
Dwarf Alberta Spruce dying #774041

Asked October 03, 2021, 4:46 PM EDT

Dwarf Alberta Spruce dying. I am about to give up. This is the third bush that I have planted in this location the last one being done by a professional landscaper. Each time they browned out and die. I have replaced the soil with new topsoil, I have used migh I am about to give up. This is the third bush that I have planted in this location the last one being done by a professional landscaper. Each time they brown out and die. I have replaced the soil with new topsoil, I have used mite Insecticide, and had a professional install the plant. The species of the same type on the other side of the porch flourishes wild one on this side of the porch browns and dies. I simply cannot figure out why. I hope you’ll be able to help me. Thanks and have a great day

Franklin County Ohio

Expert Response

Yikes!!! It looks sick!!!  I found this article on spruce diseases that might help, but I think I would get a soil sample and send it for analysis.

I know you mentioned that you have been treating for mites, and after reading the article below and looking at the location of the two different spruces, the sick one on the left may have lot less air flow because of the location of it and the proximity to the tree.  The other more healthy spruce looks like it gets more sun as well.  The article below discusses  environmental conditions :

To check for spider mites, take a sheet of white paper and place it under a damaged portion of your shrub and shake the branch onto the paper.  If you see black specs on the sheet of paper, your spruce has mites.  

Good luck! 


An Ask Extension Expert Replied October 03, 2021, 7:58 PM EDT
Would you be able to tell me what is happening to this plant in my front yard landscaping. In Paris and several of the branches are dying and dropping leaves. I don’t notice an insect gestation and it gets lots of water.

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On Oct 3, 2021, at 7:58 PM, Ask Extension <<personal data hidden>> wrote:

The Question Asker Replied August 04, 2022, 8:03 PM EDT

Is it possible that the soil is too wet?  Japanese Maples frequently suffer from Verticillium wilt/root rot if the doesn't drain properly.  This causes the leaves to brown/yellow and curl and entire branches will die.  We've seen this a lot in the past couple of years due to very wet weather.  Unfortunately, if that's the case it can be hard to cure and is easier to prevent.  This could also be caused by fluctuating weather.  Here's a great article explaining some of the potential causes and cures:

I would sending in a sample of the plant to test for any pathogens.

Regan Draeger Replied August 20, 2022, 4:00 PM EDT
Thank you very much for your response. I don’t think it’s too much watering although there’s quite a bit of mulch piled around it and so it may be holding the moisture in

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On Aug 20, 2022, at 4:00 PM, Ask Extension <<personal data hidden>> wrote:

The Question Asker Replied August 20, 2022, 4:06 PM EDT
It is very difficult to grow Japanese Maples and the weather during the fall and winter has not helped much either. I agree with Regan and it could be too much water. I would make sure your mulch is pulled away from the trunk of the tree and check to see how wet it is under the mulch.  

One other comment though; from your picture it looks like the top part of the tree has the most leaf loss which makes me wonder if the surprise cold we had in the spring caused the damage.   If the freeze was the culprit, the leaves would not have come out on the damaged branches.   I covered mine when I heard the temperature drop and potential freeze warning and mine did fine.  My neighbors did not cover their tree and it looks a lot like your tree.  If the leaves did not come out this summer, I would wait until spring and clip off the dead branches.  It is too late in the year to do that now, so wait!!!!

Good luck and if you hear of frost or freeze warnings in early spring, cover it until the sun rises!!!

An Ask Extension Expert Replied August 21, 2022, 7:06 PM EDT
Thanks so much for your information. I appreciate all your help. Folks do a great job!

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On Aug 21, 2022, at 7:06 PM, Ask Extension <<personal data hidden>> wrote:

The Question Asker Replied August 21, 2022, 7:13 PM EDT

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