Northern Mockingbird (Mimus polyglottos leucopterus) 23 December 2018. MLK Jr. Regional Shoreline, Arrowhead Marsh, Alameda County, California, USA.
Northern Mockingbird (Mimus polyglottos leucopterus)
This common species is famous for it mimicry. Its versatile song includes phrases from other birds and other sounds in the neighborhood. Some males have been documented to imitate over 150 songs and sounds. Studies show that females prefer to mate with males who demonstrate large repertoires. Repertoire size increases with age and experience, so females seem to prefer older more experienced males. Three to five subspecies are recognized. This is the slightly larger western M. p. leucopterus, recognized by Clements but merged with the nominate race by BNA. One or two other races are in the Caribbean and Bahamas.
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