club’s activities and also creating an immensely cathartic atmosphere in each of its episodes. I am greatly looking forwards to seeing where Houkago Teibou Nisshi wraps up, as well as writing about this series once it has completed: this is an anime that has done everything right, having been immensely helpful in helping me to relax and find perspective each and every week.

Houkago Teibou Nisshi: Review and Reflections At The Halfway Point

“One thing I love to eat on fish, and not too many people save, is the liver. I find the liver and the heart, the tastiest part of the fish.” –Les Stroud

At low tide, Yūki decides to take the Breakwater Club out to the tidal flats to gather clams. Hina and Natsumi end up being stuck in the mud when they ignore Yūki’s warnings not to go out too far, and both end up falling into the mud. Despite this, the Breakwater Club finds a large number of Manila clams, and Hina even manages to score a hamaguri. They bring them back to the clubhouse, but Yūki and Makoto freeze in their tracks when they hear a car pull up – it’s Sayaka Kotani, the club advisor and school nurse. While she seems friendly enough, she breaks out the beer and winds up drunk: Yūki and Makoto lament that Sayaka’s managed to eat most of their catch, although Sayaka soon falls asleep, leaving the girls to grill up the remaining clams. As Hina prepares to enjoy the hamaguri, Sayaka somehow manages to eat it from Hina’s chopsticks, leaving her in shock. Later, the club go out to fish for horse mackerel fry again after picking up provisions from a local fishing supply store. With Makoto and Natsumi’s help, Hina learns how to properly gut the fish, realising it’s no different than removing the stuffing from a plushie. When Hina’s parents express a want to enjoy horse mackerel fry again, Hina decides to go out and fish using the tackle and hooks from home, but experiences no success. Natsumi drops by and explains that Hina’s been using the wrong size of hook and a fishing rod that’s a bit too stiff for the task. With Natsumi’s help, Hina is able to turn things around and ends the day exhausted, but with a sizeable haul. This is where Houkago Teibou Nisshi stands at the halfway point, where changes in Hina’s attitudes towards fishing are gradually shifting as a result of her experiences with the eccentric, but sincere and accepting members of the Breakwater Club.

The most rewarding payoff from watching Houkago Teibou Nisshi thus far is seen in Hina, who’s outlook on fishing is becoming increasingly positive, and whose fears are slowly replaced by a genuine curiosity and appreciation of fishing. With support and encouragement from her fellow club members, Hina begins to realise that despite seeming quite disparate, there are some commonalities between handicrafts and fishing – the suggestion that gutting a fish can be thought of as extracting stuffing from a plushie helps her to focus. Similarly, Hina’s become more confident about fishing now, having seen how it can bring about joy. When she decides to go fishing on her own, it shows that she’s developed enough knowledge to be confident in trying things out for herself. While Hina’s still inexperienced, that she’s beginning to take the initiative shows that despite her initial worries, she’s come to enjoy fishing. It is remarkably heartwarming to see this change, and I imagine that as Houkago Teibou Nisshi continues, Hina will continue to hone her craft, and over time, develop enough familiarity as to be not only comfortable, but confident in catching and preparing larger fish, as well. While the Breakwater Club is an unconventional one, it’s been shown that Hina’s in good company here, coming to really learn and appreciate the origins of her food more.

Screenshots and Commentary

  • Houkago Teibou Nisshi is proving itself to be a remarkably enjoyable anime, both in providing a consistent and fun experience, as well as raising interesting discussion topics. I will be resuming with a much more conventional posting schedule for this series: the fourth episode was a bit of an exception because it’d been a while since I wrote about Houkago Teibou Nisshi, and I’d wished to emphasise that yes, I’d not forgotten about what would’ve been one of the highlights of the spring anime season.

  • Right out of the gates, Hina and Natsumi ignore Yūki’s warnings not to go too far into the flats and end up getting stuck in the mud, causing Hina to throw an adorable tantrum. Clam digging is a common recreational and commercial activity in coastal areas, and in Survivorman, Les Stroud ends up finding a large number of clams in the estuary of Tiburón Island. Stroud searches for clams in a fan-like pattern and replaces the sand behind him, while the girls dig in a more linear fashion, but both Stroud and Yūki advises clammers to be mindful of etiquette, restoring the mud so clams can grow comfortably without drying out and throwing back smaller clams to ensure the population can survive.

  • Natsumi only barely avoids falling into the mud by grabbing onto Hina, and in a moment reminiscent of Yama no Susume, where Hinata pulls Aoi’s skirt down, Natsumi winds up creating a near-miss for Hina. The two end up falling into the mud anyways, and now that they’re dirtied, Hina doesn’t seem to mind so much anymore. There are a few tricks to extricating oneself from being stuck: most guides recommend reaching down into the mud and then pulling up the toes or driving the toes further into the mud and lifting the heels up. This works because the mud creates a vacuum that the atmosphere presses against, and by introducing air underneath, the amount of vacuum (and corresponding pressure) is lessened, allowing for movement.

  • For Hina and Natsumi, they manage to extricate themselves in an unseen manner, with Hina setting aside her grievances upon hearing Yūki’s story about how some people previously needed to be airlifted out after getting stuck close to when the tides returned. It’s a very real danger, showing that Houkago Teibou Nisshi is aware of the dangers of some of their club activities entail. Fortunately for Hina and Natsumi, nothing of this sort happens, and the club have a fine time gather clams.

  • The girls end up with a respectable haul of Manila clams (Venerupis philippinarum) along with the lone hamaguri (Asian Hard Clam, Meretrix lusoria) that Hina’s found on her first try and allow them to rest overnight in a bucket of water in order to let them clear the sand out. The next morning, Hina finds the clams to have opened: the appendage sticking out is their foot, which is a muscle that allows the clams to burrow and embed themselves in the mud or sand.

  • Before Hina and the others can begin preparing the clams, a car pulls up, sending Makoto and Yūki into a panic. Hina and Natsumi wind up being a little surprised, since it’s “just” Sayaka Konati, the club advisor and school nurse. Sayaka is voiced by Ami Koshimizu (Charlotte E. Yeager of Strike Witches), and initially, she appears as the caring, competent club advisor who’s merely come in to check up on how things are going.

  • Thus, Yūki and Makoto’s reactions seem a little off initially – Yūki blows off Sayaka and attempts to get her to peace out, while Makoto lacks her usual composure and is evidently nervous. It’s saying something that Sayaka is able to intimidate even Makoto, who’s otherwise been quite stoic about things at the Breakwater Club – despite Makoto’s best efforts to keep the clams secret, Sayaka finds out anyways.

  • Hina and Natsumi aren’t too sure what’s going on and decide to invite Sayaka to hang out with them. Like the tidal flats, Yūki might disagree with the decision but allows Hina and Natsumi to do so. While it’s a subtle gesture, Yūki’s style is actually an immensely effective teacher in its own right; by letting Natsumi and Hina explore and make mistakes, the two learn much more quickly what not to do in the future.

  • Makoto prepares the clams by steaming them and soon, has enough for everyone to share. Clams have a gentle, briny taste and when cooked properly, are springy and pleasantly firm to the palette. A few years back, I had the fortune of getting fresh clams straight from the beach, and we steamed those right up for dinner, adding only a bit of soy sauce. Having grown up with Cantonese cuisine, there’s a special kind of soy sauce that I know as 蒸魚豉油 (jyutping zing1 jyu4 si6 jau4, literally “soy sauce (for) steamed fish”); this soy sauce has a slightly sharper taste than dark soy sauce and is perfect for seafood. A small amount of this soy sauce goes great with prawns, clams, mussels and oysters.

  • As it turns out, Sayaka rivals Minami Toba of Yuru Camp△ in being a seemingly mild-mannered instructor whose true self is characterised by an excessive love for alcohol. Like Minami, Sayaka is able to consume copious amounts of alcohol, but unlike Minami, who simply falls asleep, Sayaka is a mean drunk: she proceeds to intimidate Hina and Natsumi before attempting to make out with Yūki and Makoto. The choice to do this is strictly to create humour, although right out of the gates, Houkago Teibou Nisshi‘s Sayaka is rather more disruptive than Minami ever was in Yuru Camp△. Fortunately, Minami soon falls asleep, and Makoto reveals that she’d still left some clams around.

  • Despite Sayaka single-handedly demolishing the first batch on her own, the Breakwater Club now have a chance to enjoy more clams in peace. Makoto breaks out the grill, and Hina watches in happiness as the clams begin to sizzle and open up, indicating that they’re ready. This is the most visual indication that a clam is cooked all the way through, and when cooking clams, any clam that does not open should be discarded (they died before being cooked and are probably not safe to eat). On Tiburón Island, Les Stroud cooked his clams by directly inserting them into charcoal beside a fire, declaring them safe to eat once they opened.

  • While I’ve enjoyed freshly steamed clams before, I’ve never actually grilled them the way the Breakwater Club does here. Recipes indicate that clams can be cooked on direct medium heat and take roughly seven minutes to cook fully. Compared to steaming, the high heat imparts a distinct charred flavour that isn’t present in steaming the clams, but for me, steaming clams is a gentler way to preserve the original flavour of the meat.

  • Houkago Teibou Nisshi‘s soundtrack has a known release date now: September 23. With Miki Sakurai as the composer, the soundtrack will retail for 3300 Yen (about 40.95 CAD) and feature a mix of both incidental pieces, as well as vocal tracks. The tracklist remains unknown at this time, but it’s great to finally know when the music will become available – the soundtrack of Houkago Teibou Nisshi‘s been excellent, and really creates a summer-like feeling that also brings to mind the style of the Yuyushiki soundtrack, which I similarly enjoyed.

  • Since Hina found the hamaguri, she’s the one to eat it. However, Sayaka’s just woken and manages to eat it straight from Hina’s chopsticks, rendering Hina colourless in shock for the duration of the episode. One cannot help but feel bad for Hina, since she’d been really looking forwards to this, and I remark here that this sort of humour is of a variety that I am less than fond of if abused or overused; I’ve never really been a fan of situations where characters are made to suffer unnecessarily, and prefer comedy to be derived by other means.

  • By the halfway point in Houkago Teibou Nisshi, Hina’s feeling right at home with the Breakwater Club, which occasionally has the odd lazy day or two here and there. However, one club meeting is interrupted when Sayaka reappears: it turns out she has insufficient funds to even get dinner, likely having blown her money on alcohol, and turns to the girls for help. Yūki is reluctant to do so and only relents when Sayaka promises not to drink inside the club room. However, the club first requires supplies to go fishing.

  • This fishing supplies store is real, being a rendering of the Tenguya Fishing Tackle Shop in Sashiki: finding this one was straightforwards, since it’s located at the heart of Sashiki. Tenguya is a mere 700 metres from Sashiki station, across the road from the local government offices and adjacent to a Korean BBQ restaurant. In reality, Tenguya is indeed known for having an excellent selection of gear. Since Houkago Teibou Nisshi‘s manga began running, the store also sells copies of the manga.

  • The real-world owner of Tenguya is also friendly and knowledgeable, so customers do enjoy visiting the shop for supplies. In Houkago Teibou Nisshi, Natsumi picks up bait from the shop, and Hina wonders if the store is named after the owner’s appearance, only for him to challenge her to touch his dome and admire the smoothness. It appears that the shopkeeper knows Natsumi, and when they’d entered earlier, Natsumi warns Hina about the store for this reason.

  • By this point in time, Hina’s become more enthusiastic about fishing and also begins to pick up on nuances, such as the fact that Natsumis rocking a slightly different setup. It’s a far cry from the Hina who began Houkago Teibou Nisshi intent on doing more familiar club activities, and as the afternoon wears on, the Breakwater Club have no trouble filling a cooler full with the day’s catch.

  • Of course, since we’re merely at Houkago Teibou Nisshi‘s halfway point, Hina’s still uncomfortable around gutting a fish. Makoto provides Hina with clear instructions on how to go about preparing a Horse Mackerel Fry for cooking: first, one slides their fingers behind the gills and then gently follow the pectoral fins until the stomach and intestines are reached. These can then be pulled out, after which residual elements can be removed. In general, these can be discarded, although I think composting them is a better idea.

  • Hina is shocked at the prospect of gutting a fish, and after an unsuccessful attempt to escape, ends up learning that Makoto gets around it simply because it’s a part of the process. It is ultimately Yūki who suggests that Hina think of it as removing the stuffing from a stuffed animal for whatever work lies ahead. Hina ends up going into a reverie and removes all of the guts swiftly; despite forgetting the second step, she’s quite speedy, indicating that with the right perspective, seemingly completely unrelated hobbies share common skills.

  • While my urban background means that all of the fish I buy are usually prepared already, meaning that the fish heart and livers are usually removed, being discarded along with other parts of the fish. This is disappointing, since besides the bones, fins, digestive tract and stomach, almost all other parts of the fish are edible and highly nutritious. During his Arctic Tundra episode, Les Stroud describes the heart and liver as the tastiest part of the fish as he prepares four freshly-caught Arctic Char: being an experienced outdoorsman, Stroud has no trouble with preparing fish, contrasting Hina, who practically faints when she finds her hands covered in fish blood.

  • As it turns out, the Tsurugis have a fair amount of fishing gear, and on a long weekend, Hina decides to go fishing for more Horse Mackerel Fry when her parents express an interest in getting some for dinner. While Hina initially feels it to be a bit of a hassle, she ends up taking up the challenge. It’s a bit of a rare moment that shows Hina as being more bold than usual: she declares with confidence that being able to get enough for dinner shouldn’t be a problem and sets out to buy some bait.

  • Because of how small Sashiki is, locating the areas that Hina visits isn’t terribly challenging: a brute-force approach in dropping in via something like Google Maps’ Street View and looking around is often enough to allow one to find the fishing spots and roads the Breakwater Club frequent. For instance, Hina can be seen biking across the bridge on route 56 here, heading southeast. This experience is augmented if one has a virtual reality headset: for me, ever since I picked up my complimentary Oculus Quest at F8 last year, I’ve been making extensive use of it to explore locations seen in anime, ranging from Yamanashi to Inao. The headset offers an unparalleled degree of immersion, and it feels like I’m actually standing in the location I’ve chosen to visit.

  • Tenguya’s owner recognises Hina from earlier and makes the perfect recommendation for her when she explains that she’s looking for bait to go sabiki fishing: a squeeze package of ready-to-use-bait, which also has the advantage of lasting longer because it’s sealed. While it’ll likely be more pricey than purchasing the raw ingredients, it’s a good choice for Hina, who probably doesn’t go fishing often enough to make full use of bait she prepares herself and is still adverse to getting her hands dirty.

  • Hina winds up fishing at a breakwater closer to her house: it’s near the Hakariishi Community Center, located about 1.1 kilometres away from Tenguya. Unlike her usual outings with the Breakwater Club, Hina is having no luck at all with her fishing: after loading her bait up and dropping the hook into the water, the fish approach and swim off almost immediately. The lone fish she does catch falls off, as well. Fortunately, Natsumi’s in the area, and she’s able to offer some advice.

  • As it turns out, Hina’s been using the wrong size of hook: the ones she’s got equipped are too large for the Horse Mackerel Fry, and what’s more, her fishing rod is too stiff, lacking the spring to pull in the fish. Natsumi thus decides to lend Hina her fishing rod, and in no time at all, Hina’s managed to catch a sizeable number of Horse Mackerel Fry. Realising the difference something as simple as swapping the hook sizes out, Hina wonders if she’s cut out for fishing, but Natsumi reassures her that this is quite normal, that every beginner learns the details over time with experience.

  • For Natsumi, the intricacies of fishing means that catching stuff also boils down to luck, and this is what makes it fun. Luck is, at least in my books, an event where a favourable outcome has a probability component (and correspondingly, skill is the ability to employ techniques or methods that increase the probability). While I’m less of a fan of luck-driven things, I yield that there is a certain thrill in it. Just yesterday, for instance, I watched the Calgary Flames return from a two goal deficit against the Dallas Stars. We ended up losing when Jamie Oleksiak put a goal away with forty seconds left, but it was gripping to see if the Flames might actually take the game back. Similarly, I went out early in the morning to check out the Perseids meteor shower, and while light pollution washed out most of the meteors, I ended up seeing five fireballs, which left an orange-white tail that lingered for a few seconds in the skies.

  • Compared to two decades ago, light pollution in my city has only increased, and even on a perfectly clear night, a bright white glow can be seen on the horizon. As such, with fainter meteors being washed out, it was very lucky that I saw those fireballs from the meteor shower. My copy of Harukana Receive‘s fifth manga volume also arrived yesterday, meaning that for the time being, I’m caught up with the series’ manga run. Back in Houkago Teibou Nisshi, despite her appearances, Natsumi is quite knowledgable, as well: Hina hopes to one day surprise Natsumi by reaching a similar level of competence. This brings my talk on Houkago Teibou Nisshi to an end – I will be returning in three weeks’ time to continue writing about this series, and the next two anime-related posts here will be for The Quintessential Quintuplets and The Rolling Girls.

Having now passed the halfway point of Houkago Teibou Nisshi, the anime’s shaping up to be a cathartic, if familiar one; the introduction of Sayaka Kotani evokes memories of Yuru Camp△‘s very own Minami Toba, who is similarly a beautiful and soft-spoken teacher concealing a penchant for drinking like a sailor. This archetype appears to be employed for comedy, and while an intoxicated teacher can break the calming, relaxing feel in their respective series, it also mixes things up – Yūki and Makoto have been the reliable seniors insofar, with their presence being reassuring to Hina, but when Sayaka appears, even those two are shaken up. This creates a richer characterisation of everyone in Houkago Teibou Nisshi, allowing more aspects of their personalities to be shown. Similarly, having a teacher with a motor vehicle also facilities for additional adventures: the Breakwater Club had previously biked or walked to local fishing areas, but as Hina becomes familiar with these, the story can drive her growth in new settings further away from home to create experiences memorable for both Hina and the viewers. As we enter the next quarter of Houkago Teibou Nisshi, I am quite excited to see what adventures await the Breakwater Club, as well as what marine life is on their list of things to catch and enjoy and perhaps, even see Hina become at least confident with seeing the entire process through to the end.