A bright blue bird with a black head and wings, a bright red crown, a forked black and blue tail, a light brown bill, and pink legs perches on a branch between clumps of leaves against a light green backgroundALT

September 24, 2023 - Swallow-tailed Manakin or Blue Manakin (Chiroxiphia caudata)

Found in parts of southeastern Brazil and Paraguay and northeastern Argentina, these manakins live in and around forests. They feed on small fruit and insects, picking food from surfaces in short flights or sometimes while perching. Males display in groups of three or occasionally more, jumping and hovering in turns in front of a female, though one dominant male is usually the only one of the group to breed with her. Their nests are built from dry plant fibers, root-like fungal structures, moss, and dry leaves in small trees or shrubs. Females lay clutches of two eggs.