Photo nostalgia ride on Pest trams

On Sunday, 24 March 2013, a nostalgia UV-tram supplemented with a trailer will ride around Budapest tram network with people on board who have pre-registered themselves in time for this special excursion.

The old UV-tram and its trailer will ride in Újpalota, Kőbánya and along the Danube riverside. It will also visit a depot where passengers will have the opportunity to listen to a short presentation and get information about the history of the vehicle. During its ride, the tram will stop more times on the open tram lines in order to allow everyone to capture their extraordinary journey.

Since the tram has a capacity of 60 passengers, the Pest photo adventure ride is only available with pre-registration at Participation fees: 2000 HUF for adults and 1200 HUF for children between the age of 3 and 14. Gathering, registration and ticket purchase: on 24 March 2013 at 9.40 in the morning at Bosnyák square. The program is expected to finish at 16.30 at Bosnyák square.