Archangel Raziel ~ Knowledge

Archangel Raziel ~ Knowledge, from the Angel Blessings Oracle Card deck, by Kimberly Marooney

Daily Angel Oracle Card: Archangel Raziel ~ Knowledge, from the Angel Blessings Oracle Card deck, by Kimberly Marooney

Archangel Raziel ~ Knowledge:

“To the heavenly angels, who possess God in humility and serve Him in blessedness,
all material nature and all rational life are subject.”
~ Saint Augustine

“The name Raziel (Ray-zee-el) means ‘God is my pleasure.’ A Hebrew tradition tells that soon after Adam was driven from the Garden of Eden, he experienced illness. Raziel gave Adam a book listing all the medicinal herbs that could cure every possible illness. See how much we are loved? Even before illness manifested, the cure was created! This shows us that knowledge, caring and health are the goals of creation. Raziel inspires us to find pleasure in knowing God.

Raziel is deeply involved with us, bringing the knowledge we seek when we encounter certain mysteries on our spiritual path. These mysteries range from finding the cause of a personal illness or self-destructive behavior to having the desire to access and understand universal truths.

God has unlimited power to know all things. Spirit knows each of us intimately and, being the Supreme consciousness, actually knows the number of stars and planets of space. Human knowledge and understanding is relative and dependent upon experience and learning. Even widely accepted facts change as our understanding of science progresses. It was once thought the Earth was flat and the center of the universe. Our beliefs can limit the flow of knowledge by creating rigid energy patterns which act as veils to filter out or criticize things that don’t conform to our beliefs. We thus deny truth and part of ourselves, and the ensuing conflict blocks inner hearing. Use your study and life experience to help uncover outmoded beliefs. Be courageous and take action to find the cause, enabling you to release from a deep emotional level.

The Essenes were great students of universal knowledge. They perfected a learning method like no other, teaching us to open to the source of universal knowledge, not just add more facts to memory The Essenes combined three recognized pathways to discover the one eternal and unchanging Source within. The first path is Intuition, which the prophets and mystics followed, led by Zagzagel and Amitiel. The second is Nature, the view of scientists, guided by Ariel and Jamaerah. The third is Culture, the value of literature and the arts, as inspired by Iofiel, Jophiel and Israfel.

Use your intuition to attune to the Higher Consciousness behind the teachings you are attracted to. Allow the meaning and feeling to activate a powerful vibration within your mind and body. Permit the vibration to open your heart so that you may directly experience the knowledge, harmony and truth you need to guide you to full awakening. Take action as you accept your place as co-creator with God.

Begin to recognize the knowledge you have accumulated in the form of job skills, education, training, hobbies and the things you love. They are preparing you for your Divine Plan. Ask Raziel to inspire you with music, poetry, original ideas and pure thoughts as you piece together your purpose. It is up to you to use this inspiration and wisdom to fulfill your part of the greater plan for the Earth.”*

~ By Kimberly Marooney

This message is a turning within instead of the book or school learning that we have been focusing on over the last few days. This is a message to tap into what you already know, the knowledge passed on from your ancestors; the knowledge gleaned from many lifetimes. The knowledge deep within.

We all possess far more wisdom than we give ourselves credit for. We also have the means to assimilate more if we take the time to tune in and connect with it on a deeper level. It is available to each and every one of us if we are open to receiving it. This knowledge comes from the connection to our Higher Selves, our Soul, our Spiritual wisdom. It comes from our angels and guides and it comes from our ancestors and ancient ones.

This is knowledge of healing, of form and structure. It is knowledge of sacred geometry and the beginnings of our existence. It is information about our bloodlines, our akashic records and our ancestry back farther than we may have previously imagined. It is the stars and the Sun and the galaxies far beyond them.

This knowledge is accessed in our dreamtime, in meditation, in times of silence and contemplation. It comes when the mind is open and receptive; unencumbered by the distractions of every day reality.

This is an invitation by Archangel Raziel to seek beyond the mundane world. To expand your consciousness beyond the scope of your current reality. To experience something brand new.

Within you it lies waiting to be revealed.



~Archangel Oracle

*Angel Blessings Oracle Card deck, by Kimberly Marooney

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  1. bhavayd says:

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