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Apollo 20 (Hoax, yet still interesting)


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So, while browsing the Internet i found out about this Apollo 20 conspiracy thing, and even though its a hoax, its interesting nontheless.

The Original video was uploaded on April 1st (smells fishy) 2007 on YouTube. It was uploaded by user William Rutledge, and the original video is apparently deleted. William Rutledge is apparently one of the Astronauts who flew on Apollo 20, its a Soviet/American joined mission, since Leonov is onboard too, this can be seen on the Mission patch.


So, in the video, we first get to see a Lunar City, wich is actually just an Artwork by Bruce Pennington, just made so it fits in with the Lunar Surface.



(Could not find the original)

After that, we see footage taken from orbit, showing the surface of the Moon. But thats all boring, because after that we see a really fuzzy and messy piece of footage from an alien spacecraft, the same spacecraft on the Mission Patch, seen being carried by the LM and CSM. Then, we see footage from inside the LM for a bit and then we see the Spacecraft again (yet more clear) and its detail, after that we hop back in the LM. The LM looks exactly the same as the real LM. Inside the LM we see the an Alien creature thing, wich people claim was 1,5 million years old. Later, we get to see the surface of the Moon from the window. From what i can see, i see the shadow from the LM and i see a Lunokhod Rover, strange, but whatever. Then, we see Alexei Leonov, at the autopsy table. Then we see more footage from the Autopsy.

Then why is it fake? Well, all we got is a few fuzzy clips, and photos. William Rutledge could have made an entire blog about this Moon Mission, full of pictures. But all we got is this 144p stuff. Who is behind all this you ask? Well the person who is behind all this is a Frenchman named Thierry Speth, who is a sculptor and made the Alien shown in the video.

Here is an Interview with Thierry Speth.


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