Gavilán Caminero/Roadside Hawk/Rupornis magnirostris

Rupornis magnirostris2
Rupornis magnirostris1

Nombre en español: Gavilán Caminero

Nombre cientifico: Rupornis magnirostris

Nombre en ingles: Roadside Hawk

Familia: Accipitridae

Lugar de las fotos: Alvarado Tolima / Sector Campoalegre Santa Rosa de Cabal Risaralda Fotos: Mauricio Ossa.

El gavilán pollero (Buteo magnirostris), también conocido como aguilucho de ala rojiza o taguato común, es una especie de ave accipitriforme de la familia Accipitridae. Es a veces colocado en el género monotípico Rupornis en vez de Buteo. Es autóctona de la Región Neotropical, encontrándose desde el sur de México hasta el norte de Argentina. Mide aproximadamente 35 cm y pesa alrededor de 295 g. Se alimenta de insectos, pequeños mamíferos y pequeños reptiles. Habita en sabanas, montes y bosques.


Se conocen 12 subespecies de Buteo magnirostris :

  • Buteo magnirostris griseocauda – de México al noroeste de Costa Rica y oeste de Panamá.
  • Buteo magnirostris conspectus – del sudeste de México (Tabasco y península de Yucatán ) al norte de Belice.
  • Buteo magnirostris sinushonduri – islas Bonacca y Roatán (Honduras).
  • Buteo magnirostris gracilis – islas Cozumel y Holbox (frente a la península de Yucatán.
  • Buteo magnirostris petulans – sudoeste de Costa Rica, oeste de Panamá e islas adyacentes.
  • Buteo magnirostris alius – archipiélago de las Perlas (San José y San Miguel) en el golfo de Panamá.
  • Buteo magnirostris magnirostris – de Colombia y oeste de Ecuador a las Guayanas Brasil amazónico.
  • Buteo magnirostris occiduus – oeste de Amazonia brasileña, este del Perú Y norte de Bolivia.
  • Buteo magnirostris nattereri – noreste de Brasil (al sur hasta Bahía).
  • Buteo magnirostris saturatus – del sudoeste de Brasil hasta Paraguay, Bolivia y oeste de Argentina.
  • Buteo magnirostris pucherani – Uruguay y noreste de Argentina (al sur hasta la provincia de Buenos Aires).
  • Buteo magnirostris magniplumis – del sur de Brasil al noreste de Argentina (Misiones) y zonas adyacentes de Paraguay.

Roadside hawk

The roadside hawk (Rupornis magnirostris) is a relatively small bird of prey found in the Americas. This vocal species is often the most common raptor in its range. It has many subspecies and is now usually placed in the monotypic genus Rupornis instead of Buteo.


The roadside hawk is 31–41 cm (12–16 in) long and weighs 250–300 g (8.8–10.6 oz). Males are about 20% smaller than females, but otherwise the sexes are similar. In most subspecies, the lower breast and underparts are barred brown and white, and the tail has four or five grey bars. Twelve subspecies are usually recognised and there is significant plumage variation between these. Depending on the subspecies involved, the roadside hawk is mainly brown or grey. It is fairly common to observe a touch of rufous (i.e., a light reddish-brown) on the bird’s wings, especially when seen in flight. Its call is a very high-pitched piercing squeak. The eyes of adult roadside hawks are whitish or yellow. As suggested by its specific name (magni = large; rostri = beak), its beak is relatively large.

The roadside hawk may be marginally the smallest hawk in the widespread genus Buteo, although Ridgway’s hawk and the white-rumped hawk are scarcely larger.[4] In flight, the relatively long tail and disproportionately short wings of the roadside hawk are distinctive. It frequently soars, but does not hover.


The subspecies and their distributions are:

  • R. m. griseocauda(Ridgway, 1874): found in Mexico (south from Colima, Nuevo León and Tamaulipas, except Yucatán and Tabasco) south to northwest Costa Rica and west Panama (Chiriquí).
  • R. m. conspectusPeters, 1913: found in southeast Mexico (Tabasco and Yucatán Peninsula) and north Belize.
  • R. m. gracilisRidgway, 1885: found on Cozumel and Isla Holbox, near Yucatán (Mexico).
  • R. m. sinushonduri(Bond, 1936): found on Bonacca Island and Roatán, off Honduras.
  • R. m. petulansvan Rossem, 1935: found in southwest Costa Rica and Pacific slope of west Panama to Tuira River, and adjacent islands.
  • R. m. aliusPeters & Griscom, 1929: found on San José and San Miguel, in Pearl Islands (Gulf of Panama).
  • R. m. magnirostris(Gmelin, 1788): nominate, found in Colombia south to west Ecuador, east to Venezuela and the Guianas, and south to Amazonian Brazil (Madeira River east to Atlantic coast).
  • R. m. occiduusBangs, 1911: found in east Peru, west Brazil (south of Amazon, west of Madeira River) and north Bolivia.
  • R. m. saturatus(P.L. Sclater & Salvin, 1876): found in Bolivia, through Paraguay and southwest Brazil (southwest Mato Grosso) to west Argentina (south to La Rioja).
  • R. m. nattereri(P.L. Sclater & Salvin, 1869): found in northeast Brazil south to Bahia.
  • R. m. magniplumis(Bertoni, 1901): found in south Brazil, north Argentina (Misiones) and adjacent Paraguay.
  • R. m. pucherani(J. Verreaux & E. Verreaux, 1855): found in Uruguay and northeast Argentina (south to Buenos Aires Province).

Range and habitat

Food and feeding
[edit]The roadside hawk is common throughout its range: from Mexico through Central America to most of South America east of the Andes cordillera. It is found from the northern Caribbean coast of South America south to the northeastern parts of Argentina. With the possible exception of dense rainforests, the roadside hawk is well adapted to most ecosystems in its range. It is also an urban bird, and is possibly the most common species of hawk seen in various cities throughout its range—or perhaps just the most conspicuous one, as it becomes aggressive when nesting and has been recorded attacking humans passing near the nest.

The roadside hawk’s diet consists mainly of insects, squamates, and small mammals, such as young common marmosets and similar small monkeys which are hunted quite often.  It will also take small birds, but far less often than generalists such as the related but larger white-tailed hawk, or bird specialists like the more distantly related aplomado falcon. Mixed-species feeding flocks it encounters when hunting in open cerrado habitat are not particularly wary of it: they watch it lest the hawk come too close, but consider them hardly more of a threat than the diminutive American kestrel.

Rupornis magnirostris


8 comentarios en “Gavilán Caminero/Roadside Hawk/Rupornis magnirostris

  1. Buenas.tengo un gavilan caminero.q cayo aca en mi finca en Toro Valle.sta algo herida de un ala.que deberia hacer con ella.

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