Spiritual Gifts ~ Archangel Raziel

Spiritual Gifts ~ Archangel Raziel, from the Angel Prayers Oracle Card deck, by Kyle Gray, card artwork by Jason Mccreadie

Daily Angel Oracle Card: Spiritual Gifts ~ Archangel Raziel, from the Angel Prayers Oracle Card deck, by Kyle Gray, card artwork by Jason Mccreadie

Spiritual Gifts ~ Archangel Raziel: “Thank you Raziel for helping me channel my gifts and talents.”

General Card Meaning: “Your spiritual gifts and talents are starting to come into alignment at this time. Whether you realize it or not, you have the special ability to inspire others through your own personal achievements, goals and lessons. Ask yourself how you can pass on any of your lessons to others in a gentle and supportive way. Also, be aware as your psychic and intuitive abilities are strengthening – the Angels are preparing your energy to help you share.”

Expanded Interpretation of the Card: “Whether you are a natural intuitive, psychic, dancer, writer, yoga teacher or whatever, you have the natural ability to connect with spirit because you are spirit. You were also born with talents and gifts. You may not see them, but that does not mean that they are not there. Pay attention over the next few weeks to anyone asking you to show them something or help them with problems that you have already overcome in your own life. You have spiritual gifts coming into alignment and Archangel Raziel wants to help you channel them. Go for it!”

About Archangel Raziel: “Raziel’s name means ‘Secrets of God’ and he is the Angel who is most like a yoga guru. He has mastered all the secrets of spiritual growth and the universal laws. If you are interested in using the Law of Attraction to develop as a clairvoyant, Raziel is the Angel who can be of most support to you. Call on him to guide your spiritual journey and he will help you align your mind, body and soul as one.”*

~By Kyle Gray

Maybe the gift we are awaiting is one that will come from within. This gift could come in the form of a new skill or talent that you were unaware of, or that you suddenly see a quantum leap in the learning curve. Either way, it will actually be something that is coming through from past lifetimes to you now, and this is because it is time for you to use it now. You will recognize it as it will come to you with grace and ease; easier than it should if you start to think about it. It won’t be a struggle, even if it was in the past. It won’t feel like ‘work’ either, it will feel natural and flowing.

Imagine that instead of filling yourself with information, you instead remove a block or obstacle which lets the information rise up from the well of internal knowledge. Like removing a large stone from a river, suddenly the water runs free and clear. This may seem counter intuitive as you are used to looking outside for knowledge; taking classes and certifications from other people or institutions. But this is how it must be, you are bringing forward what is part of your life journey, and only you can do this now.

Spend some time alone, preferably outside in nature. Ask you angels and guides for assistance. Follow your heart and your passions. Know that you are about to unlock something profound, that will change the course of your life forever. Undertake to do it joyfully and know that opportunities await you.



~Archangel Oracle

*Angel Prayers Oracle Card deck, by Kyle Gray, card artwork by Jason Mccreadie

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  1. sanctuaryofthewhiterose says:

    Reblogged this on Sanctuary of the White Rose.

  2. Susan says:

    Thank you for taking the time to share this with the world 😇💕🙏 God Bless you and your path ✨😇💕🙏🙏

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