In the Horniman

We work at the Horniman Museum and Gardens' stores and come across all manner of interesting, unusual and fascinating finds.
Here we share a few we like with you, but there are lots more listed on our website.

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NB: we're not responsible for others reblogging or writing about our objects, but we hope you like these objects as much as we do.

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This is a ghost trap from Tibet. The trap is also known as a Namkhar, which means sky in Tibetan. The trap serves many purposes, not just the protection from ghosts.

This is a ghost trap from Tibet. The trap is also known as a Namkhar, which means sky in Tibetan. The trap serves many purposes, not just the protection from ghosts. 

— 10 years ago with 326 notes

#ghost  #trap  #Tibet  #Horniman Museum  #museum  #Namkhar 
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