St. Michael the Archangel, Defend Us in Battle

September 29, 2014

We’re in a spiritual war, and in this war there is no neutrality. The combatants are God, the Immaculate Virgin, the saints, the devil, demon hordes, angelic hosts of immense power, and you. The weapons are humble prayer, frequent fasting, and unwavering faith.

“For we are not contending against flesh and blood,” says St. Paul, “but against the principalities, against the powers, against the world rulers of this present darkness, against the spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.”

At stake in this war is your eternal soul—eternal life or eternal death. No prisoners are taken. If you’re not fighting, you’re already dead.

But fear not. On your side are the mighty archangels, and chief among them is St. Michael. These angels are not doe-eyed sissies. They are burning flames of fire endowed by God with power beyond our comprehension. These mighty angels are even now engaged in conflict with Satan and his demonic minions.

Michael means “Who is like unto God?” Indeed, that was his battle cry when Lucifer first rebelled against God. It was Michael who defended the glory of God and rallied the forces of heaven against the rebellious angels, driving them from heaven. And their primal combat continues to this day.

I’ve had some individuals criticize the warlike emphasis on this blog. They think fighting is inherently evil, even if the fight is against spiritual forces, and that gentler and more peaceful metaphors should be chosen to describe the spiritual life.

I would challenge these critics to pour deeply over scripture and the writings of the saints. For if they do so, they will quickly realize that spiritual combat is part of the very fabric of Christianity. We must fight because we have an enemy who rests not day or night, an enemy who “prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking some one to devour.”

In the face of this relentless enemy, passivity is never an option. St. Peter explicitly commands us to, “resist him, firm in your faith.” We must make war against the world, the flesh, and the devil, or we will be destroyed by them.

Holy Church is under attack from the inside and out, and the battle rages hotter than ever. In an age when many seek to dethrone God or declare him dead, we must rise up like St. Michael to defend his glory, saying, “Who is like unto God?”

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle.

Sam Guzman


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Reader Interactions


  1. Beau H Deacon says

    We still recite the Prayer of Saint Michael at the end of every Mass in the Archdiocese of the Military Services. Our parishes are full of young families with hordes of children squalling their way through the Mass. None of them are shushed. We all deal with it and celebrate the children being a part of the faith experience. The Army has proven a wonderful place to live a vibrent Catholic life. It seems one of the last bastions of Catholic families, and strong Catholic men.

  2. uawildcatx2 says

    Sam, a great article as always. I’m amazed at how many people would rather have a fluffy squishy faith than truly acknowledge that there are forces fighting against us to keep us from loving God as we truly should. To add another Scripture passage, people should check out Luke 22:36, where Christ tells his disciples to go out and buy a sword. It’s a battle that we fight daily. I also wanted to recommend to your readers “The Spiritual Combat” by Dom Lorenzo Scupoli. It’s a great guide for ordering our spiritual lives. Pax!

    • Sr. Mary Brigid says

      I’ll second your recommendation of “The Spiritual Combat”! I’m a Sister, but after this post and that book, I’d like to join the troops and be an honorary “Catholic Gentleman” please!

  3. Mary says

    I love this article and the artwork. Can you tell me the title of the picture and the artist? Thank you and keep up the good work!

  4. Gervase Crouchback says

    I know he was a Baptist ,but John Bunyan was in prison possibly alongside Recusants in the England of Charles II. He makes quite clear in his classic THE PILGRIM’S PROGRESS the spiritual nature of the war we are in. As the priest at yesterday’s Mass in the Cathedral here in Melbourne ,Australia,made plain ,Christ has won the Victory ,and nothing can undo that

  5. Carlos says

    Thank you Sam for this insightful article. The battle is 7 days a week 24 hours a day,everyday. We must strive for the Kingdom, or perish in the lake of fire. Prayer, specially the Holy Rosary,as well as fasting are the arsenal against the demons that want to destroy. St. Michael archangel,pray for us.
    I love the Catholic Gentleman blog page.
    In Christ,
    Carlos C.

  6. Jacinto Segura says

    St. Michael’s Battle Cry:

    Holy, holy, holy, holy, holy Lord,
    God of power and might,
    heaven and earth are filled with your glory.
    Hosanna in the highest.
    Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord,
    in the name of the Lord.
    Hosanna in the highest,
    hosanna in the highest.


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