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Dendronanthus indicus

Size: 16-18cm

Weight: 14-17g

Found: The Forest Wagtail will breed in temperate East Asia, heading a little further South towards Indonesia during winter. Here they will be found in forests, being the only member of the wagtail family to nest in trees.

Description: This species is a slender bird with a notably long tail. The main body is an olive grey colour, and the wings are black with two thick yellow stripes across them. There is also a distinctive and curved white stripe across the eye, contrasting the darker head. The underparts are white, with darker markings close to the throat.

Diet: The Forest Wagtail will feed upon insects, finding them along branches or on the ground.

Comments: After finding a suitable tree in breeding season, the female will build the nest alone as the male stands guard. The result is a cup-shaped nest made of fine grass, roots and moss.

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