Terlaque Andino/Gray-breasted Mountain-Toucan/Andigena hypoglauca

Nombre en español: Terlaque Andino

Nombre cientifico: Andigena hypoglauca 

Nombre en ingles: Gray-breasted Mountain-Toucan

Familia: Ramphastidae

El tucán pechigrís o terlaque andino (Andigena hypoglauca) es un miembro del género de tucanes Andigena, propio de los bosques andinos de Colombia, Perú y Ecuador, preferentemente entre los 2.400 y 3.400 m de altitud, pero puede encontrarse entre los 2.000 y 3.650 msnm. Es un ave amenazada por la pérdida de hábitat.

Andigena hypoglauca
Foto: Memo Gomez


Mide en promedio 46 cm de longitud. El pico mide entre 8,9 y 10,2 cm de largo y es coloreado, en la parte inferior amarillo en la base y negro hacia la punta, en la parte superior amarillo en la base separado por una franja negra delgada del resto que es rojo. Corona y nuca hasta los lados de la cabeza negras; anillo ocular azul turquesa; dorso y cara anterior de las alas marrón oliváceo; rabadilla superior amarilla y cola negruzca con punta color castaño. Un collar bajo la nuca, el vientre y el pecho color azul grisáceo; la rabadilla inferior roja.


Busca alimento en pareja o en grupos pequeños en los niveles altos de los árboles. Es frugívoro y ocasionalmente consume vertebrados pequeños. Consume frutos de por lo menos 43 especies.

Foto: Mauricio Ossa

Grey-breasted mountain toucan

The grey-breasted mountain toucan (Andigena hypoglauca) is a species of bird in the family Ramphastidae found in humid highland forest, often at the tops of the trees, in the Andes of southern Colombia, Ecuador and Peru. It remains locally fairly common, but has declined due to habitat loss.

Taxonomy and systematics

The grey-breasted mountain toucan was originally described in the genus Pteroglossus.


Two subspecies are recognized:

  • A. h. hypoglauca(Gould, 1833): Found from central Colombia to eastern Ecuador
  • A. h. lateralisChapman, 1923: Found in eastern Ecuador and central Peru


This species is distinguished from other mountain-toucans by its colorful bill: red and black at the tip and yellow-green at the base, where there is a black, thumbprint-shaped mark. The black head is set off from the chestnut-brown back by a pale gray collar. the northern nominate subspecies has dark eyes, while the southern A. h. lateralis has pale eyes. Total length of the grey-breasted mountain toucan is 46–48 cm (18–19 in) long and weight is 244-370 grams (8.6-13.1 oz).

Behaviour and ecology

A wide variety of fruits and berries are eaten and this species is often more willing than most largish toucans to leave the canopy to eat raspberries near the base of the trees. They tend to remain quiet while flying and are known to mix often with other birds while foraging, including larger species of tanagers, thrushes and icterids, both behavior unusual in toucans. Very little is known about the life history details for this species.

Andigena hypoglauca


4 comentarios en “Terlaque Andino/Gray-breasted Mountain-Toucan/Andigena hypoglauca

  1. Good morning, My name is Susie and I am putting together a book on toucans and would like to use 2 of the photos above. Your pictures above are fabulous. If I could use them for free and give photo credit in place of money, that would be great. Please let me know what you think. susieberelsman@gmail.com

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